Tag Archives: LifeSite

LifeSite News VP: Homosexuality, LGBT are “family related issues”

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Restoring the Faith Media, in today’s broadcast of Full Disclosure, interviewed Jon Fidero, Vice President of Advancement, at LifeSite News. The interview covered a whole gamet of issues, but at one point Fidero made a stunning admission. It came at 25:30 in the interview, where he said that homosexuality and LGBT are family related issues:


For those who are not aware, it is has been a core objective of the LGBT movement to insist that sexual perversion and its acceptability must be seen as family issues, as they strive to reform in the minds of the masses everywhere with the idea that gross moral perversion is a foundation of family life.

For those who are not familiar with the title, Vice President of Advancement, PayScale.com defines it thus:

Vice presidents (VPs) of institutional advancement are in charge of leading and managing advancement programs and opportunities for their organization. They oversee donor investments and strategic fundraising opportunities, as well as create development plans and advancement services. They review prospect investigation, provide support to campaigns, and manage schedules and budgets for their department. Vice presidents of institutional advancement must work well in a team environment with other managers and vice presidents in their organization to make executive-level decisions.

Other tasks performed by vice presidents of institutional advancement include developing strong business relationships to increase brand loyalty, coordinating institutional efforts on gift soliciting and volunteer programs, and managing deadlines to ensure their organization meets all financial goals. They also participate in team training and provide hiring guidance as needed. Their functions also include setting goals for the advancement programs, modifying strategies to increase effectiveness, authorizing donor contact, and coordinating fundraising events. They approve mailing materials and research trends as well.

The Vice President of Advancement’s nod to the agenda, therefore, is not something small. It marks, perhaps, an ocean change for LifeSite News on moral issues, from the seas of Catholicism to the seas of abomination.

His statements will undoubtedly lead to much speculation as to whether this editorial change had anything to do with the recent decision of Diane Montagana to end her relationship with LifeSite News, as stated in her recent tweet:

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