Tag Archives: Italian Constitution

Attorney De Petro: The Government has no authority to require the Virus Mass

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As of May 18, 2020, the Catholic Church in Italy has been operating its churches under a Protocol of agreement with Giuseppe Conte, the Sanitary Dictator of Italy. The new protocol requires the Church in her own churches to alter the rubrics of the mass in a way which is fundamentally disruptive of worship and faith. She is required to adopt methods even more strict that those in businesses which serve the public. The entire presupposition of the Protocol is that the Catholic Religion is unsanitary and that the Catholic Faith is not essential to society. But even worse, the Italian Constitution forbids that any law be made which inflicts anything upon the Church. The motto of the Italian Republic is a “a free Church in a free state”: a principle which has been completely trashed by Giuseppe Conte.

In response not a few constitutional lawyers and clergy have spoke out. Most recently, this has been done by a zealous Catholic attorney of Palermo, Sicily, by the name of Roberto De Petro. Here is his letter to the Bergoglian ordinary of Palermo, first in Italian, then in English translation. FromRome.into is honored to have the personal permission of Attorney De Petro to republish it.

Attorney De Petro addresses his letter to Mons. Lorefice, who garnered fame a few years ago, by being the first Bishop in history to ride a bicycle inside a Cathedral (See Featured Image above, read the story here). Lorefice was a priest of the Diocese of Noto, where I was a hermit. I have personally met him, and seen a copy of his universally praised Doctoral Thesis: a piece of longwinded modernist blovation which is worthy only of lining a birdcage. So I do not expect that this excellent letter be even understood by the Bishop. Lorefice is also the man who attempted to excommunicate Don Alessandro Minutella for rightfully declaring Bergoglio a public heretic.

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Ecc.za Rev.ma Arcivescovo di Palermo
Mons. Corrado Lorefice
Via Matteo Bonello, 2
90134 Palermo PA

Ecc.za Rev.ma,

sono un avvocato del foro di Palermo, cattolico praticante, residente nella sua diocesi e frequentatore – insieme a molti altri fedeli – della S. Messa in rito antico (la più sicura in tempi di coronavirus, poichè celebrata coram Deo).

Mi rivolgo a lei, e per suo tramite a tutti i vescovi italiani, per denunciare la invalidità e la illogicità del “Protocollo circa la la ripresa delle celebrazioni con il popolo” del 7.5.2020, stipulato tra Governo e CEI, per i seguenti motivi:

1) Incostituzionalità del d.l. 33/2020 e quindi del protocollo Governo – CEI.

Visto l’attuale andamento del dichiarato allarme sanitario da covid 19 – con contagi e decessi prossimi allo zero in tutta Italia (dati del Ministero della Salute aggiornati al 16.5.2020, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-jswKGJU2hJIRWVVNbm-tqF9_XM4ylwW/view?usp=sharing) (https://lab.gedidigital.it/gedi-visual/2020/coronavirus-i-contagi-in-italia/?refresh_ce) – il decreto legge 33/2020 è incostituzionale perchè privo dei presupposti di “straordinaria necessità ed urgenza” richiesti dall’art. 77 Cost..

In particolare la Sicilia presenta il livello di rischio il più basso d’Italia (preambolo Ordinanza n. 21/2020 del Pres. Reg. Sicilia) ed in provincia di Palermo i decessi totali nel primo trimestre 2020 sono inferiori del 9,2% rispetto a quelli registrati nello stesso periodo del 2019.

Pertanto l’allarme sanitario – in particolare nella sua diocesi – è del tutto inesistente, stando ai dati ufficiali forniti da ISTAT e ISS.

L’illegittimità costituzionale del decreto legge de quo, quale atto presupposto, travolge – per l’effetto – anche i successivi decreti attuativi (dpcm 17.5.2020) nonchè il mentovato “protocollo”, il quale è nullo anche per i seguenti infrascritti motivi.

2) Nullità del “protocollo” per carenza di potere e perché sacrilego.

Le disposizioni governative sulla ripresa delle celebrazioni con il popolo sono assolutamente nulle poichè:

– le autorità civili non sono competenti in materia di culto religioso;

– i rappresentanti della conferenza episcopale non hanno giurisdizione né sui vescovi, né sui sacerdoti, né sui fedeli.

