Tag Archives: Global Fund

Did Bill Gates ask Giuseppe Conte to make Italy the ground zero for COVID-19?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

A recent series of revelations by journalists and experts throughout the world has detailed the central, decisive, guiding and controlling role of Bil Gates in the so called COVID-19 pandemic.

He prepared for it and funded

  1. The Center and Event which planned it: John Hopkins Center for Health Security, Event 201
  2. The Institute which first published the warning: University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease and Policy
  3. The NIAID Director who foretold it: Anthony FauciAnthony Fauci
  4. The WHO Director-General who declared it: Tedros Adhanom

And, so, one can rightly wonder also, if he had something to do with the decisions of the Prime Minister of the one nation which has become the ground zero for fear mongering the world-over, on account of its intentionally exaggerated statistical reporting of deaths caused by COVID-19?

Yes, I speak of Giuseppe Conte, the President of the Council of Ministers, for Italy.

And I am not the first to wonder what going on between Gates and Conte. In an article by Open.Online, published on August 27, 2019, entitled, E Conte incassa anche i ringrazimenti di Bill Gates (ben prima di Trump), there is a disquisition over why on earth Bill Gates publicly praised Conte as soon as he formed his Left-wing government after ousting Matteo Salvini in August of last year.

Here is the tweet, cited in that article:

What caught the attention of the Italian news site was that Italy has NOT donated to the Global Fund since 2011. So why is Bill Gates praising Conte for his support?

This speculation was much too much for Gates and his supporters, so they demanded a change in the title of the article by Open.Online, as you can see from the URL which still bears the original title:


In English, that original title would read:  Even Bill Gates thanks Conte on Twitter, but it is not very clear for what.

Maybe now, that Italy has admitted it is padding its Coronavirus deaths by 800% by including those who died with coronavirus not only those who died from coronavirus, maybe now you can guess why Gates was thanking Conte before the fact.

Giuseppe Conte, as you can see, is as bold face liar. In his interview with Chuck Todd, on Sunday April 5, 2020, on the program, Meet the Press, Conte had the gall to say:

I can say, first of all, since the very beginning of the Italian pandemic, Italy has put public health first and for this reason, we have adopted very strict measures, that you mentioned, and adjusted them to the evolution of the infection. Second, the political choices must be based on scientific evidence. Third, third, it is crucial to implement decisions with full transparency. Our liberal democracy are built on the contract that we have with our own people. And we owe to them truth and transparency in the same way we are to provide them with safety and security. This is the Italian model…

He closes his interview with Chuck Todd by echoing the script written by Rockefeller and Gates:

And we also need a sustained economy recovery at a global level because COVID-19 is a global enemy and we will defeat it only through coordinated bold, united political global response by all world countries.

For Asia Guereschi, writing for Italics Magazine, on March 25, 2020, however, Giuseppe Conte is restoring the credibility of Italy. Perhaps she thinks differently now. But seeing that she is someone who studied in China and the UK and is focused on global-warming, I would be inclined to judge otherwise.

FromRome.Info knows of no meeting or direct financial relationship between Gates and Conte. But it has widely been reported in the Italian Press, that Conte received some 50,000 euros in salary from an investment company in Luxembourg, about the time he became prime minister, which investment company holds investments from the Vatican. The Vatican, in turn, before this, received monies from a organization controlled by Gates for a sacrilegious light show on the Facade of Saint Peter’s which scandalized the Catholic world. Some 180,000 euros, if I remember correctly.


Oh, yes, and Bergamo, the epicenter for the Wuhan Virus in Italy: there was a massive vaccination program in the Fall, after Conte took power, which gave the winter flu vaccine to 120,000 senior citizens in the province: a vaccine known to increase the likelihood of infections from coronaviridae viruses by 33%. Coincidence?

The manufacturer of the vaccine is Sanfi Pasteaur, which has received investment from and collaborates with the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation. Another coincidence?

You decide.

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