Tag Archives: French Revolution

What’s happening to the Catholic Church?

And What, if anything, can I do about it?

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

These are two questions which are in the forefront of the minds of all the faithful right now. Most of us are currently in shock at the open and widespread wave of apostasy among the Clergy of the Church not only at the highest levels but even down to the local parishes.

Even the best clergy seem incapable of admitting the problem. And none of them are as of yet proposing to do anything about it — with one notable exception, the Most Rev. Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, USA (who blogs at abyssum.org), who from February 2013 has been warning his brother Bishops, but who like us, is shaking his head at the non-action of them all.

However, for most of us, we do not have the knowledge of Bishop Gracida to understand what is going on in the Church. And so, for the sake of the general public, I will give a short summary of Church History to help you understand why literally all Hell is breaking lose in the Church right now.

With the refusal of Lucifer to serve God by worshiping Him alone, there broke out in Heave a great spiritual battle, which was won by the forces of God, headed by Saint Michael the Archangel.

The defeated sought refuge in this world, and obtained mastery over it by seducing our first parents, Adam and Evil.

God in pity for our race and because He had foreordained to save us, promised us a Savior, who after many generations was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and died on the Cross to save us. Rising from the dead He broke the bonds of death forever, and stole the spiritual sovereignty of this world from Satan. Now through the Apostles and their successors, He offers salvation to all men who come to Him through Faith and in His One Holy Catholic Church.

So, from the days of Pentecost Satan has sought to destroy the Church, because it is the instrument of his continuing and ultimate defeat. He did this by stirring up the Jews to persecute us and excommunicate the first Christians, putting many into prison. Then as the Church spread to the Gentiles, he stirred up factions and scandals, about which you can read something in Saint Paul’s Letters to the Church of Corinth.

Saint Paul warned us, then, that the stratagem of Satan would be to introduce into the Church false brethren, who led by the spirit of the devil would seek to undo the work of Jesus Christ. These men are the adherents of another master, and thus embody the spirit of the Anti-Christ to come, a man who by the assistance of Satan, will ape Jesus Christ and attempt to finally destroy the Catholic  Church from within.

From without Satan stirred up the Roman Emperors to undertaken 10 vicious persecutions of the Church, which resulted in millions of martyrs, 170 thousand alone here at Rome. But finally, the Church won out and the Empire was converted to the Faith. For long ages the Faith ruled Europe. But after about 1000 years of peace, Satan induced the King of France to beat the Pope to a pulp, on September 7, 1303 A.D..  Since then, the temporal lords of Europe, inspired by the Devil, have sought to persecute the Church more and more, while wicked men in the clergy sought to corrupt her.

The Saints of old by the time of the Reformation clearly indicated who the False Prophet was: Martin Luther. His rebellion against the Church was motivated by his desire to be a Bishop on top of already being the abbot of 12 monasteries. He was a corrupt and greedy and lascivious priest who pursued an ecclesiastical career for himself, not for  God. Though he lead into damnation millions of souls, his rebellion only won over, for the most part, the Catholics of northern Europe.

However, in the rest of Europe the wicked clergy took notice. They did not openly profess the heresies of Luther, but they began to envy the agenda of Luther: to have a Church were they could pursue their careers without any obligations of faith or morals.

Their evil desires began to formulate factions in the Church at the highest levels. Through the associations of Bishop with Bishop there emerged what we call today as the Lavender Mafia: a particularly wicked and nasty clerical association of sodomites and satanists who work together to protect one another from being disciplined and who share victims among themselves.

The first public manifestation of this mafia was the Synod of Pistoia, Italy, in 1786, preceding the French Revolution by a few years. It was in almost every detail the proposal of a form of religion which we know today as the Second Vatican Council. At the time, its chief agitator, the Bishop of Pistoia, Scipione dei Ricci, and its participants were condemned by Pope VII in the Bull, Auctorem Fidei, and those attending the illicit Synod excommunicated. Saint Alphonsus said that these evil Bishops were members of a cult of sodomites who practiced Satanism. He warned against them, but his warning were forgotten.