Ogni singolo vescovo è sovrano nella sua diocesi, ma non può modificare quanto stabilito dalle rubriche del Messale, che hanno forza di legge per tutta la Chiesa. Le rubriche del Messale non prevedono l’uso di guanti nella celebrazione della Messa.

Nel rito tradizionale il vescovo toglie le chiroteche prima di accedere all’altare per la parte sacrificale: si deduce che l’Ostia consacrata può essere toccata solo da mani nude, poichè i frammenti possono rimanere attaccati alle dita.

Infatti, dopo la consacrazione del Pane, il sacerdote tiene uniti i polpastrelli del pollice e dell’indice fino a quando, terminata la comunione, non li purifica nel calice.

L’uso di guanti di lattice, alla luce di quanto appena esposto, è aberrante: il Corpo sacramentale del Signore, essendo quanto di più prezioso la Chiesa possieda in assoluto, non può certo essere toccato da  materiale spregevole che sarà gettato nella spazzatura (guanti monouso), ma soltanto dalle mani consacrate del sacerdote, il quale, proprio per questo, se le lava immediatamente prima della Messa. Inoltre tutti i vasi sacri, per rispetto di ciò che devono contenere, devono essere obbligatoriamente dorati; anche da ciò si deduce che il mettere volontariamente le Sacre Specie a contatto con materiali vili è un attentato alla loro sacralità, cioè un atto sacrilego in senso lato.

3) Manifesta illogicità nella proibizione della Comunione in bocca.

Ammessa e non concessa la attuale sussistenza di un allarme sanitario nella diocesi di Palermo, è apodittico ed ascientifico affermare che la comunione in mano sia innocua, mentre quella in bocca esponga al contagio virale: è vero il contrario, poichè il palmo della mano ed i polpastrelli sono i principali vettori di sporcizia, virus e batteri; invece la saliva contiene il lisozima, avente proprietà “antibatteriche, antivirali, antiprotozoarie, immunomodulanti” (Prof. Di Bella http://www.metododibella.org/it/notizie/2020-03-12/La-straordinaria-efficacia-del-Lisozima-come-antivirale-Roma.it.html).

E’ di lapalissiana evidenza che molti agenti patogeni vengono trasmessi attraverso le mani, che toccano quelle di altre persone, le maniglie delle porte, i corrimano, i maniglioni nei trasporti pubblici, etc..

Le stesse mani e dita vanno poi a toccare il naso e la bocca (cfr. rivista “BMC Infectious Diseases”, studio del 2006 citato in https://www.corrispondenzaromana.it/notizie-dalla-rete/i-vescovi-non-possono-imporre-la-comunione-alla-mano-ne-proibire-la-comunione-alla-lingua/).

Anche i medici interpellati dalla diocesi di Portland hanno confermato che “le mani hanno una maggiore esposizione ai germi” (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/portland-archdiocese-coronavirus-or-no-communion-can-be-received-on-the-tongue-17282).

Si noti, infine, che mentre il macellaio può toccare la carne animale a mani nude, il sacerdote viene costretto a porgere il Corpo di Cristo con i guanti monouso!

Si ripetono così le assurdità della fase 1, in cui si poteva andare al supermarket, edicola e tabaccaio, ma non in parrocchia a pregare. Perseverare diabolicum.

4) Violazione dei paragrafi 14 e segg. e 90 e segg. della Redemptionis Sacramentum.

La competenza a regolamentare ed ordinare la Sacra Liturgia spetta alla Sede Apostolica, e non al vescovo, ai sensi dei paragrafi 14 e segg. della tuttora vigente “Redemptionis Sacramentum”, la quale attribuisce ai fedeli il diritto di fare la comunione in ginocchio (nn. 90 e 92) ed espressamente stabilisce che “i ministri sacri non possono negare i sacramenti a coloro che li chiedano opportunamente, siano disposti nel debito modo e non abbiano dal diritto la proibizione di riceverli”; pertanto “non è lecito, quindi, negare a un fedele la santa Comunione, per la semplice ragione, ad esempio, che egli vuole ricevere l’Eucaristia in ginocchio” (n.91, la cui violazione in molte parrocchie palermitane è stata più volte invano denunciata a vostra Ecc.za).

