IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY listening to this video, click the time stamp (April 30, 2020) to view it directly on Twitter.com.
This seems to be the full report:
IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY listening to this video, click the time stamp (April 30, 2020) to view it directly on Twitter.com.
This seems to be the full report:
Jon Rappoport is one of the leading experts among all world journalists who has spent his entire career studying medical malpractice regarding fake pandemics. What he says in the video needs to be shared with everyone on every social media platform and via email.
He explains how DNA/RNA vaccines will be used to permanently change your genetic code to make you compliant to the New World Order, if not even sterilized.
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
From someone who believed all the initial reports about Coronavirus, without examining the claims, to one, who has examined numerous statistical reports about the so-called epidemic or pandemic, I have come to doubt completely that Coronavirus is killing anyone. I think it is a complete stunt. This is because all the evidence being presented in numbers shows that either no one is dying from Coronavirus or that the authorities really do not care who is dying from it, so long as they can be claimed to have died with it. And that is the most perverse national and international mendacity possible!
So let us take a closer look at the statistics for Coronavirus cases in Italy, published yesterday by the Italian Government (Source of graphic):
Click the image to enlarge. Yellow is active cases. Green is total cured. Red is total deaths, Orange is total persons with Coronavirus infections. Grey is total persons who were tested as to whether they had Coronavirus or not.
Now, let us examine the numbers in the bottom row of the table, which are the totals for all of Italy.
657,224 persons were tested, and of them only 124,632 were found to have Coronavirus. Numerous reports, however, claim that the test is only 50% effective. Yet, if we assumed the test were 50% effective, then we would assume the total cases known would be twice as much as 124,632, and if the Coronavirus is real, that means that all the other numbers in Yellow, Green and Read would need to be doubled. But where are all those patients? They are not in the hospitals. They are not reported sick. They are not reported dead.
The conclusion is, then, that either there are 15,000 dead people living alone whose bodies are rotting in closed houses, of which no one in all of Italy knows about, or that the test which is only 50% effective, and is known to give false positives is a lot less than 50% effective, and that many of those 124,632 never had Coronavirus.
29,010 recovered who had symptoms. That is no kind of scientific way of knowing if you have the virus. I know this from experience. Because after visiting some benefactors from my days as a hermit in Sicily (2009-2011) over the holidays, I returned to Rome on January 3. The next day I wen to the photocopy shop to make more copies of literature demonstrating Pope Benedict XVI was the pope, and one of the workers sneezed nearly in my face. On the bus, a woman from China, with a face mask on, also sneezed near me.
Sure enough, the next day I felt a soar throat coming, in the afternoon. The day after, a fever came on. A strong fever with a dry cough. The next day I had to remain in bed, and I was in bed 10 days. First there was a dry cough, then diarrhea, and then loads of mucus in the lungs, so much that I felt I was choking to death. So I went to the pharmacy and got some over the counter medicines which prevent mucus formation in the lungs and assist in helping it be coughed up. I also omitted all dairy products from my diet, since it is those proteins which the body uses to make mucus.
Whatever I had it floored me, It wiped me out. I had nearly no strength even to go to the bathroom to cough up the mucus which was as thick as comerical mash-potatoes or at think polenta or flour gruel, if you can imagine that. I never had seen such mucus in my life. And I am sure that if I had not gone to the pharmacy when I could still walk, I would have been in a serious situation.
After the fever broke on about the 10th day, I had to spend about another 10 days inside to regain my strength. I barely had the strength to walk to the nearest market and get some food. I ate a lot of panetone and that helped me regain my strength.
Now if you read what symptoms I just described, they are nearly identical to Coronavirus, COVID-19. But I had them from January 5 to about the 26, long before anyone in Europe was known to have Coronavirus, which, according to the Ministry of Health, here in Italy, came to Italy through a worker at Codogno, in Northern Italy, who had visited Munich from January 21-22, 2020.
So if you had to judge on the basis of symptoms, then, if I had the common winter flu, then you would think that most persons with a bad case of it, as I apparently had, had Coronavirus. Or else, you have to conclude that this year’s Coronavirus was already in Italy at the beginning of the winter and did not come from China at all.
In short, symptoms this year might not be at all an accurate determination of who has or does not have Coronavirus, if the winter flu gave you the same symptoms. Or else, Coronavirus is being claimed to be something it is not.
The 55,270 of those who are on home quarantine, represents 44.34% of all claimed to have the Coronavirus. Evidently, medical experts in emergency rooms do not think that Coronavirus is life threatening, or else they would not simply say go home and get over it as they do with the common cold. So either these patients have the common cold, or they have corona. And that means either the tests are totally unreliable, or the Coronavirus is the common cold! In fact, 44% is close to 50%, which is the known accuracy of the test. So it seems that all of these may have never had corona to begin with.
Of the numbers in Yellow, perhaps we can be more certain of the 3994, the total cases in intensive care, IF we assume they have Coronavirus. Because a lot of medical reasons can cause you to end up in intensive care. And there are a lot of kinds of bacteria and viruses which can all you to be on a respirator.
So from the examination of the numbers in yellow, I think we can have a healthy doubt that anyone is really seriously infected with corona virus, except a few thousand in all of Italy, who are in intensive care.
The green represents the total cases claimed to have Coronavirus who were determined to be cured. I will suppose the number is true and that the cure means they no longer have the coronavirus or that they have now the antibodies against Coronavirus, and that coronavirus is now in the body like very other bacteria or virus which is under control.
But the 20,996 represents 16.84% of those claimed to have Coronavirus, which, on account of the test not being accurate and as we have seen from the numbers in Yellow, is probably already 44% too high, at least. But, think about it for a moment. If a test is 50% right and 50% wrong all the time, and you use it to determine if someone is infected and you use it to determine if someone is cured, what would the results be?
