Tag Archives: New World Order

Italian Government to make Italy a Globalist Gulag after April 26th

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The news yesterday confirmed the darkest fears of “conspiracy theorists” in Italy during the last year.  The Government has passed a new Dictatorial Decree (DPCM) which after April 26, 2021, will make Italy a Globalist Gulag.

In the name of giving back your freedoms, Italians will be forbidden to travel withing the territory of the Italian republic if they do not have a “Green Card” certifying that they have been vaccinated against the Covid-19 and/or have the antibodies showing they have recovered from it. See the featured image above, for the newspaper report.

In return for submitting to attempted suicide via the Vaxx, citi

zens and residents and tourists will be able to visit friends, two by two before May 15, and four by four after. They will also be able to go to restaurants who have tables in the open air and to go to pools.

Without the “Green Card” you will be fined and or taken to a concentration camp.

The consternation, anger, disgust and rage which this new decree has provoked is tremendous. If the government thinks they will get away with this, I believe they are in for a very ugly surprise. Italians hate tyrants.

In the New World Order religion, advocated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio at Donald Trump, in place of sanctification there is now “sanificazione” (being made healthy, or as we would say in English, “sanitized”). I am not joking, as you can see in this photo of a rental car, here at Rome, which I took yesterday. The Green Sticker reads:  Sanificata ogni noleggio (“Sanitized after each rental”).

Tra leggende sull’”adrenocromo” e pedofilia reale, certa moda strizza l’occhio agli orchi?


di Andrea Cionci

In un momento di aggressione all’infanzia mai vista nella storia, alcuni fanno vestiti per bambini con ammiccamenti sessuali.

L’impressione è che si stia per scoperchiare un enorme, raccapricciante vaso di Pandora. Dell’altro ieri i 50 arresti in 15 regioni italiane per traffico di materiale pedopornografico che confermano anche il progressivo affermarsi dell’”infantofilia”: l’atroce abuso sui neonati, a volte persino impiegati – come è stato documentato – in pseudo-rituali a sfondo esoterico.

Questo è confermato dall’Associazione “Meter”, fondata da don Fortunato Di Noto, che ha da poco divulgato il report 2019 nel quale si denuncia il raddoppio del materiale pedopornografico segnalato (7 milioni di foto rispetto ai 3 del 2018) e l’aumento pauroso di questa criminale parafilia forse in parte collegata anche alla sparizione di minori, decuplicata in Italia negli ultimi in 10 anni.

Anche in Germania, Gran Bretagna, Belgio – scrive Benedetta Frigerio sulla Nuova Bussola Quotidiana – negli ultimi mesi, ci sono stati centinaia di arresti per violenze su migliaia di bambini, ma si teme a indagare nel mondo civile: le prove scompaiono, i bravi detective vengono sostituiti e i processi si arrestano. La Germania ha riconosciuto la corruzione di Polizia e istituzioni, ma le pene sono state minime. La grande stampa tace o riduce tutto a “brevi” di cronaca.

Eppure l’argomento, sebbene scabrosissimo, sembrava giornalisticamente interessante, basti ricordare la tempesta di abusi da parte di preti citati dalla stampa durante l’ultimo anno di pontificato di Benedetto XVI. Poi è passato di moda. Alcuni cattolici fedeli al papa emerito sostengono che si fosse trattato di una precisa strategia per costringere Ratzinger alle dimissioni, peraltro recentemente messe in discussione in un nostro articolo tradotto in quattro lingue dal decano dei vaticanisti italiani, Marco Tosatti.

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Italian Bishop’s Conference: After COVID-19 it’s time for a New World Order!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Some people plot against the masses in secret, but others announce from the headlines of their newspapers their plots and agenda.

Such is the case of the national newspaper published by the Italian Bishop’s Conference — the Catholic one — on their official website, Avvenire.it, on Good Friday, when the Church is supposed to be remembering the Redemption of the World by Jesus Christ — BUT DID NOT — because Bergoglio ordered the Bishops to cancel all services in Italy, before the Government even attempted to do so.

In an opinion piece entitled, Coronavirus: È il momento di gettare le basi per un nuovo ordine mondiale, Agostino Giovagnoli calls for — you can perhaps gess it — a New World Order.  In fact, his editorial in English would be entitled — if one translated it literally — Coronavirus: Now is the time to lay the foundations for a new world order.

Somehow, this sounds like Kissinger, no?

Agostino Giovagnoli is a tenured professor in Modern History at the Catholic University of Milan.

The editors of the National Catholic daily subtitled his editorial, La pandemia ha generato percorsi di solidarietà inediti. Da questa base si può ripartire per unire i Paesi nella lotta ai veri conflitti. That is, in English:  The pandemic has generated unheard of rushes to solidarity. On this basis one can begin a new to unite the Countries in the battle against the true conflicts.

