Tag Archives: Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Br. Bugnolo: “I’ve met the alleged Trump Shooter in Ukraine”

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I have met the alleged Trump shooter, Ryan Wesley Routh.

It was more than 2 years ago, when I was on a humanitarian mission in Ukraine and was at Kyiv, to organize the Ukrainian Beneficent Volunteer Organization, “Cross Azure” (CrossAzure.org), which I founded to serve the victims of the war. I was at Kyiv to file for the incorporation, and rented a small apartment near the center of the city for that purpose.

I was returning from the supermarket beneath Independence Square (see in the featured photograph above), when Mr. Routh approach me and struck up a conversation. It was, as best I remember, in early July of 2022 A. D..

Since he was a U. S. Citizen, I readily stopped to talk with him, since I had been in the country since April, and not being able to speak Ukrainian I rarely had the opportunity to chit chat.

But Mr. Routh was not chit-chatting. He struck me as a man-on-a-mission. He quickly engaged me by asking me who I was, where I was from, what my organization was about. He asked me for my contact information.

He told me that he was in the Ukraine to drum up support for her defense. He was urging all foreign nationals that he met — so he told me — to join the Ukrainian Armed forces. He had in hand the contact information for all the diverse recruitment authorities. He asked me if I knew of any foreigners who were not yet signed up, such as those who came and did not know how to sign up, because of lack of knowledge of the Ukrainian language or those who came for humanitarian work but wanted to switch over to military service.

He had a polished professional marketing style. I remember I asked him if he was a businessman or used-car dealer turned Army recruiter. He said he was not.

He appeared to be a totally focused rational person. He seemed to have no military training whatsoever. I did not take him seriously. But he did claim to have contact information for all the most important Ukrainian Military groups in the city and was actively working to help them recruit.

I could not tell if he was all bluster and self-promotion or not. With information he was pretty much a one-way street. He asked me all kinds of questions but answered nearly none of mine. He was cagey.

The second time I met him was a few days later. I asked if I could take a picture of him. He declined. I gathered from what he told me, on both occasions, that he was on an intelligence gathering mission. I asked him directly if he was a U. S. Government agent or representative, like a CIA agent. He denied this. But I remained unconvinced.

He asked me for no money or financial aid and offer me and my organization no help or assistance.

I really doubt he would have the ability or will to assassinate President Donald Trump. If anything, he is merely a publicity seeker who knows how to network and make friends easily to suit his purposes.

All the foreigners I met in Ukraine were men of the highest moral integrity and of sound mind. They were either pacifists or highly ethical persons, who observed local law and accepted modern military standards on rules of engagement. Mr. Routh, of the all , stood out for his slick-marketing style of approach.

Cross Azure (КРОСС АЗУР) was the first foreign non-profit I founded as part of my volunteer work as a Catholic at Ordo Militaris Inc. (ordo-militaris.us), a U.S. membership organization, founded in 2016, and dedicated to the defense and assistance of persecuted Christians. We have no political affiliations and receive no funding from any governments or governmental agencies. We donate all our profits to humanitarian projects or registered charities.

We provided material support in Ukraine in 2022-2023 to U. S. Veterans volunteering to distribute humanitarian assistance materials and supplies to the victims of the war. We currently have no personnel in Ukraine, but prospective volunteers can contact me if they would like to go to the Ukraine with me on our next humanitarian mission.

As a member of the international Catholic anti-terrorist organization, Ordo Militaris Catholicus, I was and remain and avid supporter of the Ukrainian war effort, since it  is absolutely clear that Ukraine’s cause is just and that this Christian nation deserves the help of fellow Christians the world over. Supporting Ukraine has nothing to do with U. S. politics. It is based on much higher moral principles.

If you would like to support our humanitarian work in Ukraine see our website and consider making a generous donation. (https://www.crossazure.org/)

(To interview Br. Bugnolo about Mr. Routh or Cross Azure, leave your contact information and link to credentials in a comment below, which will not be published. Br. Bugnolo is a Franciscan brother of private vows who dedicates himself to works of charity for the needy. He is a Roman Catholic and a layman, not a priest. As such he does not represent in any way any other organization, than those mentioned above, nor does he speak for the Catholic Church. He is not registered to vote in the U.S.A..)

CREDITS: The featured photograph is © Br. Alexis Bugnolo, and its use is reserved.

UPDATE: It turns out that others know what Mr. Routh was upto and are now speaking out:


An Appeal to support and join, Br. Bugnolo’s Humanitarian Mission to Ukraine

Here AJ and Br. Bugnolo discuss what they and their volunteers did for the Christian Ukrainian people in 2022, through the non-profit Br. Bugnolo founded in Ukraine: CrossAzure.org. And learn what YOU can do by supporting or VOLUNTEERING with Cross Azure, this Spring, as Br. Bugnolo aims to return to Ukraine to help the Christians victims of this horrible war. — Click the image above to watch on Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, or at OMC Radio TV, or watch here the Rumble Version:

Issues with (Br) Alexis Bugnolo, Ordo Militaris & FromRome ?

For nearly 3 years, Father Matthew Scheider, L.C., a zealous supporter of the Covid Vaccines and Covid health controls has trolled Br. Bugnolo on numerous platforms and with dozens of social media posts. To an objective observer, it is obvious that Father is obsessed with damaging the reputation of Br. Bugnolo in every possible way, to silence him as a critic of Big Pharma, Globalism, Pope Francis etc..

Since search engines are directing all inquiries about who Br. Bugnolo is to Fr. Schneider’s articles, even though Father has never met Brother Bugnolo or seen any documentation to verify his libelous claims against him and the organizations he works with, FromRome.Info wil pubish this archive of rebuttals that Br. Bugnolo has written exposing the faulty arguments, libelous statements, defamation and calumny he is engaged in.

Father Matthew Schneider, L. C., has updated his original attack article at Patheos where the Editors have never reached out to ask Br. Bugnolo to give his side. Though refuted amply by Br. Bugnolo, Father has only launched new attacks and attempted to illustrate his own with documents and testimonies, which do not prove his interpretation of facts. — And lest there be any misrepresentation of what is meant here: you can only prove an accusation with a document which affirms the truth of the accusation. A document, which cites a fact and then is interpreted by the same interpretation as the accusation employs, does not prove the accusation or the interpretation. Ask anyone with experience in evidentiary law, if you need to verify this.

