To what extent is Pope Paul IV’s « Cum ex apostolatus officio » still in effect?

Rome, February 20, 2015:  On Wednesday of this week, Rorate Caeli published an interesting article on the possibility of heresy in the Pope, entitled, “Paul IV and the Heretics of His Time – by Roberto de Mattei“, translated by Francesca Romana. The article discussed the importance of the Papal Bull, issued by the same Pope, … Continue reading To what extent is Pope Paul IV’s « Cum ex apostolatus officio » still in effect?

You margins count for nothing, my margins are very definition of the Faith

Rome, February 18, 2015:  Ash Wednesday is by immemorial tradition the day of penance, par excellence, in the Catholic Church.  Catholics can prepare themselves for the advent of Holy Week by returning to a more vivid and faithful practice of the faith.  As the From Rome blog noted, for Pope Francis, however, Lent is a … Continue reading You margins count for nothing, my margins are very definition of the Faith

Francis is Presenting Mercy as a justification for breaking the law of Christ

There is an excellent, and detailed analysis, of the Pope’s Sunday Homily to the College of Cardinals, by Megaera Erinyes at the Remnant, which begins thus:   Monday, February 16, 2015 Papal Signaling: Pope Francis and the False Dichotomy Pope Francis’ homily for the latest consistory of cardinals meeting in Rome this week is being … Continue reading Francis is Presenting Mercy as a justification for breaking the law of Christ

Extra-Ordinary Consistory, Feb 12: Discussion and Critique of Papal Address

Editorial — February 12, 2015:  As part of our coverage of the Extra-ordinary Consistory of Cardinals, which opened today, we have begun with our English translation of the Pope’s opening discourse, and will follow, now, with our discussion and critique of that discourse, in the light of last years events, revealing grave doubts concerning the … Continue reading Extra-Ordinary Consistory, Feb 12: Discussion and Critique of Papal Address

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: “We must create groups of true Catholics”

Rome, February 11, 2015: Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the Auxiliary Bishop from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has issued a call to Catholics the world over to begin immediately the work of resisting the false church which is arising. While, the From Rome Blog has never done a reblog, this is … Continue reading Bishop Athanasius Schneider: “We must create groups of true Catholics”

“Team Bergoglio” is a heretical conspiracy to overthrow the Church of Christ

Rome, February 11, 2015:  The story of “Team Bergoglio” has been covered in detail by this blog from the beginning, but the story yet to be told, is that “Team Bergoglio” was and is a heretical plot to destroy the Church of Christ.   The proof is found in nothing less than the words and deeds … Continue reading “Team Bergoglio” is a heretical conspiracy to overthrow the Church of Christ

Archbishop Lenga: The Intention of the Freemasons is being implemented in the Church

Rome, February 10, 2015:  His Excellency Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Karaganda, Kazakhstan, has issued a grave warning to all the Catholic Faithful.  We reprint his letter of January 1, 2015 A.D., from the version published in English at Rorate Caeli Blog, one of the premier news blogs for Catholics … Continue reading Archbishop Lenga: The Intention of the Freemasons is being implemented in the Church

Se il Collegio dei Cardinali non fa il suo dovere

Traduzione di Antonio Marcantonio dal testo inglese originale con qualche modifica dell’Autore Roma, 30 gennaio 2015: Due giorni dopo la presentazione, da parte del blog From Rome, di quelli che sembrano essere crimini canonici ad opera del “Team Bergoglio” – così il Dr. Austin Ivereigh, ex-portavoce del Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, ha definito il gruppo di … Continue reading Se il Collegio dei Cardinali non fa il suo dovere

Qualsiasi Cardinale Elettore ha il diritto di richiedere che lo scandalo del “Team Bergoglio” venga chiarito

L’UDG 5 e il Canone 1530 Traduzione italiana di Sig. Antonio Marcantonio: fonte inglese originale, qui. Roma, 17 gennaio 2015: Dal momento in cui si sono diffuse le rivelazioni a proposito della campagna organizzata da otto Cardinali per favorire l’elezione del Cardinal Bergoglio al Conclave del 2013 – in cui quest’ultimo è stato eletto come … Continue reading Qualsiasi Cardinale Elettore ha il diritto di richiedere che lo scandalo del “Team Bergoglio” venga chiarito

The Catholic League for the Prayer of Reparation

Presentation by Mrs. Maria Guarini Editor of the “Chiesa e post concilio” Blog at Rome I am wholeheartedly joining the effort of Mr. Paolo Deotto and Dr. Alessandro Gnocchi, in their work to launch the following proposal, which is part of a sane response to the epic crisis of the Church in which we are … Continue reading The Catholic League for the Prayer of Reparation

Da Ivereigh all’abdicazione

I passi canonici resi necessari dallo scandalo del “Team Bergoglio” Traduzione dell’originale inglese da Antonio Marcantonio Roma — 6 gennaio 2015: In occasione della solennità dell’Epifania del Signore, la Chiesa Cattolica celebra il trionfo della luce sulle tenebre, il trionfo della Luce Eterna sulle tenebre che questo mondo ha ereditato dal peccato di Adamo, tenebre … Continue reading Da Ivereigh all’abdicazione

Bl. Emmerich’s prophecy of Schism in the time of 2 Popes

With commentary in Italics by From Rome blog, regarding how it may apply to our own day May 13, 1820. — “Last night, from eleven to three, I had a most wonderful vision of two churches and two Popes and a variety of things, ancient and modern. “I shall relate, as well as I can, … Continue reading Bl. Emmerich’s prophecy of Schism in the time of 2 Popes

Cardinal Baldisseri furthers confusion, says pro-family coalition

REPRINTED FROM THE VOICE OF THE FAMILY BLOG Il testo italiano segue ROME, 25 January 2015: Comments made by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri have further undermined Church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage says Voice of the Family, an international coalition of pro-family groups. An international conference, organised by the Pontifical Council for the Family from … Continue reading Cardinal Baldisseri furthers confusion, says pro-family coalition

“Team Bergoglio” and the legacy of Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro

Rome, January 10, 2015:  It has been a little over 111 years ago, since another controversial Conclave met and elected a now famous Pope.  That was the Conclave of August 1903, and the Cardinal elected was St. Giuseppe Sarto, who took the name Pius X. Several historians, basing themselves on the testimony of none other … Continue reading “Team Bergoglio” and the legacy of Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro

Ivereigh: I am confident of the veracity of my account

and have heard nothing that contradicts it. Rome, January 9, 2015:  Following the publication of the summary of the case against “Team Bergoglio”, Dr. Austen Ivereigh has confirmed the veracity of his account given in the ninth chapter of his, now famous book, The Great Reformer, in his January 7, 2015 response to Fr. Brennan, … Continue reading Ivereigh: I am confident of the veracity of my account

Sandro Magister speaks about the invalidity of the 2013 Conclave

La traduzione italiana segue First, an excerpt from our Chronology of reports regarding “Team Bergoglio”… January 5, 2015:  Espresso Online, publishes Sandro Magister’s, He is Pope. Elected by All the rules, which contains as an addendum citations from an study by a canonist Geraldina Boni, in which the thesis of Antonio Socci is rebutted, incompletely … Continue reading Sandro Magister speaks about the invalidity of the 2013 Conclave

Unhooked from the object, minds go very bad

Church and Society have both gone mad. by the Most Rev. Richard Williamson (original, January 3, 2015 A.D., source: here). For today’s Church authorities “there is no fixed truth, there is no dogma. Everything is evolving.” So said Archbishop Lefebvre (1905–1991) in 1991 (see last week’s “Eleison Comments”). For at the end of his life … Continue reading Unhooked from the object, minds go very bad

Games which Modernists play at

Editorial The persecution of Catholics by Modernists has advanced from the days of the Second Vatican Council by means of tricks, games, and deceits which were more sophisticated than the average Bishop, priest, layman or religious could understand, and so most or nearly all Catholics were fooled. The Modernists have used these tricks to separate … Continue reading Games which Modernists play at

Backsliding to Synod15

Yesterday, the Vatican Press office published the Italian text of the Lineamenta (Outlines) for next Year’s Synod on the Family (#Synod15). As this document has shown itself to be stained by the same errors which the From Rome blog highlighted in its own critique of the Final Relatio of this year’s Synod, it will be … Continue reading Backsliding to Synod15

The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope

As many as 30 Cardinals implicated in Vote-Canvassing Scandal Per una traduzione Italiana December 9, 2014:  Now, in the midst of the scandalous affair of “Team Bergoglio”, when the Catholic world is aghast at not only the allegations made by Dr. Austen Ivereigh in his new book, The Great Reformer, but also at the inconsistencies … Continue reading The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope