Tag Archives: Jorge Mario Bergoglio

New Biography attempts to make Pope Francis appear Catholic & Pious

Editor’s Note: From this article it appears that the new Biography is a classic example of the kind of gift given to a King with no clothes on, wherein all the court jesters must pretend he is clothed. This book will seal the deal on Pope Francis as the biggest hypocrite ever to claim the Apostolic Throne. — It took six years to write: which is totally not-surprising, because it is a total work of revisionism. And it was supposed to be released only after Pope Francis’ death, but was rushed to publication, most likely, because no one would have bought it after he is 6 feet under. If you love irony and the absurd, I urge you to get a copy of this book, which certainly will be the source of immense laughter for you, if that is your thing.

USA: The Catholic, Marco Rubio, to be named Secretary of State

News Commentary and Appeal to all Catholics in the USA, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I realize that the future presidency of Donald Trump is going to give a lot of Catholics false hope, because Trump’s politics is to promise the sky, period. But at least having a nominal Catholic like Marco Rubio as his Secretary of State might be just what the Catholic Church needs, seeing that Hilary Clinton, the Secretary of State of Barrack Obama, put Jorge Mario Bergoglio into power after arranging a “spring time” in the Catholic Church, Catholics might have some human hope that that perverse revolution might be overturned.

I say, “nominal Catholic” because he is known to attend Protestant services, and won’t even call himself a “Catholic” on his twitter account. His wife is a Catholic. But there is good reason to believe that Rubio is of Sephardic descent on his paternal and maternal sides of the family. If so, he will follow Blinken as another Jew in the same office. And yes, he is rabidly pro-Zionist.

But, we can at least try to use the occasion of his appointment for something really good: resolving the crisis in the Catholic Church.

And so, I suggest the Nuclear Option:

That is, petition Marco Rubio now to urge the Sutri Initiative. For even if Trump does not act on it, nor give him permission to act on it, by formally petitioning the Bishops of the Roman Province to convene a provincial council, if the new-to-be Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, even says the words, “The Sutri Initiative”, it will cause such an outburst of public interest that other influential Catholics and governments round the world might formally request it.

For, after all, if the German King Henry III can ask the Bishops to find out if the persons claiming the papacy are legitimate or not (as he did at the Council of Sutri in 1046 A .D.), then certainly ANY HEAD OF STATE with diplomatic relations with the Vatican can do so!

Grifters, on guard!

So let the record stand that I was first to suggest this, and let all those who walk under the suspicion of grifting on the cause of Pope Benedict XVI, because they refuse to have the legitimacy of Pope Francis’ claim to the papacy questioned and investigated in a provincial council — which is the only tribunal which can judge the legitimacy of his claim to be a Catholic or to be validly elected — let them too, join with me in this appeal, lest they convince the world that they are only just Freemasons faking to be Catholic (“converts”) and lamenting 24/7 about Bergoglio to grift money and popularity off of it!

–> And yes, I am calling you all on the carpet. but I won’t mention your names, for charity sake! And that means you, too, all you Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and clergy! You know of whom I speak!

And, to achieve this rapidly, I would suggest you share it on social media, especially since Musk is on team Trump, he probably will allow this tweet to go viral if you tweet the same message in your own words:

Marco Rubio is uniquely capable of doing this

I think that Mr. Rubio is uniquely capable of at least mentioning this. First, he has a degree in Law. Second, he regularly attends Mass at St. Theresa of the Little Flower Catholic Church in Coral Gables, Florida, and can be met by Catholics there. You can read more about his career and experience at Wikipedia, which has more than 250 footnotes therein, which means that they are intensely watching his career.

Floridians, you have a mission!

As for all my readers in Florida, can you do this for Christ Jesus? Go to his parish and speak with him about demanding the Catholic Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome settle the doubts of hundreds of millions of Catholics who believe their Church has been, as Cardinal Mueller has said, “ideologically taken over” by an illegitimate pope.

A Definitive Litmus Test for the Trump Presidency

In sum, while there is a lot of evidence that Pope Benedict XVI was pressured to resign, if not drugged and manipulated, and that Bergoglio was installed by a concerted action of the Deep State, the Masonic Lodges and powerful Banking interests, if President Trump wants the Catholic World to actually believe his claim to be now opposed to globalism and the Deep State, he must back the Sutri Initiative or actions similar to it, in order to show that as a world leader, he is honestly and sincerely interested in having diplomatic relations only with legitimate governments, including the Vatican City State!

For transparency sake, FromRome.Info informs its readers that Br. Bugnolo is a former resident of the State of Florida, and a graduate of the University of Florida, like Senator Rubio. But he has never met nor voted for Rubio in any election, because he ceased being a resident of Florida in 1986. Nor has he voted for Trump.

Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio

Back in April of 2021, Br. Bugnolo made the above video about “judging the signs of the times”, and the expectations of Our Lord that we Catholics use our intellects. The video included an impassioned demonstration about what constitutes the honest response of Catholics who hold that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a heretic.

In this video, Br. Bugnolo explained the difference between a private judgment, that a man whom I think is the Pope be a heretic, and the public duty of a Catholic who is honestly convinced of that, to call for a Council to declare the matter.

No one listened to Br. Bugnolo in these last 27 months. Which shows you the level of honesty out there.

So FromRome.Info is republishing that video.

But since that time a good number of those dishonest persons have attempted to characterize Br. Bugnolo as inconsistent or self-contradictory, because of the events subsequent to the death of Pope Benedict XVI, wherein he was involved in the Assembly of Catholics of the Roman Church,* in the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor by apostolic right, even though Brother able refuted these critics in a number of articles in English (here) and several videos in Italian (here, here, and here), FromRome.Info NOW publishes a new video by Br. Bugnolo responding to the public declarations of Fr. Altman and others, that Bergoglio is a heretic.

These individuals remained silent when Br. Bugnolo began to say the same things back in 2014, and remained silent to just recently. Since. Br. Bugnolo is way ahead of them on the details of what this means, it behooves anyone who is honest in his estimation that Bergoglio be a heretic, to hear him out, even if it is only to avoid appearing in public like someone who is totally uninformed or ignorant of the issues at hand.

The Duty of Catholics to urge a Council to rebuke an errant Pope*

The above video was recorded on Sept. 13, 2023, in English: however, due to a lack of space on Brother’s cellphone the video ends abruptly. Nevertheless, providentially it ends on a high note, so Br. Bugnolo has decided to publish as is.

For Brother’s articles on the Synod of Sutri and on how to call a Provincial Council See here below. Please note, that while they speak of these topics, they do not address directly and specifically a movement, now, to depose Pope Francis. They serve to inform the public how it would be done, and the canonical principles and historical precedents.




For the addresses, fax numbers and telephone numbers of each of the Bishops of the Roman Province:



In every part of the world, it will be useful to begin writing the bishops of every diocese. Start with your own diocese.

Here is an example of the kind of letter, and respectful tone, that could be sent:

Your Excellency,

for more than 10 years I and many other Catholics have been gravely scandalized by the behavior, comportment, statements, documents and teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. It is clear to me that it is theologically both possible and highly probable that this man does not hold the Catholic Faith. Many have rebuked him publicly already, in letters, books, interviews etc.. Even Cardinals of the Roman Church weekly are now rebuking and warning him against his errors and the morally depraved cabal he is recruiting around himself. Why even the other day he appointed as undersecretary to the Dicastery on Catholic Education a man who wrote an editorial, in August, declaring that Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, was a bigot and racist.

Things have gone way beyond what can be tolerated. It is clear that the time has come for the Church in Council to rebuke and remonstrate with the man, and if he refuse correction, to pronounce him a manifest pertinacious heretic, deposed in virtue of canon 1364.

I write to urge you to insist on the convocation of such a council. Even a provincial council in our ecclesiastical province can issue a solemn declaration of rebuke, which would be of great value.

Finally, I honestly urge you to take my letter into serious consideration, because if you think the situation is different than I have described, then I respectfully suggest that your spiritual life is in shambles.



