Tag Archives: Catholic
Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
It is rare these days to have reason to rejoice at the news, but such is the case in the midst of the horrible and atrocious terrorist attack which was perpetrated in Annecy, France, yesterday, when a Syrian wearing the head dress of the Palestinian Freedom Front lunged with a switchblade in a public park with the intent to murder children and babies, stabbing anyone who got in his way. Six persons are now in grave medical condition; the perp is under arrest.
During the attack, no authorities were available to intervene. It was then that Divine Providence, who inspired a young Catholic man to go on pilgrimage to the Cathedrals of France, had placed the right man in the right place at the right time to prevent horrors of a greater magnitude.
This 24 year old man, whose Christian name is Henry, did all he could do — not being trained in hand-to-hand combat, and carrying to weapons of his own; he dropped his back packs and harassed the terrorist repeatedly chasing him and hitting him with his smaller back-pack.
He did not give up his pursuit until he participated with the police in tackling this wanton homicide to the ground!
Henry is a true heir of the Crusaders of old, who went on pilgrimage to protect the Christians of the Levant, men, women and children.
He deserves in this hour the highest praise of the Christian world, for this Henry is a true man, a true Christian, and a true adopted brother of the Lord God Sabbaoth, Jesus Christ.
Let us pray for the little children and adults who were stabbed, the youngest victim of which was only 22 months of age.
UPDATE: Henry gives an interview…
https://twitter.com/CNEWS/status/1667082193246494721The Habits of Humility and Zeal are noble arraignment for the Christian
Part I: On the Habit of Humility
Jesus meek and humble of Heart, make our hearts like unto thine!
On this Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, a meditation on the virtue of humility
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to believe in Him and accept Baptism. And when we do so, not only by memorizing the doctrines of the Faith or by being baptised in the laver of regeneration, but by intentionally and actively living them, that is conforming our minds and hearts to them, thus, we are promised the Kingdom of Heaven.
And being promised a Kingdom, means that we have been raised to a royal status.
But alas, most of us forget this. And it has not been preached in many years and decades.
Aristotle said more than 2300 years ago, that the worst form of government was Democracy, and that it ends up in tyranny. Aristotle has been heavily criticized for his simplistic political theories in recent decades but the Scamdemic has proved him once again to be one of the great and most trustworthy thinkers of history.
In Christianity too, our ideal is not democracy. Christ is King and by His grace in the Sacraments we are made heirs of a kingdom. Heaven is not a democracy, but an absolute Monarchy, the justice and honesty of which is guaranteed by the Most Perfectly Honest and Just Ruler, Jesus Christ, Who is God incarnate.
And not only should we recognize that democracy does not work on Earth and is not present in Heaven, so we must acknowledge that the ideals of democracy as regards human character are not the best for humanity nor compatible with Christianity.
For in a democracy there is lauded a chaotic spontaneous liberty, restrained by no morality or hierarchical order. And as such, in a democracy, the individual is urged to manure himself all over, inside and out, with vain glory, pride, avarice, lust, envy, jealousy, intemperance, and worst of them all, toleration of all evil and all forms of chaos, whether they merely upset the public order or require the killing of hundreds of millions of innocents in the name of preserving the liberty or rights of someone else, usually the majority.
But it is quite otherwise in Christendom.
For Christ teaches us that we should and must imitate Him, the King, in His perfect humility. And at the same time, we should imitate Him, our King, in His perfect zeal for spiritual personal righteousness.
Christ is not a Marxist. He did not come to liberate nations from political problems or systems of corruption. He came to save individuals and to call each of us to be honest and just first of all, in our relationship with God and neighbor. And not just a vague hypothetical neighbor, but the ones who live next to our, whom we meet on the sidewalk, workplace, church, store, etc..
As regards the Humility of Christ, here is where most common definitions of humility fail to grasp the reality and essence of the virtue. For we are told that “humility is truth”, “humility is having a true or just appreciation for one’s self”. But these are definitions of the thing as a notion or from without, not how to practice it internally.
And when it comes to an internal virtue, whether humility or purity, its the awareness of how to practice it in the halls of our mind and heart, which is the key to holiness. The same goes with zeal, which is often confused with merely external behavior. So let us consider each more properly.
Humility is the royal garment which merits heaven. Because, “God resists the proud, but to the humble he gives grace”, and without grace, we can do nothing, because grace is a participation in the divine life of Jesus Christ, Who said, “Without Me you can do nothing”.
This means that without humility all our works, howsoever great or good in this world, are without merit for the kingdom of Heaven, because without humility God will resist our works, and see that they come to naught worthy of Heaven. Here is where we Catholics part with the Calvinists and jansenists who believed that exterior works prove the authenticity of a Christian’s faith or charity. Christ Himself warned us agains this, when He said, “They already have their reward”, speaking of the Jews who wore long tassels, blew trumpets to announce their alms giving, preferred the places of honor at table.
And Humility is not just a habit metaphorically, but also spiritually, because it must be the constant manner of comportment of our mind and heart in their consideration of the worth of one’s own self, actions, words, and thoughts.
And here is the real secret of humility which has not been preached or well explained, but which is found in the lives of the Saints if you reflect on their words and deeds and choices in life.
For a humble man does not presume he will be saved. Neither as a pagan, nor as a Christian, nor as a Catholic. Neither as one receiving the Sacraments frequently, or saying many rosaries, or making many pilgrimages or giving alms by measure.
No a humble man is first of all a cautious man, because he recognizes from observing himself that he himself is the greatest and only real threat to his own salvation. In his examination of conscience he finds the cause of sin not in others, nor in places, nor in this or that thing, but in himself and in his presumption to think, speak or act in a way which lead him down the road to sin.
A habitual sinner, considers always that sin is far off. And a petty sinner, is a sinner who always thinks it is not much a deal. But a humble man, seeing even the most smallest fault is worried and troubled, and does not remain in a sentiment of worry, but immediately resolves to fix the problem, just as a man arising from sleep to find the floor of his bedroom covered with sewage would take immediate and intense action to fix the problem or flee from that place.
Thus the habit of humility is a habit of mind, whereby we keep in mind our own wretched habits of inclining into sin and besmirching our soul and this world with our vices and sins and injustices. It is not simply something we do when we go to confession, it is a continual inclination of mind to see all the ugliness of our soul which is there, examining it carefully without the intention of being preoccupied by self, but rather with the intention of conforming oneself to God’s Will and Justice and measuring our wretchedness by These Eternal Measures.
But it is impossible to acquire the habit of humility by our own actions. We are given it in Baptism and we can merit an increase by practicing it. We can recover it in Confession, but rarely do so. We can obtain it by prayer and by the intervention of some saint who has special care for us, for some reason known to God. But it is an extraordinary gift and very rare. And that is why Our Lord warns us, strongly, saying, “Woe!” The path to salvation is narrow and truly few are those who find it. But the paths of pride are many and wide and crowds of souls walk upon them.
The fruit of true humility is seen in a habitual stream of actions, words and thoughts from a soul, which lead it away from the world, the flesh and the devil. If our generation has a problem detaching itself from evil, it is because it lacks humility. The humble soul flees the works of the flesh, the world and the devil. And that means rejecting all the values, interests, endeavors and entertainments and pleasures of men who are carnal, worldly or diabolic. And that is why there are far fare more Saints who were religious monks and sisters, than there are who were layman or secular clergy. Catholics of all ages agreed, but Catholics in modern times, addicted to pride, often down play this, saying that laymen wills save the Church.
But laymen of such pride will never even save themselves! And lead the many to ruin. We have to radically distance ourselves from such errors an d return to God and His will and plans for our sanctification, not just for our salvation. And that means returning to the examples of the Saints of all ages who rejected most firmly such an error. And they knew better, since they knew the root of salvation was in humility.
Moreover, the giver of humility is the Holy Spirit. When He visits a soul, so great is the light of truth, that the soul cannot but be shocked at the utter ugliness and depravity of itself. For this reason, most souls flee the Holy Spirit and make every effort to avoid His presence. And they are so good at this, that they can do so even in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament, on a daily basis.
This gift, this grace, this habit of humility is also a delicate one. For the habits of mind, heart, lips and life which presuppose that I, me, and my own, are important, good, upright, just etc.. each are capable of lethal injections of pride, which kill humility seconds after is generation in the soul. This is not on account of the impotence of God to create it, but on account of the delicacy of humility itself. For just as a great craftsman shows his power and talents in making the most delicately contrived art, which however is easily broken, so the gift of humility is breakable so easily to show its outstanding excellence. This explains why Our Lord said that only children will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because we must have the delicacy of innocence, to avoid the lethality of pride which kills this essential quality of the noble Christian.
Remembering Duchess Caroline Lanckoronska, Catholic Heroine of WWII
How Benedict has defeated “Francis”
Or, Why did Pope Benedict XVI do what he did on Feb. 11, 2013?
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated the AntiChurch with the most incredibly subtle and effective manuever which could ever be conceived, and which takes a great deal of study to recognize, if you, like myself, took at face value the hearsay which has been put out for the last six years.
Admittedly, the honor and glory for it belong first of all to God, Who enlightens all men and inspires them at times to do things mere mortals could never conceive of. But also, thanks goes to God for sending Our Lady to Fatima to reveal to Sr. Lucia a secret which has until this day remained hidden, so as to give sound counsel to the true Successor of Saint Peter in the End Times.
How Pope John Paul II strengthened the Bulwark of the Church against the AntiChurch
I believe that with that knowledge, Pope John Paul II did 3 things: first, he chose Joseph Ratzinger to come to Rome and prepared him to succeed him (perhaps because he sensed that Ratzinger had the gift of prophecy); second, in 1983, he added the term munus to canon 332 §2, to constrain all of his successors to the obligation of renouncing the Petrine Munus so as to resign the papacy; and third, in 1996, he promulgated a new law on Papal Elections, which would nullify any attempt of the AntiChurch to usurp the Papacy or elect successors to AntiPopes (by requiring that all valid conclaves meet within 20 days after the death of valid popes).
Pope John Paul II warned the Church of the AntiChurch which was rising. He beatified Ann Catherine Emmerich (on the Vigil of St. Francis of Assisi, in 2004) to give papal approval to her own visions in this regard. It should not be surprising then, that in secret, or I should say, in the bright light of day, in papal acts he prepared the Church against that Evil to come!
By these three acts, Pope John Paul II set the chess board and enabled his chosen successor, Ratzinger to enact a stratagem of deception to defeat the forces of darkness.
The Forces of the AntiChurch struck quickly
No sooner than Pope John Paul II had died that the St Gallen Mafia, which had been meeting in that Swiss town for some years, mobilized to put Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne in the Conclave of 2005. Bergoglio, as is now known, garnered the most votes after Ratzinger. In his campaign to get elected he promised radical financial reforms in the Vatican, so he could pose as a savior and reformer, though his agenda was that of Cardinal Martini, to make the Church into the Bride of the Anti-Christ.
Recently an Argentine Priest revealed, that Pope Benedict, soon after his election in 2005, had asked Bergoglio to be Secretary of State (see report here). Benedict intended by this offer to diffuse the conflict which arose in the Conclave, and to draw out the real intentions of Bergoglio. Bergoglio’s refusal manifested his deceit, because all the reasons given in the Conclave for his election, which in truth could be done by a Secretary of State, if honest, would have spurred him to accept Benedict’s offer. But without the papal authority, his evil and malign agenda could not be advanced. — By this sign of offering the olive branch of peace, Benedict signaled to his own supporters, that after himself there would come an Anti-pope (cf. Prophecy of St Malachy).
With the threefold knowledge of the future had from the Third Secret, from Pope John Paul II and from his own experience in the CDF, Pope Benedict now knew what he had to do. He knew Bergoglio wanted power and would be blinded by its offer. He took preparations to defend the Church with tradition and as the pressure built from the St Gallen Mafia, he crafted their defeat in secret. At the same time, he openly warned the faithful, that the Message of Fatima was about to be fulfilled (On May 13, 2010, saying “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete…”).
Benedict knew that removing the Lavender Mafia from the Vatican was key to defending the Church. But as court documents revealed, in the WikiLeaks controversy, as that effort led to the destruction of the careers of many sodomites, they moved against Benedict to have him removed. His Pontificate had removed hundreds perverts from the clergy.
As I have written before, there was in my estimation a formal attempt at a Coup d’etat (see report here). And this was actually put in motion, with the intent to effectively imprison Pope Benedict (see Report here). — The Conclave pact in 2005 among the warring factions of Ratzinger (Church) and Bergoglio (Anti-Church) also prepared the way (see report here). But, with their cause lost at that conclave, the St. Gallen Mafia would have to wait for Benedict to resign, because being old, he revealed that he was inclined to resign in a few years, anyhow. As he lingered on, however, their rage and impatience exploded.