Brother Bugnolo’s Rebuttals

Brother replied to the original version of Father Schneider’s attacks in 2021


This article opens with this observation by Br. Bugnolo, speaking of Father’s claims against him:

This first is that the author claims I am not a brother, nor a religious.

To achieve this, the author resorts to the definitions of words which do not apply to me and then implies I am a liar for using words in a sense different than the definitions he uses.


This was the first article Brother wrote about Father Schneider, omitting his name for charity sake. That favor was not only not reciprocated but evidently sparked an explosion of hate on Father’s part.

Br. Bugnolo was interviewed by A.J. Baalman about Fr. Scheider’s accusations in this program, in the fall of 2023:

Father Schneider attacks others with “unending lies”

It seems that Father is a professional troll.


In this article, Dr. Casey concludes thus, speaking of Father Schneider’s style of argumentation:

What he does know is that if he can dispense with whatever definitions he wants, whenever he wants, in favor of his own definitions, he can continue to spread whatever lies he wants to further his agenda. When he does, we’ll be here to correct him.

Father Schneider accused of being a shill for BigPharma

Father’s original stated motive for attacking Br. Bugnolo was Bugnolo’s opposition to the Scamdemic.


CREDITS: The title of this article is taken from Father Schneider’s original articles and the copies found of it elsewhere. It is used here for editorial purposes, since the above article here at FromRome responds to its accusations.

Ordo Militaris Catholics grants religious exemption from “Covid-19 vaccines”

To view the Letter from our acting Grand Master:

For more information:


To join the Order, see

Pledge Support

Stachnio interviews Br. Bugnolo: Once Russia converts to the Catholic Faith the Great Reset will implode

This spring Konrad Stachnio interviewed Br. Bugnolo about the Great Reset and the challenges this presents for humanity. The interview was casual as it was intended to prepare for a book, but Konrad has decided that it is just too important to keep hidden. Brother red pills the audience with the shocking truths that everyone on Earth and especiall in Europe need to know about Freemasonry, the USA and the role God has chosen for Russia in the salvation of humanity.

This video is also available on Rumble.

The Mystery behind Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation

Il Messaggio nella Bottiglia

Italian/English, now with English/Italian subtitles

This is the Mafia of St. Gallen busting documentary which unmasks for the first time all the actors involved in the journalistic and canonical manipulation of the events of Feb. 2013, at the Vatican, in the context of the history of the Vatican during the last 60 years.  Produced in the Italian language, it is now republished here with English subtitles.

In this video, we are confronted with, the precise historical facts of Feb. 11, 2013 and the undeniable and undenied evidence, against which no argument can be made, now for all the world to see.

Was there a conspiracy to oust Benedict? Who was part of it? What is the evidence? Do they admit what they did? Did they attempt to hide the evidence and cover their tracks? — These and a myriad of other questions find in this one documentary, Il Messagio nella Bottiglia, a treasure trove of evidence in documents and film, for the first time.

The importance of this documentary cannot be underestimated. So, Share this with every Cardinal, Bishop, Priest, Deacon, Seminarian, Religious, Parishioner, Relative and Friend.  These are the facts of which the entire Catholic World has a right to know.

Whether you have heard of doubts and theories about why Benedict resigned or not, this documentary is a good place to begin a rational and forensic examination of the evidence. To all who still have eyes to see and have a mind open to the truth, Il Messagio nella Bottiglia — The Message Left in a Bottle — will be a point of reference for the whole Church on the questions and controversies which swirl about the events of Feb. 11, 2013.

The Mystery behind Pope Benedict XVI’s Resignation — A Video Documentary

This highly professional, 45 minute documentary is in Italian, but English subtitles will be available by D Day: Sunday, June 6th. It has been in the making for 9 months and launches tonight in Italy.  — It sets out all the facts and lets the reader decide. It will be a battering ram to the Mafia of St. Gallen. — The production company is anonymous to protect their careers from the Cancel Culture. — Share it everywhere!

Here is another Italian version, this time on Youtube:


BREAKING — Die Tagespost attempts to reckon with Cionci & Bugnolo over Benedict XVI’s Renunciation of Ministry

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

May 28, 2021 A. D. — The dam of silence has broken. The leading Catholic newspaper of German has published an article on the failed renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI.  The damage to the St. Gallen Mafia is extreme.

The paper has cited the names of some of Bergoglio’s most menacing opponents:  Andrea Cionci of the Italian daily, Libero, and Br. Alexis Bugnolo, of FromRome.Info.

First, the article in the original German (click to read):

And now for the article in a Google Translation (click to read):

I will leave it to the judgement of the readers, how great the damage to the Narrative this is.

Die Tagespost has attempted to discredit both Cionci and myself ever so subtlety, but it is clear that the attempt is a backfire. Too many facts have been let out.

What has particularly irked Gallina, the author of the article, is that Cionci has established from a close analysis of Benedict XVI’s statements that my theory of the intentional and purposefully invalid renunciation is highly plausible.  Die Tagespost has unwittingly confirmed it by admitting that Benedict never has called what he did an abdication!

This article means, politically, however, that the work of Cionci has caused a massive wave of new questions among the Sacred Hierarchy.  I can confirm that the thesis of the Great Catholic Reset, planned by Benedict or at the basis of the inspiration he received to resign, is now an open question even in the Vatican. Cardinals and high functionaries are speaking of it in an approved manner.

The stranglehold of the controlled Catholic media in the English speaking world has been circumvented. Many thanks to Andrea Cionci and the outgoing editor of the Libero for having given others and myself a voice in Italy and now to the entire world.

Don Minutella intervista Frà Bugnolo sullo Scisma in Germania


Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I had the distinct pleasure and honor last night to be interviewed by Don Alessandro Minutella, Pastor of Don Bosco’s Parish, Palermo, Sicily, on the subject of the Schism in Germany, the Third Secret of Fatima, and how the Church will triumph over Freemasonry through the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.

A brief summary of which, in English, I have prepared in video format, this morning, in my post on the Schism in Germany.

Watch Video of Br. Bugnolo surrounded by Police in Piazza S. Maria Maggiore

Click to watch on Facebook, at minute 31:00 and thereafter. Also to hear short interview on national television, here in Italy. (In Italian). — This video is made available by Armando Manocchia, host of a weekly show on Canale Italia, on civil rights.

