Tag Archives: Ordo Militaris Inc.

Ordo Militaris Inc to start social media platform for Catholics

March 7, 2021 — Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas : Ordo Militaris Inc., the Cathoilc security company from Montana USA is committing to create a Social Media platform free of Globalist censorship and control. The platform will be free and will be funded by investment and donations from users.

Ordo Militaris Inc. was founded in 2016 to provide security and defense to Catholics persecuted for their faith. With the world gripped by the Scamdemic which is clearly part of an anti-christic effort to suppress Christianity, the Order recognizes the need to protect the ability of Catholics to stay informed and network on the basis of truth, facts, and reality, free from the control, surveillance and propaganda of the Globalist Cabal.

The ultimate goal of the Order will be to build a platform in which Catholics can not only personally interact as individuals, but offer a secure space to Radio, TV, Institutions of Education and Catholic organization of all type to publish their information without restriction or censorship.

While the Order foresees a lot of steps in the growth of such a future platform, it is seeking public feedback on the name for such a platform before launching the first version.

And so, as part of the preparations for such a platform they are running a poll to know from Catholics which name for the platform would be preferable by potential users.

Here is the Poll. Please answer only once.


If you would like to become an investor in this venture, please leave your contact information below in a comment and the President of Ordo Militaris Inc will contact you back. Or you can skype or call +1 406 299 9260, and leave a message for a call back.

1 year to the 450th Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto!

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
President of Ordo Militaris Inc.

In 1 year, Christendom will celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the Victory of Catholic Forces over the forces of the Ottoman Turks, at the Battle of Lepanto: one of the most stupendous military victories in all of Christian history, and perhaps the most significant for the preservation of Christianity in Europe.

Statue of Don Juan of Austria: Messina, as seen on January 2, 2020.

This Anniversary is very significant for our contemporaries, because Europe once again is existentially threatened by invasion and must confront similar questions about its future, as the Catholic Europe of the 16th century did.

The Ottoman Empire is no more. It was not only defeated at Lepanto by inferior Christian naval forces armed from above by the power of Our Lady’s Rosary, but it collapsed out of its own weight of internal corruption, becoming a thing hateful to the Turkish people itself.

But the idea of demographically exterminating Christians by mass invasion has not died out. It is now the agenda of agencies not only in the Islamic world but in the political sphere of Socialists who run most of Western Europe.

October 7, 2021 will be a historic day

Lepanto Flag of the Papal Fleet, sold by Ordo-Militaris.us

The Catholic Armada of 1571 was composed of 3 main groups: the Fleets of the Kingdom of Espana, under the leadership of Don Juan of Austria, which set sail from Barcelona; the Fleets of Pope St Pius V, under the command Marcantonio Colonna, which set sail from the Papal States, and the Fleet of the Doge of Venice, under the command of Sebastiano Venera, which set sail from Venice.

These Fleets joined together at Messina, in Sicily, and set sail from there to Lepanto and to victory.

It is only fitting, then, that the 450th anniversary be celebrated in a special way both at Messina and at Lepanto.

Messina is leading the way

Messina has never forgotten the battle of Lepanto. Indeed, each summer they celebrate the Disembarking of Don Juan of Austria, during his stay at Messina, prior to heading out to Lepanto. This is not only because Messina is a devout Catholic City, but also because Sicily — the Island upon which one of its three corners, it dominates the straits of Calabria — was long ruled by the Spanish. Indeed, on the streets of Messina you can see many a youth who looks like a spitting image of the man from La Mancha or any red blooded Conquistador. And, near the Cathedral, one can still see the historic statue of Don Juan, facing in the direction of Lepanto (see image above).

Messina’s new Mayor, assisted on ship by Vincenzo Caruso.

But the City of Messina is leading in another way, since the newly elected mayor has appointed Prof. Vinenzo Coruso, artistic director of the Associazione Aurora, which organizes the annual festival, as the City’s new Assesore del Turismo, to organize the festivities for 2021.