The restoration of the Ancient Mass (July 7, 2007) and the expansion of the permissions for its use (April 30, 2011) caused a general outburst among the wicked clerics. I myself know this took place in the Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2011, because a Bishop who attended told me how Cardinals and Bishops stood up, one after another, and said the most vile things against Benedict. I also know personally, from the testimony of a Sicilian Businessman, who was in Shanghai, that the Cardinal of Palermo had warned that Benedict could die within a year from poor health. The St Gallen Controlled Media expanded this and reported it as if the Cardinal has said that Benedict had a year to live or else. That report was published around Feb. 11, 2012! (note the date)
Benedict’s Master Stroke
Pope Benedict XVI then played his master stroke. In the Summer of 2012 he indicated to Cardinal Bertone that he was going to resign. He discussed the matter with no one but his secretary Ganswein and a few others. I believe that he wrote the text of abdication in the Fall of 2012. I also postulate that he intentionally showed the Latin text (the invalid one) and a faulty German translation (which makes it appear the Latin is a valid formula) to members of the St Gallen Mafia, to obtain their consent to it. By that act he sealed their doom.
Because only one who was fluent in Latin and knowledgeable about Canon Law and who accepted the traditional metaphysics of the Church would be able to see that the resignation by that formula would be invalid. Ratzinger further prepared the ground by emphasizing for years before, that his favorite theologian was Saint Bonaventure. This caused scholars, like myself, to start studying St. Bonanveture’s Scholatic method for textual analysis of the signification of expressions, which is unparalleled among all the Doctors of the Church.
On Feb. 11, 2013, he read out-loud in Consistory the text of the invalid formula. On Feb. 28, 2013 he explained that he had resigned the “active ministry”. The St. Gallen Mafia spread the word of a valid resignation. The rest is history.
The only thing is, that Benedict began to give signs of the truth, not only for the sake of the Faithful, but to annoy the St Gallen Mafia. He kept wearing the papal cassock, retained the titles of Your Holiness and signed with PP. Benedictus XVI, and continued to give the papal blessing. He did these things to get faithful Catholics to examine the text of resignation and discover it was invalid. — He did this also, because, I believe, he was obeying Our Lady’s word at Fatima, in which She had revealed that there would come a time in which the Catholic world thought there were 2 popes, but only one of which was the true pope. The one who was the true Pope would continue to wear white, the other would usurp the office; and that the Anti-Church would attack the true Pope and the faithful gathered about him.
By an invalid resignation Pope Benedict has canonically invalidated everything Bergoglio has done, can do, and can ever do! Bergoglio is now an AntiPope because of the clever trick Benedict played on him. And Bergoglio is so entangled by this stratagem of Benedict that he cannot admit its existence, because if he does, he must give up his claim to the papacy.
If Benedict should die, then there will be no valid Successor of Saint Peter unless the pre-Bergoglian Cardinals meet in conclave within 20 days. Otherwise, as Pope John Paul II declares in the promulgation of Universi Dominici Gregis, at the end of the text, any action the Cardinal Electors take will be invalid. If they fail to do this, the Church will not be bereft of a pope, because, as Pope John Paul II taught in UDG’s prologue, the institution of the College is “not necessary for a valid election” of the Roman Pontiff: there is still the ancient Apostolic Law regarding the right of the Roman Church to elect the Pope.*
Benedict has defeated “Francis”!
Note: I wish to publicly apologize to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for anything I have said in criticism of him, since it was not until today that I understood what he had did and why he had done it, nor that as Pope he was acting for the good of the Church in the best and only way he could see to do, acting on the basis of the counsels of Our Lady and Pope John Paul II. — Finally, I entertain the possibility that some Cardinals know of this grand stratagem of Benedict and that is why they act so dumb when asked about the question of validity or invalidity of the resignation.
* The right of election will fall to those Catholics of the Diocese Rome, who recognize that Benedict always was the only true pope, and that Bergoglio was always and is only, and nothing more, an Antipope. See my Disputed Question on Defecting Cardinals, here.
1 year to the 450th Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto!
By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
President of Ordo Militaris Inc.
In 1 year, Christendom will celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the Victory of Catholic Forces over the forces of the Ottoman Turks, at the Battle of Lepanto: one of the most stupendous military victories in all of Christian history, and perhaps the most significant for the preservation of Christianity in Europe.
This Anniversary is very significant for our contemporaries, because Europe once again is existentially threatened by invasion and must confront similar questions about its future, as the Catholic Europe of the 16th century did.
The Ottoman Empire is no more. It was not only defeated at Lepanto by inferior Christian naval forces armed from above by the power of Our Lady’s Rosary, but it collapsed out of its own weight of internal corruption, becoming a thing hateful to the Turkish people itself.
But the idea of demographically exterminating Christians by mass invasion has not died out. It is now the agenda of agencies not only in the Islamic world but in the political sphere of Socialists who run most of Western Europe.
October 7, 2021 will be a historic day
The Catholic Armada of 1571 was composed of 3 main groups: the Fleets of the Kingdom of Espana, under the leadership of Don Juan of Austria, which set sail from Barcelona; the Fleets of Pope St Pius V, under the command Marcantonio Colonna, which set sail from the Papal States, and the Fleet of the Doge of Venice, under the command of Sebastiano Venera, which set sail from Venice.
These Fleets joined together at Messina, in Sicily, and set sail from there to Lepanto and to victory.
It is only fitting, then, that the 450th anniversary be celebrated in a special way both at Messina and at Lepanto.
Messina is leading the way
Messina has never forgotten the battle of Lepanto. Indeed, each summer they celebrate the Disembarking of Don Juan of Austria, during his stay at Messina, prior to heading out to Lepanto. This is not only because Messina is a devout Catholic City, but also because Sicily — the Island upon which one of its three corners, it dominates the straits of Calabria — was long ruled by the Spanish. Indeed, on the streets of Messina you can see many a youth who looks like a spitting image of the man from La Mancha or any red blooded Conquistador. And, near the Cathedral, one can still see the historic statue of Don Juan, facing in the direction of Lepanto (see image above).
But the City of Messina is leading in another way, since the newly elected mayor has appointed Prof. Vinenzo Coruso, artistic director of the Associazione Aurora, which organizes the annual festival, as the City’s new Assesore del Turismo, to organize the festivities for 2021.
I had occasion to make a brief visit to his offices at Messina, on January, 2, 2020, and am very much encouraged by the strong desire Messina has to celebrate the 450th anniversary. I pledged the support of Ordo Militaris Inc, and I invite the support of all the Members of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus to his holy work.
As you may know, the Order raises funds to help persecuted Christians and is organized through Ordo Militaris Inc. to sell stock to organize for their military defense. The corporation sells a historical reproduction of the Ensign of Marcantonio Colonna, the flag which was raised at noon, on October 7, 1521 to signal the opening of hostilities against the Turkish Fleet.
To get an idea of how important Messina holds the remembrance of Lepanto, watch these 2 videos in Italian.
Here is a video of the Celebrations at Messina in 2019
Here is another video produced by the Associazione Aurora, in 2016:
If you would like to work with Ordo Militaris, Inc. to organize a trip to Messina or a Cruise to Lepanto from Messina in October 2021, please leave a message in the comments below and I will contact you.
(I think the best Cruise possible would be to recruit a dozen or so experts on the Battle of Lepanto and make the trip a sort of Academic Convention as well as Religious Commemoration in honor of the fallen and of all the Catholic seamen and soldiers who fought there.)
I invite you to join me on a Crusade
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
When Catholics do nothing, wicked men are spurred to action.
We live in the most shameful of times, when the combined errors of Freemasonry, Marxism, Modernism, with the close collaboration of an Apostate Hierarchy (which has embraced Peking, Globalism and Sodomy has chosen to becomes preachers of deceit so as to lead the faithful away from Christ and charity for one another) are all marshaled against us and Jesus.
To remedy this, we must mobilize ourselves in the true army of Jesus Christ and come to the aid of one another.
And that is why I ask you to join me on a Crusade.
A Crusade of Charity for one of the most Catholic cities of the world: Beirut, Lebanon.
I say, one of the most Catholic cities of the world, because in it you can find the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in the 7 liturigical rites of the Catholic Church.
Beirut is also one of the most Ancient Catholic cities, having kept the Faith from the time of Jesus Christ until today, in communion with the Catholic Church (hat tip to the Maronites for this!)
But now the Masons and Islamists and Globalists are all vying to carve up Beirut for themselves.
I do not like to talk about such problems, and surely there are much higher motives to help our brothers and sisters in Christ. But it is nevertheless true that evil people abound, and we cannot ignore it.
You have Macron, the Rothschild puppet on the throne of France, you have the Globalist agents of UNICEF etc., you have the Islamic “Charities”, you have the Freemasonic Nations promising to rebuild that which they never built! — Not to mention the Marxists, Perverts, and other wackos who are rushing to remake Beirut and all Lebanon a creature of their own ungodliness.
When good men do nothing, wicked men prevail.
That is true.
And thus when Catholics do not come to the aide of Catholics, then evil men will come to their aid to exploit them.
For us Catholics who reject globalism and freemasonry and all the false caricatures of our Holy Religion, we have an obligation TO FIGHT BACK.
And this obligation does not only regard the use of military force, but also the use of social media.
And this is my point for today’s article.
I am NOT talking about a military crusade
I am talking about the problem on social media right now of the silence of Catholics about the catastrophe of Catholics of Beirut.
I THANK YOU who have helped by giving to the BEIRUT HUMANITARIAN FUND, already.
But now I ASK ALL OF YOU, whether you have given or not, to join in a Crusade of social media action on behalf of the Catholics of Beirut, by sharing news of the tragedy, and sharing links to the Catholic organizations which are responding.
And if you think the Beirut Humanitarian Relief Fund qualifies as one of those, share its link, here, with all you know! — Thank you!
I have recently updated that page with more information about the Fund, its goals and duration and ethical principles. I think you will see that it takes the moral high ground TO ALL OTHER RELIEF EFFORTS.
INTRO: A Catholic Political Catechism — Multilingual
di Frà Alexis Bugnolo
The English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Polish, Chinese, Russian and Japanese versions follow the Italian, here below. These are Deepl.com translations.
Non possiamo essere salvati se non facciamo la volontà di Dio. La volontà di Dio si distingue dalla volontà di Dio, in questo, che la volontà di Dio è in Dio, ma la volontà di Dio è la sua volontà per noi in questo mondo. La Volontà di Dio è Dio, la Natura Divina, il Potere Divino della Libertà Razionale. Ma la volontà di Dio per noi è la Sua decisione per noi, ciò che Egli vuole che facciamo e che vuole che realizziamo e realizziamo.
La volontà di Dio per tutte le creature razionali riguardo a ciò che Egli vuole che siamo e che realizziamo in ultima analisi è che veniamo a conoscere e ad amare se stessi e viviamo nella beatitudine eterna con Lui come suoi amici per tutta l’eternità.
Ma la volontà di Dio per tutte le creature razionali riguardo a come raggiungere questo obiettivo, riguarda tutto ciò che porta a questo obiettivo e aiuta a raggiungerlo.
Così, è la volontà di Dio che i figli nascano, affinché possano conoscerlo e amarlo. E per questo motivo, è la volontà di Dio per la maggior parte degli uomini e delle donne che si sposano e hanno figli.
Quindi, è anche la volontà di Dio che tutti i bambini ricevano una buona educazione nella vera Fede e in tutte le altre cose necessarie per realizzare la volontà di Dio per loro, come trovare lavoro, sposarsi e vivere secondo le verità che Dio ha rivelato, che sono la migliore guida per arrivare in Cielo.
Tutto questo avviene in questo mondo, e quindi la volontà di Dio per tutti noi tocca ciò che facciamo nella società umana e nei nostri rapporti con gli altri.
E poiché la volontà di Dio per noi presuppone l’esistenza di altri esseri umani e che in una certa misura in una parte della nostra vita viviamo in mezzo a loro – lo dico da eremita, perché non tutti sono chiamati a vivere in ogni momento in mezzo agli uomini – la volontà di Dio per ognuno di noi riguarda anche i nostri doveri verso l’intera società, la nostra nazione e il nostro governo.
Questo è il quadro generale. Per questo la volontà di Dio per noi comprende che noi facciamo il nostro dovere per quanto riguarda la nostra partecipazione alla vita politica. È sia la Sua volontà che lo Stato non sia idolatrato come un dio, sia quella di non frapporre ostacoli alla salvezza delle anime. È anche Sua volontà che lo Stato promuova la virtù e si opponga al vizio, perché ciò favorisce la salvezza di tutti.