Infine, Ecc.za Rev.ma, rifletta sul fatto che l’irresponsabile ed arbitraria interdizione ai fedeli della S. Messa (stigmatizzata anche da Papa Francesco il 17.4.2020 http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Papa-Francesco-Cosi-non-e-Chiesa-celebrare-a-distanza-per-uscire-dal-tunnel-81fb2600-7e83-488a-8cb7-98ab5cd320f6.html), ha portato ad una disastrosa “virtualizzazione” dei Sacramenti, taluni aboliti de facto, altri sostituiti da “cerimonie in streaming”.

Ciò ha instillato l’erroneo convincimento che sia possibile soddisfare il proprio “sentimento religioso usufruendo delle numerose alternative offerte mediante gli strumenti informatici”, come ha testualmente statuito il Tar Lazio il 29.4.2020 (https://tinyurl.com/ycyzd2oq), il quale ha occupato il vuoto lasciato dagli ipocondriaci vescovi e presbiteri italiani, plaudenti alla “conversione” di Silvia “Aisha” Romano e barricati dentro le loro canoniche per un misero frammento di RNA, mentre i cattolici cinesi, africani e mediorientali rischiano ogni giorno di essere decapitati, torturati, bombardati e bruciati vivi mentre assistono alla S. Messa, preferendola alla loro stessa vita.

Auspico che vostra Ecc.za Rev.ma – avendo a cuore la salute dei fedeli tanto quanto il decoro della Liturgia – voglia disapplicare l’umiliante “protocollo” per tutti i motivi sopra esposti, nonché favorire la celebrazione del Vetus Ordo, che assicura maggiore distanza e minori contatti tra fedeli e presbiteri.

Con osservanza.

Palermo lì 20.5.2020

Avv. Roberto De Petro

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Ecc.za Rev.ma Archbishop of Palermo
Mons. Corrado Lorefice
Via Matteo Bonello, 2
90134 Palermo PA

Your Excellency,

I am a lawyer of the Bar of Palermo, a practising Catholic, resident in his diocese and frequenter – together with many other faithful – of the Holy Mass in ancient rite (the safest in times of coronavirus, since it is celebrated coram Deo).

I turn to you, and through you to all the Italian bishops, to denounce the invalidity and illogicality of the “Protocol on the resumption of celebrations with the people” of 7.5.2020, stipulated between the Government and CEI, for the following reasons:

1) Unconstitutionality of Legislative Decree 33/2020 and therefore of the Government – CEI protocol.

Given the current trend of the declared health alert by covid 19 – with contagions and deaths close to zero throughout Italy (data from the Ministry of Health updated to 16.5.2020, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-jswKGJU2hJIRWVVNbm-tqF9_XM4ylwW/view?usp=sharing) (https://lab.gedidigital.it/gedi-visual/2020/coronavirus-i-contagi-in-italia/?refresh_ce) – Decree Law 33/2020 is unconstitutional because it lacks the prerequisites of “extraordinary necessity and urgency” required by art. 77 of the Italian Constitution.

In particular, Sicily has the lowest level of risk in Italy (preamble of Ordinance no. 21/2020 of the Sicilian Reg. Reg.) and in the province of Palermo total deaths in the first quarter of 2020 are 9.2% lower than those recorded in the same period of 2019.

Therefore the health alert – particularly in his diocese – is completely non-existent, according to official data provided by ISTAT and ISS.

The constitutional illegitimacy of the above mentioned decree law, as a prerequisite act, overwhelms – for the effect – also the subsequent implementing decrees (dpcm 17.5.2020) as well as the mentioned “protocol”, which is null and void for the following reasons.

2) Nullity of the “protocol” for lack of power and because it is sacrilegious.

The government provisions on the resumption of celebrations with the people are absolutely null and void because:
– the civil authorities are not competent in matters of religious worship;
– the representatives of the Episcopal Conference have no jurisdiction over bishops, priests or the faithful.

