Tag Archives: Censorship

How YouTube is attempting to manipulate the Videos Produced by YTers

News by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I was shocked today to learn that YouTube’s efforts to control the narrative and form your mind to think the way they want has gone to a new level. They are suggesting now to YouTube content creators the subject and title of Videos to be produced.

I discovered this by chance, when I logged into the YouTube Studio for the Italian channel of FromRome.Info. There I found, under the section content, a tab called, “Inspiration”. This tab has an interface where it suggests videos and will even take queries on topis to suggest videos to be made.

Obviously, if this was merely a tool for creators and not a tool to control creators it would work for any word or phrase. But, alas, who would expect that from YT now that their censorship has gone to extreme levels of intellectual property destruction, racketeering against content producers and even hiding search results, while taking revenue from some content creators, whom they have a special contract with, without making this known to the public?

Here are the results, via screen shot of some topics about which YouTube wants me to make videos and those it does not want me to make videos about:.






And finally,

Google continues to Black-out FromRome.Info reports

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I often complain that it is difficult for new readers to find FromRome.Info, because since the summer of 2022, the Globalists have begun to remove true opposition sites from their publicized databases.

So from time to time, I experiment to see what the level of censorship is. So here goes …

A Test, done on Dec. 4, 2024 A. D.:

Here is the example of one search, where I used Google, whose bots regularly crawl ALL the pages at FromRome.Info, to let me know how many articles at FromRome.info mention Msgr. Nicola Bux:


That’s right, Google is publicly claiming that there are only two articles among the more than 11,520+ articles, that mention Msgr. Nicola Bux!

The Truth his however, if you use the FromRome.Info search bar:

Is that you can find 12 such articles. Six times more articles than Google admits exists! Click image below to see for yourself!


G lobalist
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E viscerate


I would ask all of my readers who are residents of countries where internet censorship is illegal to file a criminal complaint against Google for what they are doing. And I thank you in advance and assure you of my prayers!

Have we arrived at total Deep State control of Social Media Interactions? — I think so & Here’s Why

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Have we arrived at total Deep State control of all Social Media Interactions?

I believe so.

And I can cite a case study, to demonstrate the probity of my opinion

Here goes.

This morning, I distributed this announcement on 5 Christian Business Groups, both on Gab and Linkedin. The announcement was made on behalf of Ordo Militaris Inc., the pro-Christian defense corporation, of which I am cofounder and president. First the message, and then I will discuss the social media reaction.


We are a most unique Christian Business that seeks OTHER Christian Businesses as partners

We are a Montana Corporation (for profit) which donates its profits to the defense of persecuted Christians — This enables us to have freedom of speech while having access to all the tools of business to defend Christendom. We are neither a NGO nor a Charity, nor a Church organization. We are a purely private initiative.

We promote Christian values in the defense of the innocent, in the spirit of the Christians of the First Crusade. This is our unique spirit.

We are supported by our Membership Organization
We sell collectable merchandise
We do charitable fundraisers for specific humanitarian emergencies
We sponsor a scholarship fund to train young Christian men to work in the security sector
We aim to organize training center for our volunteers to give them a special Christian formation in military and security skills

We also propose practical solutions to endemic problems in anti-Christian societies

If you are a Christian Business or Businessman who would like to collaborate contact us for more information. We suggest the following practical methods …

+ selling our collectibles in your store on commission
+ being listed on our corporate website as supporters of the defense of Christendom
+ promoting our humanitarian or scholarship appeals in your story or on your website
+ joining our Military Order as sign of your deeply held Christian values
+ Displaying our Logo in your store to show the deeply held Christian values of your business (we can custom design to your specifications)
+ investing with us

For more information see, ordo-militaris.us
or call us at +1 406 299 9260 (phone or skype)

Thank you for your consideration

Social Media Reaction

As you can see that is a pretty milk-toast message, from the point of view of anyone of sane mind involved in international or national security or geo-politics.  So you would think that GAB and LINKEDIN would both distribute that message to all the members in those groups, like they promise or at least publicly appear to promise to their users.

But did that happen?

Actually no. They distributed the message to NO ONE. Yep. To not even one other viewer in the first 3 hours.

But not really no one.

Because according to the logs of Ordo-Militaris Inc. two human individuals did click the link from that announcement and visit the corporate HQ Website cited in the message. And who they are reveals a lot about what is happening on social media.

The first was a human in the Microsoft Corporate HQ in Washington, D. C..

The second was a human in the HQ of the Philippines Military in Quezon City, Philippines.