Per questo è un grave errore ed eresia contro la volontà rivelata di Dio per gli uomini, che i cristiani si astengano dalla vita politica e permettano ai miscredenti di dominarli. San Tommaso d’Aquino è arrivato a dire che il fatto che i non cristiani governino i cristiani è una sorta di sacrilegio. Cioè una violazione del sacro diritto.
Ma è solo una violazione del sacro diritto, poiché è la volontà di Dio che ci assumiamo il dovere di far sì che i cristiani siano governati dai cristiani e dalle leggi cristiane.
Per questo il cristiano, in qualsiasi società si trovi, deve essere militante. Per alcuni questo significa diventare sacerdoti e religiosi, ma per la maggior parte di noi significa santificare l’ordine temporale con la partecipazione alla vita politica. E non in una qualsiasi vita politica, ma nella vita politica cattolica.
Cosa ne dite? Oggi non esiste una cosa del genere?
E sì, ha ragione, nella maggior parte dei Paesi non esiste un partito cattolico che sia veramente tale.
E quindi, lei ha il problema.
E questo è colpa di tutti nella Chiesa.
È colpa dei pastori e dei laici che hanno preferito soccombere o sottomettersi ad essere governati da non cristiani. E questo è un certo tipo di tradimento, così come è una sorta di sacrilegio certificato, come dice san Tommaso.
We cannot be saved if we do not do the will of God. The will of God is distinguished from the Will of God, in this, that The Will of God is in God, but the will of God is His will for us in this world. The Will of God is God, the Divine Nature, the Divine Power of Rational Liberty. But the will of God for us is His decision for us, what He wants us to do and accomplish and achieve.
The will of God for all rational creatures regarding what He wants us to be and achieve ultimately is that we come to know and love Himself and live in eternal blessedness with Him as His friends for all eternity.
But the will of God for all rational creatures regarding how to achieve that, regards all that leads to that goal and helps to achieve it.
Thus, it is the will of God that children be born, so that they might come to know Him and love Him. And for that reason, it is the will of God for most men and women that they marry and have children.
Hence, it is also the will of God that all children get a good education in the true Faith and in all other things necessary to achieve God’s will for them, such as finding work, marrying, and living according to the truths God has revealed, which are the best guide for arriving in Heaven.
All of this takes place in this world, and thus the will of God for all of us touches upon what we do in human society and in our relations with others.
And since God will for us presupposes the existence of other humans and that to some extent in some part of our lives we live among them — I say this as a hermit, for not all are called at all times to live among men — God’s will for each and everyone of us regards also our duties to the whole society, our nation, and our government.
This is the big picture. This is why God’s will for us includes that we do our duties in regards to our participation in political life. It is both His will that the State not be idolized as a god, and that it no throw up obstacles to the salvation of souls. It is likewise His will that the State promote virtue and oppose vice, for this is conducive to the salvation of all.
This is why it is a grave error and heresy against God’s revealed will for men, that Christians abstain from political life and allow unbelievers to rule over them. Saint Thomas Aquinas went so far as to say that that non-Christians govern Christians is a certain sort of sacrilege. That is, a violation of sacred right.
But it is only a violation of sacred right, since it is God’s will that we take up the duty of seeing that Christians are governed by Christians and by Christian laws.
This is why the Christian in whatever society he finds himself must be militant. For some this means becomes priests and religious, but for most of us it means sanctifying the temporal order by participation in political life. And not in just any kind of political life, but in Catholic political life.
What say you? There is no such thing today?
And yes, you are correct, in most countries there is no Catholic party which is truly such.
And thus, you have the problem.
And this is the fault of everyone in the Church.
It is the fault of shepherds and laymen who have preferred to succumb or submit to being ruled by non-Christians. And this is a certain sort of treachery, just as it is a certian sort of sacrilege, as Saint Thomas says.
No podemos ser salvados si no hacemos la voluntad de Dios. La voluntad de Dios se distingue de la voluntad de Dios, en que la voluntad de Dios está en Dios, pero la voluntad de Dios es su voluntad para nosotros en este mundo. La Voluntad de Dios es Dios, la Naturaleza Divina, el Poder Divino de la Liberdad Racional. Pero la voluntad de Dios para nosotros es Su decisión para nosotros, lo que Él quiere que hagamos y cumplamos y logremos.
La voluntad de Dios para todas las criaturas racionales con respecto a lo que Él quiere que seamos y lograr en última instancia es que lleguemos a conocer y a amarse a sí mismo y vivir en la bendición eterna con Él como sus amigos por toda la eternidad.
Pero la voluntad de Dios para todas las criaturas racionales con respecto a cómo lograrlo, considera todo lo que conduce a ese objetivo y ayuda a lograrlo.
Por lo tanto, es la voluntad de Dios que los niños nazcan, para que puedan llegar a conocerlo y amarlo. Y por esa razón, es la voluntad de Dios que la mayoría de los hombres y mujeres se casen y tengan hijos.
Por lo tanto, también es la voluntad de Dios que todos los niños reciban una buena educación en la verdadera Fe y en todas las demás cosas necesarias para lograr la voluntad de Dios para ellos, tales como encontrar trabajo, casarse y vivir de acuerdo a las verdades que Dios ha revelado, que son la mejor guía para llegar al Cielo.
Todo esto ocurre en este mundo, y así la voluntad de Dios para todos nosotros afecta a lo que hacemos en la sociedad humana y en nuestras relaciones con los demás.
Y como la voluntad de Dios para nosotros presupone la existencia de otros humanos y que en cierta medida en alguna parte de nuestra vida vivimos entre ellos -digo esto como un ermitaño, ya que no todos están llamados en todo momento a vivir entre los hombres- la voluntad de Dios para todos y cada uno de nosotros considera también nuestros deberes para con toda la sociedad, nuestra nación y nuestro gobierno.
Este es el panorama general. Por eso la voluntad de Dios para nosotros incluye que cumplamos con nuestros deberes en cuanto a nuestra participación en la vida política. Es su voluntad que el Estado no sea idolatrado como un dios, y que no ponga obstáculos a la salvación de las almas. También es su voluntad que el Estado promueva la virtud y se oponga al vicio, ya que esto conduce a la salvación de todos.
Por eso es un grave error y una herejía contra la voluntad revelada de Dios para los hombres, que los cristianos se abstengan de la vida política y permitan que los incrédulos gobiernen sobre ellos. Santo Tomás de Aquino llegó a decir que el hecho de que los no cristianos gobiernen a los cristianos es una especie de sacrilegio. Es decir, una violación del derecho sagrado.
Pero es sólo una violación del derecho sagrado, ya que es la voluntad de Dios que asumamos el deber de ver que los cristianos son gobernados por los cristianos y por las leyes cristianas.
Por eso el cristiano, en cualquier sociedad en la que se encuentre, debe ser militante. Para algunos esto significa convertirse en sacerdotes y religiosos, pero para la mayoría de nosotros significa santificar el orden temporal mediante la participación en la vida política. Y no en cualquier tipo de vida política, sino en la vida política católica.
¿Qué dice usted? ¿No existe tal cosa hoy en día?
Y sí, tiene usted razón, en la mayoría de los países no hay un partido católico que sea verdaderamente tal.
Y por lo tanto, usted tiene el problema.
Y esto es culpa de todos en la Iglesia.
Es culpa de los pastores y laicos que han preferido sucumbir o someterse a ser gobernados por no cristianos. Y esto es una cierta clase de traición, así como es una cierta clase de sacrilegio, como dice Santo Tomás.
Nous ne pouvons pas être sauvés si nous ne faisons pas la volonté de Dieu. La volonté de Dieu se distingue de la volonté de Dieu, en ceci que la volonté de Dieu est en Dieu, mais la volonté de Dieu est sa volonté pour nous dans ce monde. La Volonté de Dieu est Dieu, la Nature Divine, le Pouvoir Divin de la Liberté Rationnelle. Mais la volonté de Dieu pour nous est Sa décision pour nous, ce qu’Il veut que nous fassions, que nous accomplissions et que nous réalisions.
La volonté de Dieu pour toutes les créatures rationnelles concernant ce qu’Il veut que nous soyons et que nous accomplissions en fin de compte est que nous en venions à Le connaître et à L’aimer et que nous vivions dans la bénédiction éternelle avec Lui comme amis pour toute l’éternité.
Mais la volonté de Dieu pour toutes les créatures rationnelles quant à la manière d’y parvenir, concerne tout ce qui conduit à ce but et aide à l’atteindre.
Ainsi, c’est la volonté de Dieu que les enfants naissent, afin qu’ils puissent apprendre à Le connaître et à L’aimer. Et c’est pour cette raison que la volonté de Dieu est que la plupart des hommes et des femmes se marient et aient des enfants.
Par conséquent, c’est aussi la volonté de Dieu que tous les enfants reçoivent une bonne éducation dans la vraie Foi et dans toutes les autres choses nécessaires pour accomplir la volonté de Dieu pour eux, comme trouver du travail, se marier et vivre selon les vérités que Dieu a révélées, qui sont le meilleur guide pour arriver au Ciel.
Tout cela se passe dans ce monde, et donc la volonté de Dieu pour nous tous touche à ce que nous faisons dans la société humaine et dans nos relations avec les autres.
Et puisque la volonté de Dieu pour nous présuppose l’existence d’autres humains et que, dans une certaine mesure, nous vivons parmi eux pendant une partie de notre vie – je dis cela en ermite, car tous ne sont pas appelés à tout moment à vivre parmi les hommes – la volonté de Dieu pour chacun d’entre nous concerne également nos devoirs envers l’ensemble de la société, notre nation et notre gouvernement.
C’est là que se situe la situation dans son ensemble. C’est pourquoi la volonté de Dieu pour nous inclut que nous fassions nos devoirs en ce qui concerne notre participation à la vie politique. C’est à la fois Sa volonté que l’État ne soit pas idolâtré comme un dieu et qu’il ne fasse pas obstacle au salut des âmes. Il veut également que l’État promeuve la vertu et s’oppose au vice, car cela est propice au salut de tous.
C’est pourquoi c’est une grave erreur et une hérésie contre la volonté révélée de Dieu pour les hommes, que les chrétiens s’abstiennent de la vie politique et permettent aux incroyants de les dominer. Saint Thomas d’Aquin est allé jusqu’à dire que le fait que des non-chrétiens gouvernent les chrétiens est une certaine forme de sacrilège. C’est-à-dire une violation du droit sacré.
Mais ce n’est qu’une violation du droit sacré, puisque c’est la volonté de Dieu que nous assumions le devoir de veiller à ce que les chrétiens soient gouvernés par des chrétiens et par des lois chrétiennes.
C’est pourquoi le chrétien, quelle que soit la société dans laquelle il se trouve, doit être militant. Pour certains, cela signifie devenir prêtres et religieux, mais pour la plupart d’entre nous, cela signifie sanctifier l’ordre temporel par la participation à la vie politique. Et pas dans n’importe quel type de vie politique, mais dans la vie politique catholique.
Qu’en dites-vous ? Cela n’existe pas aujourd’hui ?
Et oui, vous avez raison, dans la plupart des pays, il n’y a pas de parti catholique qui soit vraiment tel.
Et donc, vous avez le problème.
Et c’est la faute de tout le monde dans l’Église.
C’est la faute des bergers et des laïcs qui ont préféré succomber ou se soumettre à la domination des non-chrétiens. Et c’est une certaine forme de trahison, tout comme c’est une sorte de sacrilège, comme le dit saint Thomas.
Wir können nicht gerettet werden, wenn wir nicht den Willen Gottes tun. Der Wille Gottes unterscheidet sich vom Willen Gottes darin, dass der Wille Gottes in Gott ist, aber der Wille Gottes sein Wille für uns in dieser Welt ist. Der Wille Gottes ist Gott, die göttliche Natur, die göttliche Kraft der rationalen Freiheit. Aber der Wille Gottes für uns ist Seine Entscheidung für uns, was Er will, dass wir tun und vollbringen und erreichen.
Der Wille Gottes für alle vernunftbegabten Geschöpfe hinsichtlich dessen, was Er will, dass wir sein und erreichen sollen, besteht letztlich darin, dass wir Ihn kennen und lieben lernen und in ewiger Seligkeit mit Ihm als seinen Freunden in alle Ewigkeit leben.
Aber der Wille Gottes für alle vernunftbegabten Geschöpfe in Bezug auf die Art und Weise, wie dies zu erreichen ist, betrifft alles, was zu diesem Ziel führt und hilft, es zu erreichen.