Every single bishop is sovereign in his diocese, but he cannot change what is established by the headings of the Missal, which have the force of law for the whole Church. The rubrics of the Missal do not provide for the use of gloves in the celebration of Mass.

In the traditional rite, the bishop removes the chirotecs before entering the altar for the sacrificial part: it is deduced that the consecrated Host can only be touched by bare hands, since the fragments can remain attached to the fingers.

In fact, after the consecration of the Bread, the priest holds the fingertips of the thumb and index finger together until, after communion, he purifies them in the chalice.

The use of latex gloves, in the light of what has just been said, is aberrant: the sacramental Body of the Lord, being the most precious Thing the Church possesses, can certainly not be touched by despicable material that will be thrown in the trash (disposable gloves), but only by the consecrated hands of the priest, who, precisely for this reason, washes them immediately before Mass. Moreover, all sacred vessels, out of respect for what they must contain, must be compulsorily gilded; also from this it can be deduced that voluntarily putting the Sacred Species in contact with vile materials is an attack on their sacredness, that is, an act sacrilegious in the broadest sense.

3) It manifests illogicality in the prohibition of Communion in the mouth.

Admitted and not granted the current existence of a health alarm in the diocese of Palermo, it is apodictic and ascientific to say that the communion in the hand is harmless, while the communion in the mouth exposes to viral contagion: the opposite is true, because the palm of the hand and the fingertips are the main vectors of dirt, viruses and bacteria; instead the saliva contains lysozyme, having “antibacterial, antiviral, antiprotozoal, immunomodulating” properties (Prof. Di Bella http://www.metododibella.org/it/notizie/2020-03-12/La-straordinaria-efficacia-del-Lisozima-come-antivirale-Roma.it.html).

It is most evident that many pathogens are transmitted through the hands, which touch those of other people, door handles, handrails, handles in public transport, etc..

The same hands and fingers then touch the nose and mouth (see “BMC Infectious Diseases” magazine, 2006 study cited in https://www.corrispondenzaromana.it/notizie-dalla-rete/i-vescovi-non-possono-imporre-la-comunione-alla-mano-ne-proibire-la-comunione-alla-lingua/).

The doctors questioned by the Diocese of Portland also confirmed that “hands have a higher exposure to germs” (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/portland-archdiocese-coronavirus-or-no-communion-can-be-received-on-the-tongue-17282).

Note, finally, that while the butcher can touch animal flesh with his bare hands, the priest is forced to hand over the Body of Christ with disposable gloves!

Thus the absurdities of phase 1 are repeated, in which one could go to the supermarket, newsagent’s and tobacconist’s, but not to the parish to pray. Persevere diabolicum.

4) Violation of paragraphs 14 et seq. and 90 et seq. of Redemptionis Sacramentum.

The competence to regulate and ordain the Sacred Liturgy belongs to the Apostolic See, and not to the bishop, according to paragraphs 14 et seq. of the still in force “Redemptionis Sacramentum”, which attributes to the faithful the right to make communion on their knees (nn. 90 and 92) and expressly states that “sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who ask for them properly, are properly disposed and are not forbidden by law to receive them”; therefore “it is not lawful to deny a faithful person Holy Communion, for the simple reason, for example, that he wants to receive the Eucharist on his knees” (n. 91, whose violation in many parishes in Palermo has been repeatedly denounced in vain to your Etc.za).

Finally, Ecc.za Rev.ma, reflect on the fact that the irresponsible and arbitrary interdiction to the faithful of the Holy Mass (also stigmatized by Pope Francis on 17.4.2020 http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/Papa-Francesco-Cosi-non-e-Chiesa-celebrare-a-distanza-per-uscire-dal-tunnel-81fb2600-7e83-488a-8cb7-98ab5cd320f6.html), has led to a disastrous “virtualization” of the Sacraments, some abolished de facto, others replaced by “streaming ceremonies”.

