Editor’s Note: From this article it appears that the new Biography is a classic example of the kind of gift given to a King with no clothes on, wherein all the court jesters must pretend he is clothed. This book will seal the deal on Pope Francis as the biggest hypocrite ever to claim the Apostolic Throne. — It took six years to write: which is totally not-surprising, because it is a total work of revisionism. And it was supposed to be released only after Pope Francis’ death, but was rushed to publication, most likely, because no one would have bought it after he is 6 feet under. If you love irony and the absurd, I urge you to get a copy of this book, which certainly will be the source of immense laughter for you, if that is your thing.
Tag Archives: Pope Francis
Morrison: If Pope Francis is not Catholic, we should leave him in office & go into schism
Editor’s Note: I think some persons have spent so much time detailing the heresies of Pope Francis, that they no longer do an examination of conscience themselves, but run like dumb cattle off the nearest cliff. Evidently, Mr. Morrison is one of these, because while he recognizes pervasive heresy in the Church including that of Pope Francis, he despairs of removing him from office and counsels that Catholics should schism themselves from other Catholics as the solution.
I ask any sane reader of the above article, if that sounds like a Catholic solution? The answer is obvious: he is counseling just what a heretical Pope bent on destroying the Church would want him to say.
He is “Francis infected”.
I would encourage readers of FromRome.Info to try to post a comment on that article, with some sort of refreshing comment to snap him back into reality.
The Sutri Initiative remains the only Catholic, courageous, hope-filled, just and sane solution still, after 15 months since it was proposed. Ask your favorite Catholic writer why he or she won’t speak of it!
Pope Francis’ failing public image was supported by massive Globalist Propaganda
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The biggest untold Vatican news story of 2024, is that never before in the history of the Catholic Church in modern times has the personality of one pontiff been the axis of a massive world wide media disinformation campaign aimed against Catholics.
While I have reported on this continually since the foundation of FromRome in the fall of 2013, it becomes necessary to speak of it again, in the first year after Pope Francis signed the manifestly heretical and satanic attack on the Second Commandment of the Decalogue (“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”), when he placed his signature on the document “Fiducia suplicans‘ on Dec. 18, 2023 A. D..
While the public outcry against that act of perfidy was universal in the Catholic Church and took the extraordinary form of Cardinals and Bishops speaking out from the Americans to Africa to Europe and Asia, the Main Stream Media (MSM) plowed ahead with little else than acclaim for the “progressive” move of Pope Francis into “modernity”.
Meanwhile Pope Francis’ popularity is plummeting world wide, as he approaches the end of his mortality, as FromRome.Info has reported, here, here and here.
As Catholics know, the MSM is always decidedly anti-Catholic and hostile to our religion, Church and before Pope Francis, to the Roman Pontiff. But from the day he stepped out on the Loggia of Saint Peter’s, after the pseudo conclave of March, 2013, which dared to elect him pope, even though Pope Benedict XVI had not abdicated the Papal Dignity, the Press has proclaimed him as basically a living Saint, while even certain members of the Clergy who are intensely dedicated to sexual perversions have gone so far as to depict him as the Sacred Heart or call him “God”.
This MSM bias on the topic of Pope Francis is the most certain proof that he is an enemy of God and was installed by the powers who are inimical to Christ.
But the daring, audacity, and preposterous boldness to lie by the MSM has garnered the attention of normal Catholics, who remember with clarity how viciously Pope Benedict XVI was attacked within minutes of the announcement of his own election in April of 2005, A. D..
A prime example of the sustained and infrastructural support of the positive narrative about Pope Francis can be found in all the search engines, and websites of the MSM. So there is no need to cite them. But others claim not to participate in media bias. One such is Ground News.
Ground News
Sifting through news stories and trying to discover what is really happening in the Vatican is thus very difficult for the average Catholic who is a critical reader of the news. But one news site, Ground News, is publicly claiming, that for the critical reader of news, their site is one of the best options for such readers to find the truth.
I visited Ground News today to test their claims on their own websites. Here are two searches I did, and the screen shots of the results. Click each image to expand.
Ground News claims it was founded by a “NASA scientist” who is concerned with persistent bias in the reporting of the news. I think the above screen shots show the full truth of their claims, to the reader who has eyes to see.
GERMANY: Trust in Pope Francis falls from 60% to 16% in last 8 years
Vatican on brink of Bankruptcy after 12 years of Pope Francis’ Attack on the Church
Will Pope Francis abdicate the Papacy in January?
Commentary on the News by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Recently, the noted Italian journalist, Andrea Cionci, at a Conference in Namur, Belgium, on Nov. 23, 2024, stated that he has sources which say that Pope Francis has decided to resign the Papacy in January of 2025.
Pope Francis has repeatedly, however, insisted that he would not resign.
Luis Badilla reported on Aug. 24, 2021, for example, that Pope Francis has no intention of resigning for reasons of bad health.
On Dec. 13, 2023, when he declared that he has no intention of resigning, as Vatican News reported.
On January 14, 2024, when during an interview he declared he has no intention of resigning, as reported by Crux Magazine.
On March 19, 2024, when it was reported that he had “put rumours of his resignation” to rest, by the BBC.
Were all these denials a case of “thou doest protest too much!”?