So ist es der Wille Gottes, dass Kinder geboren werden, damit sie Ihn kennen und lieben lernen. Und aus diesem Grund ist es der Wille Gottes für die meisten Männer und Frauen, dass sie heiraten und Kinder bekommen.
Daher ist es auch Gottes Wille, dass alle Kinder eine gute Ausbildung im wahren Glauben und in allen anderen Dingen erhalten, die notwendig sind, um Gottes Willen für sie zu erreichen, wie z.B. Arbeit zu finden, zu heiraten und nach den Wahrheiten zu leben, die Gott offenbart hat und die der beste Wegweiser sind, um in den Himmel zu kommen.
All dies findet in dieser Welt statt, und so berührt der Wille Gottes für uns alle das, was wir in der menschlichen Gesellschaft und in unseren Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen tun.
Und da Gottes Wille für uns die Existenz anderer Menschen voraussetzt und dass wir in gewissem Maße in einem Teil unseres Lebens unter ihnen leben – ich sage das als Einsiedler, denn nicht alle sind zu jeder Zeit berufen, unter den Menschen zu leben -, betrifft Gottes Wille für jeden von uns auch unsere Pflichten gegenüber der gesamten Gesellschaft, unserer Nation und unserer Regierung.
Das ist das große Ganze. Deshalb schließt Gottes Wille für uns ein, dass wir unsere Pflichten im Hinblick auf unsere Teilnahme am politischen Leben erfüllen. Es ist sowohl Sein Wille, dass der Staat nicht als Gott vergöttert wird, als auch, dass er der Rettung der Seelen keine Hindernisse in den Weg legt. Ebenso ist es Sein Wille, dass der Staat die Tugend fördert und sich dem Laster entgegenstellt, denn dies ist dem Heil aller förderlich.
Deshalb ist es ein schwerer Irrtum und eine Häresie gegen Gottes geoffenbarten Willen für die Menschen, dass Christen sich des politischen Lebens enthalten und Ungläubigen erlauben, über sie zu herrschen. Der heilige Thomas von Aquin ging so weit zu sagen, dass es eine Art Sakrileg sei, dass Nichtchristen Christen regieren. Das heißt, eine Verletzung des heiligen Rechts.
Aber es ist nur eine Verletzung des heiligen Rechts, denn es ist Gottes Wille, dass wir die Pflicht übernehmen, dafür zu sorgen, dass Christen von Christen und von christlichen Gesetzen regiert werden.
Deshalb muss der Christ, in welcher Gesellschaft auch immer er sich befindet, kämpferisch sein. Für einige bedeutet dies, Priester und Ordensleute zu werden, aber für die meisten von uns bedeutet es, die zeitliche Ordnung durch Teilnahme am politischen Leben zu heiligen. Und zwar nicht in irgendeiner Art von politischem Leben, sondern im katholischen politischen Leben.
Was sagen Sie dazu? Gibt es so etwas heute nicht mehr?
Und ja, Sie haben Recht, in den meisten Ländern gibt es keine katholische Partei, die wirklich eine solche ist.
Und damit haben Sie das Problem.
Und das ist die Schuld aller in der Kirche.
Es ist die Schuld der Hirten und Laien, die es vorgezogen haben, zu erliegen oder sich der Herrschaft von Nichtchristen zu unterwerfen. Und das ist eine gewisse Art von Verrat, genauso wie es eine sichere Art von Sakrileg ist, wie der heilige Thomas sagt.
Nie możemy być zbawieni, jeśli nie wykonujemy woli Bożej. Wola Boża różni się od woli Bożej, w tym, że wola Boża jest w Bogu, ale wola Boża jest Jego wolą dla nas na tym świecie. Wolą Bożą jest Bóg, Boska natura, Boska moc racjonalnej wolności. Ale wolą Bożą jest dla nas Jego decyzja, co chce, abyśmy robili, osiągali i osiągali.
Wolą Bożą dla wszystkich racjonalnych stworzeń w odniesieniu do tego, czym chce, abyśmy byli i osiągnęli ostatecznie, jest to, abyśmy poznali i pokochali samego siebie i żyli w wiecznym błogosławieństwie z Nim jako Jego przyjaciele na całą wieczność.
Ale wola Boża dla wszystkich rozumnych stworzeń co do tego, jak to osiągnąć, dotyczy wszystkiego, co prowadzi do tego celu i pomaga go osiągnąć.
Tak więc, jest to wola Boża, aby dzieci narodzić się, aby mogli Go poznać i kochać. Z tego powodu, wolą Bożą większości mężczyzn i kobiet jest, aby poślubili i mieli dzieci.
Stąd też wolą Bożą jest, aby wszystkie dzieci otrzymywały dobre wykształcenie w prawdziwej wierze i we wszystkich innych rzeczach niezbędnych do osiągnięcia woli Bożej dla nich, takich jak znalezienie pracy, zawarcie małżeństwa i życie według prawd objawionych przez Boga, które są najlepszym przewodnikiem dla przybycia do nieba.
Wszystko to dzieje się na tym świecie, a zatem wola Boża dla nas wszystkich dotyczy tego, co robimy w społeczeństwie ludzkim i w naszych relacjach z innymi.
A ponieważ wola Boża dla nas zakłada istnienie innych ludzi i do pewnego stopnia w jakiejś części naszego życia żyjemy wśród nich – mówię to jako pustelnik, ponieważ nie wszyscy są powołani do życia wśród ludzi – wola Boża dla każdego z nas dotyczy także naszych obowiązków wobec całego społeczeństwa, naszego narodu i naszego rządu.
To jest wielki obraz sytuacji. Dlatego wola Boża dla nas obejmuje również to, że wykonujemy nasze obowiązki w odniesieniu do naszego udziału w życiu politycznym. Jest to zarówno Jego wola, aby państwo nie było zbezczeszczone jako bóg, jak i aby nie rzucało przeszkód dla zbawienia dusz. Podobnie Jego wolą jest, aby Państwo promowało cnoty i sprzeciwiało się wadom, gdyż sprzyja to zbawieniu wszystkich.
Dlatego też jest poważnym błędem i herezją przeciwko objawionej woli Bożej dla ludzi, aby chrześcijanie wstrzymywali się od życia politycznego i pozwalali, aby rządzili nimi niewierni. Tomasz z Akwinu posunął się aż do stwierdzenia, że to, że chrześcijanie nie-chrześcijanie rządzą, jest pewnym rodzajem świętokradztwa. To znaczy, naruszenie świętego prawa.
Jest to jednak tylko pogwałcenie świętego prawa, ponieważ wolą Bożą jest, byśmy podjęli obowiązek dopilnowania, by chrześcijanie rządzili się chrześcijanami i chrześcijańskimi prawami.
Dlatego właśnie chrześcijanin w każdym społeczeństwie, w którym się znajdzie, musi być bojownikiem. Dla niektórych oznacza to, że stają się kapłanami i zakonnikami, ale dla większości z nas oznacza to uświęcenie doczesnego porządku poprzez uczestnictwo w życiu politycznym. I to nie tylko w każdym rodzaju życia politycznego, ale w katolickim życiu politycznym.
Co ty na to? Nie ma czegoś takiego dzisiaj?
I tak, ma pan rację, w większości krajów nie ma partii katolickiej, która jest naprawdę taka.
I tak, ma pan problem.
I to jest wina wszystkich w Kościele.
Jest to wina pasterzy i świeckich, którzy woleli poddać się lub poddać się władzy niechrześcijan. I jest to pewien rodzaj zdrady, tak jak jest to pewny rodzaj świętokradztwa, jak mówi święty Tomasz.
Não podemos ser salvos se não fizermos a vontade de Deus. A vontade de Deus distingue-se da vontade de Deus, nisto, que a vontade de Deus está em Deus, mas a vontade de Deus é a Sua vontade para nós neste mundo. A vontade de Deus é Deus, a Natureza Divina, o Poder Divino da Liberdade Racional. Mas a vontade de Deus para nós é a Sua decisão para nós, o que Ele quer que façamos e realizemos e alcancemos.
A vontade de Deus para todas as criaturas racionais em relação ao que Ele quer que sejamos e alcancemos, em última análise, é que nos conheçamos e nos amemos a Ele mesmo e vivamos em eterna bem-aventurança com Ele como Seus amigos por toda a eternidade.
Mas a vontade de Deus para todas as criaturas racionais sobre como alcançar isso, diz respeito a tudo o que leva a esse objetivo e ajuda a alcançá-lo.
Assim, é a vontade de Deus que nasçam crianças, para que elas possam vir a conhecê-lo e amá-lo. E por essa razão, é a vontade de Deus para a maioria dos homens e mulheres que eles se casem e tenham filhos.
Portanto, é também a vontade de Deus que todas as crianças recebam uma boa educação na verdadeira Fé e em todas as outras coisas necessárias para alcançar a vontade de Deus para elas, como encontrar trabalho, casar e viver de acordo com as verdades que Deus revelou, que são o melhor guia para chegar ao Céu.
Tudo isto tem lugar neste mundo e, portanto, a vontade de Deus para todos nós toca no que fazemos na sociedade humana e nas nossas relações com os outros.
E como a vontade de Deus para nós pressupõe a existência de outros seres humanos e que, em certa medida, em alguma parte da nossa vida vivemos entre eles – digo isto como um eremita, pois nem todos são chamados a viver em todos os momentos entre os homens – a vontade de Deus para cada um de nós considera também os nossos deveres para com toda a sociedade, a nossa nação e o nosso governo.
Este é o quadro geral. É por isso que a vontade de Deus para nós inclui que cumpramos os nossos deveres no que diz respeito à nossa participação na vida política. É Sua vontade que o Estado não seja idolatrado como um deus e que não levante obstáculos à salvação das almas. É também a Sua vontade que o Estado promova a virtude e se oponha ao vício, pois isso é propício à salvação de todos.
É por isso que é um grave erro e heresia contra a vontade revelada de Deus para os homens, que os cristãos se abstenham da vida política e permitam que os incrédulos governem sobre eles. São Tomás de Aquino chegou ao ponto de dizer que os não-cristãos governam os cristãos é um certo tipo de sacrilégio. Isto é, uma violação do direito sagrado.
Mas é apenas uma violação do direito sagrado, uma vez que é a vontade de Deus que assumamos o dever de ver os cristãos serem governados por cristãos e pelas leis cristãs.
É por isso que o cristão, em qualquer sociedade em que se encontre, deve ser militante. Para alguns isto significa tornar-se sacerdote e religioso, mas para a maioria de nós significa santificar a ordem temporal através da participação na vida política. E não em qualquer tipo de vida política, mas na vida política católica.
O que dizem? Não existe tal coisa hoje em dia?
E sim, tem razão, na maioria dos países não existe um partido católico que seja verdadeiramente assim.
E, por conseguinte, o problema é vosso.
E isto é culpa de todos os membros da Igreja.
É culpa de pastores e leigos que preferiram sucumbir ou submeter-se a ser governados por não-cristãos. E isto é uma certa traição, tal como é uma espécie de sacrilégio certão, como diz São Tomás de Aquino.
既然上帝对我们的旨意是以其他人类的存在为前提,而且在我们生活的某一阶段,我们生活在他们中间 — — 我是以一个隐士的身份说的,因为并不是所有的人都是被呼召来生活在人与人之间的 — — 上帝对我们每一个人的旨意也是对我们对整个社会、国家和政府的责任。
这就是为什么基督徒无论在什么社会中,都必须激进的原因。对有些人来说,这意味着成为牧师和宗教人士,但对我们大多数人来说,这意味着通过参与政治生活,使世俗的秩序成圣。而且不只是参与任何一种政治生活, 而是参与天主教的政治生活。
这是牧羊人和信徒的错,他们宁愿屈服或服从于非基督徒的统治。而这是一种背叛, 就像圣托马斯说的那样,这是一种亵渎。
Мы не можем спастись, если не будем исполнять волю Божью. Воля Божья отличается от воли Божьей тем, что воля Божья есть в Боге, но воля Божья есть воля Его для нас в этом мире. Воля Божья – это Бог, Божественная Природа, Божественная Сила Рациональной Свободы. Но воля Божья для нас – это Его решение, то, что Он хочет, чтобы мы делали, делали и достигали.
Воля Божья для всех разумных созданий относительно того, кем Он хочет, чтобы мы были и в конечном итоге достигли, заключается в том, чтобы мы познали и полюбили Его и жили с Ним в вечном блаженстве, как с Его друзьями на всю вечность.
Но воля Божья для всех рациональных созданий относительно того, как этого достичь, касается всего, что ведет к этой цели и помогает в ее достижении.