*  In this assembly the Catholics of Rome elected Bergoglio as the pope, because not being yet condemned by Church authority as a heretic, he was eligible, and because no other candidate presented himself; nor did any other candidate have supporters at the Assembly, even though notice of it was made effectively to 2 million Catholics at Rome. This assembly was opposed before it took place, by all those who said Pope Benedict XVI was the pope (excepting the readers of FromRome.info, who raised all the monies for the assembly). The Catholics at the assembly chose to elect the man everyone thought was the pope, so that the Church would return back into juridical and spiritual communion with Christ Her Head, for that was all it could do at that moment.

** (Note that on at least 3 occasions in this video, Br. Bugnolo says “Pope” when he intended to say “heretic”, because he had not yet had his morning cup of coffee.)

How Bergoglio’s permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

From Rome has been ahead of many issues way before the general public confronted them. One of these regards the problem of having a man whom you think is the Pope be a man whom you know is a heretic.

From Rome answered this in an editorial of May 12, 2016, nearly 6 and a half years ago. Back then nearly no one took notice. It was too politically incorrect. But now many, having seen the unending monstrosity of Bergoglio who is willing to publicly slap and excoriate with the most foul language a woman merely for pleading for the help of fellow Catholics who were being persecuted by his Marxist allies in China, and his total lack of insouciance at the publication of a book by Pope Benedict on Celibacy, the barriers of non-think have, are or about to fall in the minds of the general populace.

Some readers have remarked that From Rome does not speak so much about the heresies or errors of Bergoglio anymore, but this is not because he has stopped, or that this publication finds them tolerable, but because the solution to the problem of Bergoglio is simple: Restore Benedict XVI because he was robbed of the Papacy, and we were robbed of his Pontificate! And now, we say, Elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI, so we may have a true Pastor for the true sheep of Christ!

In this editorial, written when the pretensions to the Papacy of Bergoglio were still commonly held, hope was held out for his repentance. But now after nearly 4 years, that is clearly never going to come about. Those still hoping for it, are deceiving the faithful.

Nevertheless, we share with our readers now in January of 2023, what we published in May of 2016, for your edification and thought, and to share with your fellow Catholics who are still struggling to understand Bergoglio and why the clergy are obsessed with remaining in communion with him.

How Bergoglio’s Permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

Rome, May 12, 2016 A.D:  There is no greater and more radical challenge for the Christian believer than to take another as his Master.

Indeed, Christians are recognized by the fact that they regard Jesus Christ, and Him alone, as their Master, in accord with the scripture verse, in which Christ condemned the religious leaders of ancient Israel, Matthew 23:10 ff:

10 Neither be ye called masters; for one is you master, Christ. 11 He that is the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Indeed, its very tempting, in today’s world in which truth is up for grabs and violent political clashes are being waged on all sides, for the Christian to take an “I’m ok, you’re ok” view, that is, a “get along with everyone” kind of attitude, in which truth does not matter, only co-existence.

The Loadstone of Hope

The only problem is, that there is a vast difference between the man who thinks Christ is a religious teacher and the man who is loyal to Christ no matter what.  First first regards Him as one might regard a philosopher:  taking the man’s teachings here and there, according to his personal tastes and likes, but not as a rule of life.

The second regards Him as the Incarnate Son of God, apart from Whose teaching No man on Earth can escape eternal and perpetual damnation in the fires of Hell.

As St. Augustine said, “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.”

Indeed, what distinguishes the Christian from all other men is Hope.

Hope is that theological virtue least spoke of today, because in modern times a proper understanding and appreciation of it has been so attacked in the minds of men, that nearly nobody appears to have it or cultivate it or use it.

Hope is that theological virtue which puts full faith and confidence in the promises of God for those who keep them.  Its the most essential and key Christian virtue, given to us in Baptism, but cultivated only with good works.  If you do not really hope that God will reward you for fidelity to Christ, then obviously you will not be faithful to Him.  Likewise, if you think that you can manage for yourself the rules by which you will get into Heaven, there is no need for you to have hope in God’s promises, you can presume for yourself — a presumption which is both your ultimate self-deceit and the absolute guarantee of your own damnation.

All of this has an ecclesiological impact, that is, all of this effects the Church, what She is and your place in or outside of Her, who alone is the ark of Salvation, the Pillar of the truth, apart from AND outside of which no man woman or child can be saved.

The Temptation of Bergoglio

The great temptation presented by the election and presence of Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne, then, is precisely this: the offer of a Church, of a Christianity, in which Christ is no longer The master, but merely a guide post from which one can wander here or there and remain a “christian” without fidelity and without the need to practice hope.

This temptation is offered the Cardinals, the Bishops, the priests, the religious and the laity, is offered thus to the whole Church, because in Bergoglio they have, without any shadow of a doubt, a man who does not believe in Christ as his Sole Master, who does not love or tolerate the Church as Christ founded it or gave it, does not suffer the rules the Apostles, the Faithful Disciples of the Lord handed down to us, and is filled with compassion and love for the traitor who sold Christ for 30 shekels of silver.

To have a public manifest heretic on the throne of the Apostle Peter, and tolerate him, presents for every true Christian, the opportunity of pretense, to keep the name “Christian” or “Catholic” without any more obligation to Christ.  Its the ultimate game-plan of Lucifer.

Either Bergoglio must Change or the Church has changed

Finally, if one were to accept this situation and the principles which erroneously lead to it, as have been briefly described here, it would be enough to end this article with the usual lament.  Because with faith it is possible to lament these things, but with hope it is not possible to tolerate them.  Nearly every author on the Internet today, and as far as we know, all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church since April 8, 2016, the date on which “Amoris Laetitia” what released, do not have or are not acting faithfully to Christian Hope.

For the man with Christian hope, would declare and manifestly insist and demand that Bergoglio be canonically reprimanded, and if refusing 3x, be declared to be in open schism with Christ and His Church, and self-deposed by reason of his malice and heresy against Him and His Bride, the Church, whose first duty is to keep herself immaculate and worthy of Him.

Either Bergoglio must change or the Church has in fact changed, because if he repents, the Church is saved in Her fidelity to Christ, and Christ is glorified above all human whim, even the human whims of the Roman Pontiff. But if Bergoglio does not change AND the Church tolerates him, it is the Church which has changed, She has committed adultery with Bergoglio, accepting him rather than Jesus Christ as Her spouse, the God above all other gods…


CREDITS: The featured image is of the Medieval Manuscript depicting The False Shepherd, a detail of the illumination from the mss. Douce 266 in the Bodleian Library. As a faithful reproduction of a work of art produced more than 200 years ago, it is in the public domain.

Bergoglio has Alzheimer’s

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

May 24, 2021 A. D.: Rome, Italy — The City of Rome is rife with talk that Bergoglio has Alzheimer’s and has not long to live.

I have heard Catholics speak about this for the last few weeks, but have held off reporting it until I could assess that it is coming from persons who should know and is now common knowledge in the Eternal City.

Vatican sources confirm that Bergoglio is in the first stages of cortical dementia. I am no doctor, but since my own mom died of the same disease, that mean he has about 2-4 years to live.

Sources in the city among those who rent properties from the Vatican also confirm this.

Such information is newsworthy, but not yet of the kind that is as certain as an official admission — a think unlikely until there is a push among the political powers to remove Bergoglio.

Having 2 demented world leaders, in the White House and in the Vatican, is obviously not useful or helpful to the Pilgrim Society Freemasons who presently control both centers of power. Some voices speculate his resignation before death is nearly certain. I consider this likely because his strongest supporters, like Msgr. Sciacca of the Apostolic Signatura hold the erroneous opinion that dementia causes a Pontiff to lose his office.

Time alone will tell the outcomes, but today’s rumors will certainly bring consolation to the Catholic Faithful throughout the world.

How to remove Bergoglio

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

What follows here are the canonical steps by which Bergoglio can be peacefully, easily and lawfully removed from his position of power.