Perhaps, because in October of 2024, Pope Francis said something different, when Aleteia, which works closely with the CIA disinformation program, reported that in his new Biography — which was intended to be published after his death — it will be revealed in January that he has stated that he is willing to resign if his health problems become intractable.
Is this a case of confounding the date of the books publication with the supposed date of the resignation?
But it is clear that Pope Francis’ heath is deteriorating more rapidly, and that his recent appointment of Cardinals was intended as a desperate opposition to the kick-back he got on his heretical ‘Fiducia supplicans’, last year at this time. Normally a pope names cardinals only every two years, but in both 2023 and 2024 he has named Cardinals.
And this means that he himself knows his time is short. And so perhaps there is some truth in it that he will resign in January.
One can guess that the Cardinals, looking at the declining balance sheets at the Vatican, would surly counsel him to resign, because if he did so, the Jubilee year would be a success, with all the pilgrims having an additional reason to come to Rome: to see his successor.
However, many who have analyzed Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s psychology have stated that he would never give up being the center of attention.
And indeed, noted reporters have been very wrong on such topics in the past, as when Caterina Maniaci, on the same day as Luis Badilla’s report cited above, said that Pope Francis was about to pass a new law suggesting Popes to retire at 80 or 85 years of age. A thing which never happened.
As I observed years ago, a Papal Abdication by Pope Francis is politically impossible. Because in renouncing he will either posit another fake renunciation, like his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, to hide the fact that his own election was canonically invalid, or he has to posit a valid renunciation, the text of which will prove Benedict XVI never resigned validly. So he is entangled in the Trap of Pope Benedict XVI — a trap which is objectively there, even if you deny Pope Benedict XVI intentionally placed it to capture his godless rival.
See my recent article on the 5 Ways the next Conclave may be invalid and give us another antipope, for more about the canonical issues involved.
EMERGENCY: Pope Francis to put into doubt election of his successor
As I forewarned last December, a Roman Pontiff who through a public, formal act of adhesion to a heretical profession (Fiducia supplicans) would dare appoint new members to the College of Cardinals, would put into canonical doubt the validity of his successors election (See here), due to the impeded state of the Apostolic see. — Now, with this announcement, this canonical doubt will come into force as of December 8, 2024, if Pope Francis goes through with his plan to appoint 21 new Cardinals, a number of whom will be of age capable to elect the next Roman Pontiff.
Just as it cannot be tolerated that a manifest, formal and pertinacious heretic hold claim to the Apostolic See, so it cannot be tolerated that he determine in any way the election of his successor, since by common sense, logic and natural right, it must be presumed that he is an enemy of Christ and a persecutor of the Church, and that all his acts are deformed by his heretical profession.
Therefore, if he does appoint new Cardinal Electors, the election of his successor by the College of Cardinals will NOT be valid, because it must be presumed to be doubtful, since it must be presumed that he has appointed men who are in agreement with him in his heretical profession.
I wrote about this on January 10, 2024, in my article, “The Apostolic See is now impeded by the Heretical Profession of Pope Francis“:
How the impeded state of the Apostolic See will effect the next papal election
The Church is now in a very precarious juridical state, because if Pope Francis without renouncing his heresy of Fiducia supplicans should alter or publish a new law for papal election, and/or appoint men who favor Fiducia supplicans as Cardinals, then the election of his successor will be juridically doubtful, since the man, who is pope, who has impeded the See, can no longer licltly exercise the authority of the See, if he refuses to repent publicly of his crime against the Catholic Church, Her Faith, and the rights of all the faithful to practice the authentic Catholic Faith. Nay, refusal to repent signifies that all his other acts are tainted with his heresy and schism, and thus can be lawfully and licitly rejected by the Faithful.
Note, that recognizing the Apostolic See is impeded by the manifest heretical profession of a pope certified by his signature on a heretical document — even prior to his condemnation by a Council — is a far cry from the error of the sedevacantist who in the same situation would declare the See vacant and ignore all duty to denounce the criminal to a Council to have him removed. Sedevacantism, rather, is a pharisaical way of ignoring responsibility while virtue signalling. Whereas, recognizing the See is impeded is a Catholic and precise way of exercising personal cognizance and responsibility. Such a recognition affirms one’s moral and juridical right to ignore the acts and commands of the heretical pope, but also imposes the obligation to denounce him, seeking his reprehension or removal from office as well as all actions to obstruct his destruction of the Church or perversion of the election of his successor. As such its perfectly and totally catholic. And anyone who would question or deride it is merely seeking to defend his own cowardice and effeminacy.
The 21 “new” Cardinals are nearly all heretics
If you doubt this, just look at the list of names to be nominated. They include at least one of the worse homo-heretics of modern times, Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (as EWTN reported here) who is a blasphemer and heretic, for asserting that the desire to commit sodomy is from God.