I had occasion to make a brief visit to his offices at Messina, on January, 2, 2020, and am very much encouraged by the strong desire Messina has to celebrate the 450th anniversary. I pledged the support of Ordo Militaris Inc, and I invite the support of all the Members of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus to his holy work.

As you may know, the Order raises funds to help persecuted Christians and is organized through Ordo Militaris Inc. to sell stock to organize for their military defense. The corporation sells a historical reproduction of the Ensign of Marcantonio Colonna, the flag which was raised at noon, on October 7, 1521 to signal the opening of hostilities against the Turkish Fleet.

To get an idea of how important Messina holds the remembrance of Lepanto, watch these 2 videos in Italian.

Here is a video of the Celebrations at Messina in 2019

Here is another video produced by the Associazione Aurora, in 2016:

If you would like to work with Ordo Militaris, Inc. to organize a trip to Messina or a Cruise to Lepanto from Messina in October 2021, please leave a message in the comments below and I will contact you.

(I think the best Cruise possible would be to recruit a dozen or so experts on the Battle of Lepanto and make the trip a sort of Academic Convention as well as Religious Commemoration in honor of the fallen and of all the Catholic seamen and soldiers who fought there.)

Ordo Militaris Inc. seeks investment to defend Pope Benedict XVI


from their website

Now that the Holy Father has taken up residence in Regensburg, Germany, he lacks the security detail that he had at the Vatican. This puts him at grave risk from crowds, protesters, AntiFa, terrorists and all the daily problems which crop up when important persons move in public places.

Help Ordo Militaris Inc. found a Security Company in Regensburg and provide the Holy Father with a security detail loyal only to him.

preview-221x300-1You can invest with our Corporation for this purpose by purchasing our T-Series Stock for foreign investments. See our prospectus for more information. Our T-Series Stock sells for $1000 a share an is a restricted security. We are currently offering 5000 shares for private placement.

Capital raised through our T-Series Stock goes entirely to the foundation of foreign corporations dedicated to the defense of Christians, which will be owned wholly or in part by Ordo Militaris Inc.. By purchasing our Stock, an investor can invest in U.S. dollars and obtain the benefit of a foreign investment.

We estimate that this very important work of defending the Holy Father will require a capital investment of $1,000,000 USD, or about 900 hundred thousand euros.

Therefore, we ask you to consider what is important to your portfolio and how you can make strategic and important contributions to humanitarian investing.

Ordo Militaris Inc. is a Montana stock Corporation dedicated to organizing the defense and security for Catholics, Christians and clergy. While our corporation does not directly offer defense or security services, we promote the foundation of corporations which do. Founded in 2016, and having transferred to Montana in 2017, Ordo Militaris Inc. is sponsored by the international religious association known as Ordo Militaris Catholicus, which was founded by Br. Alexis Bugnolo in August, 2016, in response to the murder of Father Jacques Hamel by Algerian terrorists that summer. The Corporation is currently seeking to raise $10 million in capital investment for its projects to defend Christians.

This solicitation does not constitute any statement about future prospects of profit or loss, and is made soley for the purpose of publicity of our T-Series stock, which has been publicly offered for sale since November of 2016, when our corporation was in Wyoming. Our T-Series stock is a legal issue recognized by the Montana Secretary of State as part of our corporate authorization. For more information see our prospetus and/or call our corporate offices, Rocky Mountain Time, during regular business hours.

© 2020, Ordo Militaris Inc.. All rights reserved. Certain incorporated images are public domain.

The Cross Azure Alliance


By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

If you like FromRome.Info, then please take a moment to let me explain to you an idea I have for Catholics to support and defend one another in the coming years ahead.

As you know, there are quite a number of inimical forces which are arrayed against Holy Mother Church, both from without and from within. Alas, the Popes in recent centuries have done little or nothing to organize the faithful against these forces, and so now that they have taken over the Vatican we are leaderless. And now that they have convinced and are convincing our Bishop to shut down the Catholic Church, we are bereft!