Both did the same thing: view and download nearly the entire corporate website.

Both did not interact with anything on the site which might otherwise identify them.


This result show that major social media platforms are allowing Deep State actors to block the distribution of any given message which the Deep State flags as a potential threats to the New World Order or Great Reset.

Then, the Deep State sends out intelligence agents to assess the threat.

But in no case does anyone in the public have the opportunity to see the social media post UNTIL the Deep State approves it.

That Linkedin does this does not surprise.

But that Gab does this should shock many conservatives.

Welcome to 1984.  The world-wide censorship system necessary to stop criticism of the next False Flag or Scamdemic is now fully functioning.

I say fully functioning because since I and my organization do not even have employees or own guns or advocate violence, to waste such resources on us, shows a complete control system already in place and fully budgeted.

This proves, in my opinion, that the next Scamdemic or False Flag is nearer than we think.

Andrea Lombardi: YouTube is demonetizing videos as part of an agreement with Big Tech


 Introduction and Summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Andrea Lombardi is a popular YouTuber in Italy. His channel feature intelligent and very well informed commentary on the daily news which is counter narrative and critical of the pablum of propaganda at all levels. His productions range from documentaries to daily news commentary.

In the last year, Lombardi discovered that YouTube was demonitizing and hiding his productions. For a long time he accepted uncritically what YouTube was telling him, namely, that advertisers did not want their advertisements to be placed during videos on certain topics.

But yesterday, having found a document in which the big Media Giants and Mozilla have openly entered into a racketeering agreement against counter  narrative information publishers, he exploded with anger and exposed the entire affair. He now knows that the censorship has a purpose and it has nothing to do with what advertisers want, but everything to do with the Great Reset.

The original title of Lombari’s report is, “Ecco perché ti demonetizzano i video: ce lo chiede l’Europa!” (Behold! Why they are demonetizing your videos: Europe has asked them!” You can find his channel on YouTube at here.  — I am no expert on how to swear in Italian, but I gather that his language is not to be recommended to children. A friendly warning.

Time to dump Bitchute, as they begin to block videos to entire nations

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I tried to view this video, from Italy, today at Bitchute:

which you can watch by clicking to the image above.

But when I attempted to view the link, I got this screen instead:

The notice says in fine print:  This video is unavailable as its contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team.

It’s time to dump Bitchute, which pretended to be an independent media company out of the United Kingdom. Bitchute has actively joined in the conspiracy against humanity and should be brought along with the other criminals to Nuremburg 2.0.

FaceBook censors Italian Lawyer’s lecture on how to defend oneself against illegal fines during Corona Shutdown

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is the video Attorney Edoardo Polacco attempted to publish on Facebook.

Facebook’s motive for action against the Attorney is not clear, but it appears to have been done at the request of the Government of Giuseppe Conte who is attempting to shut down all political opposition.

The other day in Parliament, when Sarah Cunial bitterly reproached Conte to his face for his lies, injustices, frauds and deceit, his eyes were filled with such a profound and vivid hatred, that I personally fear for the personal safety of the Parliamentarian.

From sight of that, I saw that this man, Conte, has, if not the talent, the will to become a dictator and suppress all liberty in the country. This blocking of Attorney Polacco’s simply explanatory discourse to his legal clients on how to file a legal complaint against the fines they received, is a gross violation of the principles of democracy and legal ethics, which Giuseppe Conte as an attorney is sworn in Italian Law to uphold, when he was admitted to the bar.

For that reason, I believe that Conte may very well be planning to establish a dictatorship, if he can just find enough support inside or outside of Italy to support him.

Alas, I suspect that China and the USA will support them: because they are both homelands of powerful men who want a complete tyranny.

In an related development, The Post & Email, an independent electronic journal published out of Connecticut, USA, was dumped from PayPal without notice after 10 years as a customer. They have exposed for more than 10 years the ineligibility of Barack Obama for office, but the recent move by PayPal might have to do with their recent report on the Deep State in the USA, which is pushing the police to issue illegal fines against citizens, the same topic upon which Attorney Polacco was censored on Facebook.

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YouTube: We are “protecting” our workers and unleashing algorithmic censorship on you!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Lefties’ default is always censorship, banning, restrictions, house arrest, etc..  The first sign of a Leftie is that in times of panic his reactions return to default, without any pretense.

YouTube showed their colors — not that they need to — today by announcing that “to protect” their workers, they were giving them leaves of absence and therefore, there will be fewer human beings to unblock you when their algorithms block your YouTube account.

