Tag Archives: Illegal Immigration
Antonio Socci warns of the collapse of Democracy in Italy
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
at TV.LiberoQuotidiano.It
on January 19, 2020
Antonio Socci is not just a Vaticanista, or Controvesialist, he is a true Italian Patriot who is a strong and just critic of the Left wing madness in the Italian Republic.
For those who do not know how left, Italy is turning: The Ruling Coalition, who hs only 19% in the national polls, but 54% in Parliament, wants to put Matteo Salvini, who is getting 60% support in the national polls, on trial, for the “Crime” of protecting the borders from illegal immigration, WHILE HE WAS MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR!
Socci opens his Editorial, writing thus (This is our unofficial translation):
In Italy, is democracy itself at risk? There is no need even to exaggerate, rather there are indeed indications of an about face that might lead to the collapse of the democratic system and which should worry everyone.
Not only because the ruling coalition is comprised of two political parties which are in the minority in the country (the one, which had the worse show at the polls in its entire history in 2018, the other which lost half of its support in the elections for the European Parliament in 2019).
Not only because they barricaded their offices against the Nation, and manifest intentions of never giving the sovereign people back the vote in any case whatsoever (not even if they lose in the regional elections in Emilia Romana, after having lost in Umbria), but also because this spring hundreds of nominations and cushy-chairs are up for grabs.
But the situation is worrisome, also, for the underhanded attempts to tie the hands of their opposition which holds the majority support in the Country. It is known that the health of a democracy is seen, above all, in the extent of liberty granted to the opposition. Yet, what is happening in Italy, today?
There is not only the massive constant attack by the media against the Center Right, the demonization of their leader with torrents of rancor and hostile words. “Cancel out Salvini” is something more than an infelicitous unpleasant headline in the daily, La Repubblica.
This seems to be the intention of the ruling parties and it does – in fact – mean that they want to tie the hands of the opposition, something which they even tried to do in Parliament by omitting the examination of the Budget in the Camera (and which they risked losing in a single month).
It is a situation which should worry everyone. Let us consider the case of “Gregoretti”: the ruling parties expressed their intention to put Salvini on trial, with the accusation of having “kidnapped persons”, by having delayed — in his capacity as Minister of the Interior — the disembarkation of a group of immigrants on the Ship “Gregoretti”, while he awaited certain knowledge of their final destination.
Salvini said: “They are putting me on trial for having defended our borders” (he risks a sentence of 15 years and also the lost of the right to participate actively in politics).
On the proposal to authorize the act, the constitutional expert, Ginevra Cerrina Feroni, said: “There seems to be very little legality in the entire affair, just as Carlo Nordio has argued.”
Then, at the end of his editorial, Socci remarks that Salvini is experiencing a Trump effect, that is, his support is growing daily, the more the Left controlled government attempts to suppress the will of the people:
No political leader in the history of the Republic has ever had such a popular response, let alone in two regions (Umbria and Emilia-Romagna) which should have belonged to the Left.
What is happening on a daily basis – and which Salvini is documenting on social media – finds no response in the Media, but it has literally annihilated the leading position of the Left. Which has decided to defend itself from Italians by barricading itself in its Palazzo.
(To Read the Original in Italian, click the link below)
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