In which excerpt, you hear Brother saying in Italian:  Everything you say is upside down. I have no intention of collaborating actively with you. —  Then a scene showing brother being dragged away by 2 men without sufficient physical strength to thrown him in the back seat of a police care. — Then a scene with him on the ground after having his shoulder twisted, screaming in agony, and being dropped on his face on the ground. — What is not show is that after about an hour the police injured brother again by attempting again to throw him in the back of a cruiser, during which time they grabbed his capuche and nearly strangled him. Only on the third time did they employ 5 men and do it “correctly”.


A concerned citizen recorded the Webcam of the Piazza during the entire event, from its archive on line, and has published it on line. This gives you an idea of how the whole thing went down:

The total fines for the 8 Catholics, including Brother, will mount to perhaps $8000. Brother is being charged with not wearing a mask and insulting a police officer. Brother’s attorneys are preparing a criminal complaint against the officers in charge which will detail the entire tragedy. There are several videos by Brothers’ friends which detail the substance of the matter.

FromRome.Info has been informed that the social media visualizations of news about what these Catholics suffered has now surpassed 45 million views world wide.

If Brother has legal expenses, FromRome.Info will publish a notice on how you can help him and the other Catholics defend themselves.

Don Minutella interviews Br. Bugnolo, on What will happen when Pope Benedict XVI dies?

ON APRIL 19, 2021
ENTITLED: “Il Papa Vincitore” (Click for original)

(From minute 39.06)

Don Minutella: Praised be Jesus Christ, Brother Alexis!

Brother Alexis: Now and forever, Father!

Don Minutella: You have the floor, dear Brother Alexis! There are 1600 people listening live. Please, Brother Alexis!

Brother Alexis: Peace and goodwill to all of you! — It is a historic day, it is the 16th anniversary of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI and we really have to thank God that he gave us the light to see this truth and to recognize it, against all the evil project of the globalists, of the Mafia of St. Gallen and of all these shameful cardinals, bishops, who do not have the character nor the honesty to say that MUNUS is not the MINISTERIUM. — We must follow the words of Jesus and Canon Law. — There are now two churches: the Church of Jesus Christ and the Church of Globalism. — The Church of Jesus Christ is founded on the words that come out of the mouth of the living incarnate God: “What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven”(Mt 18:18). — This has to do with the Code of Law, the laws of the Church. — Those who want another Church, not based on the words of Jesus or the laws of the Church, are not Catholics. We must admit this, confess it, preach it. This is the true Catholic religion!

Don Minutella: That’s exactly right! You, Brother Alexis, will go down in history as the first person who, as an expert canonist, made an absolutely incalculable contribution, in a clear, courageous and honest way, when he developed the well-known theses that I later took up verbatim in my book “Peter, where are you?”, on the Declaratio of Benedict XVI. Would you like to briefly remind us of these theses?

Brother Alexis: A reigning pope who wants to renounce is obliged to follow Canon 332 §2 …

Canon 332 §2 of the Code of Canon Law provides that the Roman Pontiff may renounce his office. It requires for validity that the renunciation be freely made and that it be duly manifested, it does not, however, require that anyone accept it)

because as the Laws of the Church say at the beginning of the Code, “these laws compel all the faithful of the Roman Rite and especially those for whom they have been published.” Since there is a canon regarding the case of a reigning pope resigning; the man who is reigning must follow the law and obey it unless he grants a dispensation or modification first. Pope Benedict, if he wanted to renounce the papacy in a new way, had to or could have created a new law, a new system of administration but he did not; therefore we must understand what he did according to the norms of Law. –Having renounced the Ministerium and not the Munus, he did not renounce the papacy. This is a bit difficult to understand because of modern language. Ministerium also means office, assignment (in Italian) it is not so in Latin. — In Latin there are two words: Magisterium: it is done by those who have the office. — Ministerium: is done by his servants who help him exercise his office. — So the reigning pope who renounces the Ministerium does nothing more than renounce the things done by Card. Burke, by Card. Sarah and the Roman Curia. It is therefore impossible for this to mean that he has lost the papacy!

Don Minutella: what would you feel like answering to those within the so-called “little remnant” – which then, I share your opinion, should not be called simply “little remnant” but “Catholics” – who ask why Pope Benedict XVI does not say it openly. What do you feel like saying in the face of this provocation?

Brother Alexis: It seems to me that Pope Benedict XVI has spoken clearly. What we need to distinguish is between the Mass Media of the single thought that wants us to force us psychologically to interpret Pope Benedict XVI’s words according to their opinion, and what the words mean in themselves. — In fact, in Pope Benedict XVI’s official autobiography published last year by Peter Seewald “Ein leben”, he specifically said that he never intended to give up the spiritual aspect of the papal office. — All Catholics for 2000 years understand that the papal office is a spiritual thing, it is not physical. So he expressly said that he did not renounce the Munus, he expressly said that he freely renounced the Ministerium. He never said he renounced the Munus or the office. So we must not use what journalists or cardinals say to interpret that, but we must use what is written in the Code of Canon Law, Canon 17:

Can. 17 – Ecclesiastical laws are to be understood according to the proper meaning of the words considered in the text and context; that if they remain doubtful and obscure, recourse is to be had to the parallel places, if there are any, to the purpose and circumstances of the law and to the intention of the legislator.

Don Minutella: Also because there is a coalition among the cardinals, mostly Freemasons, therefore apostates in the faith, who are no longer credible.

Brother Alexis: Yes. — It began in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of the world. Satan and his always try to interpret the words of God, they add other meanings, and this has always been the trick of every tempter, of every devil, so we must understand that the words have an objective sense, we cannot change what is written.

Don Minutella: We are under Heaven, so under the direction of divine providence. Bergoglio could go before Ratzinger, but if instead God had determined that Benedict XVI should die first.  — I this morning reflected about the great prelate or a possible chosen pastor, as happened in the first millennium by the holy people of God, also because a possible conclave is no longer reliable because they are all, or almost all, apostate cardinals — According to you, what could happen for those who have remained Catholic and therefore no longer look to the false Bergoglian church, regarding a pope as leader, as successor of Peter, after Benedict XVI? What can you tell us about that?