Here is their official announcement (Source, remove white spaces: https ://youtube-creators.googleblog. com/2020/03/protecting-our-extended-workforce-and.html ):

Our Community Guidelines enforcement today is based on a combination of people and technology: Machine learning helps detect potentially harmful content and then sends it to human reviewers for assessment. As a result of the new measures we’re taking, we will temporarily start relying more on technology to help with some of the work normally done by reviewers. This means automated systems will start removing some content without human review, so we can continue to act quickly to remove violative content and protect our ecosystem, while we have workplace protections in place.

Somehow,  I get the sense that some YouTube employees will never return to work, even though they are now “protected”.

I also get the impression that the Management at YouTube sees the “crisis” caused by Wuhan-virus hype as their dream of dreams to implement Chinese like censorship.

Another sign that there is just too much political exploitation of the narrative to believe it anymore.


CREDITS:  The Featured Image is a screenshot of the YouTube.com official Blog page for YouTube creators, who were notified this morning that increased censorship is now teh default on their platform.

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Br. Bugnolo: FromRome.Info will take a stand against the hype and panic of Coronavirus

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Mass panic is one of the greatest evils that can befall a society. It causes people to act irrationally, not out of facts or evidence, but out of fear and precieved necessity to preserve self interest. As panic increases people become inclined to do even more an more exaggerated things in response to what they perceive in the short term to be a solution to some need they have.

Since mass panic can cause civil unrest and mass murder and mayhem, it is the greatest moral failure of leaders and media to promote panic. It is a sign of not just a failure of leadership, but the complete lack of moral capacity to lead.

The constant harping on numbers of victims from a disease which has not yet even killed 10% of those who die of the winter flue each year, is totally irresponsible.

The reactions to such irresponsible reporting are also irresponsible.

For this reason, as editor of FromRome.Info I am going to pledge to all my readers to reject calls to panic and publish  series of articles which show what the facts say, as I have already begun to do.

My assessment of Coronavirus is that it is complete hype to turn this into a pandemic or plague. The causes may be because the ruling elites have no immune systems with strong responses. The motives may be also because they want to grab power and impose tyranny.

But whatever is the cause of their irrational behavior, as Catholics we should oppose their mistaken approach with Faith in God and confidence that if we respond rationally we will overcome whatever minor threat Coronavirus 19 presents, while not loosing track of the more important things of our Religion, our human lives and the needs of society.

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Separated from the True Pope, you won’t remain Catholic for long

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Pubblicato in Italiano a ChiesaRomana.Info

Saint Paul warned us long ago: Beware, he said, for not all men have the Faith! He said this at the end of his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, to whom he revealed so many things about the last days and the Anti-Christ(s) to come. Here is the Douay Rheims English version of 2 Thess. 3, which the Modernists do not preach on any more. But which I want to speak of in this article. The Apostle writes:

For the rest, brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may run, and may be glorified, even as among you; And that we may be delivered from importunate and evil men; for all men have not faith. But God is faithful, who will strengthen and keep you from evil. And we have confidence concerning you in the Lord, that the things which we command, you both do, and will do. And the Lord direct your hearts, in the charity of God, and the patience of Christ. And we charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not according to the tradition which they have received of us.For yourselves know how you ought to imitate us: for we were not disorderly among you; Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nothing, but in labour and in toil we worked night and day, lest we should be chargeable to any of you. Not as if we had not power: but that we might give ourselves a pattern unto you, to imitate us. 10 For also when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat.

11 For we have heard there are some among you who walk disorderly, working not at all, but curiously meddling. 12 Now we charge them that are such, and beseech them by the Lord Jesus Christ, that, working with silence, they would eat their own bread. 13 But you, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

14 And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed: 15 Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you everlasting peace in every place. The Lord be with you all. 17 The salutation of Paul with my own hand; which is the sign in every epistle. So I write.

18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Bad Company makes bad companies

God made us to know the Truth and the Truth will set us free, because God our Creator is the Truth. It follows then, that we exercise our minds and wills in that which is most essentially directed to our own perfection and destiny when we assent to any truth and will to find it and keep it and put it into practice.

But any member of the Clergy, religious or laity — any hermit — who would hide the truth from you, then, is clearly not being honest, is not doing that which the Creator wants. This is especially true if the truth they are hiding is a truth revealed by God or the importance of which depends directly from what God has said.

The enemies of Peter are the enemies of Christ

Christ said to Peter that whatsoever he would bind on Earth would be bound also in Heaven. All true Catholics accept that. All fake catholics ignore it.

