Tag Archives: Frank Walker

Frank Walker, gives a broadside to the pro-Bergolian apologists


Here Mr. Walker is relentless with his incisive comments, including mention of two prominent “Bergoglio is definitely the pope men,” who admire priests on steroids.

Frank helps everyone cut through the propaganda and connect the dots. And things are so far gone in the Church, that we have to start connecting the dots, because the wolves have deceived most of the flock into thinking that they are the true shepherds of the Church.

Frank Walker is editor of Canon212.com, the most reputable Catholic news aggregation site in the English speaking world.


Frank Walker: The Faux Democratic process of the Bergoglian Church



Exposes how Bergoglio is working to destroy the Church by a back handed approval of Synodality with a faux democratic process, reviews the best on the web today on Catholic News and commentary.

If you want to hear the truth, you need to support those who speak the truth. Remember to support Mr. Walker through his website: http://canon212.com/newspages/

FromRome.Info daily features Walker’s latest, because he is uncontrolled truly Catholic media. One of the few daily commentaries of its kind in any language, which is run by a layman who is both highly informed politically and very knowledgeable about the Faith.

Frank Walker: The coverup regime behind the Sandri appointment


“Luther would have been shocked at what the FrancisChurch is about.”

Mr. Walker exposes the continual corruption of the Bergoglian regime, and puts it in clear light. A talent he has like few others.

FRANK IS ON FIRE IN THIS VIDEO. Drop everything and watch this video!

If you want to hear the truth, support those who hear the truth. You can support Mr. Walker through his website, Canon212.com which reports in English the news about the Church in all its grizzly detail.

Frank Walker: Blessed are the Lazy and Broke


Frank Walker, editor of Canon212.com exposes the falsehoods of Social Justice being preaching by Bergoglians in this news commentary, the kind of which you will not find in the English speaking world.

Support those who speak the truth, if you want to hear the truth! — Make a donation to Mr. Walker through his website, Canon212.com, the best news aggregation site for Catholics, in the English speaking world.

Frank Walker: Whose fault is it?


Daily, we bring you the newest Video Report from Frank Walker of Canon212.com, the leading Catholic News Commentary in the English speaking world for unmasking the Bergoglian heretics.

As always, if you want to hear the truth, support those who tell the truth about the crisis in the Church. You can support Mr. Walker by making a donation through his YouTube page.

FromRome.Info is honored to be able to publish in a few days, its interview with Mr. Walker about Catholic Media in the era of Apostasy.

Frank Walker: Bergoglians punish to make us keep quiet about their revolution


Don’t waste your time with any media outlets which tell you to shut up and accept Bergoglio. Here is the truth about the daily news, in all its grizzly detail.

As always, if you want the truth, you need to support those who speak it. Remember to support Mr. Walker through his YouTube page or Canon212.com with a generous donation.

Frank Walker: Trad Media flipped in 2013, Why? Follow the Money


Frank Walker asks some hard questions, for which Trad Inc. needs to respond. He shows how the Munich protest was done not out of Faith but on the basis of secular concepts, emptied of the supernatural.

This is the same media which systematically ignores Bishop Gracida’s call for investigation and canonical responses to patent corruption and lawless behavior. Why?

This magnificent and timely commentary comes only from Canon212.com. Remember to make a donation on Mr. Walker’s YouTube Page to thank him for speaking the truth.

Frank Walker: Big Groups hunting Bergoglio are better than little groups hunting Germans


Take the red-pill to escape of the fake narrative of the Bergoglian apostates. Frank Walker in his finest, correcting false consciences.

As always, keep Frank going by sending him a donation on his YouTube page, since he has no big money behind him, unlike a lot of pro Bergoglian media.


Frank Walker: January 7, 2020: A lawless Marxist Collective of lies and chaos



Editor’s Note: I urge all Catholic bloggers to embed the daily videos by Frank Walker, Canon212.com, in their posts, to grow viewership. There is no single daily news commentary in the English speaking world which does more to accurately expose the Marxist infiltration of the Hierarchy and explain where Catholics’ true obedience lies, with Jesus Christ and in saving His Church. From Rome Blog will do this regularly during 2020.

A Rare Voice of Truth

The From Rome Blog rarely endorses anything, because the purpose of this Blog is not promotion, but a defense of the Catholic Faith and the exposé of corruption.

As every Catholic knows, who is living on the planet Earth, from the moment Pope Benedict XVI announced his renunciation of ministry, the Catholic Media have not shown themselves loyal to truth, and are increasingly drawn into the maelstrom of lies and propaganda tricks of the Ecclesiastical Mafia and Globalist organizations.

For that reason, among Catholic thinkers, writers, personalities and “leaders”, all those with some sort of connection to the Ecclesiastical Institution for their jobs or income have increasingly gone silent.

Since this Blog is dedicated to Jesus Christ, under His Name of Truth, we consider it a matter of eternal salvation and urgent necessity to signal from time to time a Rare Voice of Truth.

In this case, we speak of a layman who has no such ties to anyone. But for Catholics who have never read the Fathers of the Church or the great Saints who fought against Heresy and moral corruption in the Church, if you want to know what kind of spirit they had, you can find a very good example in Frank Walker and see him in action every day on his Youtube Channel, Canon212.com


Frank is not the kind of guy who will raise 500 hundred thousand from you by hankering you for money and spitting out the party line. He is the kind of guy who would rather tell you the truth and lose your donation. He is zealously Catholic on every topic. I can rarely say to myself, that I disagree with anything he says, and that is saying something, because I have read the entire Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church, the Lives of the Saints and have spent 12 years in intensive academic study of Scholastic Theology and Philosophy, and have read nearly all the Encyclicals of the modern popes, the biographies of every Pope and several histories of all the Ecumenical Councils and the English Reformation. — So I will be the first to say I do not know everything, but when you come across a layman who is consistently knowledgeable and faithful to the Church and Her perennial teaching on every point, you have to tell others about him.

So do not waste your time listening to the controlled media or the controlled opposition or in waiting for some member of the Hierarchy to really tell it as it is. Just listen to Mr. Walker’s DAILY news commentaries. They are the Catholic equivalent of what might be called the Anti-Pravda, as he will cut through all the propaganda being put out by the Ecclesiastical Mafia and tell you the bald faced truth.

He also runs a very informed news aggregation site by the same name: Canon212.com and reports from Florida, in the USA. — And remember to thank him in a way a Franciscan Brother without a penny to his name cannot, with a generous donation!

He is a rare voice of truth, and I encourage all catholics to start imitating him. We need to rebuild Catholic Media up from the ground of faith and saintly zeal our forefathers lived and breathed.