Tag Archives: Avv. Edoardo Polacco

FaceBook censors Italian Lawyer’s lecture on how to defend oneself against illegal fines during Corona Shutdown

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is the video Attorney Edoardo Polacco attempted to publish on Facebook.

Facebook’s motive for action against the Attorney is not clear, but it appears to have been done at the request of the Government of Giuseppe Conte who is attempting to shut down all political opposition.

The other day in Parliament, when Sarah Cunial bitterly reproached Conte to his face for his lies, injustices, frauds and deceit, his eyes were filled with such a profound and vivid hatred, that I personally fear for the personal safety of the Parliamentarian.

From sight of that, I saw that this man, Conte, has, if not the talent, the will to become a dictator and suppress all liberty in the country. This blocking of Attorney Polacco’s simply explanatory discourse to his legal clients on how to file a legal complaint against the fines they received, is a gross violation of the principles of democracy and legal ethics, which Giuseppe Conte as an attorney is sworn in Italian Law to uphold, when he was admitted to the bar.

For that reason, I believe that Conte may very well be planning to establish a dictatorship, if he can just find enough support inside or outside of Italy to support him.

Alas, I suspect that China and the USA will support them: because they are both homelands of powerful men who want a complete tyranny.

In an related development, The Post & Email, an independent electronic journal published out of Connecticut, USA, was dumped from PayPal without notice after 10 years as a customer. They have exposed for more than 10 years the ineligibility of Barack Obama for office, but the recent move by PayPal might have to do with their recent report on the Deep State in the USA, which is pushing the police to issue illegal fines against citizens, the same topic upon which Attorney Polacco was censored on Facebook.

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The Sanitary Dictator has blinked!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here in Italy, the Italians have a new name for their Prime Minister, Giuseepe Conte: Il Dittatore Sanitario. It is a play on words, since sanitario refers to health and things which regard health, as well as to being clean and disinfected. They call him this because in the name of keeping everyone from getting the flu, he has acted as a sort of obsessive father who prefers to lock all his children in their rooms for 2 months rather than risk that they get sick. And who cares about sending them to school!  Just for good measure, he ordered all the schools in Italy closed too!

But the Sanitary Dictator has just blinked. Because in his new Decreto-Legge (Dicatorial Decree rubber stamped by his ruling coalition in Parliament on May 14), the proposed Article 16, which would have extended the state of emergency response to COVID-19 all the way to Dec. 31, 2020 with the option of adding another 12 months after that, HAS BEEN CANCELLED from the final official version.

The version which had been presented beforehand as the official one was claimed to have been signed by the President of Italy, Mattarella.  But Attorney Polacco opined last night in his FaceBook address, that the President had Article 16 struck out.

But the good thing is, that the Government of Conte has backed down. They wanted another 18 months of emergency to maintain their claim to dictatorial powers.

Conte has blinked, in my assessment, because courageous Attorneys like Edoardo Polacco are leading legal crusades against him and Mattarella, in which more than 2400 criminal complaints have been filed against them both, in all the Procuratorships of Italy. Complaints, which if heard, will lead to the imprisonment of each of these men and their associates for as much as 15 years. That might have caused Mattarella to think twice about Article 16.

General Pappalardo’s call for an Orange Revolution on June 2 to topple the government might also have something to do with it, not to mention ITALEXIT’s call for 2 million to march on Rome on May 30.

But the buffoons in the Italian government just undermined themselves more than they think. For, in Italy, the President can refuse to sign a bill, but he does not have line item veto power. The bill should go back to parliament and be voted on again. So we have the case of a Decreto-Legge published in the official Gazette of the Republic in a form which was never approved by Parliament. That makes it totally invalid in law. And since it is invalid, any enforcement of it is another crime against the constitutional rights of citizens to be punished only by laws. (In Italy, a law of Parliament does not become law, unless it is signed by the President of the Republic).

Thus, cries for the resignation of the government will now increase. The ball in now in the people’s court.

