Exclusive Report by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, at Rome, is one of the holiest places of pilgrimage in the Eternal City, because it houses the largest collection of major relics of Christ’s Passion and Death in the world.
These relics include, (1) the largest single piece of the Wood of the Holy Cross upon which Christ was Crucified and which was excavated by St. Helena, mother of the Emperor Constantine; (2) One of the Nails with which Christ was affixed to the Cross; (3) one of the Thorns from the Crown of Thorns, which was placed on His sacred Brow to humiliate and torture Him; (4) The cross-beam of the Cross of the Good Thief; (5) the Titulum, upon which Pontius Pilate wrote the sentence of punishment in 3 languages: Jesus Christ, King of the Judeans.
So naturally speaking, during a Jubilee Year — which begins Dec. 25, 2024, and lasts until January 6, 2026 — the Basilica is the pilgrimage destination for millions of Catholics, both laymen and clergy.
But this Jubilee Year will be different, because NO MASSES will be allowed to be celebrated anywhere in the Basilica by pilgrim priests. Even Bishops with a large number of pilgrims attending them in a single group have to make prior arrangements to have permission. They also have to be a Bishop approved by the Rector of the Basilica.
Moreover, no masses will be allowed at any of the side altars, nor in the Chapel of the Relics.
No masses, in any language, not even Italian or Latin, will be allowed, except the morning and Sunday masses of the local Parish, at which the Rector or his staff preside.
I have all this information from the Parish secretary, who confirmed it for me in person. In fact, when I assumed she was referring to Masses celebrated only at the main altar, I asked about masses at the side altar, and she looked so shocked, as if I had asked permission about Satanic Rituals.
When I asked about the reason for the universal ban on the Mass, in any language or rite, the secretary told me that the vast numbers of pilgrims would make it impossible to allow separate masses and still control the crowds visiting.
I do not know about the crowds. I tend to think the Jubilee year will be a nothing burger, since the parking lots in the tourist areas of the city, which are usually full are presently nearly 50% empty.
The sacristy of the Basilica, presently used as a parish office, featured vinyl banners with reproductions of Renaissance art, full of male nudity of one kind or another, from floor to ceiling on both sides. So as I wondered at this carpet ban on the Mass, I wondered what the reason was.
Surely, to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the vicinity of the very relics of Christ’s Passion is a good thing, no?
FromRome.info has twice featured the Basilica in Videos, here, and here; for those who cannot or won’t come to Rome during the Jubilee.
CREDITS: The featured image is of the front facade of the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem (Santa Croce) taken by Br. Bugnolo in October, 2024.