Last year, foreseeing the need for Catholic to organize to help one another, as president of Ordo Militaris Inc., a private security and defense corporation in Montana, I formulated a plan for Catholic businessmen and professionals to assist in these goals.

As you are well aware of, there are many business alliances which certify quality, professionality, products and services. There are also alliances of producers, distributors, and points of sale. Furthermore, there are alliances of businesses in different industries and sectors for special promotions.

Alliances among like minded individuals is something natural and innate to human society. It is also good business. As Catholics we should understand that, since the very nature of Our Faith is founded upon an Alliance of God with man, and of the Saints with sinners.

So why cannot Catholics have such an alliance? Such an alliance would help each defend and support one another? Such an alliance would be faith motivated, but economic. It would not be socialist, but capitalist. That is, it does not involve redistribution of goods, but is founded upon the virtues of the work ethic which the Saints teach us and which Christ consecrated by His own profession, as Man, in the carpentry business of Saint Joseph.

I call this Alliance the Cross Azure Alliance.

Any business of any kind, or anyone running a business in his own name could join. From cafes to legal offices, restaurants to gasoline stations, from tailors to carpentry shops, from fishermen to farmers, etc..

Members would display our Cross Azure in their places of business. And the Alliance would publish a directory of all the members round the world, in each nation, in each province or state, and in each city, so that each member business would know who are the friendlies.

Member businesses would support the Catholic Religion and ally together to defend one another’s civil rights. And of course, each member business would give an advantageous discount to other members of the Alliance and special considerations on service.

This Alliance would be a way to baptize capitalism and tame the wild forces of the market, so that together we work to build up the body of Christ from the ground up while helping Catholic families and workers defend and promote the economic activity that they need to support themselves.

The alliance would start with individuals and small businesses and work to establish service companies in credit and finance and insurance and security which would serve the members. The Alliance would not be a holding company but a membership organization. Together members would belong to a mutual assistance association which would be geared to supporting Catholic businesses.

The Alliance would foster as its work of charity the promotion of the Ordo Miltiaris Catholicus, for the humanitarian aid of Catholics who are persecuted for the faith. And as such, in all these ways, would be a force against the enemies of the Church and a powerful base for the restoration of the Catholic Faith in each part of the world were it spreads.

You can read more about this proposal at the Official Page for it, and request a prospectus about it for $10.00 USD, which covers shipping and handling of the prospectus book. When you press the button on that page, you will, after making the payment, receive a non disclosure agreement, which when signed and mailed in, my secretary volunteer will mail you a copy.



Full Disclosure interviews Br. Bugnolo

Mike and Joe have a very intriguing guest on the show. A man, with a habit, building a Military Order to fight enemies and defend Christians in the Holy Land. Did you say “Deus Vult?” Some 300 men already lined up. (This program was pre-recorded on Saturday). The Link will be come active at 8 PM Rome Time, 2 PM New York City Time, 4 AM Syndey Time.

Ordo Militaris — To defend and protect persecuted Christians

Dear Readers of FromRome.Info,

In addition to my work here, I am president of a United States Private Military Corporation dedicated to the security and defense of persecuted Christians. Many do not know of the existence of the Ordo Militaris Catholicis, an international religious association of Catholics dedicated to the defense of persecuted Christians where that defense requires security services and humanitarian aid. We are not a big organization, but nevertheless we have big hearts and give all we can to help persecuted Christians. We would have done much more in our first 3 years of existence, but were systematically ignored and attacked by those on both the Marxist left and the Masonic faux-Right, who saw our goals and organization as a threat to the control they seek to maintain on Catholics of all kinds.

One of our members, Mr. Andrew J. Baalman, has produced a simply video to spread the message of what we do and how you can help. So I wanted to feature it here, for your information.


