On May 16, 2021, at Reggio di Calabria, in southern Italy, Dr. Giorgianni during a public political rally, “Reopen Calabria”, made the following remarks, at 23:45:
“But I am every more enraged, against this “pope”, who has folded in front of the earthly order, (against the dictum), “A free state and a free Church, a free Church in a free state”. — No! — And from this piazza I want to immediately say something: I believe that the Church has a need to give clarity. I want to know if this pope is a Pope or a Cardinal dressed in white! I want to know if the Pope Emeritus has abdicated from his functions or whether he is still the true Pope. Because I want to undeceive myself … Because I want to snap myself out of thinking thinking a true Pope, illuminated, inspired by the Holy Spirit, can turn his gaze away from the sight of the suffering of his people. Because I want to snap myself out of thinking that in China there is no more persecution of Christians, who cannot enter freely a church, that at the heights of power in the Vatican there is no blindfold over the eyes of our pope.”
Dr. Giorgianni’s testimony is fortified by the fact that he is an Italian Magistrate, that is, a judge, with a Doctorate in Civil jurisprudence.
CREDITS: Video by Francesco Toscano, Translatation by Br. Alexis Bugnolo