Then there is Archbishop Castillio Mattasoglio, who is a promoter of the heresy of liberation theology; Archbishop Vicente Bokalic Iglic, Bergoglio’s auxiliary from Buenas Aires, of the same Rampolla lineage; Archbishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi, who believes sodomy is compatible with Christianity; Bishop Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and who is a graduate of the heretical Biblical Institute of Jerusalem, which does not believe the Books of the Bible were written by the Prophets or Evangelists or Apostles; Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’; Archbishop Roberto Repole, who thinks the Church needs to reinvent herself; Archbishop Baldassare Reina, who has no problem with Rupnick art defiling the seminary at Rome; and Father Fabio Baggio, who is pushing the Kalergi Plan for Europe. This list is not exhaustive. Indeed, the Gay Mafia is already singing the praises of the nominated men, here.
How I and all those who participated in the Sutri Initiative had hoped that the Sacred Hierarchy mobilize to remonstrate with Pope Francis in a Provincial Council. How we had hoped that he would show his penitence by removing his signature from the blasphemous document ‘Fiducia supplicans’. But he has not done anything in this regard. And the Sacred Hierarchy has not done anything in public to request him to do this. This confirms his pertinacious heretical mindset.
Thus, not only is the Apostolic See impeded, the ‘nomination’ of these new 21 Cardinals will be doubtfully valid; and thus any election by the College of Cardinals with their participation will produce a doubtful pope, who will be pope of no one, according to the addage, “papa dubius, papa nullius est”.
There seems to be little chance this year to avert the Crisis
This news, therefore, is the worst possible news of the year. The only solution, then, is that after Pope Francis’ death, the Faithful of Rome again convene in an Assembly of Apostolic Right and elect his successor, just as they did on January 30, 2023, when they gathered to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.
At this point there are only 3 ways to avert the necessity of another such Assembly, namely: that God call Pope Francis from this life (and you can pray for that here), that he renounce the papacy (and you can pray for that here), or that he forgo appointing new Cardinals (you can write your favorite Catholic Cardinal and demand this).
As for each and everyone of those who knew of the Sutri Initiative but failed to speak of it, you now have become guilty of dividing the Church again and will share in the damnation merited by Pope Francis for this scandal, as there seems little time left to call a provincial council to avert this juridical catastrophe.
What is at stake here?
What is at stake is the very existence of the Catholic Church. This is because an antipope or a manifest heretic has no right to be the Pope, and the Church of Christ has the solemn duty to lead him to repentance by correcting him or declaring him outside of the Church. The Catholic Church exists only because Christ has founded Her and endowed Her with a principle of unity and fidelity, which is the Office of Peter. But because an antipope cannot hold this office, in the sight of God, an invalid or doubtful pope cannot ever be accepted by God as His Vicar on Earth. Thus, if the faithful follow such a man they will NOT be in communion with Jesus Christ. And thus, if a doubtful pope would become ‘universally accepted’ without a juridical correction, the Church would cease being the Bride of Jesus Christ. If the antipope is moreover a heretic, those faithful would become members of the Church of the AntiChrist.
Now that such dire events might presage the end of the world, we already know is the case since numerous saints have warned us that the Antichrist would set up his throne at Rome and attempt to seize the Papacy.
We need to use the means the Apostle Saint Peter gave us to save the Church!
But the glorious Saint Peter the Apostle gave the Church of Rome the means to avert such a catastrophe by granting the right to elect his successors to the entire Church of Rome (the Diocese of Rome and the 7 Suburbican Dioceses which surround her), so that if any regularized canonical way of electing his successor ever come to be established, recourse to the original method might always be had in the case of near mass apostasy or heresy among the electors. In fact, even in the past, when there was no papal law for elections, and Arian heretics attempted to promote their own to the Apostolic See, the Catholics of Rome acted in a timely manner to see a Catholic be elected Peter’s Successor.
Thus, if Pope Francis the manifest, formal, pertinacious heretic who insists the Name of God be used to bless the worse sexual abominations names new Cardinals, the Church can in no way accept as valid any election performed by the College, since the Papal Law requires that a non-doubtful pope nominate the Electors.
Thus if after naming these 21, Pope Francis renounce or die, the only way to have a non-doubtful juridical election will be to have the Faithful of the Roman Church gather and elect a man eligible to be pope, that is a Catholic.
I cannot do much, but what I can do, I will do if you help me!
Personally, I had hoped that I would not have to remain nor return to Rome again, to help the Roman Church in such a crisis. I have sacrificed the last 5 years of my life for the Roman Church and have merited only derision, calumny, and libel on all sides. There is scarcely more than a few of my readers who has written an article on any other website, blog, radio or aired any video to defend the work I have done or my person from the tidal waves of attacks. And those who have done nothing or the least, are the most vicious in what they say about me for my service to Holy Mother Church.
But, nevertheless, what I can do, I pledge I will do again, if I but have your help!
As you know, after the death of Pope Benedict XVI I was the sole Catholic at Rome who announced the Sede Vacante before all the others, foretold the election of his successor, warned the College of Cardinals to act, and organized TV advertisements to announce the time and place of the Election of his successor by Apostolic Right. No one is apt to do this again but me, because no one understands the gravity of the situation nor has the spunk to sacrifice the time and effort to get it done. But I do not do this but by the grace of God, Who has assisted me at every turn, especially with the help of so many as yourselves, far far away.
This work required that I establish ecclesiastical residence at Rome. I thing I did by coming to live at Rome in October of 2019. Yet, believing the battle over, I left Rome at the end of October of 2023.