The Catholic Church for more than a 1000 years took this doctrine as so central to true Christianity that it was willing to leave a schism with the Greeks in place and not back down on the duty of all Christians to regard the doctrinal and disciplinary decrees of the Roman Pontiff as obligatory, in virtue of these very words of Jesus Christ.

That is why, you cannot be honestly a Christian, if you are not honestly a Catholic who submits to the Roman Pontiff. And that is also why the enemies of Peter are the enemies of Christ, because if you refuse the one you are calling the other a liar or regarding Him as not God.

Peter has told us when Peter is and is not Peter

And lest anyone be confused, it is the Roman Pontiff who has established in Canon Law the terms by which all can objectively and easily know when a man is the Roman Pontiff and when he is not.  To ignore these rules of Canon Law is just as grave as to disobey the Roman Pontiff and go off into schism, because it is an act whereby you say, “Let’s make up our own way of being Christian, apart from submission to the Roman Pontiff.”

This is why we can be 100% absolutely and supernaturally certain that  Christ Jesus does not regard any man His Vicar on Earth, if that man’s claim to be pope is not in accord with the norms of Canon Law and papal law.

The corrollary is that, we can be 100% absolutely and supernaturally certain that Christ Jesus does not regard any Vicar of His on Earth no longer His Vicar, if that man’s renunciation is not in accord with the norms of Canon Law and papal law.

Because this is the Catholic Faith, I have extensively investigated both questions, the first in regard to Bergoglio, the second in regard to Benedict. I did not do this on a whim, I did it out of supernatural faith.

There is no doubt about this principle: A man is or is not pope, or is or is no longer the pope, based on the laws of the Church at the time he begins or ceases to be the pope. This legal principle was recognized in the antipapacy of Anacletus II and his defeat by Pope Innocent II, a defeat which was secured by Saint Bernard of Claivaux, who came to Rome to preach the facts of law about the disputed election of 1130 A.D..

All the books printed in the Catholic Church since 1130 up until Feb. 2013 were in agreement. Pope Innocent II was the valid pope, Anacletus was the antipope, because Pope Innocent was elected in accord with the law of his predecessor, who changed the terms of a papal election in the last weeks of his life. But Anacletus claimed to be elected to the prior norm.

For the Modernist, even if he claims to be a Trad ….

For the Modernist, there is not fixed nor lasting truth. What was true yesterday, may not and probably is not true today. Everything is in change and development. Everything mus be alive, they say, but they really mean, has to die.

All those who changed their concepts on what makes a true Pope, on Feb. 11, 2013, are deceived by Modernism or are modernists, even if they claim to be a Traditional Catholic. This includes all the publication of the so called Traditional Catholic Movement who hold that Benedict is no longer the pope. Because canon 332 §2 has not changed and it says a pope resigns when he resigns suo muneri, not  ministerio. The Vatican knows this and has tried to hide it, and I have proven that indisputably more than 6 months ago. (See the Index to Pope Benedict’s Renunciation)

Stunningly Ann Barnhardt, in her recent podcast, revealed that even Chris Ferrara, the famous attorney, who writes for several Trad publications, admitted to her, that she is probably right on the points of Canon Law regarding the failed renunciation. That was like back in 2016. But Chris still recognizes Bergoglio as the pope. The only honest assessment is that Chris is not being honest either with the public or his own conscience.

From my work here at Rome, I sense the same is true for all the experts. You just mention that Benedict is the Pope and they do not laugh, they attack. They want you to shut up, or to go away. These are signs of deeply conflicted consciences.

If it is not Catholic, it is not Catholic

Men who want to be seen as Catholics but who won’t be responsibly faithful to the duties of the faith, should not be considered faithful Catholics. Those who knowingly deceive the faithful about who is the true pope and who is not the true pope are NOT involved in a little or small controversy. They ARE ACTIVELY SCHISMATIC AND PROMOTING SCHISM.

Saint Paul warned us of such men, and he told us what to do about it.

The true Pope is the mystical Neck of the Church

If you are separated from the true Pope, you won’t remain a Catholic for long. Yes, these men who act like modernists — I do not imagine they are, but they are being constrained by their love of being accepted by errant men and errant men with money and power — have let go of essential truths of the Catholic Faith. But even you, if you follow those who deceive you in such matters, will soon lose your faith. The Church will become something like what the Anglicans have, an all-is-up-for-grabs Christianity, which keeps the names and outward appearances, but has long ago dumped doctrine, morality and faith.