Mr. Baalman blogs at Ordo Miltiaris Radio at wordpress, where, being that he is a physical descendant of Charlemagne and a relative to nearly all the nobility of Europe, he often speaks from the heart about issues relative to the downfall of Christendom and how to reverse course.

I invite each of you to consider becoming a member of our Order and share in our little work of great love for the most needy. I have 300 military men who would serve with us in the field, but I need the capital investment and funding to put them to use in a true Catholic venture. For more information, see our website ordo-militaris.us.


Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Invitation to join The Catholic Military Order


To All Soldiers of the Church Militant



You are cordially invited to join the Catholic Military Order (Official Name: Ordo Militaris Catholicus), which is an International Association of Catholics dedicated to the defense of Christendom. To know more about the Order and the reasons to join, please read the following:

The Ordo Militaris Catholicus is a international defense and security initiative of Catholics for Catholics who are suffering persecution for their faith, where their defense and liberation requires military intervention or security actions, and this is allowed by local and/or international law. We were founded in the days following the martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel, July 26, 2016 A.D., by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, a Franciscan hermit.

In the U.S.A., the Order has founded a Montana Corporation, with the legal name, Ordo Militaris, Inc., as a Private Military Corporation, to conduct the defense and security initiatives that the Association seeks to undertake.

To know more about how you can help or join the Order, see our Sign-up page or our Donations page or Investment Page. To read more about the Order and its form of organization, read about the Justice of Our Cause, or Our Holy Rule, and about how everyone can help us get the word out.

Also, if you like, take the time to learn what our insignia signifies.

You can also watch a videos about the initiative and the corporation:  about A Complete Explanation of our Association,  Or Listen to our numerous Radio programs, at Ordo Militaris Radio.

The Order seeks to recruit chiefly Catholic Veterans who wish to put their military skills and knowledge to service in the defense of fellow Catholics, and this principally out of a desire of fraternal charity, not personal gain. As a religious association of Catholics we aim to combine the unique aspects of military and religious service as a work of mercy towards our fellow Catholics.

About our Private Military Coroporation: Ordo Militaris, Inc.

Following in the footsteps of the brave Catholics of old, who forsook family, home and nation to go overseas to the rescue of Christians being persecuted for their faith, we have begun this security and defense initiative of Catholics for Christians who are being persecuted, where their defense and security requires humanitarian aid and security solutions which only a private military corporation could lawfully provide.

We aim to be a non-political, transnational humanitarian effort with a distinctively Catholic ethos and spirit, providing a method of private collaboration and intervention separate from the national foreign policies of sovereign states, while working fully within the limitations of national and international laws and conventions.

While engaging principally in humanitarian relief efforts, either directly or through the provision of security solutions, we intend a robust business strategy to offer our services to existing humanitarian efforts who have need of private security solutions in those areas of the world which are high risk, as the principal foundation of our business strategy.

Click to See Our Books

At present, throughout the western world, there exists no such particularly Christian effort which blends security and defense with humanitarian aid, in part because classical charities or non profits are excluded from security and defense activities and programs and in part because in recent centuries the concept of security and defense as a humanitarian activity has all but been forgotten.

As part of our transnational strategy, we are currently seeking to establish subsidiaries overseas so as to increase the multifaceted advantages of an international presence and to take advantage of the unique resources and talents of Catholics who participate in our effort from throughout the Catholic world.

As a Montana Corporation directed by Catholics with deeply held religious beliefs we hope to provide unique solutions with an extremely high ethical rigor, in an age which sees increasingly religion as a security problem not a solution.  We are formed as a private military corporation, for profit, so that we might be capable in US law to apply for government defense contracts, fund the security and military needs of lawful Christian initiatives overseas and train and prepare volunteers who wish to serve with us on overseas missions. We are committed to being a corporation led by and employing principally US Military Veterans who see and wish to serve Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace.  In this way, we hope to offer veterans an utterly unique way to put their skills and experience to work defending their innocent and helpless brothers in Christ the world over.