Brother Alexis: Upon the death of Pope Benedict, whether or not Bergoglio lives – because Bergoglio has nothing to do with the papacy – the cardinal electors are obliged to convene a conclave to elect his successor but if they don’t, obviously, they are failing in their duty or if they don’t exist because they are in schism with an antipope (as they obviously are) it remains for the Roman Catholic Church to elect his successor, because in the regulations of the Church established by St. Peter it is the Roman Church that has the right to elect St. Peter’s successor.

Don Minutella: So, in a word, the Catholic laity who have remained so connected to Benedict XVI who are from Rome and the surrounding area …

Brother Alexis: Yes, since the method of election has changed. — For example, many do not understand, do not remember and do not know that it has always been the apostolic right of the Roman Church – therefore this law is superior to the ecclesiastical Law but is followed, respected, implemented when the modality established by the Holy Father no longer exists. Under current Canon Law, the only mode of election of the Holy Father is from among the cardinals in a conclave, obviously the cardinals in communion with the Church.

Don Minutella: Note this well!

Brother Alexis: […] the only recourse is what the people, the faithful of the city of Rome and the clergy of Rome who are in communion with Pope Benedict, at the time of his death, have the duty and the right to elect his successor.

Don Minutella: This is very important! Very important for those of you who are listening; Brother Alexis, we are in the order of 1560 people who are listening. So you are saying – as I was saying this morning – and even adding that it is a right as well as a duty, on the part of the Roman Catholics of the city of Rome attached to Pope Benedict to indicate his successor. I wanted to ask if there is a numerical limit for them to do this, or not? I don’t know if the question is clear.

Brother Alexis: If there is no cardinal in communion with the Church or if they are all dead or no one is able to elect because he is too old and a Holy Father dies, even if there is only ONE resident Catholic left (in Rome), baptized in the City, in the diocese of Rome, he will have the right to elect a successor. That’s how Apostolic right works.

Don Minutella: All of us Catholics in union with Pope Benedict, even now we should slowly begin to pray for our friends in Rome, faithful to Pope Benedict, because at this point – should the scenario not change – God destines them for a highly prohibitive mission, we could say.

Brother Alexis: Yes, we can say that. We hope that Bergoglio dies before (Pope Benedict) and the cardinals receive the grace of repentance, of conversion. Let’s say it’s obvious by now that so many are lovers of lies, it will be difficult for the world to recognize the successor of Pope Benedict, because the globalists don’t want him. And perhaps this is what St. Pius X saw when he had a vision of the killing of his successor named Joseph.

Don Minutella: Very much in agreement! Brother Alexis we are reaching stratospheric numbers tonight, maybe it’s also thanks to him, the Minutella-Bugnolo duet is scary! is still alive, can agree among themselves to identify Pope Benedict’s successor. And then technically what should happen?

Brother Alexis: Technically, according to the most prudent interpretation, if the cardinals do not agree in a conclave after 21 days after the death of the Holy Father, they lose entirely the right to elect him even if they are not in schism and then all the clergy of Rome (the incardinated clergy, not the priests or bishops who are guests in Rome from other nations), and all the faithful residing in Rome have the obligation to meet together, discuss, decide and elect. Considering that they have to do all this under Apostolic right, there are no precise laws, so they are not obliged by the rules of the Conclave nor by other canons of Law, except for those excommunicated or in heresy: these cannot vote.

Don Minutella: Brother Alexis, after how many days did you say since the death of the pope? Because then our friends in Rome can memorize it well. How many days after the pope’s death?

Brother Alexis: There are two interpretations. I consider 21 days, because the cardinals must meet before these days. After the 21 days, it is obvious that they are in schism and have not met to make a conclave. If the faithful of Rome do it before the 21 days, the bad cardinals maybe can say something about their right being neglected but after 21 days it is certain. — On where and how they agree, in what manner … the majority will make the decision.  — The other opinion is that they can meet even 3 days later, because it is obvious that these cardinals are in schism, they are apostates and have no interest in recognizing Benedict as Pontiff.

Don Minutella: Clear! And according to you, Brother Alexis, will it be necessary, then, evidently, that once the possible successor of Benedict XVI has been chosen by the Catholics of Rome, who have remained as such, he must necessarily then – I understand – be a bishop, and if he is not a bishop he must receive the three degrees of Holy Orders?

Brother Alexis: Yes, yes! It would be best for the faithful to elect a bishop, and I hope that Bishop Lenga and Gracida will also be taken as witnesses, and in fact clergy from all over the world can come to this conference in communion with Benedict to give advice and witness to the fact. Obviously the best thing would be to elect someone who is already a bishop or at least a priest because it will be a very difficult task …

Don Minutella: A massacrating one! An exhausting one indeed!

Brother Alexis: So it can’t be a young man, but someone who already knows how to comport himself.

Don Minutella: That’s why Catherine Emmerich says that he won’t be less than 50 years old, but not even older, that’s the right age, more or less, because he is not so young, but he is not so old either, because he has a very difficult mission.

Brother Alexis: According to the teaching of Gregory VII, St. Hildebrand, from the moment he accepts his election, becomes the successor of St. Peter. It is necessary, of course, that he be consecrated bishop but it is not necessary that the consecration take place immediately on the same day, it can also be postponed by a few months. The consecration can also be done in a different country, it is not necessary that it be done in Rome, this can happen later, but from the moment of his acceptance to his election he is the successor of St. Peter.

Don Minutella: Fr. Alexis, one last question, this is a personal curiosity of mine, and I will tell you why. Is it mandatory for the successor of Benedict to reside in Rome, or not?

Brother Alexis: No! The elected person must be:

– Catholic;
– male;
– baptized;
– without canonical problems (it seems to me!)
– must be celibate;
– must not be divorced;
– it seems to me he must not have children (unless his wife is dead).

He doesn’t have to be a resident of Rome, in fact so many very good pontiffs were not Roman, it’s not even necessary that the elected person be present; he can be in another part of the world and informed by phone.

Don Minutella: Thank you Friar Alexis, we hope to hear from you again soon, a greeting from these 1670 people live for this very important episode, after all it is the anniversary of the election of Pope Benedict XVI.

Brother Alexis: Salutations to all of you and I am very honored to speak with you, Father, on this beautiful day, on this topic that is very serious and very important.