Peace and security? Yeah, that is what his piece is all about. He closes his editorial, with these words:

Gli Stati europei sono oggi molto impegnati ad affrontare la sfida di una maggiore solidarietà interna. Ma non dovrebbero trascurare ciò che possono fare per il mondo nel suo complesso, che è poi un modo per aiutare anche se stessi. Potrebbero, ad esempio, cogliere l’occasione per gettare, insieme a Stati Uniti, alla Cina e a tutti gli altri, le basi di un nuovo ordine internazionale, in grado di fermare la «terza guerra mondiale a pezzi» e molte sanguinose guerre locali, come ha chiesto il segretario generale dell’Onu Guterres e come invoca il Papa, facendo «ripartire il mondo» dopo il coronavirus.

Which in English would be:

The European States, today, are very committed to confront the challenge of a greater internal solidarity.  But they should not omit that which the can do for the world in its totality, which is, moreover, a manner to help even themselves.  They could, for example, welcome the occasion, together with the United States, China and all the others,to lay the foundations of a new world order, capable to stop the “piecemeal third world war” and the very bloodly local wars, as the Secretary General of the United Nations, Guterres, has asked and as the Pope has called for, make a “new start for the world” after the Coronavirus.

Our Lord is hanging on the Cross to make a new start for the world, and they are publishing a piece about a New World Order. The mention of China is not occasional. The essay bears a picture of a political rally in Italy with Chinese flags.  One can guess who pays for the foreign policy of the Vatican and Italian Bishop’s conference these days….

Somehow, I think they should have given their editorial space to Saint Paul, who in the fifth chapter of his First Letter to the Thessalonians wrote also about peace and security, but in an entire other vein:

1 But of the times and moments, brethren, you need not, that we should write to you: 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord shall so come as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say: Peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you as a thief. 5 For all you are the children of light and children of the day: we are not of the night nor of darkness. 6 Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do: but let us watch, and be sober. 7 For they that sleep, sleep in the night; and they that are drunk, are drunk in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, having on the breast plate of faith and charity and, for a helmet, the hope of salvation. 9For God hath not appointed us unto wrath: but unto the purchasing of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us: that, whether we watch or sleep, we may live together with him. 11 For which cause comfort one another and edify one another, as you also do.

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Kissinger: After COVID-19 we need a New World Order

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State and National Security adviser under U.S. Presidents Nixon and Ford, has called for a new world order, to respond to COVID-19.

Writing in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal (link here for subscribers to the WSJ), he says:

Addressing the necessities of the moment must ultimately be coupled with a global collaborative vision and program.

Helen Buyniski, writing for Russia Today, says in her article entitled, Kissinger says ‘even US’ can’t defeat COVID-19 alone. His solution? Global NWO government of course of his editorial:

Kissinger laments that the pandemic has led to the return of a “walled city” model of nationalist governance, suggesting that “exploration at the frontiers of science” alone can save humanity from disease in his vision of a globalist utopia. But developing cures takes time, and the notion that countries should be discouraged from protecting themselves in the interim is suicidal. If anything, one of the reasons Italy, Spain, and France were hit so hard by coronavirus was the EU’s dysfunctional insistence on open borders amid the pandemic.

Global trade and movement of people” are all well and good, but the pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the globalist system like never before. It will take years for nations to rebuild, and repeating their mistakes is not something they can afford to do.

Donga.com, a News Agency in Korea, in their unsigned article, COVID-19 pandemic will forever change the world order, says Kissinger, they summarize Kissinger’s position thus:

“While the assault on human health will – hopefully – be temporary, the political and economic upheaval it has unleashed could last for generations,” he elaborated, adding that the liberal world order can be put at risk. “The pandemic has prompted an anachronism, a revival of the walled city in an age when prosperity depends on global trade and movement of people.” He went on to emphasize that the United States should lead the effort to safeguard Enlightenment values.

Kissinger is a frequent participant in the Bilderberg annual meetings, meetings at which I speculate the plan to launch COVID-19 to push their agenda of one world government were hatched and planned. Bill Gates, the leading personality behind all aspects of the Corona Stunt, Corona Hype and Corona Control is also a Bilderberger. Bilderbergers are also pushing the Corona Panic by all means possible.

Henry Kissinger is of German Jewish extraction, and served in the US Military in the Second World War during the Battle of the Bulge, aka the Ardennes Offensive in 1944.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a detail of a photo of Henry Kissinger during his visit to President Donald Trump at the White House. Photo is by official White House photographer Shealah Craighead, and is thus in the public domain.

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Re-purposing of Catholic Churches begins

And on intelligent Greek is asking us to be intelligent too:


FromRome.Info has published a number of articles warning of where this is heading: