Tag Archives: Dragon

From the sin of David to the Mark of the Beast: Why ID2020 is an abomination

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

ID2020 is the initiative of global elites to label every human being on earth with a digital identification, stored in a bit-chain database, and used to determine whether each individual is allowed to travel, work, buy etc..

You can watch a video on Bitchute about this (https://www.bitchute.com/video/ImGXjsEq879X/), it is their frontal graphic which is the Featured Image of this post, produced by Digital Agent UR01. Which discusses technology which will be used for ID2020.

I, however, want to discuss the theological significance and question of ID2020.

King David’s sin

Numbering human persons has, according to Scripture, always been a thing hateful to God. We see this in the Book of Samuel, where King David takes a census of the subjects of His Kingdom. And God, for his sin, punishes David with his choice of plagues (cf. 2 Samuel 24, or in the Catholic Bible, 2 Kings 24).  The reason for God’s anger is that He made man according to His own image and likeness. And since God is but one, and a number implies not-1, the numbering of human persons implies that they are not unique and individual and irreplaceable beings which reflect the absolute Singularity and Oneness of God.  Thus putting a number on a human being, theologically, is the denial of his being made in the image of the One God.

So, in order to understand what I am talking about as regards the “mark of the beast”, let us first review what Saint John says in the Apocalypse (the Greek name of the Book of Revelations).

Revelations, Chapter 13

The Book of Revelations, as it is called in English, is the Book of the Apocalypse (its name in Greek). The Catholic Church, from whom the Bible comes, has placed it as the last book of the Bible. The Church has always held it to be written by the Apostle Saint John, the youngest of all of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. He wrote it in about 96 A.D., while he was imprisoned by the Roman Emperor upon the Island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea. Patmos is currently part of the nation of Greece.

The book is called the Book of Revelation(s) because in it the Apostle describes the mystical revelations he received from God about what would constitute the events of history from his days until the end of the world, when Christ Jesus will return from Heaven and judge the living and the dead.

Chapter 13, of this Book, contains a description of the prime actors of the final rebellion against God and Jesus Christ. First, there is the Dragon (Rev. 13:1), who in Rev. 12:9 is explicitly identified as Satan; then there is the first Beast which comes out of the sea (Rev. 13:1) with ten horns and seven heads.  In sacred scripture, a horn (Book of Daniel chapter 8 in the Catholic Version, 3 in the Protestant version) is a symbol of power or regent and a head is a symbol of the source of life and awareness. The sea is the symbol of the abyss of death (Exodus chapter 14)) or of the instability of Gentiles (Isaiah 60:5, Ezechiel 26:16). This first beast will reign for 42 months, or 2 years, 1 year and a half of a year, which symbolically counters the public ministry of Jesus Christ, which lasted 42 months.

Finally, there is the second Beast which rises from the earth (Rev. 13:11), which has power like Jesus Christ but speaks like Satan, or as Saint John says has two horns like a lamb but it spoke like a dragon. Satan is called a dragon or serpent, because he used such an animal to speak to Eve, to seduce her and Adam, in the Garden of Paradise, at the dawn of our race. This beast rises from the earth, which is a biblical symbol of life and stability and hence of the Catholic Church. It is also that from which man was created by God, and thus indicates that the second Beast will be a man.

So with this introduction, let us read what Saint John writes of the second Beast in Rev. 13:11 ff.:

And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. [12] And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed. [13] And he did great signs, so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth in the sight of men. [14] And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs, which were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and lived. [15] And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain.

Now at this point the Apostle speaks of the “mark of the beast”:

[16] And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. [17] And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.

Notice how in the Douay Rheims bible, which is translated from the Latin Vulgate, it preservers the original Greek work for a mark:  character.  A character is not only a letter of the alphabet, but also a tattoo or sign marked on the body. In Christianity, when a person is baptized, he is signed with olive oil on the forehead, and this is called the Baptismal Character. It’s meaning is that the one who is reborn in Baptism now belongs to Christ. Only those with this character can enter Heaven. Only they are spared from destruction (cf. Ezechiel 9:4, where those who are marked are marked with a letter which is the symbol of a Cross).