Don Minutella: Maybe we’ll look into it. Thank you Brother Alexis. The Lord bless you, thank you for your very valuable contribution.  —  Well, my dear listeners, let us conclude this historic installment here. Obviously, dear Catholics, apostolic, Roman, of Rome, linked to Pope Benedict, you are on the tip of your fingers, I don’t know how many you will be, but from this evening you cannot close your eyes anymore. May the Lord’s holy blessing be upon you all.  — In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen — Praised be Jesus Christ! Forward with Mary! And in any case, long live the Pope!

Truth 2.0: A Warning from Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here is my second Truth Video.  Now that FromRome.Info is an independent media source, I can speak freely in my videos.  My famous video entitled, Truth, which was popularized with the erroneous title, “Priest from Rome warns the world”  or the similar — an went viral with more than 500k visualizations — is now been updated and revised and shortened to about 9 minutes.

Please do not link directly to this video, share this page or download the video and share on channels such as Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp, Line etc.. —  Download size is 43 MB approximately.

Truth 2.0 -- A Warning from Rome


I am currently working on creating a free-speech Social Media Platform. If you would like to help me out, please consider a donation to the US Non Profit, which supports me:

Pope Benedict XVI’s shell game against the Mafia of St. Gallen

“Ein Leben”: In the second book of Interviews with Pope Benedict XVI, we find another story about His resignation

by Andrea Cionci

Here is an unofficial English translation

A few days ago, we became aware of strange inconsistencies and the possibility of a shocking subtext in the interview book by Peter Seewald – Benedict XVI “Last Conversations” (Garzanti 2016) HERE .

On a deeper reading, the writing seemed to be able to coincide with a scenario now outlined by various theologians, journalists, Latinists and legally explained by the recent volume Benedict XVI: pope emeritus? By the lawyer Estefania Acosta HERE .

According to this thesis, Benedict XVI, now besieged by the internal modernist frond and by external globalist powers, never left the Petrine throne in 2013 : he only announced his resignation from the exercise of his functions, moreover without ever ratifying them. HERE

In this way he would have allowed his enemies to seize power, effectively constituting an anti-papal party . Why all this? It would be a strategic retreat to allow anti-Christ forces to manifest themselves and then be canceled, thanks to the recognition of the only true pope, Benedict, for a redemption-purification of the Church. Over the past eight years, Ratzinger, kept under control by the antipapal power, has thus sent us continuous messages through a subtly logical language to facilitate our awareness.

The question, incredible as it may seem, is serious and there are even priests who are excommunicated for their fidelity to Pope Benedict. The latest is Don Enrico Bernasconi , whose interview we propose HERE .

So we also went to read the second book by Peter Seewald ” Ein Leben – Una vita” of 2020 (Garzanti), of which few and disorganized fragments filtered out in the press.

The voluminous biography contains eight pages with new questions to Ratzinger . Let’s try to read them according to the above perspective and see if the sense can spin.

First of all, Ratzinger declares: “My intention was not simply and primarily to clean up the small world of the Curia, but rather in the Church as a whole” . And then: The real threat to the Church comes from the universal dictatorship of apparently humanistic contradicting ideologies, which entails exclusion from the basic consensus of society. [] Modern society intends to formulate an anti-Christian creed : whoever challenges it is punished with social excommunication. Being afraid of this spiritual power of the Antichrist is all too natural .

And so far we would be there . Benedict immediately after, underlines the differences with one of his illustrious predecessors.

The visit (2009) to the tomb of Pope Celestine V was actually a chance event; in any case I was well aware of the fact that Celestine V’s situation was extremely peculiar and that therefore it could in no way be invoked as (my) precedent .

One could read this as meaning: “Celestine V legally resigned in 1294 because he did not feel like taking on the burden of the papacy, which I absolutely did not do, since I did not resign as pope, but I only declared that I wanted to renounce to the exercise of practical power, for the purposes we know. Celestino and I have nothing in common “.

Then the Holy Father continues:

“It was absolutely not my intention to take an extreme distance from the conditions in which the Church finds itself. If you study the history of the popes, you will soon realize that the Church has always been a net in which good fish and bad fish end up. The Catholic conception of the Church and of the managerial roles within it excludes the adoption of an ideal Church as a parameter and instead foresees that one is ready to live and work in a Church besieged by the forces of evil .

Or rather: “I have not in the least abandoned the role of pope. We know that the history of the Church is full of antipopes and we must be ready to face the siege of the forces of evil”.

Seewald then tackles the key question: according to Church historians there is no “emeritus” pope , since there cannot be two popes . It is true that, since the 1970s, a bishop can resign and become an emeritus, but this – he asks – also applies to the pope?

Ratzinger replies: It is not clear why this juridical figure should not also be applied to the bishop of Rome. The formula manages to account for both aspects: on the one hand no concrete juridical mandate, on the other a spiritual charge that is maintained, even if invisible. Precisely the juridical and spiritual figure of the emeritus allows us to avoid even the idea of the coexistence of two popes, given that a bishopric can have only one holder “.

There is therefore only one pope. But when he says “the juridical and spiritual figure of the emeritus”, to which of the two does he refer, to the pope or to the bishop? The ambiguity does not seem accidental, but the Latinist Fr Alexis Bugnolo , an expert in canon law , explains :

If we mean BISHOP EMERITUS , the argument is invalid from the canonical point of view because a bishop receives an ecclesiastical office and, since his mandate as ordinary bishop has been created by the Church, two persons can be allowed in the dignity of the bishop. If we mean pope emeritus, the argument is still invalid since there is no juridical figure of pope emeritus and since the munus is not shared iure divino (by Divine insitution)”.

Also for the theologian Carlo Maria Pace , who HERE analyzed the invalidity of Ratzinger’s resignations due to their deferral, confirms: “Benedict XVI erroneously stated that a Pope who resigns remains Pope in the same way that bishops who resign remain bishops “.

In essence, the pope emeritus would himself be THE pope. In fact, if A bishop resigning (from the post of human origin) can become A retired bishop, IL Pope, renouncing the ministerium is always THE Pope, although retired, since it keeps the munus which is given directly by God. That’s why Ratzinger continues to say for eight years that the pope is only one and never specify that it is Francis.

Benedict seems to reiterate the concept, a few lines later, with an example: “A father remains so until death (even if he passes the management of the company to his son) and the human and spiritual meaning of being a father is not revocable”.

But what would be the spiritual purpose of these fake resignations?