Thus, I can now only maintain my ecclesiastical residence at Rome if I return before October 24, 2024. However, AT PRESENT I DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS, since in the last 11 months the total donations I have received from my readers has not exceeded even one months expenses to stay at Rome.
So if you want me to return, so as to be on hand to avert this crisis, then support my appeal to reopen the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, with a sacrificial donation. In fact, inasmuch as averting this crisis is more important for the entire Church and the salvation of the whole world, I ask you to consider supporting the work to avert it with as much dedication as you can possibly muster.
Otherwise, there is nothing for us to do but join the millions of Catholics who are kissing the Catholic Church good-bye and preparing to greet the Church of the Antichrist, with glee or tactful silent acceptance, as the Fake Opposition has begun to do in earnest:
https://twitter.com/EricRSammons/status/1841125948629905899FromRome.Info will also have to expand its services due to the total Media Blackout by Controlled Opposition Sites
For that reason, I would ask you to consider making a generous donation to FromRome.Info, so that it can take whatever steps are necessary to get the message out to the entire Church of Rome and the entire Catholic World of the necessity of calling an Assembly of Apostolic Rite to ensure the juridical valid election of a Catholic Pope to succeed Pope Francis.
As you may know, no other site informed you of the first Assembly or gave you accurate information about it: neither in Europe or elsewhere — excepting the excellent blog of Father Walter Covens. Also, no news outlet in Italy, newspapers, radio or TV reported it, except one channel which charged me thousans of euros for a brief advertisement. This time around, to avoid the catastrophe of having no candidates present themselves, much more preparatory work will be necessary. And that will require greater resources and effort at FromRome.Info.
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VATICAN: Pope in gravely deteriorating condition
News Analysis by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As we have seen in the past 11 years, the truth of history is not always reported in the daily news. Often we get misinformation or disinformation, and at key moments in history total outright lies, skewed just enough from the truth, as to hide it completely for years and years.
ANSA was the agency which told us Pope Benedict XVI had abdicated in February 2013, but hid their crime by using the English word, “resigned” (si è dimesso) rather than “renounced” (ha rinunciato), so that through the former word which was understood commonly as “abdicated” they could pass on the Big-Lie to justify a Conclave in 2013, when canonically speaking, no Conclave could have been legitimately called.
So today, when ANSA tell us that Pope Francis has no major “diseases”, while admitting for the first time that he has had 2 surgeries to his abdomen, who could deny that it is probably not only reasonable but also just to read behind the lines? Especially since they did not wait 24 hours to publish a report to squelch speculation about why the Holy Father would have omitted giving a homily on such an august day.
When Pope Benedict XVI died, 15 months ago, nearly, the narrative about his health condition deteriorated at an alarming speed of a few days, when in fact he had been suffering from kidney failure for years: a thing totally concealed by all Vatican press releases and investigated by none of the Vatican journalists of note or avocation.
Previous reports have shown that the Vatican is extremely cautious about Pope Francis’s condition, going so far as to rush him to Gemelli Hospital for what was later claimed to be minor infections. So it is clear that some thing or things chronic and serious is the true condition.
But the fact that Pope Francis omitted entirely the Homily from Palm Sunday Mass — not even permitting or asking any of the Cardinals, Bishops or Priests present to read it out loud even though canonically and liturgically it is a required part of that solemn liturgy — shows that Pope Francis’ health problems are more serious than are being admitted.
On top of that, Pope Francis’ disastrous spiritual state is completely ignored by the Vatican entirely, though it is clear to most Catholics that he is the grave habitual state of public sin for heresy, apostasy, schism, and just down right uncharitable meanness.
In normal times we should not publicly criticize the pope. But with Pope Francis public criticism is necessary to save souls from total loss of faith, seeing that his pontificate, except for the brief 5 month after his juridically valid election on January 30th of last year, has been a daily scandal to the Catholic world.
In sum, therefore, it is clear that Pope Francis is in a gravely deteriorating condition of body and soul, and that he has closed himself off from both the God of Mercy and any mortal remedy of a good counsel. In the meantime, the Vatican apparatus has gone into self-maintenance mode, and really does not give a bleep about God, souls or the Holy Father, just keeping up appearances.
Meanwhile, Catholics round the world, who understand all this well enough, are waiting for the news of Pope Francis’ demise: a thing they will great with relief, rejoicing and even celebration.
NEWSWEEK: Catholic Conservatives better not dare move to depose Pope Francis
Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Here, above, in the linked article, is a very fine crafted piece of Globalist propaganda, written by someone who is desperately afraid that Catholics will sign on to the Sutri Initiative, and spent a lot of time crafting a piece of disinformation in an attempt to Gaslight the Catholic world. — Not that anyone who is seriously Catholic would believe or take counsel from anything in Newsweek Magazine. But since many Catholics of the other kind are the ones who are actually in charge (in munere, that is, “in office”) in the Church, Newsweek still holds out that they can have an effect.
The whole import of the article is to make it seem anti-Catholic to participate in a call to remove Pope Francis, while making it seem perfectly Catholic to support Pope Francis’ attempts to destroy the Catholic Church and Christianity forever, by main streaming Sabbatean God-hating practices like idol-worship, sodomy, blasphemy and sacrilege, going so far as to invoke the Most Sacred Name of God to approve of these abominations.