Таким образом, это воля Божья, чтобы дети родились, чтобы они познали Его и полюбили Его. И поэтому воля Божья для большинства мужчин и женщин – это воля Божья, чтобы они вышли замуж и имели детей.
Следовательно, это также и воля Божья, чтобы все дети получили хорошее образование в истинной Вере и во всех других вещах, необходимых для достижения воли Божией для них, таких как поиск работы, женитьба и жизнь по истинам, которые Бог открыл, и которые являются лучшим проводником для прихода на Небеса.
Все это происходит в этом мире, и, таким образом, воля Бога для всех нас затрагивает то, что мы делаем в человеческом обществе и в наших отношениях с другими людьми.
И поскольку воля Божья для нас предполагает существование других людей и то, что мы в какой-то мере в какой-то части своей жизни живем среди них – я говорю это как отшельник, ибо не все в любое время призваны жить среди людей – воля Божья для каждого из нас касается и наших обязанностей перед всем обществом, нашим народом, нашим правительством.
Такова общая картина. Поэтому воля Божья для нас включает в себя то, что мы выполняем свои обязанности в отношении нашего участия в политической жизни. Это и Его воля, чтобы государство не было идолопоклонено как бог, и чтобы оно не бросало препятствий на пути спасения душ. Его воля также заключается в том, чтобы государство поощряло добродетель и выступало против порока, ибо это способствует всеобщему спасению.
Вот почему для людей большая ошибка и ересь против явленной воли Божьей, чтобы христиане воздерживались от политической жизни и позволяли неверующим господствовать над ними. Святой Фома Аквинский зашел настолько далеко, что сказал, что нехристиане управляют христианами – это своего рода кощунство. То есть, нарушение священного права.
Но это только нарушение священного права, потому что по воле Божьей мы берем на себя обязанность видеть, что христиане управляются христианами и христианскими законами.
Вот почему христианин, в каком бы обществе он ни находился, должен быть воинственным. Для некоторых это означает стать священниками и религиозными, но для большинства из нас это означает освящение мирского порядка посредством участия в политической жизни. И не только в любой политической жизни, но и в католической политической жизни.
Что скажете? Сегодня такого нет?
И да, вы правы, в большинстве стран нет ни одной католической партии, которая бы действительно была такой.
И таким образом, у вас есть проблема.
И в этом виноваты все в Церкви.
Это вина пастухов и мирян, которые предпочли поддаться или подчиниться нехристианам. И это определенное предательство, так же, как это определенное кощунство, как говорит святой Фома.
これが、どのような社会にあっても、クリスチャンが過激にならなければならない理由です。ある人にとっては、これは司祭や宗教者になることを意味しますが、ほとんどの人にとっては、政治生活に参加することによって、現世の秩序を聖化することを意味します。政治的生活に参加するのではなく カトリックの政治的生活に参加することを意味します
BREAKING: Call for International Inquest into Vatican Corruption
French Translation : Spanish Translation : Italian Translation
ROME – Feb. 28, 2020: A group of Catholics, today, has issued a call to convene an international investigation into Vatican Corruption by all the Bishops of the Catholic Church “on account of the manifest grave disorder in the organs of the Apostolic See”.
The effort is calling for a international inquest at which the evidence for each charge will be presented by a committee of legal scholars to an informal panel of jurors, who will be comprised of Bishops of the Catholic Church. The goal of the inquest will be to ask the Bishop jurors to judge whether the cases presented are actionable and whether it is now useful for the good of the Church that the College of Bishops meet to hear the cases.
The Press Release invites both legal scholars and Catholic Bishops to participate. All interested parties are to contact the chairman of the committee.
The group’s official press release (see below) cites the precedent of the Council of Constance, held at the beginning of the 15th Century, wherein 2 Popes resigned to end the Western Schism. Among the charges to be brought are whether the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI by means of the Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013 separated him from the Office; whether the Conclave of 2013 was legitimate; and whether Jorge Mario Bergoglio has separated himself from the Church by pertinacious manifest heresy, apostasy and or schism. This last charge, regarding schism, appears directed at the so called Vatican Accord with China, which has betrayed 30 million Catholics to the predations of that regime.
All contacts about this matter are to be made through the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Brian Murphy of God’s Plan for Life.
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Original at: http://godsplanforlife.org/pastoral/press_release.html
+ + +
Press Release of the Organizing Committee
February 28, 2020
In accord with the right of all the faithful in the Catholic Church, as expressed in Canon 212 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, we cordially invite the Legal Scholars and Bishops of the Catholic Church to attend an Inquest on Corruption in the Vatican, so that there may be presented in canonical form a libellus of complaints about grave canonical irregularities in the functioning of the Apostolic See, for which, in accord with the teaching of Robert Bellarmine, when the See is impeded by a real positive doubt as to the legal claim to the title of the papacy by any claimant, it is the duty of the Bishops to intervene (Bellarmine, De Concilio, II, 19), as they did at the Holy Sacrosanct and Ecumenical Council of Constance.
We invite legal scholars to participate in a Committee of preparation for the International Inquest at which, we invite members of the College of Apostles, whether Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, or emeriti to participate.
The goal of the inquest is merely to give a public evaluation of the evidence and charges as to whether it would be suitable and useful for the College of Bishops to convene together to hear the cases and judge what is to be done to urge their correction and amendment.
The Committee does not propose, by this Inquest, that the Roman Pontiff be judged, since the first see can be judged by no one (canon 1404), but rather, in accord with the established precedent — that the College of Bishops has the right to judge the claim of any man to hold the office of the Roman Pontiff in cases of disputed elections, loss of office by heresy, and invalid renunciations — that the College of Bishops now act on account of the manifest grave disorder in the organs of the Apostolic See.
Date of Inquest: to be determined, in Second or Third Quarter of 2020
Location: to be determined
Organized by
the Committee for the International Inquest
Brian Murphy, PhD, Committee Chairman
and President of God’s Plan For Life, CA, USA
Br. Alexis Bugnolo, B.A. Cultural Anthropology,
President Ordo Militaris Inc., USA
Eric Mayoral, B.A., USA
Sean Hyland, B.A., Germany
Fr. Walter Covens, Martinique
Committee Contact: Brian Murphy
CREDITS: The Featured Image of the Vatican from the Via della Conciliazione is by FromRome.Info.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: the glory and vocation of the Celibate priesthood
By Joseph M. Hanneman
Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen could not recall a time in his life when he did not want to be a priest. At his First Communion, he prayed that one day he would be ordained to the priesthood. That day came in September 1919, when the 24-year-old son of Newton and Delia Sheen was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, USA.
Sheen would become a towering figure in the Catholic Church in the 20th century, known to millions as a brilliant orator, a master teacher of the faith on television and radio, in many dozens of books, and from the pulpit. But for more than 60 years, Sheen was first, foremost and always a priest. His priesthood was more than a vocation, more than life’s work, and even beyond his identity. It was his essence, lifeblood; indeed his very nature. Or, as he often described it, Christ’s nature dwelling in him.
Sheen wrote and spoke often about the priesthood. He gave many retreats later in life to remind his brother priests who and what they truly are. Even more than 40 years after his death, Sheen’s teachings stand as a faithful sentinel against modernist wishes to “reform” the priesthood by dispatching with celibacy and even changing the all-male nature of the priesthood. It is easy to imagine him today before a podium and microphone, explaining in stirring tones and rich voice why Our Blessed Lord made the holy priesthood as He did. It’s easy because he gave those talks and wrote passionate words about his vocation and his life in persona Christi.
Celibacy and masculinity are the very defining characteristics of the Catholic priesthood, Sheen said.
Alter Christus; Ambassadors of Christ
Sheen emphasized that priests were ambassadors of Jesus Christ and alter Christus, “other Christs,” who are “dispensers of the mysteries of God.” The role and essential characteristics of the priesthood come from Christ Himself, Sheen said; meaning to attempt to change or modify them would be to oppose God’s divine plan. Christ calls the priest, makes the priest and provides the grace for him to completely offer himself as priest and victim.
“This is the way he continues the priesthood of Our Blessed Lord,” Sheen said in his talk, “Holy Orders.”1 “Our Lord was not a priest because He was eternally begotten by the Father. Our Lord was a priest because He had a human nature, which He could offer up for our salvation. And so we too, continuing that priesthood, are something like Jacob’s Ladder — it reaches up to the heavens and yet at the same time it is placed on the earth. Therefore every priest is a kind of another Christ, having vertical relations to Christ and Heaven and horizontal relations to men on earth.”
What Sheen described across the many decades of his ministry is a beautiful, divinely appointed plan under which ordained men continue Christ’s saving work as his priests, and a woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary, represents the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. “Mary at the foot of the Cross was the symbol of the Church,” he said. “Our Lord on the Cross was the New Adam. She was the New Eve.”2 Writing in his book The Priest Is Not His Own, Sheen continued: “The priest first gives up the earthly love of a woman, as Mary gave up the earthly love of a man. His ‘I have no knowledge of woman’ balances her ‘I have no knowledge of man’ ” (Luke 1:34).3
Total Gift of Self
In his many retreats for priests and bishops, Sheen often said that priestly celibacy is misunderstood as an undue burden; a cruel cross that is unfairly forced upon priests. Rather, celibacy is a gift from Christ to His priests. That gift comes with the supernatural grace to maintain and protect it. “For anyone to say that Christ was forced on us is just as false as to say that any gift such as celibacy is forced on us,” Sheen said. “It is not man’s gift to God, it is God’s gift to man.”4
Celibacy, Sheen said during one retreat, is a treasure the the Blessed Lord keeps in “pots of earthenware.” The earthenware pots “have received a gift. A gift: celibacy. That is the way Our Lord describes it, as a gift. That is the way the Vatican council describes it. Celibacy is a gift that is given to some men. He gave it to us. We did not offer celibacy, we received it. And as long as we remain close to Him, we will have it and keep it.”5
Because it comes from God, celibacy is not an impossibility for priests, Sheen said. It is one of three so-called “impossibles” mentioned in the Gospels. One is the Virgin Birth. The second is poverty, shown by the rich man who went away sad because Christ called him to donate all of his possessions and follow Him. The third was celibacy, which Christ described when discussing the types of eunuchs.
In Sheen’s autobiography, Treasure in Clay, he quotes Christ: “ ‘There are eunuchs born that way from their mother’s womb. There are eunuchs made by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves that way.’ Then He spoke of celibates who do not marry ‘for the sake of the Kingdom of God,’ finally giving away the secret of how men could be celibate. He called it a gift. He said that celibacy is not for everyone. It is only for those who receive from Him this gift. It is ‘only for those to whom it is granted. Let anyone accept this who can.’ ”6
In his magnum opus Life of Christ, Sheen wrote that when Jesus recommended celibacy, the disciples objected to the severity of the teaching because they feared it would dissuade men from entering marriage. “His answer shows that they understood His meaning. Their error was in failing to realize to what sacrificial heights He would summon men for the sake of His Kingdom.”7
In his priest retreat, “Restoring the Vineyard,” Sheen asked, “Why was the Lord, why was He a celibate? And why does he ask us? He asks in order that we might be able to make a totally committed love without division and without compromise. Just to be totally His.”8
The gift of self by priests is manifested in part through being in service at all times, day and night. “There is no such thing as saying at the end of a day, ‘Well I’ve done my duty for the day.’ Rather, Our Lord said we have to call ourselves unprofitable servants. …Labor union rules are not sufficient for us. We belong to a different union, where love, not hours, is the standard. When we think of all Our Lord has done for us, we really can never do enough. The word ‘enough’ does not exist in love’s vocabulary.”9
The limits demanded by celibacy are among the distinguishing characteristics by which the priesthood can be identified, Sheen said. “How do you know the identity of Honolulu? How do you know the identity of the Philippines? How do we know the identity of the state of New York? How do we know the identity of a football field? By its boundaries. By its limits.”10
Fire or Diamonds?