An explanation is offered by Seewald’s own question:

The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben says he is convinced of the fact that the real reason for (Ratzinger’s) resignation was the desire to awaken the eschatological conscience (concerning the ultimate destinies of man). In the divine plan of salvation, the Church would also have the function of being together “the Church of Christ and the Church of the Antichrist” . The resignation would be a foreshadowing of the separation between “Babylon” and “Jerusalem” in the Church. Instead of engaging in the logic of maintaining power, by her resignation from office she would have emphasized his spiritual authority, thereby contributing to its strengthening .”

And here is Pope Benedict’s response:

“St. Augustine said that on the one hand many are part of the Church only in an apparent way, while in reality they live against it, and that, on the contrary, outside the Church there are many who – without knowing it – deeply belong to the Lord and therefore also to his body, the Church. We must always be aware of this mysterious overlap of internal and external, an overlap that the Lord has exposed in several parables. We know that in history there are moments in which the victory of God over the forces of evil is visible in a comforting way and moments in which, instead, the forces of evil obscure everything .

Let’s say, in conclusion, he doesn’t seem to have exactly denied Agamben’s opinion.

The “Renunciation” Was Written to Break the Bank

By Andrea Cionci

Originally published in in the Italian Daily Newspaper Libero onJune 11, 2020

For the past few days there has been discussion on the internet about the critique made of Benedict XVI’s resignation from the papacy by an Italian-American Franciscan Latinist who is an expert in Scholastic texts and in canonical argumentation about the papal resignation. Brother Alexis Bugnolo, who has translated over 9000 pages of Saint Bonaventure from the original Latin and has a mastery of the Church’s language as few others, was interviewed on YouTube by Decimo Toro.

Through an attentive reading of the text of Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of resignation, following a thread of logic, canon law, and the meaning of the original Latin, Brother Bugnolo maintains that the text was written by Benedict, with extreme skill and subtlety, intending that it would eventually be discovered to be invalid. By so doing, Ratzinger permitted the “Saint Gallen Mafia,” the Masonic-progressive ecclesiastical lobby that forced him to abdicate, to take power hastily and so reveal itself. Benedict resigned in such a way that all of the acts, appointments, and changes in doctrine done by the “false church” can eventually be swept away in one fell swoop precisely because of the invalidity of his resignation from the papacy.

For this reason, according to Brother Bugnolo, the Vatican has deliberately falsified the translations of Benedict’s Latin Declaratio, attempting to remedy his intentional flaws in the original text, but in fact thus demonstrating further malice. Forty years ago, John Paul II and then-Cardinal Ratzinger already knew, thanks to the Third Secret of Fatima, that the gay-Masonic lobby of clergy would attempt to seize power, and for this reason they changed the Code of Canon Law in time, setting up an emergency system to “break the bank” in case of usurpation. This, in essence, is Bugnolo’s thesis.

In order to prevent accusations that his reconstruction of events is a conspiracy theory, Brother Alexis cites only the documents from the Vatican website that we have attached below. All of them may be checked at the Vatican website.

It is quite clear that the text of Benedict’s Declaratio contains a number of huge grammatical errors, which were already noted in 2013 by eminent classicists such as Luciano Canfora and Wilfried Stroh. The lack of the majestic plural “nos” which is always used in official documents is already surprising, but Brother Bugnolo, who has translated more than 9000 pages of Saint Bonaventure, has identified forty other linguistic imperfections: verbs that are wrongly declined, “decisionem” being used in place of the correct “consilium,” “vobis” in place of “vobiscum,” the erroneous use of “explorata” to say “investigated,” etc. The complete list may be seen here.

But the biggest problem is the construction of Ratzinger’s text that renders the papal resignation invalid. Since it was reformed by John Paul II and Ratzinger in 1983, the Code of Canon Law requires the resignation of the “munus petrino” – the office, the charge of the papacy that comes from God and from Saint Peter. (Previously, the pope only had to say “renuntio” – “I resign” – and the 1983 modification to the requirement was probably added in order to reinforce possible future papal abdications).

In his Declaratio, Ratzinger writes that his strength, due to advancing age, “is no longer suitable for adequately exercising the munus petrino.” However, he does not say at all that he is renouncing it, but rather, “well aware of the gravity of this act, I declare to renounce the ministry [that is, the exercise] of Bishop of Rome – [declaro me MINISTERIO Episcopi Romae…renuntiare]. Thus at the beginning of the Declaratio he cites the munus in a generic way, but then he formally declares to renounce only the ministerium, which according to many experts is completely useless for the validity of the act. It would be as if a king who was abdicating would say that he is renouncing the exercise of his power without renouncing the throne he obtained by divine right.

Among other things, Ratzinger does not even write “renuntio” but rather “declaro renuntiare,” which does not imply that his resignation is sincere, just as “declaring to love” does not necessarily correspond to “love.” Supposing that Benedict was subjected to pressure – faced with a choice, for example, of either resigning or having the Vatican go bankrupt (on this, refer to the well-known affair of the Vatican SWIFT code being cancelled and the blocking of Vatican bank accounts that occurred in the weeks preceding the resignation in 2013) – he could have freely chosen to “declare to resign” – which is much different than saying “I freely resign.”

Another question raised by Bugnolo: Why did Ratzinger write that the See would be vacant after 18 days? The act of resignation should render the See vacant either from the moment of either the death or the act of resignation of the pope.

The argument over the word “munus” is not new, and it has been amply addressed by Vittorio Messori, Antonio Socci, and other authoritative Vaticanists. But now Brother Alexis, for the first time, has divulged that in all of the translations of the Declaratio (on the Vatican web site), the word munus is also translated as “ministry,” thus bringing together into one meaning two prerogatives that canon law clearly distinguishes. Brother Bugnolo explains: “Who authorized these translations? Munus should be perfectly translatable into all languages. This is the proof that the Vatican has attempted to annul the fundamental distinction that Pope Benedict, in his recent book-interview “Ein Leben,” has only newly restated, declaring that he still retains the “spiritual office” (spirituelle Zuordnung) having renounced the concrete exercise (konkrete Vollmacht). He is still the reigning pontiff and he continues to wear the white robe, to give the Apostolic Blessing and sign his name P.P., Pontifex Pontificum, the title that belongs to the reigning pope.” (It should be recalled that the only explanation given by Ratzinger for having maintained the white papal robe was that “there were no black robes in his wardrobe.”)