Aleks Phillips, the author of the article, is in fact a Jew, who pushes the Globalist Mythology of Climate Change. And you might even find out investigating his personal back ground that he is a cultural marxist and a sodomite, because those who write such articles praising Pope Francis are of that ilk.
If you are a Catholic, I would suggest that you take some time to stop and think why Newsweek would be asking Philips to tell Catholics what they should believe and what they should not believe.
And then you might realize not only what is the fundamental power structure in mass media, but what their ultimate Anti-Christic goal is: your eternal damnation.
Journals which tow the line like Newsweek are heavily funded. And those, who expose them for what they are, risk their personal safety and don’t get a cent for it. — This is eternal spiritual warfare, and FromRome.Info is on the winning side.
The sad reality is, that if you are a U.S. citizen, whatever of the two parties you vote for, Newsweek will continue to get tax-payer monies, perhaps, to keep pushing the Ideological Warfare Program against the Catholic Church, as many outlets have done since June 29, 1953, when it was declared.
Judge Napolitano: Pope Francis will soon be dead, his health is that bad …
Pope Francis must resign or be removed from office!
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Unless you live on Mars or have been in a coma since 2013, as a Catholic you are aware of the immense and innumerable scandalous acts, statements, meetings and documents published by Pope Francis.
The outrage of the Catholic world against this man is justified. First for his usurpation of the papal office, while Pope Benedict XVI lived, since he never abdicated it. Second for his manifest heretical statements against the right of the state to impose capital punishment, the utility of capital punishment, the moral legitimacy of capital punishment, Catholic Marriage’s indissolubility, the Apostolic Tradition regarding shunning sinners and refusing the Sacraments to the impenitent, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture, the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and most recently — to omit a list which would go on for pages — for his attack against the Divine Name Itself by approving of “Gay Blessings”.
Numerous Letters calling for his repentance, reprehension or removal from office have been signed by thousands of Catholics since 2013.
First, there was the petition to the Cardinals in 2016, reported by FromRome.info on April 17 of that year, signed by 1317 Catholics and calling for the Cardinals to investigate Pope Francis and declare him deposed for heresy: a petition censored by Trad Inc. and the Grifter Collective, whose job has only been to defend Pope Francis from being removed from office.
In that year, a milk toast letter of indignation was published by scholars against the erroneous implications and statements contained in Amoris Laetitia. But no one remembers that today.
Then, 3 years later, they upped their game by issuing a Letter accusing him of the crime of heresy in 2019. But still they took no action.
Most recently, there has been the petition of Catholics to the Bishops of the Roman Province to put Pope Francis on trial. The Grifter Collective and Trad Inc. have stubbornly refused even to mention the existence of this one, which is the first to call for a canonically valid way of removing Pope Francis from office.
But I am not going to hold my breath, as it were, waiting that they will ever talk about it, because they both do not report the news to solve the problems, only to stir and, then, diffuse the anger against Pope Francis, as a sort of control mechanism for guaranteeing submission to heresy and apostasy.
But here at FromRome.Info, neither I nor my loyal readers play such diabolical games.
We say OPENLY, CLEARLY and without any hesitation and shame, today on the 11th anniversary of his usurpation of the Papacy:
Pope Francis must resign or be removed from office!
In this FromRome.info has never wavered or changed its position since 2014.
If you know of other petitions against the errors,, scandals, heresies of Pope Francis, whether they call for his removal from office, or resignation, please share links to them in the comments below.
Morrison: Pope Francis signed ‘Fiducia supplicans’ to weaponize his hatred for the Catholic Faith
Editor’s Note: Here is another great psychological-ideological analysis of ‘Fiducia supplicans’, which leaves you without any guidance on how to personally react to the existential crisis in the Church caused by it.
This is standard “Recognize and Resist”, i. e. lament and do nothing, fake opposition.
When will the Remnant talk about the Sutri Initiative, which was published on October 19, 2023, two months before ‘Fiducia supplicans’ was published, and which enables Catholics in a valid canonical and juridical manner to do their part in curing the problem, by getting Pope Francis removed from office?
The Remnant needs to publicly take some side, for Bergoglio remaining in power, or against. Honesty in journalism does not remain silent about this, just like no man who knows his mother is being raped next door can satisfy himself with lamenting about the problem or describing it, without intervening at the risk of his own person, or at least calling the Police and asking for immediate intervention.
The Remnant began publishing in 1967, and to my knowledge has NEVER promoted a canonically valid petition to have Vatican II overturned or any errant pope removed from office. If I am wrong, I publicly ask to be corrected.
Here at FromRome.Info, I constantly offer practical ways for readers to respond to crises in the Church by action which addresses the problem. I do this so as not to rob them of the occasion of the grace of inspiration, hope, and good works, which the Holy Ghost always wills to inspired in souls. I hold that such a way of acting is true Catholic journalism in the cause of God, and I pray that Catholic journalists and influencers, one and all, come to see that this is essential to the ethical and moral responsibilities of their profession.
Why, after ‘Fiducia supplicans’ all the Faithful can now legitimately refuse obedience to Pope Francis
By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Obedience as a virtue inclines us to reverently, respectfully and dutifully comply with the will of one who holds legitimate authority when he expresses that will with a command, whether prohibiting or ordaining, instructing or governing action.