First, any Catholic Bishop or Cardinal, whether holding jurisdiction or not, whether of the Latin Rite or not, in his capacity as a member of the College of Bishops needs to make this public declaration, or its equivalent:

As member of the College of Bishops, whose unity with the Successor of Saint Peter is essential to its proper function in the Church for the accomplishment of the will of Christ, to continue His Salvific Mission on Earth, I hereby declare that I have examined the official Latin text of Pope Benedict XVI’s act of renunciation of February 11, 2013 A.,D., which begins with the words Non solum propter, and I have found that it is not in conformity with the requirement of Canon 332 §2, that states explicitly that a papal resignation only occurs when the Supreme Pontiff renounces the Petrine Munus.  Seeing that Pope Benedict renounced only the ministerium which he received from the hands of the Cardinals, and seeing that he did not invoke Canon 38 to derogate from the obligation to name of the office in a matter which violates the rights of all the Faithful of Christ, and even more so, of the members of the College of Bishops, to know who is and who is not the Successor of Saint Peter, and when and when not he has validly renounced his office, I declare out of the fullness of my apostolic duty and mission, which binds me to consider first of all the salvation of souls and the unity of the Church, that Pope Benedict XVI by the act expressed in Non Solum Propter never renounced the Papal Office and therefore has continued until this very day to be the one and sole and true and only Vicar of Jesus Christ and Successor of Saint Peter.  I therefore charge the College of Cardinals with gross negligence in the performance of their duties as expressed in Canon 359 and n. 37 of Universi Domini Gregis by proceeding in February and March of 2013 to the convocation and convening of a Conclave to elect Pope Benedict’s successor when there had not yet been consummated a legal sede vacante. And thus I do declare the Conclave of 2013 was uncanonically convoked, convened and consummated and that the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergogio as Successor of Saint Peter is null and void and irritus by the laws themselves of Holy Mother Church, as established by Pope John Paul II.

Second, Catholic Bishops and Cardinals and indeed all the Faithful should personally examine the text of February 11, 2013 according to the norms of Canons 332 §2, canon 17, canon 38, canon 145 §1, canon 41, canon 126, and in particular canon 188. (see ppbxvi.org for more information.)

Third, the Cardinals and Bishops should hold spontaneous regional or universal Synods to confirm the same and publicly affirm the same.

Fourth, the Bishops and Cardinals should call on the Swiss Guard and Vatican Police to arrest Cardinal Bergoglio and detain him and obtain from him public affirmation of the same.

Fifth, the Cardinals should approach Pope Benedict XVI and ask if it is now his intention to resign the Petrine Munus or not. If not, they should convey him to Saint John Lateran’s and acclaim him with one voice as Pope and ask his forgiveness publicly for having defected from him and elected an antipope. If so, they should ask him to redo the renunciation, this time renouncing the Petrine Munus; and then they should convene a Conclave to elect Benedict’s legitimate successor.

Is Bergoglio’s objective to surrender the Vatican to Peking?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It was incredible that in 2018, Bergoglio made a secret agreement to surrender the Church in the Peoples’ Republic of China over to the government, actually commanding Catholics to hold communion with heretics and schismatics and to submit to them!

The shameful, cowardly and dishonest Cardinals and Bishops of the world remained silent and did not convene a Council to declare Bergoglio deposed for an act of horrible schism and sacrilege in such a betrayal.

So now it seems that he is eager to go all the way and give the Vatican to Peking.

And his instrument is the man who is increasingly appearing to be his chosen successor.

As has been revealed by the investigations of Fred Martinez at Catholic Monitor Blog, the newest Cardinal of the Bergoglian Church, Luis Antonio Tagle, has Chinese ancestry on both his father and mother’s side of the family. Moreover, he appears to have financial backing from Chinese banks. He speaks Chinese fluently. And in his personal politics he is a diehard Marxist.

As the National Catholic Register reports:

Pope Francis has raised Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle to the rank of cardinal bishop in a new sign of his esteem for the former Archbishop of Manila.

The Holy See press office said May 1 that the pope had designated the prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples as a cardinal bishop, along with Cardinal Beniamino Stella, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.

The elevation caps a rapid rise for Cardinal Tagle, who only took up his new post in Rome this February.

He had previously served as the 32nd Archbishop of Manila from 2011 to 2020. He was a high-profile figure at the 2018 youth synod. A year later Pope Francis named him head of the powerful Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, replacing Cardinal Fernando Filoni.

The implications seem clear.

But the complete silence of the Cardinals and Bishops, excepting Cardinal Zen, and the utter do nothingness of the hierarchy, raises a necessary question: how many Bishops and Cardinals have been bribed by the CCP to go along with the transfer of Church properties and power to Peking?

POSTCRIPT: Elizabeth Yore writes about the Vatican deal with China at Breitbart, today.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the page of the report of the National Catholic Register (owned by EWTN) cited in the article above.

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From the sin of David to the Mark of the Beast: Why ID2020 is an abomination

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

ID2020 is the initiative of global elites to label every human being on earth with a digital identification, stored in a bit-chain database, and used to determine whether each individual is allowed to travel, work, buy etc..

You can watch a video on Bitchute about this (https://www.bitchute.com/video/ImGXjsEq879X/), it is their frontal graphic which is the Featured Image of this post, produced by Digital Agent UR01. Which discusses technology which will be used for ID2020.

I, however, want to discuss the theological significance and question of ID2020.

King David’s sin

Numbering human persons has, according to Scripture, always been a thing hateful to God. We see this in the Book of Samuel, where King David takes a census of the subjects of His Kingdom. And God, for his sin, punishes David with his choice of plagues (cf. 2 Samuel 24, or in the Catholic Bible, 2 Kings 24).  The reason for God’s anger is that He made man according to His own image and likeness. And since God is but one, and a number implies not-1, the numbering of human persons implies that they are not unique and individual and irreplaceable beings which reflect the absolute Singularity and Oneness of God.  Thus putting a number on a human being, theologically, is the denial of his being made in the image of the One God.

So, in order to understand what I am talking about as regards the “mark of the beast”, let us first review what Saint John says in the Apocalypse (the Greek name of the Book of Revelations).

Revelations, Chapter 13

The Book of Revelations, as it is called in English, is the Book of the Apocalypse (its name in Greek). The Catholic Church, from whom the Bible comes, has placed it as the last book of the Bible. The Church has always held it to be written by the Apostle Saint John, the youngest of all of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. He wrote it in about 96 A.D., while he was imprisoned by the Roman Emperor upon the Island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea. Patmos is currently part of the nation of Greece.

The book is called the Book of Revelation(s) because in it the Apostle describes the mystical revelations he received from God about what would constitute the events of history from his days until the end of the world, when Christ Jesus will return from Heaven and judge the living and the dead.

Chapter 13, of this Book, contains a description of the prime actors of the final rebellion against God and Jesus Christ. First, there is the Dragon (Rev. 13:1), who in Rev. 12:9 is explicitly identified as Satan; then there is the first Beast which comes out of the sea (Rev. 13:1) with ten horns and seven heads.  In sacred scripture, a horn (Book of Daniel chapter 8 in the Catholic Version, 3 in the Protestant version) is a symbol of power or regent and a head is a symbol of the source of life and awareness. The sea is the symbol of the abyss of death (Exodus chapter 14)) or of the instability of Gentiles (Isaiah 60:5, Ezechiel 26:16). This first beast will reign for 42 months, or 2 years, 1 year and a half of a year, which symbolically counters the public ministry of Jesus Christ, which lasted 42 months.

Finally, there is the second Beast which rises from the earth (Rev. 13:11), which has power like Jesus Christ but speaks like Satan, or as Saint John says has two horns like a lamb but it spoke like a dragon. Satan is called a dragon or serpent, because he used such an animal to speak to Eve, to seduce her and Adam, in the Garden of Paradise, at the dawn of our race. This beast rises from the earth, which is a biblical symbol of life and stability and hence of the Catholic Church. It is also that from which man was created by God, and thus indicates that the second Beast will be a man.