The French Revolution, however gave an opportunity for wicked clergy, throughout Europe, to put into practice what was condemned. Almost the entire clergy of France apostatized during the Revolution and accepted a pagan worship of Nature in place of the Catholic Faith. True Catholics had to hide in the country-side and feign ignorance. Saint John Vianney was one of them, often attending services in a Barn.

After the collapse of the Revolution, most all the clergy returned to the public profession of the Catholic Faith, but it was only in appearances. These wicked men quickly worked to introduce the same errors into the entire Church by promoting Modernism, Rationalism and indifferentism in matters of the Faith. To attack the Church further they worked with politicians in France, Germany and Italy to suppress and destroy the Church. Our Lady came to La Salette in 1846 to warn the Church against these men, saying the clergy of France “had become a sewer of impurity”.

The Church condemned them at the First Vatican Council and so they went underground. They attempted to take the Church back in the Conclave of 1903, when one of their own, Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, a direct episcopal descendant of Cardinal Alessandro Mattei (the principal consecrator of the organizer of the heretical Synod of Pistoia) nearly succeeded being elected to the papacy, if it were not for the veto of the Austrian Emperor, delivered in the Conclave by the Polish Cardinal of Warsaw.

Saint Pius X worked to condemn and uproot the Modernists network in the Church, but because of the compromise in the Conclave which elected him, he could not uproot the Cardinals who were co-conspirators. This evil league worked quietly to undermine the work of Saint Pius X and his predecessor Benedict XV.

To block their evil plan, Our Lady appeared again, this time at Fatima and revealed to Sr. Lucia their ultimate plans and Her ultimate victory over them, asking the popes to Consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart to defeat them.

However, they succeeded in opposing Her requests and in putting more and more tolerant men on the Papal Throne, until at last with one of their own, Pope John XXIII they put into effect their long awaited plan to revive the Synod of Pistoia.

Pope John XXIII following the directives given him by the Masonic Lodge and the descendants of Cardinal Rampolla contrived the trick of calling for reform while working to replace the foundations of the Catholic Faith with a false Gospel. In fact, ever since the Second Vatican II the clergy have been trained that the gospels in practice are the documents of the Council. The real Gospel is to be understood, modified and forgotten only in accord with the documents of Vatican II. They dumped the Mass which the Holy Spirit gave us through the Apostles and Sacred Tradition and replaced it with a liturgy intended to turn us away from God more and more with the passing of years.

Since that time, no Catholic man who was unwilling to compromise was allowed to become a priest. Slowly too only compromised men were allowed to become Bishops. The incessant insistence on updating became the ruse to slowly remove every vestige of Catholic Faith and morals from daily Church practices.

Pope John Paul II fought against the conspiracy to take the revolution further in the Church and in opposition to him, Cardinal Martini organized the Saint Gallen Mafia in Switzerland in 1992. Their final plan was to take over the College of Cardinals by insisting that their men be elevated to the Cardinalate for the sake of peace in the Church. They urged Pope John Paul II’s resignation for reasons of health but he refused. And they nearly won in the conclave of 2005, where Cardinal Ratzinger was elected in opposition to their candidate from Argentina.

Finally, with the forced abdication of Pope Benedict, a direct descendant of both Cardinal Rampolla and Cardinal Mattei was put forth in the Conclave of 2013: Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His intention has ever been to establish sodomy and satanism in the Church as the new World Religion.

But little did they know, that in his final act, Pope Benedict XVI tricked them. To understand how he did this, see my article, entitled, How Benedict has defeated “Francis”. And, Pope Benedict’s End Game is to defeat FreeMasonry in the Church.

To understand more, see my Index on the Renunciation of Pope Benedict, and especially the last section which can show you how to join the fight against the Lavender Mafia and the Saint Gallen Mafia.

In short, my advice is: keep the Faith, urge the clergy to return to the Faith and break with the ecclesiastical mafia. Be on your guard against false priests and bishops. Pray the Rosary daily and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home and teach the faith to your children from the Catechisms of the Council of Trent and Saint Pius X, for the battle has only begun and it will soon become much more intense.

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