In 2016, Msgr. Giuseppe Sciacca, Bishop-Secretary of the Apostolic Signatura, responded to the argments over munus in an extremely technical article that was completely incomprehensible to non-experts. “Like a clever lawyer,” Brother Bugnolo says, “Sciacca says, correctly, that the power cannot be divided between two popes, but he takes the validity of the resignation for granted and then he avoids the real question. He then says that renouncing the ministerium automatically included renouncing the munus, but in fact this is not true, because Benedict could have easily named a Vicar to manage the ministerium while maintaining his own office, the munus, which is also essential for theological and dogmatic questions, not only for canonical ones, inasmuch as it comes directly from God.”

Then there are other very strange anomalies in the translations published by the Vatican: “I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, IN SUCH A WAY, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant.” As Brother Bugnolo specifies, “In such a way” is written by Ratzinger in Latin as “ut” which however ought to be translated as “SO THAT.” In contrast, IN SUCH A WAY would properly be rendered in Latin as “quomodo.”

These are two very different things: “in such a way” presupposes the absolute legal automatism of an act-consequence relationship. In contrast, “so that” can also reveal a hidden intention or a desired effect that is generated on purpose. It is the difference between an external and natural “way” as compared to a subjective “end.”

For example, it is not correct to say: “I put the bait in the trap in such a way that the mouse may be captured,” because it is not a given that the mouse will fall for the deception. Rather, it must be said: “I put the bait in the trap so that the mouse may be captured.”

Let’s imagine for a moment that Benedict was actually forced to abdicate: he writes therefore that “he declares to resign” his “ministry” “SO THAT” the see may be vacant…thus perhaps also through the action of the usurpers. If he had actually written “in such a way” it would have implicitly admitted the validity of his resignation. But in fact, he did not.

Here is another anomaly: Why does Benedict write that the new conclave will have to be convoked “BY THOSE WHOSE COMPETENCE IT IS” and not “by you cardinals”? It sounds like a delegitimization, since it would obviously be the cardinals to whom he was speaking who would have to form the conclave. It is as if the president of the Senate, speaking about a future president of the Republic, would say that he “will have to be elected by those whose competence it is” and not, as is obvious, “by you ministers of parliament.”

Furthermore, Ratzinger does not specify the PRECISE DATE of the new, true conclave for the election of the Pontiff. He says only that it will have to be convoked AFTER THE SEE WILL BE VACANT, which is, really, the moment after his death. This is why the valid election of the new Pontiff would be, in that case, the competence only of SOME CARDINALS, the ones appointed prior to the coming of Bergoglio who are disposed to recognize the “coup” that happened. In fact the cardinals appointed by Bergoglio would not be legally valid, because they came from an invalid pope, because the resignation was invalid. In the event that many more years pass and the “legitimate” cardinals created by Benedict or John Paul II are no longer alive or active, the new Pontiff would have to be chosen by the Roman Church, as in ancient times. Seen in this light, this is why a new conclave would have to be convoked “by those whose competence it is” and not by the cardinals he is addressing. The logic is faultless.

Is this political fiction? Or is it a Declaratio that, while appearing to be botched, reveals itself to be, if read in the right way, a document of unbreakable “Ratzingerian” coherence?

Brother Bugnolo is certain: the errors in the Latin were purposely intended by Ratzinger in order to draw attention to the invalidity of the document and so that, when it was attentively read, the truth would emerge when the time was ripe. The same opinion is held by the Viennese lawyer Arthur H. Lambauer, a noted expert in international law, who had already noted the anomalies in 2013: “I believe that Benedict made mistakes on purpose in order to render his successor invalid, in such a way he would not create anything irrevocable (homosexual marriage, female diaconate, etc.) and so that, if necessary, the successor could be swept away.”

Above all, there is one objective and incontestable fact: in those strange 18 days that passed from the “resignation” to the vacant see (which, as a rule, should start from the resignation) no one was able to or wanted to correct the Declaratio written so “badly” by Benedict. Why? And yet it is the specific competence of the cardinals to correct the pope in a caring and filial way, if he is in error. “This demonstrates,” Brother Bugnolo maintains, “that the cardinals were disloyal and blinded in their haste to take power, while other officials of the Apostolic Secretariat, who certainly could not have failed to notice certain errors, were “accomplices” of Benedict who were well aware of the trick, and they remained silent so that one day “the bomb would go off.” In both cases, a usurpation is revealed.”

Let’s consider some objections: “Perhaps Ratzinger does not know Latin well enough or he was already too old to write it well.” It is difficult to believe that the German theologian, who was for fourteen years the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who is the author of outstanding writings in Latin, would not know how to master this text. Moreover, the pope is surrounded by excellent Latinists who would have been able to assist him. In February 2013 he was lucid enough to be able to give a spontaneous discourse for 58 minutes. “In any case,” Brother Alexis responds, “the invalidity would remain, because resignation requires not only full mental lucidity but also absolute awareness of canon law.”

Another possible objection is: “Perhaps someone else who does not know Latin well wrote it.” But if the document came from a coercer or a counterfeiter, why would they construct it in such a way that it would be canonically invalid?

A final possible criticism: “Benedict XVI would never deceive anyone.” In fact, Pope Benedict did not deceive anyone, he only wrote a resignation of the ministerium. According to Brother Bugnolo, there are others who have not wanted look at what was actually written and at how Benedict has comported himself since 2013. Thus, they deceived themselves out of their greed for power.

At the first reading, all of this leaves you dazed: it seems absurd, but terribly coherent. In this case, there is no point in launching the usual charge of dismissing it all as a “conspiracy theory” because there are facts here that deserve an explanation that is EQUALLY logical and coherent.

In the secular world, an inheritance can be legally challenged for far less, and yet the question of the validity of the resignation of a pope from the throne of Peter was thought to be all wrapped up very quickly, indeed perhaps too quickly. What happens next? Brother Bugnolo’s arguments are based on the evidence and also provide a motive that explains them. Perhaps they will simply be ignored and derided, or else their author will probably begin to undergo a series of attacks ad personam. We will see what happens.

Translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino @pellegrino2020


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a detail from a photograph distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, source here.