So with this introduction, let us read what Saint John writes of the second Beast in Rev. 13:11 ff.:

And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. [12] And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed. [13] And he did great signs, so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth in the sight of men. [14] And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs, which were given him to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make the image of the beast, which had the wound by the sword, and lived. [15] And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain.

Now at this point the Apostle speaks of the “mark of the beast”:

[16] And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. [17] And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.

Notice how in the Douay Rheims bible, which is translated from the Latin Vulgate, it preservers the original Greek work for a mark:  character.  A character is not only a letter of the alphabet, but also a tattoo or sign marked on the body. In Christianity, when a person is baptized, he is signed with olive oil on the forehead, and this is called the Baptismal Character. It’s meaning is that the one who is reborn in Baptism now belongs to Christ. Only those with this character can enter Heaven. Only they are spared from destruction (cf. Ezechiel 9:4, where those who are marked are marked with a letter which is the symbol of a Cross).

Consequently, since the Book of Revelations is speaking about those thing which are opposed to God, Saint John describes all those things which are opposed: the Anti-God, the Anti-Christ and the Anti-Holy Spirit. This Anti-Trinity opposes itself to the true God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is also the Anti-Church to oppose the true Church, which is the Catholic Church.

The anti-god is Satan. The anti-Christ, is the Antichrist. And the Anti-Holy Spirit is the False Prophet. The Anti-Church is all those churches founded by men, not by Jesus Christ, which pretend to be His Church but teach false doctrines. The anti-Church includes not only non-Catholics but also those who were baptized Catholics but refuse the true teachings of the Catholic Church.

So Satan is the Dragon. The first Beast is the Anti-Church. The second Beast is the Anti-Christ. That is why he appears as a lamb, similar to the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) but speaks like the dragon, Satan.  This second Beast has two horns, which perhaps indicate his power over Church and the world, or that he will have two men who are instruments of his dominion over mankind, one in the Church and one in the world.

So the mark of the beast, refers to the mark of belonging or servitude to the second Beast, who is the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ will instruct everyone to worship Satan and to join the Anti-Church.  He will appear to be a lamb, but will serve the Devil.  That is, as the Saints of the Catholic Church say, he will be a fallen Catholic Bishop who speaks inspired by Lucifer. This Anti-Christ will preach that everyone should join the Anti-Church, which will be a world wide union of all false religions, especially, false forms of Christianity.

In the logic of Scripture, the “mark of the beast” therefore will have to be a sign or mark on the body, whether permanent or passing, by which that individual is indicated to belong to the religion preached by the Anti-Christ: namely, that all false religions are equally willed by god (Satan, the father of lies).

The Abu Dhabi Agreement

There is a general consensus among Catholic theologians and clergy, that this one world religion was formally signed into a document in the so called Abu Dhabi Agreement, which was signed on Feb. 4, 2019. This document claims all religions are equally willed by God, though couched in Masonic language:

The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.

As anyone with the use of reason and some knowledge of history knows well, not all religions are based on truth, nor are all religions based on revelation from the One true God. Therefore, this statement is patently false. But its falsehood, being theological, is thus diabolic. Since the true God wills that all come to one Truth, which is God, it can only be the Enemy of God who wills that all remain in diverse lies and not come to that one Truth.

It was the signing of this statement by Pope Francis which has convinced a large part of the Catholic Church to suspect that he is the False Prophet if not the Antichrist, since the Catholic Church has for 1990 years always taught, with Jesus Christ, that there is only one Truth which can save men, Jesus Christ.

It is not, therefore, inconsequential, that BERGOGLIO, the surname of Pope Francis, has the value of 666 in ASCII. Bergolio may be thus one of the horns of the second Beast.


Finally, we must consider what ID2020 consists in and what it means and who is behind it. It consists in an international standard for digital identification of individual human beings. There is an excellent explanation of the ID2020 initiative by a popular expert on block-chain technologies, Chico Crypto, here.

Second, ID2020 means that everyone who receives such a digital identification will have their personal biometrics recorded in a block-chain database so wherever they go and whatever they buy will be associated with their identification. This identification, being digital will code each individual human being by number.

The person pushing this technology, especially as a way to certify who has and who has not receive his vaccines for COVID-19, is none other than Bill Gates III. And yes, “BILLGATES” in ASCII equals 666, when you understand that every ASCII string must include the end of string character, which has a value of 3. Thus Bill Gates may be the other horn of the second Beast.

So is ID2020 the mark of the beast? Bill Gates recently implied that the Catholic Religion may have to be suspended forever, now that we have the problem of COVID-19 and other possible world pandemics due to globalization. He wants masks used from now on, until you get HIS vaccine. And ID2020 will be necessary to know who has and who has not receive it.

For these reasons, I think that ID2020, therefore, fulfills all the characteristics of the biblical mark of the beast, that is of the Anti-Christ, who has not yet been revealed.

My predictions

I am not a prophet, these are only my guesses: are that (1) Bergoglio will endorse ID2020 and (2) require all the clergy to receive this mark and (3) deny the Sacraments to all who do not have it. Bill Gates (4) will own the technology and (5) suborn nation after nation to pass laws requiring it for everyone. Finally, (6) no one will be able to buy or sell without it.

Those of us who know Bergoglio is not the pope, must refuse it. We cannot let ourselves be marked with the mark of perdition. Furthermore, we must reconstitute the Catholic Church from those who refuse this mark and all future marks of a similar nature.

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Socci: Bergoglio is not acting as the Vicar of Christ, but as an agent of Peking

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

“Devastating” is not the word. “Frontal attack” would be the better term to describe Antonio Socci’s editorial yesterday criticizing Bergoglio’s manner of governing, or lack thereof. What irks Socci, as an Italian — for Italians have a wonderful sense of human compassion as their principal concern  before all others — is the victims of the Corona Virus in Italy and their families, about which Bergoglio said nothing in his Sunday addresses.

And so Socci goes for the jugular, as we say in American English:

Bergoglio does not react as a pastor, a father, a Vicar of Christ, but rather as a politician.

Harsher words were never said of a Roman Pontiff in a thousand years. And again, speaking of him and the Chinese President:

There is one thing that unites Bergoglio and Xi Jinping, according to the analysis of Antonio Pilati, and it is also applicable to the current ruling government in Italy: The government is already tottering, it has stood and is standing solely because of the forces which support it. One is China, the other is the Vatican, which today has a politic very much directed toward China.

Socci makes other cogent observations worth reading. His editorial can be summed up as an Italian way of asking the question and answering it at the same time: Who put you in power? is proven by whom you serve when in power.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the page from Antonio Socci’s personal website, AntonioSocci.com, which is used here according to fair use standards for editorial commentary. In the Featured Image you can see the photos of the two dictators mentioned in Socci’s editorial.

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BREAKING: Call for International Inquest into Vatican Corruption

French Translation : Spanish Translation : Italian Translation

ROME – Feb. 28, 2020: A group of Catholics, today, has issued a call to convene an international investigation into Vatican Corruption by all the Bishops of the Catholic Church “on account of the manifest grave disorder in the organs of the Apostolic See”.

The effort is calling for a international inquest at which the evidence for each charge will be presented by a committee of legal scholars to an informal panel of jurors, who will be comprised of Bishops of the Catholic Church. The goal of the inquest will be to ask the Bishop jurors to judge whether the cases presented are actionable and whether it is now useful for the good of the Church that the College of Bishops meet to hear the cases.

The Press Release invites both legal scholars and Catholic Bishops to participate. All interested parties are to contact the chairman of the committee.