In truth, only a legitimate superior commanding what is legitimate is owed obedience. Someone pretending to be your superior ought never be obeyed. And any true superior commanding what is unjust or dishonest should never be obeyed.
In the Catholic Religion, which is the only true religion revealed by God, the legitimate and true superior of all things, as Creator and Lord, obedience is owed always and unconditionally to God alone.
Next, a conditioned limited obedience is owed to God’s authentic representatives communicating the decisions of the Divine Majesty. Thus, in accord with the ability of that communication to be authoritative and clearly manifest, we owe obedience to Jesus Christ, Who is God Incarnate, with supreme authority, first of all. Then, to those whom Christ has placed over us, that is, the Apostles He chose while on Earth or commissioned after His Resurrection, which is Saint Paul, alone. And because the Apostles had the grace of infallibility and impeccability their teachings and governing decisions — but not their personal behavior — is a perennial and unchanging rule for all generations. This is called Apostolic Tradition.
Next we owe a limited and conditional obedience to those who hold the offices which the Apostles established, during the tenure of their offices. Thus, we obey the Bishop of our diocese, the pastor of our church, etc.. These offices are part of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy.
But there is an office which shares in both the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy and Apostolic authority, and that is the office of the Roman Pontiff. And because it shares in both, the obedience we owe the Roman Pontiff is in certain things more obligatory than all others, but in other things equally conditioned and limited.
Now when a Roman Pontiff governs in harmony with the will of God as expressed in revelation (Divine Tradition) and in accord with the will of the Apostles (Apostolic Tradition) all Catholics have the duty to obey him, when he commands a thing which pertains to our salvation. Thus, if he commands that a sacrament is to be received in such a manner, but not if he command that a certain basilica should alone celebrate the Rosary at 5 P. M..
However, when a Roman Pontiff does not govern in harmony with either the will of God as expressed in revelation or contrary to the teaching of the Apostles, he must not be obeyed, for to do so would be a mortal sin. He must not be obeyed, I say, in the things which he commands which are contrary to these two parts of the Deposit of the Faith.
There is even still a greater obligation of Catholics to NOT obey a Roman Pontiff if he would act to destroy souls, by forbidding, obstructing, depriving, denying, or forbidding any thing or act which is conducive to salvation. Thus the Roman Pontiff must not be obeyed if he were to forbid the recitation of the prayer of the “Our Father”, or alter its text in a manner which alters its signification.
Thus, most Catholics in Italy sinned gravely when they accepted the formulae for the Our Father, issued by Pope Francis, where the words, “lead us not into temptation” where replaced with “do not abandon us in temptation”, even if they thought he was the Pope when he so commanded — which he was not because Pope Benedict XVI never renounced his office.
But a Pope must not be obeyed in anything when he clearly and manifestly is habitually opposed to the will of God in anything which is necessary or conducive to salvation.
The reason for this is that by his grave habitual public deviation from the will of God, nothing which emanates from him as teaching or governance can be free from a perverse defect, arising from his habitual deviation.
And such is the present public and manifest state of soul of Pope Francis, having signed ‘Fiducia supplicans” and having steadfastly refused to withdraw his approval, after being rebuked by thousands of Catholic Bishops, and tens of thousands of Catholic priests world wide, not to mention millions of the faithful.
The manifest deviation from the faith was clear on September 29, 2023, when he instructed Cardinal Fernandez to respond to the devious reply he gave to the 5 Cardinals in their recent Dubia. This pertinacity and perversity was made even more certain and malign by his publication of the heretical and blasphemous ‘Fiducia supplicans’ on Dec. 18, 2023.
And since that time he has not only refused public and private correction, he has even doubled-down upon it by insulting the entire Catholic world with petulant impish outbursts during public talks.
For this reason, whether a Catholic believes that pope Francis has lost his office by reason of heresy or schism, in the sight of God, or not, all Catholics are now obliged to NOT obey Pope Francis in anything until he repent, for otherwise they would become morally complicit in tolerating what can never be tolerated: the grave public abuse of the office of the Roman Pontiff by a man who is habitually opposed to the will of God in a grave matter, the observance of the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue, which requires that Christians keep holy the Name of the Lord, never using it to approve of evil or vanity.
Likewise, with this obligation to not obey comes the grave obligation upon all Catholics to call for his public and solemn rebuke or reprehension, and/or removal from office, if he refuse rebuke or correction.
Catholics have already begun to request this action against Pope Francis in the Sutri Initiative. Let us all call upon everyone to do the same for the sake of Christ and the salvation of the world. Catholics are already refusing obedience world wide on account of the impeded state of the Apostolic See, as I explain here. — Keep talking about both to everyone, especially clergy; and in particular those dioceses or parishes where any statement approving of ‘Fiducia supplicans’ has been published or issued.
I urge you to not let anyone lull you into silent toleration of this man’s sin or convince you that the only response of the Catholic is to lament and tolerate it. If we do not begin and continue to publicly rebuke this man and express our rights to refuse obedience to him on account of the magnitude of his sin, not only will his soul have no remedy of correction, but the bad example he is giving will spread to the entire Church, depriving us of the Mercy of God and the grace of final perseverance. This is no small thing. And no Catholic who knows of this scandal can be saved if he remains silent and does not act.