Sheen said the key is for priests to be so closely conformed to Christ as to take on His nature and imitate Him. “Celibacy is hardest when we fall out of love with Christ,” Sheen wrote. “Then it becomes a great burden. Once we priests put celibacy in the context of the Church and discuss its history, its sociology and the like, there is a groaning under the burden. Once we see it in relation to Christ, then it is less a problem and more a matter of love. Celibacy as an ecclesiastical law is hard. Celibacy as a question of discipleship is hard too, but bearable and joyful.”11
Sheen always implored priests to make a daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, a practice he carried out every day of his priesthood (nearly 22,000 Holy Hours). Any priest who does this, he said, would not be lost. “I could draw a curve of my own life … my attitude toward celibacy would be seen always in direct relationship to my personal love of Christ. Once our passions cease to burn for Him, they begin to burn toward creatures. Celibacy is not the absence of passion; it is rather the intensity of a passion.”12
Sheen cited two men who gave up love of a woman for community ideals: Gandhi, who did so for the “untouchables” in India’s caste social system, and former United Nations Secretary Dag Hammarskjöld, who practiced celibacy for world peace. Unknowingly, Sheen wrote, these men were saying the same thing as St. Paul: “An unmarried man can devote himself to the Lord’s affairs. All he need worry about is pleasing the Lord. But a married man has to bother about the world’s affairs and devote himself to pleasing his wife. He’s torn in two ways” (1 Cor 7:32-34).13
“If a man gives up freedom for a woman he loves, then it is also possible for a man to give up a woman for Christ,” Sheen wrote. “Love in the service of celibacy rises and falls with the love of Him. Once Christ becomes less regnant in human hearts, something has to take over to fill the vacuum.”14
Christ on the Cross and in the Eucharist are the touchstones on the question of celibacy, he said, underscoring the need for the daily Holy Hour. “The more we fall away from response to that gift, the less we want to look at a crucifix, the less we want to visit the Lord in His Sacrament. We become like the man who crosses the street when he sees a bill collector on the other side. The Cross, therefore, is where Heaven and hell meet. It is a hell when we see the part we have played in His Crucifixion by our infidelity. It is Heaven when we remain faithful, or when we fly again to His feet for pardon.”15
The sex drive can be transformed, Sheen said, with a focus on Christ’s presence dwelling in His priests. “Carbon may either become fire or it may become a diamond. The libido may be spent or it may be harbored. It may seek unity with another person without, but it may also seek unity with another person within, namely God. …So celibacy is not just the renouncing of the person outside but a concentration on the person inside. God is not out there. He is in us: ‘I will abide in you and you will abide in Me.’ Celibacy is a transformer which multiplies an energy within to concentrate entirely on Christ Who lives in the soul.”16
Priests are imitating Christ, carrying a cross to prolong His redemption, Sheen said. The more closely they follow Christ, all the easier to be His. “If I belong to the new humanity which was born originally of a Virgin, why should I not live in exclusivity for the Master? I never felt? I gave up love in taking the vow of celibacy; I just chose a higher love.”17
Priestly celibacy and marriage are both honorable vocations, but should not be compared like some competing ideals, Sheen said. “…It is like arguing about the relative perfection of the right leg over the left. Both want God, and the degree of possession does not depend upon the state of life, but on the degree of response to the grace that God gives. The celibate is working for the Kingdom of God by ‘begetting children in Christ’ in baptism; the married by having children through the profound unity of two in one flesh. God has two kinds of lovers — those who go directly to the ultimate, such as the celibate, and those who go mediately through marriage.”18
The begetting of children in Christ, Sheen wrote, is a higher form of generation that uses the energy that would otherwise serve the flesh and transforms it into chaste generation of the Spirit. “What a blessed life is ours. What a beautiful role celibacy plays when it facilitates a higher kind of generation, when it inspires the priest to imitate the Father in begetting The Word, to imitate the Christ who begot us in the Spirit as alter Christus.”19
Priests must so closely conform themselves to Christ, Sheen said, that they are not mere followers or servants, but douloi — slaves. The Greek word doulos (δοῦλος) is used nearly 50 times in the New Testament to refer to Christ. “How then do we really become true liberators?” Sheen asked in one retreat for priests. “When do we begin to be effective at liberating souls from evil, having power over nature? Now here comes the paradox of Christianity. By being slaves. Slaves of Christ. That’s what we are. The douloi of the Good Lord.”20
That work, Sheen said, is to liberate people from evil, not to liberate them from morality, family life, the Church or the Commandments. “ ‘Thanks be to God, who continually leads us about, captives in his triumphal procession.’ That’s what we are. Captives in Christ’s triumphant procession. ‘And everywhere uses us to reveal and spread abroad the fragrance of the knowledge of Himself’ ” (2 Cor 2:14-15).
“So that is what we are. The secret is out,” Sheen said. “Christ has won the battle; only the news has not yet leaked out. And we, we are slaves in Christ’s triumphal procession.”21
Priesthood and Nuptials
Sheen said the idea of women as priests comes from a fundamental misunderstanding not only of the priesthood, but God’s divine plan.
“Mary was not a priest. If her Divine Son wanted women to be priests, He would have made His own mother a priest. The woman is a symbol of the Church.”22
The key to the all-male priesthood is found in Scripture’s many references to marriage nuptials, Sheen said. “Why in the divine, biblical order can they (women) not be priests? Is it because we want a monopoly on it? Certainly not. It is because the whole divine order is based on nuptials. Creation began with nuptials —the nuptials of man and woman in the Garden of Eden. Then there came the nuptials of Israel and God. In the prophet Hosea we read, ‘I, your Creator am your husband.’ See how the natural and the divine order are linked together?”23
In the Old Testament, God tells Hosea to marry a harlot. Despite her unfaithfulness to Hosea, God tells the husband to take her back. “She is the symbol of Israel,” Sheen said. “ ‘Israel is my bride.’ Unfaithful. Disloyal. Disobedient. But I will always love Israel.”
In the new order, Sheen said, we have not just the nuptials of man and woman, “but the nuptials of divinity and humanity in the Incarnation of Our Blessed Lord. Then on the Cross we have the nuptials of God-man and the New Israel, which is the Church. And out of this marriage, a bridegroom and bride on the Cross, the New Adam and the New Eve, there begins the new progeny. John the firstborn. Then it multiplies at Pentecost and it has been multiplying ever since. So nuptials becomes the foundation of the covenant order. God continues it.”24
Christ referred to the woman who touched the hem of his cloak and was healed “my daughter” (Matt 9:20). He called the apostles “my children.”
“There are other ways of begetting,” Sheen said in his talk, “Pots of Earthenware.” “The Word is the seed. The seed is The Word. And The Word gives the seed to the earth, The Word gives the seed to the Church. Every time we mount the pulpit, The Word is the seed. Man gives the seed. The woman receives the seed. She fecundates it, nourishes it, brings it to life, educates it, caresses it, loves it, so that in the new order we have Christ and His Bride, the Church.
“Now those who want women to become priests no longer want the bridegroom Christ to have a bride. Should not they be proud of the fact that they symbolize the bride, which is the Church? As we have to be proud of symbolizing Christ Himself, and the Church is the ecclesial Body of Christ.”25
After 60 years and nearly three months of priesthood, Sheen died while making his Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, just one day after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception in December 1979.
“We cannot live without love,” Sheen once said, “and if we’re in love with Him, oh he provides the means. We have all the joys of another kind of love, that love that leaves all other love a pain; the unpossessed that makes possession vain.”26
1 Sheen, Fulton J., 12:24 mark, “Lesson 35: Holy Orders,” The Sheen Catechism: Fulton Sheen Audio Library, FultonSheen.com and CatholicVault.com. Sheen’s audio talks are available in various other places on the internet.
2 Sheen, Fulton J., “Mary and the Mass,” Various Topics: Fulton Sheen Audio Library, FultonSheen.com and CatholicVault.com. Sheen’s audio talks are available in various other places on the internet.
3 Sheen, Fulton J., The Priest is Not His Own, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2004), location 3885 of 3996, Kindle version, Amazon.com.
4 Sheen, Fulton J., Treasure in Clay: the Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen, (New York: Image Books/Doubleday, 1980); Page 211, Kindle version at Amazon.com.
5 Sheen, Fulton J., “Pots of Earthenware,” Prayer, Suffering and the Spiritual Life: Fulton Sheen Audio Library, FultonSheen.com and CatholicVault.com. Sheen’s audio talks are available in various other places on the internet.
6 Sheen, Treasure in Clay, Page 212.
7 Sheen, Most. Rev. Fulton J., Ph.D., D.D., Life of Christ, (New York: Image Books/Doubleday, 2008); Page 194, Kindle edition at Amazon.com.
8 Sheen, Fulton J., “Restoring the Vineyard,” What a Priest Should Be: Fulton Sheen Audio Library, FultonSheen.com and CatholicVault.com. Sheen’s audio talks are available in various other places on the internet.
9 Sheen, “Lesson 35: Holy Orders.”
10 Sheen, Fulton J., “Holy Ambassadors — Other Jesuses,” Venerable Fulton J. Sheen: Priesthood, KeeptheFaith.org Saddle River, N.J.
11 Sheen, Treasure in Clay: the Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen, Page 214.
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid., Page 217.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid., Page 222.
18 Ibid., Page 210.
19 Sheen, The Priest is Not His Own, Location 792 of 3996.
20 Sheen, Archbishop Fulton J., Called and Chosen: the Never Changing Face of the Priesthood, audio CD collection, St. Joseph Communications, 2002.
21 Ibid.
22 Sheen, “Mary and the Mass,” 08:52 mark.
23 Sheen, “Pots of Earthenware.”
24 Ibid.
25 Ibid.
26 Sheen, “Restoring the Vineyard.”
CREDITS: The image of Sheen at his desk is a photo from October, 1956 and in the public domain. — Sheen in front of the bookshelf, is a photo from 1952, in the public domain, being now the property of the U.S. Library of Congress.
Separated from the True Pope, you won’t remain Catholic for long
By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pubblicato in Italiano a ChiesaRomana.Info
Saint Paul warned us long ago: Beware, he said, for not all men have the Faith! He said this at the end of his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, to whom he revealed so many things about the last days and the Anti-Christ(s) to come. Here is the Douay Rheims English version of 2 Thess. 3, which the Modernists do not preach on any more. But which I want to speak of in this article. The Apostle writes:
For the rest, brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may run, and may be glorified, even as among you; 2 And that we may be delivered from importunate and evil men; for all men have not faith. 3 But God is faithful, who will strengthen and keep you from evil. 4 And we have confidence concerning you in the Lord, that the things which we command, you both do, and will do. 5 And the Lord direct your hearts, in the charity of God, and the patience of Christ. 6 And we charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not according to the tradition which they have received of us.7 For yourselves know how you ought to imitate us: for we were not disorderly among you; 8 Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nothing, but in labour and in toil we worked night and day, lest we should be chargeable to any of you. 9 Not as if we had not power: but that we might give ourselves a pattern unto you, to imitate us. 10 For also when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat.
11 For we have heard there are some among you who walk disorderly, working not at all, but curiously meddling. 12 Now we charge them that are such, and beseech them by the Lord Jesus Christ, that, working with silence, they would eat their own bread. 13 But you, brethren, be not weary in well doing.
14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed: 15 Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you everlasting peace in every place. The Lord be with you all. 17 The salutation of Paul with my own hand; which is the sign in every epistle. So I write.
18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Bad Company makes bad companies
God made us to know the Truth and the Truth will set us free, because God our Creator is the Truth. It follows then, that we exercise our minds and wills in that which is most essentially directed to our own perfection and destiny when we assent to any truth and will to find it and keep it and put it into practice.
But any member of the Clergy, religious or laity — any hermit — who would hide the truth from you, then, is clearly not being honest, is not doing that which the Creator wants. This is especially true if the truth they are hiding is a truth revealed by God or the importance of which depends directly from what God has said.
The enemies of Peter are the enemies of Christ
Christ said to Peter that whatsoever he would bind on Earth would be bound also in Heaven. All true Catholics accept that. All fake catholics ignore it.
The Catholic Church for more than a 1000 years took this doctrine as so central to true Christianity that it was willing to leave a schism with the Greeks in place and not back down on the duty of all Christians to regard the doctrinal and disciplinary decrees of the Roman Pontiff as obligatory, in virtue of these very words of Jesus Christ.
That is why, you cannot be honestly a Christian, if you are not honestly a Catholic who submits to the Roman Pontiff. And that is also why the enemies of Peter are the enemies of Christ, because if you refuse the one you are calling the other a liar or regarding Him as not God.
Peter has told us when Peter is and is not Peter
And lest anyone be confused, it is the Roman Pontiff who has established in Canon Law the terms by which all can objectively and easily know when a man is the Roman Pontiff and when he is not. To ignore these rules of Canon Law is just as grave as to disobey the Roman Pontiff and go off into schism, because it is an act whereby you say, “Let’s make up our own way of being Christian, apart from submission to the Roman Pontiff.”
This is why we can be 100% absolutely and supernaturally certain that Christ Jesus does not regard any man His Vicar on Earth, if that man’s claim to be pope is not in accord with the norms of Canon Law and papal law.
The corrollary is that, we can be 100% absolutely and supernaturally certain that Christ Jesus does not regard any Vicar of His on Earth no longer His Vicar, if that man’s renunciation is not in accord with the norms of Canon Law and papal law.
Because this is the Catholic Faith, I have extensively investigated both questions, the first in regard to Bergoglio, the second in regard to Benedict. I did not do this on a whim, I did it out of supernatural faith.
There is no doubt about this principle: A man is or is not pope, or is or is no longer the pope, based on the laws of the Church at the time he begins or ceases to be the pope. This legal principle was recognized in the antipapacy of Anacletus II and his defeat by Pope Innocent II, a defeat which was secured by Saint Bernard of Claivaux, who came to Rome to preach the facts of law about the disputed election of 1130 A.D..
All the books printed in the Catholic Church since 1130 up until Feb. 2013 were in agreement. Pope Innocent II was the valid pope, Anacletus was the antipope, because Pope Innocent was elected in accord with the law of his predecessor, who changed the terms of a papal election in the last weeks of his life. But Anacletus claimed to be elected to the prior norm.
For the Modernist, even if he claims to be a Trad ….
For the Modernist, there is not fixed nor lasting truth. What was true yesterday, may not and probably is not true today. Everything is in change and development. Everything mus be alive, they say, but they really mean, has to die.
All those who changed their concepts on what makes a true Pope, on Feb. 11, 2013, are deceived by Modernism or are modernists, even if they claim to be a Traditional Catholic. This includes all the publication of the so called Traditional Catholic Movement who hold that Benedict is no longer the pope. Because canon 332 §2 has not changed and it says a pope resigns when he resigns suo muneri, not ministerio. The Vatican knows this and has tried to hide it, and I have proven that indisputably more than 6 months ago. (See the Index to Pope Benedict’s Renunciation)
Stunningly Ann Barnhardt, in her recent podcast, revealed that even Chris Ferrara, the famous attorney, who writes for several Trad publications, admitted to her, that she is probably right on the points of Canon Law regarding the failed renunciation. That was like back in 2016. But Chris still recognizes Bergoglio as the pope. The only honest assessment is that Chris is not being honest either with the public or his own conscience.
From my work here at Rome, I sense the same is true for all the experts. You just mention that Benedict is the Pope and they do not laugh, they attack. They want you to shut up, or to go away. These are signs of deeply conflicted consciences.
If it is not Catholic, it is not Catholic
Men who want to be seen as Catholics but who won’t be responsibly faithful to the duties of the faith, should not be considered faithful Catholics. Those who knowingly deceive the faithful about who is the true pope and who is not the true pope are NOT involved in a little or small controversy. They ARE ACTIVELY SCHISMATIC AND PROMOTING SCHISM.
Saint Paul warned us of such men, and he told us what to do about it.
The true Pope is the mystical Neck of the Church
If you are separated from the true Pope, you won’t remain a Catholic for long. Yes, these men who act like modernists — I do not imagine they are, but they are being constrained by their love of being accepted by errant men and errant men with money and power — have let go of essential truths of the Catholic Faith. But even you, if you follow those who deceive you in such matters, will soon lose your faith. The Church will become something like what the Anglicans have, an all-is-up-for-grabs Christianity, which keeps the names and outward appearances, but has long ago dumped doctrine, morality and faith.
The same thing we see happening with these fake Trads. They are now trying to reinvent the definition of papal infallibility and have totally ignored the teachings of Christ and the saints about papal indefectibility. They are bending doctrine to invent an excuse to remain in communion with an obvious fake and antipope, while refusing communion with the true Pope who defends celibacy. They even attack the true Pope to justify their falsehoods!
This is why all Schismatics lost the true Faith, because they are no longer in union with the mystical neck of the Mystical Body and hence no longer in communion with Christ the Head. Those who fall into such sins cannot be saved, because there is no salvation for those who die separated from Christ.
CREDITS: The Featured Image of the Piazza of St Peter’s at the Vatican, is by Br. Bugnolo.
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How to discern when ‘Catholic’ media is Catholic?
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
On line media is in constant competition for viewership. Catholic online media is the same. That is simply a fact of the medium.
But what most Catholics perhaps are not sensitive too, is that when seeking information about the Catholic Faith or the Catholic Church the verity of the source of the information is just as important as the information. Some websites and Media operations are just not worthy of trust. Many use the name ‘Catholic’ but are not worthy of it.
What does “Catholic” mean?
As a word, “catholic” is derived from the Greek adjective meaning universal, that is, that which pertains to everywhere, every place. It was in the second century, A. D., at Antioch, in the Roman Province of Syria, where this Greek word was first used in reference to the Church founded by Jesus Christ. The meaning of the term in reference to the Church has always been the same: the institution which wherever it is in the world, holds the same faith of Christ. (“Faith of Christ”‘ is the traditional term for the Catholic Faith; in which ”of” does not refer to the faith of the person but the Faith taught by the person).
But today I am going to use the term “‘Catholic” in a slightly different sense, because online “Catholic’ media are not part of the Catholic Church, though some of these outlets are official works or apostolates of certain Dioceses of the Catholic Church.
Instead, here I will use the term “Catholic”‘ in the common and popular sense used in American English, to refer to the orthodoxy of the information presented. Here I used the term “orthodoxy” not in reference to the Greek schismatics, but in its proper etymological sense of ‘right teaching’.
To be Catholic a Media site has to meet certain criteria
First, a Catholic site must meet certain criteria to be worthy of being judged “Catholic”. As I just said, I am not using the term, “Catholic”, in reference to whether the website is sponsored or approved by an ecclesiastical institution or diocese. I am using it in reference to right teaching in matters of faith or morals etc.
By “criteria”, which is the plural of “criterion”, I mean rules or principles by which a thing is judged to be what it is or claims to be. It is only sane an rational, that if something is to be judged it be judged by objective norms, not by opinion, not by claims, not by emotions etc.. Is the website or journalist you read for information about the Catholic Faith or the Catholic Church (here I used “Catholic” in the original sense at it was used at Antioch in Syrian in the second century A. D.) truly Catholic (here I use “Catholic” in the sense of conforming to right teaching or orthodoxy)?
Because if it is not truly Catholic, but is seeking your attention and or financial support, then you are being defrauded. Now, no one can insist you not let yourself be defrauded, but common sense tells us that we should not let ourselves be defrauded, because self-preservation, the fundamental moral principle of all human action, demands that we protect ourselves from fraud and from being defrauded.
This consideration is raised to the level of the infinite, when we consider that if we let ourselves be defrauded or mislead in regard to the Catholic Faith or to what the Church teaches or as regards how as Catholics we should act in regard to God, His Church, or any other matter, then we risk consenting to our eternal damnation by accepting lies in place of truth, lies which turn us away from saving truth, lies which confirm us in error and vice, lies which, when accepted, merit for us eternal damnation, because it is a mortal sin to knowingly accept a lie, and it is a mortal sin of imprudence to put yourself in constant danger of accepting lies.
There is a moral obligation then, to use discernment
Discernment is the act whereby we apply what we know is true or just to a matter which needs to be judged as to whether it conforms to the proper truth or justice to be had in a particular matter or affair.
For example: at the supermarket, you discern whether to buy a product or not based on its apparent quality and whether the price is proportionate to that and your need for the product. Yes, there are individuals who go to the supermarket and just buy anything they see for no reason at all. They have no discernment, and some of them have a psychological disorder known as the compulsive buyer.
I suppose there may be a disorder called the compulsive reader or listener syndrome, but I have never heard of it. Reading and listening should be an activity which employs more discernment than shopping for food. Not only because the act itself must be undertaken with understanding, which is an act of the intellect, the power of judging, but also because what is read or listened to — here I am not speaking of music or simply video per se — should be the truth or at least a true criticism of error or a true presentation of facts.
Just as one may be occasionally fooled by street corner hustlers, who say one thing, simply to get something from us, and what they say is nearly always entirely a lie, so we should be cautious in matters of our Catholic Faith, because we live in an age of hucksters and false apostles and calculated and contrived deceit of the most nefarious kind.
So if you are to protect yourself, you need to use discernment. And if you have any true charity for those in your family or who know you and might follow your example in anything, then keeping yourself free from error, by not allowing yourself to be deceived, is essential to protecting them too from error and lies which could lead them astray.
A Reputation is founded upon facts and deeds
Here we must keep in mind that it is one thing to make a claim and another to exhibit the comportment or behavior which is consonant with that claim. Many websites do not actually claim to be “catholic’ in any sense of the word, but nevertheless constantly publish information about the Catholic Faith or the Catholic Church.
Before Vatican II, it was the Catholic Clergy who directed or ran nearly all Catholic media. That is what it meant for it to be Catholic. Being trained in institutions which were Catholic in both senses of the word, the clergy who ran them were competent to execute the duty entrusted to them.
Nowadays, however, very few media outlets are run by clergy. Moreover, since Vatican II, the anti-Church forces in the Church have nearly entirely destroyed the formation process of the Catholic clergy, to such an extent that it is a rare priest and bishop who knows the Catholic Faith well enough to be even able to speak as a Catholic at all times, let alone think as one, or run a Catholic media outlet.
Having self-proclaimed Catholic journalists or apostolates take over what these Catholic Clergy used to accomplish is obviously not the best solution nor even a solution. It puts the important apostolate of spreading the truth of the Gospel in the hands of men who were never trained or examined or proven to be worthy of that trust. And it makes the Catholic Faith appear to be something like the Anglican church, that is, a collection opinions which are up for grabs.
There is also a lot of deep pride and egoism in men and women who were never in a formation program and never learned what it means to mortify your ego and live for Christ Christ and obey His Church in the proper sense of those words. And not a few websites exhibit this. Egoism is a form of idolatry, so everyone needs to beware of this disorder, since it makes a person subject to being taunted this way or that, as the Devil may want them to do, to achieve his greater plans against souls and the Church.
So you should pay attention to what is being said and whether it conforms to the Catholic Faith. And when a source of information habitually deviates from the Catholic Faith on any point, you need to take care not to be led astray. Some Catholics have the intellectual gifts and preparation that they can discern this and avoid the error while plucking a few grapes of truth from a source of information which is thus vitiated. But most Catholics do not have this ability. We need to be honest and confess this.
This is even more true, when we recognize that as human beings, we are wont to trust in others, and that in the present crisis in the Church our habit of trusting in others can be and is being abused by unscrupulous men, clergy and lay alike.
The duty of Catholics who publish
Catholic websites and media outlets have a graver duty to publish the truth than anyone else, because to publish a lie which is read by thousands is to commit a mortal sin in regard to each and every person who reads what is published. Catholic journalism and Catholic social media apostolates, therefore, are a fast track to hell if run by those without discernment and zeal for the truth. This is why not a few of them are patently diabolic, because while they are capable of knowing the truth, and have been presented with the truth, they fail to publish it or even worse attack it.
The Devil in Social Media…
I recall the example of a Catholic Diocesan Newspaper which was asked by a humanitarian organization to run an advertisement on behalf of defending and helping Catholics being persecuted in the Mid-East by ISIS. The director of advertising refused, because he said it would create confusion about the Gospel message of forgiveness. A more diabolically contrived response was never had.
You see, there is a global effort now underway to undermine everyone’s grasp on reality and on real religion, because reality itself is seen as the enemy of the agenda which needs to be pushed. The ones pushing such a diabolic conspiracy have oodles of money and are willing to spend it to control Catholic Social Media sites, so they print and publish lies and stop printing and publishing the truth.
Catholic media which are run by organizations or corporations are directly vulnerable, because it is sufficient that the enemies of the Faith gain control of the organization or corporation to direct or control the information they put out. EWTN is a classic example. Before Mother Angelica had her stroke, the station was solidly catholic. After she had her stroke, laymen took control and these laymen were then suborned by unfaithful Bishops to alter the kind of information put out. EWTN then began to purchase other Catholic media outlets and the same kind of control of information spread. When asked in 2016 to run advertisements to help persecuted Christians, EWTN refused because they said it would have disastrous consequences to their apostolate world wide. I guess they mean by apostolate, their sources of funding or control.
Catholic media which are run by individuals are vulnerable inasmuch as the funding they seek or receive is controlled or not by those who want error promoted and truth suppressed.
You can easily know if a source of information about the Church or the Faith is compromised by simply compare what they are saying with the documents which are published by the Church or in ages past.
A classic example of fraud, today, is that which is perpetrated by those who promote the opinion of universal acceptance of a papal election. They boldly share images of the text in question, of the Thomistic author they cite as an authority, which text clearly uses the word “canonically” in reference to elected, and then proceed to apply the principle to the case of the present crisis in the Church as if the word “canonically” was not in the text.
When confronted with the documents of the Church which say that a pope resigns when he renounces his munus, they ignore the word munus, and place a X in its place, which they will replace with whatever word they like as it suits them for that day, and claim that a resignation is valid, whenever a pope says the word “renounce” X.