The group’s official press release (see below) cites the precedent of the Council of Constance, held at the beginning of the 15th Century, wherein 2 Popes resigned to end the Western Schism. Among the charges to be brought are whether the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI by means of the Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013 separated him from the Office; whether the Conclave of 2013 was legitimate; and whether Jorge Mario Bergoglio has separated himself from the Church by pertinacious manifest heresy, apostasy and or schism. This last charge, regarding schism, appears directed at the so called Vatican Accord with China, which has betrayed 30 million Catholics to the predations of that regime.

All contacts about this matter are to be made through the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Brian Murphy of God’s Plan for Life.

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Original at: http://godsplanforlife.org/pastoral/press_release.html

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Press Release of the Organizing Committee

February 28, 2020

In accord with the right of all the faithful in the Catholic Church, as expressed in Canon 212 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, we cordially invite the Legal Scholars and Bishops of the Catholic Church to attend an Inquest on Corruption in the Vatican, so that there may be presented in canonical form a libellus of complaints about grave canonical irregularities in the functioning of the Apostolic See, for which, in accord with the teaching of Robert Bellarmine, when the See is impeded by a real positive doubt as to the legal claim to the title of the papacy by any claimant, it is the duty of the Bishops to intervene (Bellarmine, De Concilio, II, 19), as they did at the Holy Sacrosanct and Ecumenical Council of Constance.

We invite legal scholars to participate in a Committee of preparation for the International Inquest at which, we invite members of the College of Apostles, whether Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, or emeriti to participate.

The goal of the inquest is merely to give a public evaluation of the evidence and charges as to whether it would be suitable and useful for the College of Bishops to convene together to hear the cases and judge what is to be done to urge their correction and amendment.

The Committee does not propose, by this Inquest, that the Roman Pontiff be judged, since the first see can be judged by no one (canon 1404), but rather, in accord with the established precedent — that the College of Bishops has the right to judge the claim of any man to hold the office of the Roman Pontiff in cases of disputed elections, loss of office by heresy, and invalid renunciations — that the College of Bishops now act on account of the manifest grave disorder in the organs of the Apostolic See.

Date of Inquest: to be determined, in Second or Third Quarter of 2020
Location: to be determined

Organized by
the Committee for the International Inquest

Brian Murphy, PhD, Committee Chairman
and President of God’s Plan For Life, CA, USA

Br. Alexis Bugnolo, B.A. Cultural Anthropology,
President Ordo Militaris Inc., USA

Eric Mayoral, B.A., USA

Sean Hyland, B.A., Germany

Fr. Walter Covens, Martinique

Committee Contact: Brian Murphy


CREDITS: The Featured Image of the Vatican from the Via della Conciliazione is by FromRome.Info.

Henry VIII and Bergoglio, how alike!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The history of the defection of the Kingdom of England from the faith is a long one. But its cause was simple. Henry VIII wanted a male heir and his children kept dying because, most likely, of the syphilis he contracted with whores as a young man.

So Henry VIII took prostitutes to be his wives, whoring with them while married Sacramentally or civilly to another woman.

Henry VIII therefore invented a way around the Sacrament of Marriage, he would start his own religion, one in which he could publicly honor his whores as wives.

When you start counting all the sexual perverts around Bergoglio, which he has purposefully surrounded himself with, then you get the strong impression that his motives for starting a new religion, and their motives for supporting him, are the same as Henry VIII.

Only the gender differs.

The Cardinals who insist otherwise and the laymen who follow such Cardinals have a lot to explain, because very soon intense scrutiny will fall upon them, as to what their personal motives are.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is of a painting by Hans Holbein, the Younger, which you can see in person at the Gallerie nazionali d’arte antica, Palazzo Barberini, here at Rome.

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CNN in 2013: Italian press says Benedict’s act was one of desperation

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

A lot of historical facts have been erased or forgotten or altered, to keep the narrative going that Bergoglo is the Pope. But some of them still remain. Here is a video report from CNN, dated seven years ago, Feb. 25, 2013, which says that Benedict despaired at all the corruption in the Vatican and that this was a prime motive for his act of Feb. 11, 2013.

Seven years later, the swift denials of the Vatican back then are seen for what they are. But the then unnoticed, and now noticeable, detail among them is that the Vatican spokesman characterized them as attempts to discredit the future pope.

Why would that be?

Unless of course the menace of the corruption had something to do with the invalidity of the Renunciation? And that Jorge Mario Bergoglio was involved somehow in both.

For more on this, see the articles on How Benedict has defeated “Francis”, Benedict’s End Game is to defend the Church from Freemasonry, and The Imprisonment of Pope Benedict XVI.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the Video embedded in this article, both of which are used in accord with fair use standards for editorial commentary.

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Did Bergoglio know his election was invalid from Day 1?

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In the Featured Image above, you see the Domus Sanctae Martae, the current official residents of Jorge Mario Bergoglio at the Vatican. It is positioned at the very southern border of the tiny City State, next to the Via dei Cavelleggeri, at the top of the photo.*

The Domus Sanctae Martae was built by Pope John Paul II during the years 1992 to 1996. Its construction was controversial since the new 5 story building blocked on the only existing lateral view of the Basilica of Saint Peter, and cost the life of one worker. Construction costs were $20 million US dollar equivalent.

According to the Papal Law on Papal Elections, Universi Dominici Gregis, published in the same year of its completion on Feb. 22 — just four days from now — Casa Sancta Marta became the official and required residence of the College of Cardinals during a Conclave.

After being proposed to the world by the Cardinals as a new Pope, on March 13, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio — who took the regnal name of Francis — returned to the residence where he had been staying as a Cardinal Elector. At the beginning he was hailed as humble and poor for returning to a single room. Later he slowed asked those on the same floor to move out, and took over the entire floor.

However, one cannot escape to notice, if one has a legal mind, that by remaining in the Casa Sancta Marta he has made it impossible for Cardinals to gather in a Conclave during his lifetime. A Conclave, say, to elect Benedict’s legitimate successor, if, God forbid, Pope Benedict XVI died before Bergoglio.

There might be more meaning in that, than has been supposed.

Contrariwise, Pope Bendict XVI lives at the Monastery Mater Ecclesiase, at the center of all things in the Vatican, at the heart of the Vatican Gardens.


* Not one hundred yards away are stores run by Muslims who sell bottles of liquor in the shape of male private parts, in open view, behind the cash register: a fact which one finds inexplicable if one knows nothing about what is going on in the Vatican these days.


CREDITS:  The Featured Image is of the Casa Sancta Marta, photo by Johannes Muller, and used here in accord with a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 unported license, as described here.

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Brazilian Cardinal behind Amazon Synod is a German & a Rampolla House member!

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Connect the dots! Connect the dots. The one thing that all Bergoglian apologists, Marixsts, Radicals, Progressives, Sodomites and Trads agree upon. You have no right to connect the dots. You are conspiracy theorists!

Here at FromRome.Info we do not theorize that conspiracies exists. But when members of conspiracies admit they exist then we investigate. That is true journalism.

Fake journalism is when you practice non think and non speak, to keep your job or your credentials.

So here we go.

Perhaps all Catholics have heard of Cardinal Claudio Aury Alfonso Hummes. He is one of the strongest backers of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and one of the strongest promoters of the so called Amazon Synod, whose purpose was and is to introduce marriage to the priesthood and idolatry to the Catholic Church.

What most do not know, is that he is not Brazilian. He was born and raised in the German enclave, of Montenegro in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.  In the Annuario Pontificio it lists his birth place as Montenegro, as if to make you think he was born in another country, perhaps.

But, no, Montenegro in Brazil is a German colony. Founded in 1847 by Germans from Rhine-Palatinate, in Western Germany. The specific part of which is called Hunsrück. So isolationist is this German settlement that even to this very day, there is spoken in town the local dialect of Hunsrück.

Rio Grande do Sul, the Brazilian province, is also known for another fact. That more than 600,000 persons of German descent live there. The second most German province in all of Brazil.

Connect the dots.

And yes, Brazil had Nazis during the Second World War. And Nazi War criminals who escaped on rat-lines came to Brazil and hid there. Even the nefarious and infamous Doctor Mengle!