This has instilled the erroneous belief that it is possible to satisfy one’s own “religious sentiment by taking advantage of the numerous alternatives offered by means of computerized tools”, as the Lazio Regional Administrative Court ruled on 29.4.2020 (https://tinyurl. com/ycyzd2oq), which has occupied the void left by the hypochondriac Italian bishops and priests, applauding the “conversion” of Silvia “Aisha” Romano and barricaded inside their rectories for a miserable fragment of RNA, while Chinese, African and Middle Eastern Catholics risk being beheaded, tortured, bombed and burned alive every day while attending Mass, preferring it to their own life.

I hope that Your Excellency, having the health of the faithful at heart as much as the decorum of the Liturgy, will disapply the humiliating “protocol” for all the above reasons, as well as encourage the celebration of the Vetus Ordo, which ensures greater distance and less contact between the faithful and priests.

With due respect,

Palermo May 20, 2020

Attorney Roberto De Petro


CREDITS: The Featured Image above is a screen shot of the ANSA report cited in the introduction to this report and is used here for editorial commentary, according to fair use standard.

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Article 77 of the Italian Constitution is zapping Conte’s Dictatorship into oblivion

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In Italy, according to the Constitution, Article 87, the President of the Council of Ministers — who in other nations is called the Prime Minister — can emanate decrees with have force of law in times of urgency.  It is on this basis that Giuseppe Conte has responded to the co-called COVID-19 Pandemic.

But his efforts to establish a police state of a kind only George Orwell might have dreamed of is slowing being zapped into oblivion by the same Constitution he quotes to justify his tyrannical control of everything in Italy, from handshakes to visiting grandma, from which part of society is deemed essential and which part can be crushed out of existence: the Church and small businesses in the second category.

Article 77 reads in the original:

Il Governo non puo` , senza delegazione delle Camere [76], emanare decreti che abbiano valore di legge ordinaria.

Quando, in casi straordinari di necessita` e di urgenza, il Governo adotta, sotto la sua responsabilita` , provvedimenti provvisori con forza di legge, deve il giorno stesso presentarli per la conversione alle Camere che, anche se sciolte, sono appositamente convocate e si riuniscono entro cinque giorni [612, 622].

I decreti perdono efficacia sin dall’inizio, se non sono convertiti in legge entro sessanta giorni dalla loro pubblicazione. Le Camere possono tuttavia regolare con legge i rapporti giuridici sorti sulla base dei decreti non convertiti.

Which in English would be:

The Government cannot, without delegation of the House [Article 76], emanate decrees which have the force of ordinary law.

When, in extraordinary cases of necessity and urgency, the Government adopts, under its own responsibility, provisional provisions with the force of law, it must the same day present them for conversion into law to the Houses of Parliament which, even if they are in recess, are duly convoked and are summons within 5 days [Articles 612 & 622].

The decrees lose efficacy retroactively, if they have not been converted into law withing 60 days from their publication.  The Houses of Parliament can, however, regulate with laws the juridical relations which arises on the basis of decrees which are not so converted.

So far, the Italian Parliament has converted none of the decrees of Giuseppe Conte or of his government into law. This means that as 60 days pass for the publication of each of them, they not only lose all force of law, but they lose all legitimacy which they had from the day of their publication, and that ALL the actions which the police took to enforce them become illegal and crimes against the persons so fined or arrested or imprisoned.

To give himself a cover, Giuseppe Conte has been issuing new decrees each month, so as to maintain the claim to power. But each month the Parliament refuses to convert them into law, because if they did, it would be the end of their political careers, so odious these Corona decrees are with the people.

And indeed, if the Parliament has refused to convert the first of the decrees into law, it remains a political de facto state, that they will not convert the others. And thus the entire Corona Tyranny has become not only unconstitutional in what it attempts to force upon citizens, but illegal in its very form of execution.

I had a short conversation with a woman who is a member of the Italian State Police the other night. I mentioned Article 77 to her and though she claimed to be a lawyer, she refused it means what it says. She says I have to read it again and in the right way.

I, myself, think that there will come the day, and that day is fast approaching, when policewomen like her will wish they had listened to me, as they face 5 years in prison for the violation of the constitutional rights of each citizen they so violated. For each one. That means more than life in prison for most of the police of Italy right now.

The chief Corona Decree of March 8, 2020 expired last night. Last night, I did not see police stop anyone.

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