Consequently, since the Book of Revelations is speaking about those thing which are opposed to God, Saint John describes all those things which are opposed: the Anti-God, the Anti-Christ and the Anti-Holy Spirit. This Anti-Trinity opposes itself to the true God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is also the Anti-Church to oppose the true Church, which is the Catholic Church.

The anti-god is Satan. The anti-Christ, is the Antichrist. And the Anti-Holy Spirit is the False Prophet. The Anti-Church is all those churches founded by men, not by Jesus Christ, which pretend to be His Church but teach false doctrines. The anti-Church includes not only non-Catholics but also those who were baptized Catholics but refuse the true teachings of the Catholic Church.

So Satan is the Dragon. The first Beast is the Anti-Church. The second Beast is the Anti-Christ. That is why he appears as a lamb, similar to the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) but speaks like the dragon, Satan.  This second Beast has two horns, which perhaps indicate his power over Church and the world, or that he will have two men who are instruments of his dominion over mankind, one in the Church and one in the world.

So the mark of the beast, refers to the mark of belonging or servitude to the second Beast, who is the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ will instruct everyone to worship Satan and to join the Anti-Church.  He will appear to be a lamb, but will serve the Devil.  That is, as the Saints of the Catholic Church say, he will be a fallen Catholic Bishop who speaks inspired by Lucifer. This Anti-Christ will preach that everyone should join the Anti-Church, which will be a world wide union of all false religions, especially, false forms of Christianity.

In the logic of Scripture, the “mark of the beast” therefore will have to be a sign or mark on the body, whether permanent or passing, by which that individual is indicated to belong to the religion preached by the Anti-Christ: namely, that all false religions are equally willed by god (Satan, the father of lies).

The Abu Dhabi Agreement

There is a general consensus among Catholic theologians and clergy, that this one world religion was formally signed into a document in the so called Abu Dhabi Agreement, which was signed on Feb. 4, 2019. This document claims all religions are equally willed by God, though couched in Masonic language:

The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.

As anyone with the use of reason and some knowledge of history knows well, not all religions are based on truth, nor are all religions based on revelation from the One true God. Therefore, this statement is patently false. But its falsehood, being theological, is thus diabolic. Since the true God wills that all come to one Truth, which is God, it can only be the Enemy of God who wills that all remain in diverse lies and not come to that one Truth.

It was the signing of this statement by Pope Francis which has convinced a large part of the Catholic Church to suspect that he is the False Prophet if not the Antichrist, since the Catholic Church has for 1990 years always taught, with Jesus Christ, that there is only one Truth which can save men, Jesus Christ.

It is not, therefore, inconsequential, that BERGOGLIO, the surname of Pope Francis, has the value of 666 in ASCII. Bergolio may be thus one of the horns of the second Beast.


Finally, we must consider what ID2020 consists in and what it means and who is behind it. It consists in an international standard for digital identification of individual human beings. There is an excellent explanation of the ID2020 initiative by a popular expert on block-chain technologies, Chico Crypto, here.

Second, ID2020 means that everyone who receives such a digital identification will have their personal biometrics recorded in a block-chain database so wherever they go and whatever they buy will be associated with their identification. This identification, being digital will code each individual human being by number.

The person pushing this technology, especially as a way to certify who has and who has not receive his vaccines for COVID-19, is none other than Bill Gates III. And yes, “BILLGATES” in ASCII equals 666, when you understand that every ASCII string must include the end of string character, which has a value of 3. Thus Bill Gates may be the other horn of the second Beast.

So is ID2020 the mark of the beast? Bill Gates recently implied that the Catholic Religion may have to be suspended forever, now that we have the problem of COVID-19 and other possible world pandemics due to globalization. He wants masks used from now on, until you get HIS vaccine. And ID2020 will be necessary to know who has and who has not receive it.

For these reasons, I think that ID2020, therefore, fulfills all the characteristics of the biblical mark of the beast, that is of the Anti-Christ, who has not yet been revealed.