Connect the dots.

As for Cardinal Humes, his direct episcopal lineage goes back to Cardinal Gasparri, a close collaborator with  Rampolla del Tindaro. And one of his co-consecrators, the Most. Rev. Mauro Morelli, is is a Rampolla man by direct discent.

Jorge Mario Bergolio is a direct episcopal descendant of Rampolla del Tindaro as are many Bishops in Argentina and Brazil. So are key Bishops in German who are pushing for the German Synod. So are Team Bergoglio, who pushed for Bergoglio’s election.

Bergoglio’s “reforms”, it seems, have nothing to do with the peripheries. They seem to have everything to do with Germans and Nazism.


CREDITS:  The Featured Image is a photo of Cardinal Hummes by Agencia Brasil and is used here in accord with the Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 license offered on their website for images before 2017. This image is found at Wikipedia here. FromRome.Info has taken a detail of the image.

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How Bergoglio’s permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

From Rome has been ahead of many issues way before the general public confronted them. One of these regards the problem of having a man whom you think is the Pope be a man whom you know is a heretic.

From Rome answered this in an editorial of May 12, 2016, nearly 3 and a half years ago. Back then nearly no one took notice. It was too politically incorrect. But now many, having seen the unending monstrosity of Bergoglio who is willing to publicly slap and excoriate with the most foul language a woman merely for pleading for the help of fellow Catholics who were being persecuted by his Marxist allies in China, and his total lack of insouciance at the publication of a book by Pope Benedict on Celibacy, the barriers of non-think have, are or about to fall in the minds of the general populace.

Some readers have remarked that From Rome does not speak so much about the heresies or errors of Bergoglio anymore, but this is not because he has stopped, or that this publication finds them tolerable, but because the solution to the problem of Bergoglio is simple: Restore Benedict XVI because he was robbed of the Papacy, and we were robbed of his Pontificate!

In this editorial, written when the pretensions to the Papacy of Bergoglio were still commonly held, hope was held out for his repentance. But now after nearly 4 years, that is clearly never going to come about. Those still hoping for it, are deceiving the faithful.

Nevertheless, we share with our readers now in January of 2020, what we published in May of 2016, for your edification and thought, and to share with your fellow Catholics who are still struggling to understand Bergoglio and why the clergy are obsessed with remaining in communion with him.

How Bergoglio’s Permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

Rome, May 12, 2016 A.D:  There is no greater and more radical challenge for the Christian believer than to take another as his Master.

Indeed, Christians are recognized by the fact that they regard Jesus Christ, and Him alone, as their Master, in accord with the scripture verse, in which Christ condemned the religious leaders of ancient Israel, Matthew 23:10 ff:

10 Neither be ye called masters; for one is you master, Christ. 11 He that is the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Indeed, its very tempting, in today’s world in which truth is up for grabs and violent political clashes are being waged on all sides, for the Christian to take an “I’m ok, you’re ok” view, that is, a “get along with everyone” kind of attitude, in which truth does not matter, only co-existence.

The Loadstone of Hope

The only problem is, that there is a vast difference between the man who thinks Christ is a religious teacher and the man who is loyal to Christ no matter what.  First first regards Him as one might regard a philosopher:  taking the man’s teachings here and there, according to his personal tastes and likes, but not as a rule of life.

The second regards Him as the Incarnate Son of God, apart from Whose teaching No man on Earth can escape eternal and perpetual damnation in the fires of Hell.

As St. Augustine said, “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.”

Indeed, what distinguishes the Christian from all other men is Hope.

Hope is that theological virtue least spoke of today, because in modern times a proper understanding and appreciation of it has been so attacked in the minds of men, that nearly nobody appears to have it or cultivate it or use it.

Hope is that theological virtue which puts full faith and confidence in the promises of God for those who keep them.  Its the most essential and key Christian virtue, given to us in Baptism, but cultivated only with good works.  If you do not really hope that God will reward you for fidelity to Christ, then obviously you will not be faithful to Him.  Likewise, if you think that you can manage for yourself the rules by which you will get into Heaven, there is no need for you to have hope in God’s promises, you can presume for yourself — a presumption which is both your ultimate self-deceit and the absolute guarantee of your own damnation.

All of this has an ecclesiological impact, that is, all of this effects the Church, what She is and your place in or outside of Her, who alone is the ark of Salvation, the Pillar of the truth, apart from AND outside of which no man woman or child can be saved.

The Temptation of Bergoglio

The great temptation presented by the election and presence of Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne, then, is precisely this: the offer of a Church, of a Christianity, in which Christ is no longer The master, but merely a guide post from which one can wander here or there and remain a “christian” without fidelity and without the need to practice hope.

This temptation is offered the Cardinals, the Bishops, the priests, the religious and the laity, is offered thus to the whole Church, because in Bergoglio they have, without any shadow of a doubt, a man who does not believe in Christ as his Sole Master, who does not love or tolerate the Church as Christ founded it or gave it, does not suffer the rules the Apostles, the Faithful Disciples of the Lord handed down to us, and is filled with compassion and love for the traitor who sold Christ for 30 shekels of silver.

To have a public manifest heretic on the throne of the Apostle Peter, and tolerate him, presents for every true Christian, the opportunity of pretense, to keep the name “Christian” or “Catholic” without any more obligation to Christ.  Its the ultimate game-plan of Lucifer.

Either Bergoglio must Change or the Church has changed

Finally, if one were to accept this situation and the principles which erroneously lead to it, as have been briefly described here, it would be enough to end this article with the usual lament.  Because with faith it is possible to lament these things, but with hope it is not possible to tolerate them.  Nearly every author on the Internet today, and as far as we know, all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church since April 8, 2016, the date on which “Amoris Laetitia” what released, do not have or are not acting faithfully to Christian Hope.

For the man with Christian hope, would declare and manifestly insist and demand that Bergoglio be canonically reprimanded, and if refusing 3x, be declared to be in open schism with Christ and His Church, and self-deposed by reason of his malice and heresy against Him and His Bride, the Church, whose first duty is to keep herself immaculate and worthy of Him.

Either Bergoglio must change or the Church has in fact changed, because if he repents, the Church is saved in Her fidelity to Christ, and Christ is glorified above all human whim, even the human whims of the Roman Pontiff. But if Bergoglio does not change AND the Church tolerates him, it is the Church which has changed, She has committed adultery with Bergoglio, accepting him rather than Jesus Christ as Her spouse, the God above all other gods…


CREDITS: The featured image is of the Medieval Manuscript depicting The False Shepherd, a detail of the illumination from the mss. Douce 266 in the Bodleian Library. As a faithful reproduction of a work of art produced more than 200 years ago, it is in the public domain.

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What’s happening to the Catholic Church?

And What, if anything, can I do about it?

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

These are two questions which are in the forefront of the minds of all the faithful right now. Most of us are currently in shock at the open and widespread wave of apostasy among the Clergy of the Church not only at the highest levels but even down to the local parishes.

Even the best clergy seem incapable of admitting the problem. And none of them are as of yet proposing to do anything about it — with one notable exception, the Most Rev. Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, USA (who blogs at abyssum.org), who from February 2013 has been warning his brother Bishops, but who like us, is shaking his head at the non-action of them all.

However, for most of us, we do not have the knowledge of Bishop Gracida to understand what is going on in the Church. And so, for the sake of the general public, I will give a short summary of Church History to help you understand why literally all Hell is breaking lose in the Church right now.

With the refusal of Lucifer to serve God by worshiping Him alone, there broke out in Heave a great spiritual battle, which was won by the forces of God, headed by Saint Michael the Archangel.

The defeated sought refuge in this world, and obtained mastery over it by seducing our first parents, Adam and Evil.

God in pity for our race and because He had foreordained to save us, promised us a Savior, who after many generations was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and died on the Cross to save us. Rising from the dead He broke the bonds of death forever, and stole the spiritual sovereignty of this world from Satan. Now through the Apostles and their successors, He offers salvation to all men who come to Him through Faith and in His One Holy Catholic Church.