Indeed, every Catholic “influencer” who leaves aside this controversy or who does not urge action shows by this very thing that he poorly understands the Faith and cares but little for the dignity of the Divine Majesty, the salvation of souls, or the ethical duty he has toward you, his reader or listener. Don’t dally with such fools, for they are leading you astray.
FromRome.info is an electronic journal chronicling the events of the Church without keeping silent about the duty of Catholics to respond with faith-filled action, rather than as mere spectators. This article is one of more than 10,000 published since September 2013 A. D.. For more information about our journal, see our About Page.
Cardinal Wojtyla ordained priests against will of Pope Paul VI
Editor’s Note: There are many excellent comments in this video on jurisprudence. The principal speaker agrees with Br. Bugnolo that it was not a good thing that Bishop Strickland accept being sacked by Pope Francis.
Start at 23:24 time stamp to hear the amazing news about what Pope John Paul II did before he was elected pope. — It remains stunning that such a man could excommunicate Archbishop Lefebvre for having the same disagreement with him that he had with Paul VI.
With the Holy Spirit, let us go to War against Pope Francis’ Spirit of Apostasy
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Mater Semper Victoriosa
Holy Mother Church cannot be defeated, because as Her Wedding Gift, the Lord Jesus promised Her the Holy Spirit, so that the gates of Hell never prevail against Her.
Thus, while Her faithful sons and daughters move always in accord with the inspirations of the Holy Spirit they can also never be defeated. Because even if you martyr them, God will glorify them.
But in addition, we should pay attention! Because when God’s holy ones are martyred, He raises up hundreds more in their place.
Yes, the blood of the Martyrs is the seed of Christians, as we are often wont to repeat in regard to the Saints whose memories we foster at the Altars of the Lord.
But this is also true on a lower plane, namely, that if you persecute a faithful Catholic, God will raise up a multitude in his place.
In this sense, Holy Mother Church is incapable of being defeated, since like a medusa, when one of Her faithful is cut down, She raises up dozens of others.
The Blood of Martyrs is the Seed of Christians
And this truth we have seen in our own days, and it is wonderful to behold.
Because Pope Francis to silence his critics has removed Bishops who opposed him. Not just Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas, though he is one of the most recent and well known to Catholics in the English speaking world.
And by doing this Pope Francis thought he would silence the Faith of Holy Mother Church and stifle the Voice of God in Her.
But lo! Now that he has put his signature on the outrage which is Fiducia supplicans, DOZENS AND DOZENS of Bishops have overnight become other Bishop Strickland!
And not from the USA, but from 10+ other nations.
So now Pope Francis is opposed from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, and even from Italy.
And this is the work of the Holy Spirit. We have seen it, and thus we must rejoice and give thanks! Loudly!
The Holy Spirit wants you!
But let us not stand on the side lines. Let us join this War of the Holy Spirit against the spirit of apostasy which is promoted by Jorge Mario Bergoglio. — For it is a thing most glorious to fight with the Saints in time so as to merit a crown with them in Eternity.
So as our Lord and God, the Vivifier of Souls is now pouring forth his graces of righteous anger, zeal for the Faith, integrity of morals and honesty of life and priestly zeal for the salvation of souls, let us promote these things too and join in supporting Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who have joined the ranks of the Holy Ghost and now militant upon Earth against Fiducia supplicans!
Our leaders in this fight at the faithful Bishops who hold jurisdiction, because in them resides the capacity to express the perennial Magisterium of the Church.
So pay attention to what they say and write.
A Word of Caution …
At the same time we should recognize that the forces of darkness will be pushing the counter narrative and flooding social media with falsehoods, misrepresentations, errors, mistakes, disinformation and misinformation.
So be on your guard from paying attention or giving your allegiance to talking heads, laymen and laywomen who have no authority to teach or preach. Whose motives are nearly always to garner fame and attention, and will want to grab your attention during this historic crisis in the Church.
Pope Francis is clearly in the hands of Satan and the intelligence agencies and Globalist interests of this world. We should expect therefore that ever trick of the astute Serpent of old will be employed against these good bishops.
A Good Grand Strategy
For that reason, I urge all to focus on removing the cause of scandal and error which is Fiducial Supplicans. That is, on insisting:
- First, that Pope Francis remove his signature from the document.
- Second, that Pope Francis remove Cardinal Fernandez from office, and along with him the Monsignor who co-signed the document.
- Third, that Pope Francis repudiate the horrendous blasphemies, errors, heresies and errors contained in the Document.
- Fourth, that Pope Francis declare as contrary to the Catholic Faith the assertion that it can be morally licit to bless sin, sinful unions or give approval to vice, error, or sexual immorality of any kind, including that abomination which cries to God for vengeance.
- Fifth, that Pope Francis condemn sodomy and define that no one who assents or consents to this sin can ever be saved, with out repentance.
- Sixth, that if Pope Francis refuses to do the above, that he should renounce the papacy.
- Seventh, that if Pope Francis refuses to do the above and refuses to renounce, that a provincial council be called to declare him a heretic and self-deposed from the Papacy, the seat being then in a legitimate sede vacante.