My predictions

I am not a prophet, these are only my guesses: are that (1) Bergoglio will endorse ID2020 and (2) require all the clergy to receive this mark and (3) deny the Sacraments to all who do not have it. Bill Gates (4) will own the technology and (5) suborn nation after nation to pass laws requiring it for everyone. Finally, (6) no one will be able to buy or sell without it.

Those of us who know Bergoglio is not the pope, must refuse it. We cannot let ourselves be marked with the mark of perdition. Furthermore, we must reconstitute the Catholic Church from those who refuse this mark and all future marks of a similar nature.

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Pachamama is the fulfillment of Apocalypse 12:4

The above image is the ridiculous and idolatrous Christmas Card art used by Franciscans International* for their Christmas greeting. They put Pachamama in place of Saint Elizabeth and implied that Our Lady was visiting the demon goddess, pregnant with her spawn.

In doing so, Franciscans International I believe was inspired to reveal the true meaning of the text in Saint John’s Apocalypse, Chapter 12, verse 4, which reads in the Douay Rheims translation of the Vulgate:

3 And there was seen another sign in heaven. And behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and on his heads seven diadems. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered: that, when she should be delivered, he might devour her son.

Pachamama is an Andean goddess, who is depicted in two forms, as a pregnant woman, and as a Serpent which rules the underworld. The adhesion to her demonic cult by increasing numbers of the clergy appears to be the apocalyptic fulfillment of the Apostasy of the third of the stars of Heaven.

Now either the Franciscans at Franciscan International were thinking of something else, or they were secretly signing to the other Satanists in the clergy, the true significance of Pachamama so that all of these wicked persons might more quickly adopt her cult.

The Darkness will spread in 2020

To do so at Christmas is clearly an act of devotion to the Anti-Christ, because who is the offspring of Pachamama? And why was a little boy statue included in the Vatican idolatrous act? — And is Bergoglio trying to conceive or conjure the Antichrist? —  These are questions which the Catholic world can no longer avoid asking.

Together with the warnings given by Our Lady of the Pine, that the imposter pope would change the “dramatic words” of the Mass, and the public denunciation by a leading member of ICEL against Pachamama worship, I fear that what is in the works is a New Ritual to replace the Mass, where Pachamama will be on the Altar during the consecration and the Host once consecrated will be fed to her in a sort of Satanic Black Mass ritual of sacrifice of God to the demon dragon, in fulfillment of Rev. 12:4.

My educated guesses …

This new Satanic Mass I infer is being drawn up as we speak by the Congregation for Divine Worship headed by Cardinal Sarah. — Satanists are very spiritual people, and they know to whom they must be loyal. — Don’t be fooled by the appearances of Catholicism. We must start judging according to truth, if we are to save our souls and the Church.

The substitution of the demonic cup of earth in place of the Statue of Pachamama, in the final “mass” at the Amazon Synod is clearly where the Bergoglian Anti-Church is going, and will become the archetype of all Black Masses in his New Religion. This substitution shows that the Satanists in Bergoglio’s curia have an excellent sense of liturgy.  The desecration of the Host at these Masses will not only fulfill all the desire of godless men — pagans, Jews and Muslims: for hatred of Christ is their religion and their devotion — but serve to be the most powerful conjuring of the spirit of the Antichrist, if he is not already on Earth, as Giuseppe was told by Our Lady of the Pine, born as a bastard of a Bishop and a nun, in Egypt in 1970. We know from the Fathers of the Church that the nun will be by race a Jew, and from the Saints of the Franciscan Order, that he will take the habit as a Franciscan before he reveals himself to the world. (Maybe he works for Franciscans International?)

Wishing one and all a Most Blessed Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord! May we all resolve, as did Saint Joseph, to defend the Crib (Church) of the Child Jesus with our lives, for this year of Our Lord 2020 will see even more diabolical things happen. Bergoglio will start excommunicating everyone who disagrees with him. A Diabolic Liturgy will be enacted. Prayers to Demons will be made obligatory.


*Hat tip off to TFP and Eponymous Flower for organizing a protest to the Franciscans International for this outrageous Christmas Card. See https://eponymousflower.blogspot.com/2020/01/franciscans-feature-bloodthirsty.html for more information how to sign a petition denouncing it.