So, from the days of Pentecost Satan has sought to destroy the Church, because it is the instrument of his continuing and ultimate defeat. He did this by stirring up the Jews to persecute us and excommunicate the first Christians, putting many into prison. Then as the Church spread to the Gentiles, he stirred up factions and scandals, about which you can read something in Saint Paul’s Letters to the Church of Corinth.

Saint Paul warned us, then, that the stratagem of Satan would be to introduce into the Church false brethren, who led by the spirit of the devil would seek to undo the work of Jesus Christ. These men are the adherents of another master, and thus embody the spirit of the Anti-Christ to come, a man who by the assistance of Satan, will ape Jesus Christ and attempt to finally destroy the Catholic  Church from within.

From without Satan stirred up the Roman Emperors to undertaken 10 vicious persecutions of the Church, which resulted in millions of martyrs, 170 thousand alone here at Rome. But finally, the Church won out and the Empire was converted to the Faith. For long ages the Faith ruled Europe. But after about 1000 years of peace, Satan induced the King of France to beat the Pope to a pulp, on September 7, 1303 A.D..  Since then, the temporal lords of Europe, inspired by the Devil, have sought to persecute the Church more and more, while wicked men in the clergy sought to corrupt her.

The Saints of old by the time of the Reformation clearly indicated who the False Prophet was: Martin Luther. His rebellion against the Church was motivated by his desire to be a Bishop on top of already being the abbot of 12 monasteries. He was a corrupt and greedy and lascivious priest who pursued an ecclesiastical career for himself, not for  God. Though he lead into damnation millions of souls, his rebellion only won over, for the most part, the Catholics of northern Europe.

However, in the rest of Europe the wicked clergy took notice. They did not openly profess the heresies of Luther, but they began to envy the agenda of Luther: to have a Church were they could pursue their careers without any obligations of faith or morals.

Their evil desires began to formulate factions in the Church at the highest levels. Through the associations of Bishop with Bishop there emerged what we call today as the Lavender Mafia: a particularly wicked and nasty clerical association of sodomites and satanists who work together to protect one another from being disciplined and who share victims among themselves.

The first public manifestation of this mafia was the Synod of Pistoia, Italy, in 1786, preceding the French Revolution by a few years. It was in almost every detail the proposal of a form of religion which we know today as the Second Vatican Council. At the time, its chief agitator, the Bishop of Pistoia, Scipione dei Ricci, and its participants were condemned by Pope VII in the Bull, Auctorem Fidei, and those attending the illicit Synod excommunicated. Saint Alphonsus said that these evil Bishops were members of a cult of sodomites who practiced Satanism. He warned against them, but his warning were forgotten.

The French Revolution, however gave an opportunity for wicked clergy, throughout Europe, to put into practice what was condemned. Almost the entire clergy of France apostatized during the Revolution and accepted a pagan worship of Nature in place of the Catholic Faith. True Catholics had to hide in the country-side and feign ignorance. Saint John Vianney was one of them, often attending services in a Barn.

After the collapse of the Revolution, most all the clergy returned to the public profession of the Catholic Faith, but it was only in appearances. These wicked men quickly worked to introduce the same errors into the entire Church by promoting Modernism, Rationalism and indifferentism in matters of the Faith. To attack the Church further they worked with politicians in France, Germany and Italy to suppress and destroy the Church. Our Lady came to La Salette in 1846 to warn the Church against these men, saying the clergy of France “had become a sewer of impurity”.

The Church condemned them at the First Vatican Council and so they went underground. They attempted to take the Church back in the Conclave of 1903, when one of their own, Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, a direct episcopal descendant of Cardinal Alessandro Mattei (the principal consecrator of the organizer of the heretical Synod of Pistoia) nearly succeeded being elected to the papacy, if it were not for the veto of the Austrian Emperor, delivered in the Conclave by the Polish Cardinal of Warsaw.

Saint Pius X worked to condemn and uproot the Modernists network in the Church, but because of the compromise in the Conclave which elected him, he could not uproot the Cardinals who were co-conspirators. This evil league worked quietly to undermine the work of Saint Pius X and his predecessor Benedict XV.

To block their evil plan, Our Lady appeared again, this time at Fatima and revealed to Sr. Lucia their ultimate plans and Her ultimate victory over them, asking the popes to Consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart to defeat them.

However, they succeeded in opposing Her requests and in putting more and more tolerant men on the Papal Throne, until at last with one of their own, Pope John XXIII they put into effect their long awaited plan to revive the Synod of Pistoia.

Pope John XXIII following the directives given him by the Masonic Lodge and the descendants of Cardinal Rampolla contrived the trick of calling for reform while working to replace the foundations of the Catholic Faith with a false Gospel. In fact, ever since the Second Vatican II the clergy have been trained that the gospels in practice are the documents of the Council. The real Gospel is to be understood, modified and forgotten only in accord with the documents of Vatican II. They dumped the Mass which the Holy Spirit gave us through the Apostles and Sacred Tradition and replaced it with a liturgy intended to turn us away from God more and more with the passing of years.

Since that time, no Catholic man who was unwilling to compromise was allowed to become a priest. Slowly too only compromised men were allowed to become Bishops. The incessant insistence on updating became the ruse to slowly remove every vestige of Catholic Faith and morals from daily Church practices.

Pope John Paul II fought against the conspiracy to take the revolution further in the Church and in opposition to him, Cardinal Martini organized the Saint Gallen Mafia in Switzerland in 1992. Their final plan was to take over the College of Cardinals by insisting that their men be elevated to the Cardinalate for the sake of peace in the Church. They urged Pope John Paul II’s resignation for reasons of health but he refused. And they nearly won in the conclave of 2005, where Cardinal Ratzinger was elected in opposition to their candidate from Argentina.

Finally, with the forced abdication of Pope Benedict, a direct descendant of both Cardinal Rampolla and Cardinal Mattei was put forth in the Conclave of 2013: Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His intention has ever been to establish sodomy and satanism in the Church as the new World Religion.

But little did they know, that in his final act, Pope Benedict XVI tricked them. To understand how he did this, see my article, entitled, How Benedict has defeated “Francis”. And, Pope Benedict’s End Game is to defeat FreeMasonry in the Church.

To understand more, see my Index on the Renunciation of Pope Benedict, and especially the last section which can show you how to join the fight against the Lavender Mafia and the Saint Gallen Mafia.

In short, my advice is: keep the Faith, urge the clergy to return to the Faith and break with the ecclesiastical mafia. Be on your guard against false priests and bishops. Pray the Rosary daily and consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home and teach the faith to your children from the Catechisms of the Council of Trent and Saint Pius X, for the battle has only begun and it will soon become much more intense.

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How to remove Bergoglio

Anthony Hopkins stars as a priest, performing an exorcism, in a scene from the 2010 movie “The Rite.” (CNS photo/Warner Bros.)

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

What follows here are the canonical steps by which Bergoglio can be peacefully, easily and lawfully removed from his position of power.