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Avv. Polacco: The New Norms of the Italian government are designed to destroy the family and small businesses


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

First, in response to Attorney Polacco’s request, thousands of petitions have been sent to the two Houses of Parliament at Rome, requests for the annulment of all the fines imposed on the citizenry during the Covid-19 crisis, as has already been granted in other countries such as Albania. At the end of this video, Polacco says the Senate has begun to take action on this matter. Keep sending these petitions, he adds.

As FromRome.Info reported this morning, in the video which analysed the gestures of Giuseppe Conte to unmask his true intentions: to destroy the family, the savings, and the small businesses of Italy.

As Attorney Edoardo Polacco brings to light, in this video, not only has Conte’s government shamed Italy, which at Rome was the source of jurisprudence in ancient times with Roman Law, but in the matter of a few days, there have been established in Italy more norms to be observed by the people that ever were in the last 30 years of history of the Italian parliament.

From my point of view, this is a sign that Conte is attempting to set up a Marxist Totalitarian State by legislating the way to it.

To destroy families, the new norms from the Government, the Regions and the Mayors of Cities are so complex, it is easy for the police — whom Polacco says have been ordered to fine as many citizens as possible for any violation — to invent a reason to fine anyone at any time.

To destroy small businesses, the new norms are so complex that a small business with employees might have to spend up to a million euros to observe the new norms without any financial support form the government to do so.

The absurdity of the norms from Conte’s government is shown in this, that it has closed the thermal baths throughout Italy, even though it is known that the hot waters of such places are the most hygienic in the world, not to mention that the virus cannot live in hot water!

To destroy small businesses which have a store which is 450 sq feet of space, only 1 customer is allowed in at one time! At that rate, no business could survive! — Attorney asks rhetorically: Have you decided to destroy every small business man in this category? Is that the reason for this law?

As regards the medical masks — though the head of the Civil Protection Service himself said to an audience of 8 million on TV that it serves no purpose to wear one and he himself does not wear one — there is no scientific proof that it is helpful to wear one, rather they then to determine that they are harmful.  In the new Decree-Law, the wearing of the masks is required in all interior spaces open to the public where it may happen that the social distance required not be observed. Thus, it is written in such a way to require that the mask always be worn, since it is based on a possibility which the business owner is responsible to maintain! Thus aiming to destroy him with the sanctions for violation which go from 300 to 7000 of euros!

Then, in Lazio, the Regional government has made illegal, for the next 30 days, that lovers go for a walk or to a bar or restaurant together! You can imagine, with the nature of Italians, how many might end up with a fine in the region around Rome!

The new norms, therefore, have been written in such a way as to turn the Police into a Mafia which can destroy any business they want or that the ruling party or Government wants. This is thus not only a law to destroy the economy but to destroy all civil liberty of free speech and political activity.

The Attorney Polacco says he still believes in jurisprudence, though he says that the courts are  no longer functioning and the district attorneys are taking no action to defend the constitutional and human rights of the citizens, they have all bent over and surrendered to the agenda of Conte.

He concludes by saying that it is not the Virus which has put Italy on her knees, but the disorder in the government of the country.

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Polacco files Criminal Complaint against Italian Prime Minister & gives interview to FromRome.Info


Dopo alle 10, 45 il mercoledì, From Rome Info Video era in diretta da Parioli, Roma, Italia, per la presentazione della Querela contro Conte del Avv. Edoardo Polacco, alla Caserma dei Carabinieri, Parioli, Roma (RO), Italia.

Per maggiori informazioni sulla Querela, vai al nostro articolo anteriore su essa, cliccando qui, dove si possa trovare un collegamento ipertestuale a una copia della Querela in formato PDF, per scaricare e presentare anche nel suo nome alla Caserma dei Carabiniere nel suo paese.


At 10:45 A.M. Rome Time, on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, FromRome.Info reported live from Parioli, Rome, the historical event of Attorney Polacco’s formal presentation of the legal complaint against the Italian Prime Minister for his grave violation of the constitutional rights of the entire Italian people.

For more information, see our previous report, here.

The live coverage will be in Italian and English.

