Tag Archives: Bishop Olsen

USA: “Bergoglio is definitely the pope” Texas Bishop took 1 Billion dollars from Govt.

Editorial by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Catholics often ask why more Bishops don’t oppose Pope Francis openly for his blasphemies, heresies, apostasies, teacheries against God and His Church. And certainly there must be a spiritual malaise behind this. But one reason may be money.

A case in point is Bishop Olson of Fort Worth, Texas, in the United States of America. Appointed a Bishop by Pope Francis during his anti-papacy in 2013, Olson managed to lay his hands on over a Billion U.S. dollars in USA Government funding, and is now accused of having funneled hundreds of millions of that money to promote the invasion of the United States of America by illegal immigrants, many of whom are Cartel members who traffic in sex-slaves and children, drugs and armaments.

A billion dollars. Why that is about 15 times the annual income of the Vatican City State!

Think about it. And ask yourself how much graft is Pope Francis’ criminal regime taking on the top of it. After all, don’t they call themselves the “Mafia of Saint Gallen”?

I was the only Catholic journalist to ask how on earth did the Vatican Bank (IOR) increase its on hand reserves by more than 2 Billion dollars in one year alone, last summer. And no other news site even bothered to cover the story.

Ask yourself how much of that cash that is funneled to the Vatican might be used to buy “Catholic” opposition media to insist that Pope Francis stay in office, and was always a validly elected pope?

Maybe at last we can surmise why so many “Catholic” websites won’t mention the Sutri Initiative at all? Because, when it is a matter of a pay check or an envelope under the table, people are apt to act very differently than they normally pretend to be?

Bishop Olson was recently in the news in regard to the sordid affair of his attempt to shut down a Carmelite Monastery in his diocese. It was said he wanted the property, which is worth $10,000,000 or more. But I ask, what does he need with more money?

But when you remember the timeline of Bergoglio’s first months as anti-pope, he was pushing illegal immigration with a flare for the totally ridiculous: saying Mass on top of a boat used by illegal immigrants to cross the Mediterranean into Italy, which capsized and killed some of the clandestines. — Talk about sacrilege! — And within six months he appoints Olsen to Fort Worth, Texas.

Coincidence? or has an international Criminal Cartel taken over the Catholic Hierarchy?

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For the record, TEXAS has the most Catholics who have publicly debated about Pope Francis: 3 of them are notable for their participation in the controversy over whether Pope Francis was validly elected in 2013 or whether Pope Benedict XVI validly resigned. Yet all of them, though holding different positions on both of those two controversies, are in total agreement that Pope Francis should not be removed from office and that the Sutri Initiative should not be mentioned other than to ridicule it. Their names are: Ann Barnhardt (former protestant & Cattle futures’ trader), Steve O’Reilly (former CIA agent), and Dr. Taylor Marshall (former Anglican priest from Washington, D.C.). If you are a fan of any of them, I suggest you ask your favorite Catholic Texan, “Why not?” And then suggest, they publicly endorse removing Pope Francis from office in a provincial council, so as to make absolutely clear where they stand.

For More Background about the Growing Political Debate over Illegal Immigration and the role of Catholic Bishops in the USA:

Having lived in the United States and been a member of the Catholic Church from the start of my life, I can agree 100% with Vice President Vance, that the Catholic Bishops of the United States, eagerly help immigrants for the sake of money and not the love of Jesus Christ or the poor, because while they do this work with government funding with glee, they take decisive and drastic steps to destroy beautiful Catholic Churches, dumb down Catechetical instruction, cover up sexual abuse, drive away vocations, misdirect penitents in the confessional, make the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ever more impossible to attend by the insertion of ridiculous music, socialist prayers of the faithful, bizarre artwork, vestments etc.. So when the U.S. Government is not paying them, they seem only to want to destroy the faith of the common Catholic, and persecute the best of the priests and religious communities. The Catholics who still believe, there in the U. S. A., do so only because we keep as far away as possible from the Bishops and their programs. If they helped immigrants out of love of God, they would surely also have love of God for their own native faithful. They don’t. Quite the contrary. By every act they show they hate us and work to exterminate us.