First, any Catholic Bishop or Cardinal, whether holding jurisdiction or not, whether of the Latin Rite or not, in his capacity as a member of the College of Bishops needs to make this public declaration, or its equivalent:

As member of the College of Bishops, whose unity with the Successor of Saint Peter is essential to its proper function in the Church for the accomplishment of the will of Christ, to continue His Salvific Mission on Earth, I hereby declare that I have examined the official Latin text of Pope Benedict XVI’s act of renunciation of February 11, 2013 A.,D., which begins with the words Non solum propter, and I have found that it is not in conformity with the requirement of Canon 332 §2, that states explicitly that a papal resignation only occurs when the Supreme Pontiff renounces the Petrine Munus.  Seeing that Pope Benedict renounced only the ministerium which he received from the hands of the Cardinals, and seeing that he did not invoke Canon 38 to derogate from the obligation to name of the office in a matter which violates the rights of all the Faithful of Christ, and even more so, of the members of the College of Bishops, to know who is and who is not the Successor of Saint Peter, and when and when not he has validly renounced his office, I declare out of the fullness of my apostolic duty and mission, which binds me to consider first of all the salvation of souls and the unity of the Church, that Pope Benedict XVI by the act expressed in Non Solum Propter never renounced the Papal Office and therefore has continued until this very day to be the one and sole and true and only Vicar of Jesus Christ and Successor of Saint Peter.  I therefore charge the College of Cardinals with gross negligence in the performance of their duties as expressed in Canon 359 and n. 37 of Universi Domini Gregis by proceeding in February and March of 2013 to the convocation and convening of a Conclave to elect Pope Benedict’s successor when there had not yet been consummated a legal sede vacante. And thus I do declare the Conclave of 2013 was uncanonically convoked, convened and consummated and that the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergogio as Successor of Saint Peter is null and void and irritus by the laws themselves of Holy Mother Church, as established by Pope John Paul II.

Second, Catholic Bishops and Cardinals and indeed all the Faithful should personally examine the text of February 11, 2013 according to the norms of Canons 332 §2, canon 17, canon 38, canon 145 §1, canon 41, canon 126, and in particular canon 188. (see ppbxvi.org for more information.)

Third, the Cardinals and Bishops should hold spontaneous regional or universal Synods to confirm the same and publicly affirm the same.

Fourth, the Bishops and Cardinals should call on the Swiss Guard and Vatican Police to arrest Cardinal Bergoglio and detain him and obtain from him public affirmation of the same.

Fifth, the Cardinals should approach Pope Benedict XVI and ask if it is now his intention to resign the Petrine Munus or not. If not, they should convey him to Saint John Lateran’s and acclaim him with one voice as Pope and ask his forgiveness publicly for having defected from him and elected an antipope. If so, they should ask him to redo the renunciation, this time renouncing the Petrine Munus; and then they should convene a Conclave to elect Benedict’s legitimate successor.


The Vatican has now accepted that Bergoglio is an AntiPope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Rome: September 9, 2019 A. D.:  The Vatican has conceded that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an AntiPope. The concession came tacitly as of Saturday, when, after 90 days since the publication of the news that Pope Benedict had accepted the arguments which demonstrated his resignation was invalid (as reported here), the Vatican took no action to discount the report.

The report was public knowledge at Rome, since it was 4 times accessed by computers at the Vatican (some of which were in the offices of the Secretary of State). In response, that office requested the Corriere della Sera to interview Pope Benedict in an attempt to get him to withdraw his tacit acceptance, with the admission on his part, that “The Pope is one, he is Francis”. The interview having failed to extract those words from Benedict — during an exchange of photographs in the Vatican Gardens in the 3rd week of June, or there abouts (the interview never gave a time or place which was specific) — the Vatican Press Office put out a teaser the day before its publication in the Marxist Newspaper, claiming Benedict HAD said those words (Catholic News Agency).

Veri Catholici, the international Association, discounted the report on Friday, after acquiring a copy of the Corriere della Sera’s actual printed interview (As reported here).  LifeSite News, which initially reported the false assertions of the Vatican Press Office, took back the claim a week later in a full article on July 4, 2019. (Veri Catholic also publicly asked Life Site News to investigate the WHY of it — As of today, they have failed to follow through)

The Corriere della Sera subsequently published the “interview” online (see here).

Even Antonio Socci on July 1st remarked the occurrence of the publicity debacle for the Vatican, as another gross fake news story (see end of Socci’s article, where he cites more evidence that Benedict knows he is stil the pope).

But the import of the event was ignored. Namely, that the Vatican was attempting to discount the report by From Rome of the tacit acceptance.

To which I say: Is everyone brain dead at Rome? Can you not put on your thinking cap and do some reasoning, like this?

  • Vatican Press Agency risks its entire reputation by making a false claim about what Benedict had said
  • Corriere della Sera was asked by the Vatican Secretary of State to attempt to extract such a statement from Pope Benedict
  • Pope Benedict refused to make such a statement
  • Pope Benedict had thus publicly reaffirmed he would not discount the assertion of the From Rome Blogger
  • Therefore, Benedict is aware his resignation was not canonically valid
  • Therefore Benedict is aware that he is still the only true Pope and Vicar of Christ

Now that 92 days have passed, the Vatican, not having discounted anything of the above, has conceded that Bergoglio is not the Pope. But at the same time allow him to keep pretending to be the Pope.

But a pretender to the Throne of Saint Peter is an AntiPope.

Therefore, the Vatican has conceded that Bergoglio is an Antipope.

(BTW, for the record, the Vatican Secretary of State had already conceded that Benedict is the Pope; see the report here). And the Vatican has known the resignation was invalid since March 2013, when they tried to cover it up (see the report here).

For the complete canonical demonstration of the invalidity of Benedict’s resignation, see PPBXVI.org

FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST, therefore, please spread the news to the whole Catholic World!





Canon Law itself declares Pope Francis, AntiPope


The clear, precise, and sound reading of the Code of Canon Law leads to the inescapable conclusion that Pope Francis is an “antipope” in every sense of the word, and that the law itself declares it.

As has been demonstrated in the article, “How and Why Pope Benedict’s resignation is invalid”, there is no other authentic reading of Canon 332 §2 other than that the renunciation of munus is the necessary sine qua non condition of a papal resignation.

This canonical argument is supported by 35 reasons, debated in Scholastic form, in the article, “The Validity of Benedict’s Resignation must be questioned, Parts I and II”, why a renunciation of ministerium, in the form had in the papal declarations of Feb. 11, 2013, cannot signify a renunciation of munus as per Canon 332 §2, Canon 188 etc..

Therefore, Pope Benedict XVI remains the one and only true Pope of the Catholic Church with all the powers and prerogatives of that office.

As I pointed out in my rebuttal of Roberto de Mattei, canon 359 guarantees that the College of Cardinals has no authority to convene to elect a pope, when there has been an invalid papal resignation.

Therefore, the Conclave of 2013 is without any right in Canon Law to elect a successor to Pope Benedict. Therefore, the one it claimed to elect, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has no authority whatsoever conferred upon him by accepting that election. He is in truth a usurper of the papal office, and must be punished in accord with Canon 1381 §1 for that crime (if he knowingly has done this, otherwise upon demonstration of the delict, he must publicly disavow his claim to the office).

Since Bergoglio never had any canonical authority as Pope, all his nominations to the  Roman Curia are null and void. Therefore, all actions taken by the Congregation of Religious against religious communities, or by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith against anyone, or the Secretary of State vis-a-vis treaties with nations, such as China, or appointments of Bishops, etc. etc. are NULL AND VOID.

Since the papal resignation of Pope Benedict XVI is invalid, among other reasons, in virtue of containing a substantial error (canon 188) regarding what words must be expressed to conform to canon 322 §2, that resignation is invalid by the law itself (lege ipso). That invalidation spreads to the Conclave and all acts of Bergoglio as Francis, which are canonical, because they too are founded upon the same substantial error, though compounded.

Therefore, since the invalidity of Bergoglio’s papacy depends upon the law of the Church itself (canon 188), there is no need for a judgement of any ecclesiastical office to intervene to establish that it is so. And thus, Catholics may and indeed are obliged BY DIVINE FAITH and OBEDIENCE to the Apostolic See and to Canon Law to hold Bergoglio to be an Anti-Pope and to insist to Cardinals and Bishops and civil authorities that he be driven from the Vatican as a usurper.

Let all Catholics who love Christ, who are obedient to the Code of Canon Law and who seek the salvation of souls act now and today. Write your Bishop and the Cardinals. Write the Italian Government, which is bound to uphold only the canonically elected governments of the Vatican. Insist with all that the fact of Bergoglio’s invalidity be publicly affirmed and his usurpation denounced.

Its either that, or the end of the Vatican as we know it, as being part of the Catholic Church.