The same thing we see happening with these fake Trads. They are now trying to reinvent the definition of papal infallibility and have totally ignored the teachings of Christ and the saints about papal indefectibility. They are bending doctrine to invent an excuse to remain in communion with an obvious fake and antipope, while refusing communion with the true Pope who defends celibacy. They even attack the true Pope to justify their falsehoods!

This is why all Schismatics lost the true Faith, because they are no longer in union with the mystical neck of the Mystical Body and hence no longer in communion with Christ the Head. Those who fall into such sins cannot be saved, because there is no salvation for those who die separated from Christ.


CREDITS: The Featured Image of the Piazza of St Peter’s at the Vatican, is by Br. Bugnolo.

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YouTube is despicably Bergoglian

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I am not accustomed to write posts about the Internet, but when I run upon something really disgusting, I feel compelled.

It’s YouTube.

No, and I am not talking about so many of its videos.

I am talking about its search engine. Well, at least how its search engine works when I use it.

I did a search for Videos about Benedict XVI. And in the results it gave me videos of “Pope Francis” in the mix.

If you know anything about search engines, that is not supposed to happen. There is no Pope Benedict in anything of those which appeared entitled “Pope Francis”.

So to avoid the annoyance, I added another search term to the same search, “-Francesco”, which according to the custom of search engines is supposed to guarantee that the search will exclude occurrences of “Francesco”.

But that is not what happened.

In my second search, I also lost videos of Pope Benedict.

That means that YouTube, ostensibly at the request of Bergoglio, has tied the name of “Benedict XVI” to the name “Pope Francis”, so if you try to avoid seeing the Argentine Usurper, you miss out on the Catholic Pope.

That is Despicable!

We are in full 1984 George Orwell mode.

And someone’s ego is over sensitive!

I suggest you fight back. I post the above image
to do my part. We must speak the truth to godless power.

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Will the Mafia of St. Gallen triumph?



A CASE STUDY by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Mafia of St. Gallen rules by lies. Their entire project is built upon a lie, which they were successful in passing off to the world and defending during nearly seven years.

I speak of the false notion that Pope Benedict XVI resigned the papacy, when in truth all he did was resign from active ministry.

The Mafia of St. Gallen should really have a second name, the Mafia of Holy Gall, because if they are anything, they are bold liars. Nevertheless, they are bold because being composed of those practiced in sexual abuse of others, they know how to gaslight the faithful.

These tactics they have used on the Bishops and clergy, and through them, by getting them to spread false ideas of virtue and prudence, they have succeeded in gaining control of nearly all Catholic Media.


For those Catholics, like myself, who have been trying to get the world see their lies, the most effective weapon this Mafia has against us is not to directly attack us, but to ignore us in public. Then to get other Catholic news agencies to ignore us in public. Then to get Catholic social media sites to ignore us.

The present sites have decided to ignore totally all which is published at The From Rome Blog: Church Militant, The Remnant, Rorate Caeli, Catholic Family News, Gloria.TV (since Nov. 19), Chiesa e Post Concilio, UnaVox, LifeSite News, National Catholic Register, etc. etc. etc., and nearly all sites for the Traditional Latin Mass. — There is no need to mention sites run by the clergy, as they ALL ignore The From Rome Blog. None of these groups do this by chance, its by a predetermined deliberate decision. In many cases they have been asked by members of the clergy or Cardinals to do this. In other cases its because of who funds them or their fear of losing funding or advertisement if they buck the Great Narrative.

This is important, and not merely a personal lament. Because, you see, all the work that investigators like myself do, is pointless if no one ever knows about it.

But there is something you can do, and that means you have to recognize that it is not enough that you visit sites which expose the Mafia for what they are, YOU NEED TO SHARE THAT NEWS ON SOCIAL MEDIA with others.

I have repeatedly seen that when I specifically ask 1 friend to share 1 of my blog posts, that The From Rome Blog will receive about 750 hits in the next 36 hours on account of that 1 friend sharing one post, on, let’s say, FaceBook.

At present, there is only one of the 20,000 sometime readers of my blog who share my posts on Facebook. I won’t name the other sites which regularly feature a link to one or more of my posts, lest they be attacked by the Mafia. (THOUGH I THANK THEM PROFUSELY).

But I think you can see, that YOU my readers need to step up and do your part.

Because, we must ask ourselves: Will the Mafia of St. Gallen succeed?

And, we must respond: YES, IF YOU LET THEM.


CREDITS: Many thanks to ComplicitClergy.com for the use of their graphic. They do excellent work exposing the Lavender Mafia, and you should be reading their site regularly to know how to avoid the tentacles of the ecclesiastical Mafia.