Andrea Cionci: La “rinuncia” scritta male apposta

di Andrea Cionci

Da qualche giorno, circolano in rete le denunce di un francescano italoamericano, latinista, esperto in Scolastica e in argomentazioni canoniche sulla rinuncia papale, che, intervistato dallo youtuber Decimo Toro, sta diffondendo i contenuti esplosivi del suo sito www.fromrome.info.  Frà Alexis Bugnolo, questo il suo nome, ha tradotto oltre 9000 pagine latine da San Bonaventura e padroneggia la lingua della Chiesa come pochi.

Il frate, leggendo attentamente la Declaratio di rinuncia di Benedetto XVI, seguendo un filo rosso fra logica, diritto canonico e lingua latina, ritiene che sia stata da lui scritta, con estrema abilità e sottigliezza, appositamente perché nel tempo venisse scoperta invalida. In questo modo, Ratzinger ha permesso alla “Mafia di San Gallo”, la lobby massonico-progressista ecclesiastica che lo aveva costretto ad abdicare, di prendere frettolosamente il potere e di svelarsi. Benedetto ha fatto così in modo che tutti gli atti, le nomine e i cambiamenti nella dottrina operati dalla “falsa chiesa” possano essere spazzati via in un sol colpo proprio per l’invalidità della sua rinuncia al papato. Per questo il Vaticano– secondo frà Bugnolo – ha deliberatamente falsificato, nelle traduzioni in lingua straniera, la Declaratio latina di Benedetto, tentando di porre rimedio alle sue falle intenzionali, ma dimostrando, così, ulteriore dolos.  Quarant’anni fa, Giovanni Paolo II e l’allora card. Ratzinger sapevano già, dal terzo Segreto di Fatima, che le lobby gay-massoniche del clero avrebbero tentato di prendere il potere, per questo avevano cambiato per tempo il Codice di diritto canonico predisponendo un sistema di emergenza per far saltare il banco in caso di usurpazione.


Saint Bonaventure, on the Trinity — translated by Br. Bugnolo

One of the great works of Catholic literature ever attempted, and certainly the greatest work of Catholic Theology on the Most Holy Trinity, Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio’s Commentaries on the First Book of the Sentences of Master Peter Lombard: On the One and Triune God is certainly a book for the ages and a book which merits its place on the bookshelf of every Catholic family and institution.

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Actual Book Cover: click to know more about this book.

Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio was born Giovanni Fidanza, at Civita di Bagnoregio on the northern confines of the Papal States around 1217 A.D., just as decade or so after Saint Francis of Assisi had founded his order of Friars Minor. Raised by his father, the town doctor, with the finest education money could buy locally, he was sent by his father to the University of Paris to study medicine. There, he studied logic and philosophy under the greatest Scholastic masters of the day, and followed them into the Order of Saint Francis, when they took the habit in admiration of the evangelical perfection of the Saint. He thereupon took the name given to him by his mother, as a child, when having fallen into a grave fever, she asked Saint Francis to cure her son, and upon the miracle, exclaimed:  Che bonaventura! that is, what a good outcome!

Marvelous for both his erudition and personal sanctity, Friar Bonaventure studied under the renowned medieval philosopher Alexander of Hales, was ordained a priest and after Alexander’s untimely death, went on to study for a doctorate in theology, which in those days, was called the Magister Sententiarum, a Master of the Sentences of Peter Lombard, the  name of the text book used in theology at the University of Paris since the 1220’s.

From 1250 to 1252, to obtain his doctorate, Saint Bonaventure lectured upon and wrote his commentaries on the First Book of Lombard, which discusses the One and Triune God, the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, an argument which in modern seminaries is dispensed with in one semester or in passing, which explains not a little why the clergy of today lack such a sense of the sacred, if they can even explain the things of God correctly, which is usually not the case.

Now more than ever, when the apostasy of the clergy is nearly universal, the Catholic layman or laywoman has a greater necessity to defend their souls and their faith by informing themselves and relying upon the very best sources of doctrine and spirituality.


Br. Bugnolo, working on his translation in 2013, at his desk here at Rome.

To assist them in this and to open up to modern man and to the English speaking world the riches of wisdom and doctrine which God gave to Saint Bonaventure, Br. Bugnolo spent 12 years translating the works of Saint Bonaventure in a study which was nearly unending. So far he has translated Bonaventure’s Commentaries on the First Three Book of Lombard, more than 3000 pages of Latin text, or the equivalent of 18,000 pages of letter sized sheets.

Published in 2014, Br. Bugnolo’s English translation of Saint Bonaventure’s Commentaria in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum soon was recognized as the most authoritative modern translation of the work, and is in fact the first complete vernacular translation of Bonaventure’s Commentary ever published in any language in 800 years. Dr. Claudio Mayeregger of the Fundacion, Santa Ana, Argentina, was so impressed he wrote a public letter of commendation on the work.

fa-logoBThe book is published by The Franciscan Archive, a publisher founded by Br. Bugnolo, which has consigned the printing and storage and distribution of the books to Save Old St. Mary’s, Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) non profit charity, which currently has more than 2500 copies of the book in storage. The non profit, no longer being able to store these books, must distribute the remaining quantity in the next 10 months, or pulp the remaining copies.

The book is 996 pages: and measures 9.25” by 13.56”, by 2.625″; it is bound in green cloth hardcover, and comes with a Laminated full color jacket (as seen above). It is printed on on acid-free 50lb-paper, with a sewn library quality binding, and comes with a green ribbon. Each copy is shrink wrapped and boxed separately, in a package weighing about 9.1 lbs. or 4.14 kgs.

The book is distributed for a donation of $ 92.50 USD in the USA (shipping and handling included) and internationally for $ 130 USD in Canada or Mexico, or $150 USD elsewhere.

This book is a wonderful Encyclopedia like resource, which answers very conceivable question about God.d It is a beautiful gift for your favorite priest or religious, and a monumental addition to any personal library or institutional collection. The book is already present in more than 200 Catholic University Libraries throughout the world.

If you would like to know more about the book, click the banner below. If you would like to read the table of contents, which is impressive, click here. To see photos of the Book, go to Br. Bugnolo’s Blog, The Franciscanum.


If you are not interested in acquiring a copy of the Book, but would like to help Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., with the costs to store the remaining 2500 copies of Br. Bugnolo’s book, you can make a tax-deductible donation through the St. Bonaventure Challenge.

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