They would be that of all the people tested you have a 50% chance of finding those really infected and a 50% change of saying someone is infected who is not infected. That means the test will say about 50% of the population is infected, and perhaps slightly more, if there are really large quantities of really infected.
And of those who are claimed by the test to be infected are tested again, what will be the results? That 50% are infected and 50% are not infected, or about 25% of the total. But 25% is very near the total number of cured, the 20,996 or 16.84%. This means that there is good reason to believe that no one ever had Coronavirus, and that these numbers are merely the results of an inaccurate test. Those tested inaccurately as being infected are admitted to hospital or surveillance, and when tested again, have of those are rightly or wrongly identified as being cured and are dismissed as cured!
If we assume that the total deaths are true — and at this point that is getting difficult to believe, because of all the lies which are patent in the numbers already presented — that would be 12.32% of all diagnosed as infected, which would be 4 times greater than the mortality of Coronavirus in any other place of the world, even though the strain here in Italy is not particularly more lethal.
And that means either they did not die because of Coronavirus, or that the Italian socialized medical system is very efficient in helping you die with Coronavirus.
Now there are three possibilities, other than that the death numbers are faked. The first is that these deaths are not caused by Coronavirus. And in fact the Ministry of Health has admitted that only 12% of those claimed to have died from Coronavirus, have a death certificate where the doctors who cared for the patient list the death as caused by Coronavirus. The other 88% died from something else, but were diagnosed as being infected by Coronavirus.
The second possibility is that these patients were euthanized in great numbers, such that roughly 75% were put to death intentionally or allowed to die out of neglect in a failed medical system.
The third possibility is that they had a bad winter influenza like I did and died from that, not Coronavirus, though they may also have had a Coronavirus infection.
Sixty-five Million Italians have been effectively put under house arrest to prevent the plague of Coronavirus. But after more than 9 weeks of the virus being in Italy, as the authorities claim, the numbers show that we can have little confidence that more than 1,843 persons (12% of 15,362) have died from it, when the normal winter flu in Italy kills 17,000 to 25,000 annually.
That does not make sense. No rational person could justify such a shut down of the national economy for such a small number of persons. But people are rational by nature. Therefore, we must assume that the leaders of Italy are acting for some other reason, some other goal and some other purpose, and that the Coronavirus is a complete political stunt.
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by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
It is good to see that, in the last 2 weeks, more and more voices are speaking up against the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control.
Jim Hoft, writing for the GatewayPundit.com, lists the deaths and economic destruction resulting from these 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, and sums up the damage succinctly:
The China coronavirus is the worst April Fools joke ever – it is devastating and evil.
(For those unfamiliar, with USA culture: April Fools jokes are pranks or misleading statements given out in jest on the first day of April each year).
His essay is entitled, APRIL FOOLS: China Coronavirus Insanity by the Numbers – Data Makes No Sense as Entire Industries and Millions of Lives Are Destroyed.
He follows up his commentary, with a report, that estimates 831,000 suicides might result, in the U.S.A. alone, due to the economic destruction of shutting down the USA with Corona Control (stay at home measures).
John Hoft adds his voice to eminent doctors of medicine, such as: Dr. Shiva Ayyaduri, Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Claus Koehnlein, and Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis to statisticians like William M. Briggs,to philosophers such as Prof. Francesco Lamendola, commentators such as Aaron Ginn, and top world class researchers such as Kenji Mizumoto, Katsushi Kagaya, and Gerardo Chowell.
Numerous others, before and after March 15, when I did, have called out the lie that the Coronavirus will kill 3.4% of those infected.
For these reasons, there is more than sufficient evidence for sane persons to oppose the claim that Coronavirus is an existential threat to mankind. This false claim is the Corona Stunt.
And since that is a lie, there is no moral reason to pretend that Coronavirus is such and seek to constantly preach that lie. This pretense and concerted effort to lie, is the Corona Hype.
Thus, too, the fear and dread that has been instilled in the human race on account of the Corona Hype is completely without reason. This fear and dread is the Corona Panic.
Finally, this panic is causing leaders in the Church and State to take actions which are depriving the masses of their natural and divine rights, and in many cases also their legal and constitutional rights. These measures to make us all stay at home or stop working is the Corona Control.
When men fall into a panic, they lose their reason and start harming themselves and others. We are currently in a diabolic world wide panic, and those of us who have kept our reason have to now take strong measures to call our leaders back to sanity.
This means, that we must call our Mayors, Governors, and political representatives in State, Provincial or National Assemblies to speak with them about what these voices of sanity, which I have cited above, and many others, are saying about the reality of what Coronavirus is NOT, how wrong it is for the Main Stream Media to be hyping it up, how evil it is to instill panic and how dangerous panic is to society and government. Finally, how the measures to control the population are the wrong response.
For only if we stop acting like sheep to be herded into a dark age of tyranny, will we be able to recover freedoms which we have just entirely lost, not to mention, prevent grave economic and demographic damage to the entire human race.
Now is the time for courageous action. We need to start a movement with the zeal of Pro-Lifers and the tenacity of the most zealous political organizations. And it must be directed against the the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control. It must target leaders with information, it must refute the lies, it must expose the perpetrators and it must insist against the control which is damaging all living, for the sake of hypothetical fraction of percentage of the whole.
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Br. Bugnolo reported from the Verano Cemetery, here at Rome, this morning, about the COVID-19 Crisis in Italy.
For more information about the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the resulting Corona Control, see our articles here at FromRome.Info on the Coronavirus.