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Avv. Polacco presenta la Querela contro Conte — In Diretta! 29 Aprile alle 10,45


Dopo alle 10, 45 il mercoledì, From Rome Info Video va in diretta da Parioli, Roma, Italia, per la presentazione della Querela contro Conte del Avv. Edoardo Polacco, alla Caserma dei Carabinieri, Parioli, Roma (RO), Italia.

Per maggiori informazioni sulla Querela, vai al nostro articolo anteriore su essa, cliccando qui, dove si possa trovare un collegamento ipertestuale a una copia della Querela in formato PDF, per scaricare e presentare anche nel suo nome alla Caserma dei Carabiniere nel suo paese.


At 10:45 A.M. Rome Time, on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, FromRome.Info will report live from Parioli, Rome, the historical event of Attorney Polacco’s formal presentation of the legal complaint against the Italian Prime Minister for his grave violation of the constitutional rights of the entire Italian people.

For more information, see our previous report, here.

The live coverage will be in Italian and English.

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Avv. Edoardo Polacco: Wednesday at Noon, 1,000s of Italians to present Legal Action against the Government

Against the Egregious Violation of the Constitutional Rights of the entire Nation

by the government of Giuseppe Conte


Per Cittadini Italiani:

Per ottenere una copia della Querela per presentare a nome suo, vai a:


An English summary of this legal complaint

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The legal complaint or Querela is a petition to the local Procurator or District Attorney, to begin a criminal investigation of the Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte — whose title is actually the President of the Council of Ministers.

The criminal complaint is written by Attorney Edoardo Polacco, who is an expert in Constitutional Law in the Italian Republic, and who resides here at Rome.

Attorney Polacco is distributing copies of the complaint in PDF so that Italian citizens all over Italy can present a copy of the complaint to the local prosecutor of their city, and ask that the same investigation be opened.

I, the author of this summary, Br. Bugnolo, will be signing a copy and presenting it also on Wednesday. I will attempt to interview Attorney Polacco live when he presents his copy at the Parioli Station of the Italian Carabinieri here at Rome, on Wednesday at 11 A.M.

The complaint charges the Prime Minister with the following crimes:

1. For the Violation of article 283 of the Italian Penal Code, the charge being “Attacking the Constitution of the Italian Republic”.

Article 283 reads:

Chiunque, con atti violenti, commette un fatto diretto e idoneo a mutare la Costituzione dello Stato o la forma di Governo, è punito con la reclusione non inferiore a cinque anni.

Which in English, would be:

Whoever, with violent acts, commits a deed directed and suitable to change the Constitution of the State or the form of its Government, is to be punished with imprisonment for no less than 5 years.

The charge is moved by Attorney Polacco on the grounds that without proper due form of law, parliamentary approval and authority, Giuseppe Conte and his government has attempted to act in direct violation of no less than six articles of the Italian constitution:

  • Article 13 which guarantees as inviolable the personal liberty of each citizen.
  • Article 16, which guarantees to each citizen the right to travel and dwell freely in any part of the territory of the Republic.
  • Article 19, which guarantees to each citizen the right to practice publicly or privately his own religion.
  • Article 20, which guarantees that each institution of the Church is exempt from being subjected to any law which specifically and uniquely targets it.
  • Article 25, which guarantees for each citizen due process of the law, and forbids expressly that any citizen be punished by any non-legislative measure.
  • Article 33, which requires that all students be promoted only on the basis of passing a standardized test.

2. For the violation of Article 323 of the Italian Penal Code, the charge being “Abuse of office”

This charge is moved on the basis that the Prime Minister by decree attempted to institute criminal penalties without seeking legislative approval by the Italian Parliament

3. For the violation of Article 610 of the Italian Penal Code, the charge being “Violence against Citizens”

This charge is moved on the basis that the Prime Minister ordered the various Italian police authorities to stop, arrest, seize, hunt, imprison and fine citizens without any constitutional authority for the violation of a measure which was not sanctioned by the law.

FromRome.Info Video will attempt to film the presentation of the Querela at the Procurator here at Rome, by Attorney Polacco at 11 AM on Wednesday. Look for notices for the live broadcast on Wednesday morning, here at RomeRome.Info.