These are just two current examples of fraud which show clearly that such individuals or sites are not Catholic and that in reading them you are being defrauded of the truth and led astray. It is not just a question of intellectual dishonestly, it is dishonesty which intentionally misrepresents the truth of Church teaching or history. And as a Franciscan hermit, I can tell you that such a habitual practice of deceiving in matters of religion is no small vice. It is deeply evil, and there is something behind it more than just egoism.
So I exhort one and all, use discernment when you go online to learn more about the Catholic Faith or the Catholic Church. Look for sites which quote documents and are faithful in their reading and application of the truth which the Church has always taught.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a photo taken by Br. Bugnolo of the Papal Throne at the Basilica of Saint Lawrence, Rome. Just as the throne is at the center of the Sanctuary, so should we put the truth at the center of our minds and love of it at the center of our hearts.
CLAIMER: Here at FromRome.Info we are dedicated to always presenting the truth and the facts. If you notice any error whatsoever, please leave a comment and call us to correct it. What we say is not important. The truth is what matters.
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1 year and 10 months to Lepanto 450°
By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
President of Ordo Militaris Inc.
In 10 months and 1 year, Christendom will celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the Victory of Catholic Forces over the forces of the Ottoman Turks, at the Battle of Lepanto: one of the most stupendous military victories in all of Christian history, and perhaps the most significant for the preservation of Christianity in Europe.
This Anniversary is very significant for our contemporaries, because Europe once again is existentially threatened by invasion and must confront similar questions about its future, as the Catholic Europe of the 16th century did.
The Ottoman Empire is no more. It was not only defeated at Lepanto by inferior Christian naval forces armed from above by the power of Our Lady’s Rosary, but it collapsed out of its own weight of internal corruption, becoming a thing hateful to the Turkish people itself.
But the idea of demographically exterminating Christians by mass invasion has not died out. It is now the agenda of agencies not only in the Islamic world but in the political sphere of Socialists who run most of Western Europe.
October 7, 2021 will be a historic day
The Catholic Armada of 1571 was composed of 3 main groups: the Fleets of the Kingdom of Espana, under the leadership of Don Juan of Austria, which set sail from Barcelona; the Fleets of Pope St Pius V, under the command Marcantonio Colonna, which set sail from the Papal States, and the Fleet of the Doge of Venice, under the command of Sebastiano Venera, which set sail from Venice.
These Fleets joined together at Messina, in Sicily, and set sail from there to Lepanto and to victory.
It is only fitting, then, that the 450th anniversary be celebrated in a special way both at Messina and at Lepanto.
Messina is leading the way
Messina has never forgotten the battle of Lepanto. Indeed, each summer they celebrate the Disembarking of Don Juan of Austria, during his stay at Messina, prior to heading out to Lepanto. This is not only because Messina is a devout Catholic City, but also because Sicily — the Island upon which one of its three corners, it dominates the straits of Calabria — was long ruled by the Spanish. Indeed, on the streets of Messina you can see many a youth who looks like a spitting image of the man from La Mancha or any red blooded Conquistador. And, near the Cathedral, one can still see the historic statue of Don Juan, facing in the direction of Lepanto (see image above).
But the City of Messina is leading in another way, since the newly elected mayor has appointed Prof. Vinenzo Coruso, artistic director of the Associazione Aurora, which organizes the annual festival, as the City’s new Assesore del Turismo, to organize the festivities for 2021.
I had occasion to make a brief visit to his offices at Messina, on January, 2, 2020, and am very much encouraged by the strong desire Messina has to celebrate the 450th anniversary. I pledged the support of Ordo Militaris Inc, and I invite the support of all the Members of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus to his holy work.
As you may know, the Order raises funds to help persecuted Christians and is organized through Ordo Militaris Inc. to sell stock to organize for their military defense. The corporation sells a historical reproduction of the Ensign of Marcantonio Colonna, the flag which was raised at noon, on October 7, 1521 to signal the opening of hostilities against the Turkish Fleet.
To get an idea of how important Messina holds the remembrance of Lepanto, watch these 2 videos in Italian.
Here is a video of the Celebrations at Messina this past year:
Here is another video produced by the Associazione Aurora, in 2016:
If you would like to work with Ordo Militaris, Inc. to organize a trip to Messina or a Cruise to Lepanto from Messina in October 2021, please leave a message in the comments below and I will contact you.
(I think the best Cruise possible would be to recruit a dozen or so experts on the Battle of Lepanto and make the trip a sort of Academic Convention as well as Religious Commemoration in honor of the fallen and of all the Catholic seamen and soldiers who fought there.)
How Benedict has defeated “Francis”
Or, Why did Pope Benedict XVI do what he did on Feb. 11, 2013?
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated the AntiChurch with the most incredibly subtle and effective manuever which could ever be conceived, and which takes a great deal of study to recognize, if you, like myself, took at face value the hearsay which has been put out for the last six years.
Admittedly, the honor and glory for it belong first of all to God, Who enlightens all men and inspires them at times to do things mere mortals could never conceive of. But also, thanks goes to God for sending Our Lady to Fatima to reveal to Sr. Lucia a secret which has until this day remained hidden, so as to give sound counsel to the true Successor of Saint Peter in the End Times.
How Pope John Paul II strengthened the Bulwark of the Church against the AntiChurch
I believe that with that knowledge, Pope John Paul II did 3 things: first, he chose Joseph Ratzinger to come to Rome and prepared him to succeed him (perhaps because he sensed that Ratzinger had the gift of prophecy); second, in 1983, he added the term munus to canon 332 §2, to constrain all of his successors to the obligation of renouncing the Petrine Munus so as to resign the papacy; and third, in 1996, he promulgated a new law on Papal Elections, which would nullify any attempt of the AntiChurch to usurp the Papacy or elect successors to AntiPopes (by requiring that all valid conclaves meet within 20 days after the death of valid popes).
Pope John Paul II warned the Church of the AntiChurch which was rising. He beatified Ann Catherine Emmerich (on the Vigil of St. Francis of Assisi, in 2004) to give papal approval to her own visions in this regard. It should not be surprising then, that in secret, or I should say, in the bright light of day, in papal acts he prepared the Church against that Evil to come!
By these three acts, Pope John Paul II set the chess board and enabled his chosen successor, Ratzinger to enact a stratagem of deception to defeat the forces of darkness.
The Forces of the AntiChurch struck quickly
No sooner than Pope John Paul II had died that the St Gallen Mafia, which had been meeting in that Swiss town for some years, mobilized to put Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne in the Conclave of 2005. Bergoglio, as is now known, garnered the most votes after Ratzinger. In his campaign to get elected he promised radical financial reforms in the Vatican, so he could pose as a savior and reformer, though his agenda was that of Cardinal Martini, to make the Church into the Bride of the Anti-Christ.
Recently an Argentine Priest revealed, that Pope Benedict, soon after his election in 2005, had asked Bergoglio to be Secretary of State (see report here). Benedict intended by this offer to diffuse the conflict which arose in the Conclave, and to draw out the real intentions of Bergoglio. Bergoglio’s refusal manifested his deceit, because all the reasons given in the Conclave for his election, which in truth could be done by a Secretary of State, if honest, would have spurred him to accept Benedict’s offer. But without the papal authority, his evil and malign agenda could not be advanced. — By this sign of offering the olive branch of peace, Benedict signaled to his own supporters, that after himself there would come an Anti-pope (cf. Prophecy of St Malachy).
With the threefold knowledge of the future had from the Third Secret, from Pope John Paul II and from his own experience in the CDF, Pope Benedict now knew what he had to do. He knew Bergoglio wanted power and would be blinded by its offer. He took preparations to defend the Church with tradition and as the pressure built from the St Gallen Mafia, he crafted their defeat in secret. At the same time, he openly warned the faithful, that the Message of Fatima was about to be fulfilled (On May 13, 2010, saying “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete…”).
Benedict knew that removing the Lavender Mafia from the Vatican was key to defending the Church. But as court documents revealed, in the WikiLeaks controversy, as that effort led to the destruction of the careers of many sodomites, they moved against Benedict to have him removed. His Pontificate had removed hundreds perverts from the clergy.
As I have written before, there was in my estimation a formal attempt at a Coup d’etat (see report here). And this was actually put in motion, with the intent to effectively imprison Pope Benedict (see Report here). — The Conclave pact in 2005 among the warring factions of Ratzinger (Church) and Bergoglio (Anti-Church) also prepared the way (see report here). But, with their cause lost at that conclave, the St. Gallen Mafia would have to wait for Benedict to resign, because being old, he revealed that he was inclined to resign in a few years, anyhow. As he lingered on, however, their rage and impatience exploded.
The restoration of the Ancient Mass (July 7, 2007) and the expansion of the permissions for its use (April 30, 2011) caused a general outburst among the wicked clerics. I myself know this took place in the Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2011, because a Bishop who attended told me how Cardinals and Bishops stood up, one after another, and said the most vile things against Benedict. I also know personally, from the testimony of a Sicilian Businessman, who was in Shanghai, that the Cardinal of Palermo had warned that Benedict could die within a year from poor health. The St Gallen Controlled Media expanded this and reported it as if the Cardinal has said that Benedict had a year to live or else. That report was published around Feb. 11, 2012! (note the date)
Benedict’s Master Stroke
Pope Benedict XVI then played his master stroke. In the Summer of 2012 he indicated to Cardinal Bertone that he was going to resign. He discussed the matter with no one but his secretary Ganswein and a few others. I believe that he wrote the text of abdication in the Fall of 2012. I also postulate that he intentionally showed the Latin text (the invalid one) and a faulty German translation (which makes it appear the Latin is a valid formula) to members of the St Gallen Mafia, to obtain their consent to it. By that act he sealed their doom.
Because only one who was fluent in Latin and knowledgeable about Canon Law and who accepted the traditional metaphysics of the Church would be able to see that the resignation by that formula would be invalid. Ratzinger further prepared the ground by emphasizing for years before, that his favorite theologian was Saint Bonaventure. This caused scholars, like myself, to start studying St. Bonanveture’s Scholatic method for textual analysis of the signification of expressions, which is unparalleled among all the Doctors of the Church.
On Feb. 11, 2013, he read out-loud in Consistory the text of the invalid formula. On Feb. 28, 2013 he explained that he had resigned the “active ministry”. The St. Gallen Mafia spread the word of a valid resignation. The rest is history.
The only thing is, that Benedict began to give signs of the truth, not only for the sake of the Faithful, but to annoy the St Gallen Mafia. He kept wearing the papal cassock, retained the titles of Your Holiness and signed with PP. Benedictus XVI, and continued to give the papal blessing. He did these things to get faithful Catholics to examine the text of resignation and discover it was invalid. — He did this also, because, I believe, he was obeying Our Lady’s word at Fatima, in which She had revealed that there would come a time in which the Catholic world thought there were 2 popes, but only one of which was the true pope. The one who was the true Pope would continue to wear white, the other would usurp the office; and that the Anti-Church would attack the true Pope and the faithful gathered about him.
By an invalid resignation Pope Benedict has canonically invalidated everything Bergoglio has done, can do, and can ever do! Bergoglio is now an AntiPope because of the clever trick Benedict played on him. And Bergoglio is so entangled by this stratagem of Benedict that he cannot admit its existence, because if he does, he must give up his claim to the papacy.
If Benedict should die, then there will be no valid Successor of Saint Peter unless the pre-Bergoglian Cardinals meet in conclave within 20 days. Otherwise, as Pope John Paul II declares in the promulgation of Universi Dominici Gregis, at the end of the text, any action the Cardinal Electors take will be invalid. If they fail to do this, the Church will not be bereft of a pope, because, as Pope John Paul II taught in UDG’s prologue, the institution of the College is “not necessary for a valid election” of the Roman Pontiff: there is still the ancient Apostolic Law regarding the right of the Roman Church to elect the Pope.*
Benedict has defeated “Francis”!
Note: I wish to publicly apologize to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for anything I have said in criticism of him, since it was not until today that I understood what he had did and why he had done it, nor that as Pope he was acting for the good of the Church in the best and only way he could see to do, acting on the basis of the counsels of Our Lady and Pope John Paul II. — Finally, I entertain the possibility that some Cardinals know of this grand stratagem of Benedict and that is why they act so dumb when asked about the question of validity or invalidity of the resignation.
* The right of election will fall to those Catholics of the Diocese Rome, who recognize that Benedict always was the only true pope, and that Bergoglio was always and is only, and nothing more, an Antipope. See my Disputed Question on Defecting Cardinals, here.