SOURCE: See https://www.ordo-militaris.us

1 year and 10 months to Lepanto 450°

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
President of Ordo Militaris Inc.

In 10 months and 1 year, Christendom will celebrate the 450th Anniversary of the Victory of Catholic Forces over the forces of the Ottoman Turks, at the Battle of Lepanto: one of the most stupendous military victories in all of Christian history, and perhaps the most significant for the preservation of Christianity in Europe.

Statue of Don Juan of Austria: Messina, as seen on January 2, 2020.

This Anniversary is very significant for our contemporaries, because Europe once again is existentially threatened by invasion and must confront similar questions about its future, as the Catholic Europe of the 16th century did.

The Ottoman Empire is no more. It was not only defeated at Lepanto by inferior Christian naval forces armed from above by the power of Our Lady’s Rosary, but it collapsed out of its own weight of internal corruption, becoming a thing hateful to the Turkish people itself.

But the idea of demographically exterminating Christians by mass invasion has not died out. It is now the agenda of agencies not only in the Islamic world but in the political sphere of Socialists who run most of Western Europe.

October 7, 2021 will be a historic day

Lepanto Flag of the Papal Fleet, sold by Ordo-Militaris.us

The Catholic Armada of 1571 was composed of 3 main groups: the Fleets of the Kingdom of Espana, under the leadership of Don Juan of Austria, which set sail from Barcelona; the Fleets of Pope St Pius V, under the command Marcantonio Colonna, which set sail from the Papal States, and the Fleet of the Doge of Venice, under the command of Sebastiano Venera, which set sail from Venice.

These Fleets joined together at Messina, in Sicily, and set sail from there to Lepanto and to victory.

It is only fitting, then, that the 450th anniversary be celebrated in a special way both at Messina and at Lepanto.

Messina is leading the way

Messina has never forgotten the battle of Lepanto. Indeed, each summer they celebrate the Disembarking of Don Juan of Austria, during his stay at Messina, prior to heading out to Lepanto. This is not only because Messina is a devout Catholic City, but also because Sicily — the Island upon which one of its three corners, it dominates the straits of Calabria — was long ruled by the Spanish. Indeed, on the streets of Messina you can see many a youth who looks like a spitting image of the man from La Mancha or any red blooded Conquistador. And, near the Cathedral, one can still see the historic statue of Don Juan, facing in the direction of Lepanto (see image above).

Messina’s new Mayor, assisted on ship by Vincenzo Caruso.

But the City of Messina is leading in another way, since the newly elected mayor has appointed Prof. Vinenzo Coruso, artistic director of the Associazione Aurora, which organizes the annual festival, as the City’s new Assesore del Turismo, to organize the festivities for 2021.

I had occasion to make a brief visit to his offices at Messina, on January, 2, 2020, and am very much encouraged by the strong desire Messina has to celebrate the 450th anniversary. I pledged the support of Ordo Militaris Inc, and I invite the support of all the Members of the Ordo Militaris Catholicus to his holy work.

As you may know, the Order raises funds to help persecuted Christians and is organized through Ordo Militaris Inc. to sell stock to organize for their military defense. The corporation sells a historical reproduction of the Ensign of Marcantonio Colonna, the flag which was raised at noon, on October 7, 1521 to signal the opening of hostilities against the Turkish Fleet.

To get an idea of how important Messina holds the remembrance of Lepanto, watch these 2 videos in Italian.

Here is a video of the Celebrations at Messina this past year:

Here is another video produced by the Associazione Aurora, in 2016:

If you would like to work with Ordo Militaris, Inc. to organize a trip to Messina or a Cruise to Lepanto from Messina in October 2021, please leave a message in the comments below and I will contact you.

(I think the best Cruise possible would be to recruit a dozen or so experts on the Battle of Lepanto and make the trip a sort of Academic Convention as well as Religious Commemoration in honor of the fallen and of all the Catholic seamen and soldiers who fought there.)