And, to accomplish this, to write the faithful Bishops letters of gratitude and thanks for what they have done so far, and urging this 7 point plan to be adopted.
While at the same time contradicting, exposing and refuting all the talking heads who attempt to oppose any of the 7 points.
I give this counsel, for the sake of honesty, so that more Catholics might follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, Who never does anything without a purpose, Who desires the repentance of all sinners, and Who wants all the causes of scandal be removed, so that poor souls be saved and not be turned from the path of salvation.
Holy Mother Church has heard the Voice of the Holy Spirit, and is going to War. Let us who want to be Her faithful sons and daughters, also draw our swords and fight at Her side!
How Pope Francis is working to guarantee that Cardinal Burke be the Next Pope
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Often the results of one’s efforts has the result of obtaining the opposite. Never is this more true, when it pertains to a matter after your own death, beyond the time in which you can have any say in the matter.
All the more is this true in the election of Roman Pontiffs.
For anyone who has bothered to read the history of all the popes, one by one — you can do it for free via the online Catholic Encyclopedia — as I did back in 2020, during the lockdown — you can discern a perennial rule of thumb in the choices made by the College of Cardinals: that there is a pendulum like shift from papacy to papacy.
The nature of this shift could be described thus: that on certain matters in which the living pope went to an excess, on those matters the College of Cardinals decide to chose pope with a different approach, sometimes the opposite, sometimes more conciliatory.
Popes who were holy and intransigent, like Pope St. Gregory VII were followed by popes who were more pragmatic and conciliatory.
As a cultural anthropologist (B.A. University of Florida, Gainesville, 1986), I think this is because the very dynamic of self-preservation coupled with the miniscule or tiny temporal power of the Papal States (now the Vatican City State) leads to the common sense conclusion, that the most urgent problems which arise in one pontificate, are the reason and motivation for the majority of the members of the College of Cardinals in their choice of the next Pope.
If we apply this observation to the dynamic of the next Conclave, then I think it can be said without exaggeration that Pope Francis is unwittingly preparing the way for the election of Cardinal Burke to the Supreme Pontificate, or at least someone like him. And let me explain why this is not merely a catchy theme for an editorial.
The most powerful super power on Earth is the United States. The majority of funds arriving in the coffers of the Vatican City State come from Catholics in the United States. The majority of all donations to the Vatican come from conservative Catholics. And the Vatican cannot survive without donations. Indeed, under Jorge Mario Bergoglio its resources have been dwindling and dwindling.
So the Cardinals in the next Conclave are without a doubt going to talk about how to keep their Club House, the Vatican, afloat. And that means, they have to confront the problem of how to turn the current trend in Vatican finances around 180 degrees.
Common sense will tell these men, who are experts in running large institutions, that the election of an Argentinian might have seemed the chic thing to do. But electing a candidate from an impoverished nation has proven not to be the way to increase the donations arriving at the Vatican.
Indeed, in ages past, the only solution to such a problem was to elect someone from the Kingdom or Empire which was the most powerful and richest. A strategy which worked, since a popular cleric from such a nation would naturally have an entire network of supporters who would come to the aid of the Papacy after his election.
If we apply this rule to the conditions of a Vatican City State whose supporters have fled on account of the denials of Catholic Doctrine, attacks on Catholic Tradition, and open insults of Catholics from the most powerful nations, the probity of this thesis of mine becomes even stronger.
Thus, the recent purges of Bishop Strickland and Cardinal Burke, precisely because they are having such a negative effect and will have an even more negative effect at years end, when most Catholic donors of magnitude consider making or not making donations to ecclesiastical institutions, will combine with the above observation to have a devastating effect.
If Pope Francis lives to see the New Year play out, then donations from Catholics will continue to fall dramatically putting the Vatican City state in dire crisis. This will especially be true among the Catholics of the United States of America.
But if Pope Francis is called to the judgement seat of Christ the King, then the Cardinals in the Conclave will surely be thinking the same thing: how they can solve all their financial problems and publicity problems by electing an American, someone like Cardinal Burke, whose reputation is solid, whose scholarship is known, whose stability of character is tested, and who is well traveled and widely respected throughout the world, especially in the United States.
And this future decision of the College is perhaps the reason why, even if the rest of the Cardinals say nothing about the purge of Cardinal Burke, that that silence in no way means that they agree with Pope Francis.
In the end God wins, no matter what decisions men make. But in the mean time God often also drops a victory on account of the decisions His enemies make. What a comedy is life!
And what a blessing that as Catholics we can appreciate it the best.
The Sutri Initiative: to put an end to the Heresies, Blasphemies, Scandals perpetrated by Pope Francis
By Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Yesterday, I explained from Sutri, Italy, (here) how the First Provincial Council or Synod of Sutri put an end to the horrible chaos of the Roman Church in 1046, when 3 different men claimed the office of the Pope: one a predatory sodomite, another an outright usurper, and still another a flagrant simoniac.
Today, I ask all the faithful in the whole world to please listen to a voice of sanity: to do what the Faithful of the 11th century did and call for a Provincial Council to be held once again, to put an end to the years of scandals, blasphemies, heresies and schism, not to mention persecutions, perpetrated and promoted by Jorge Mario Bergoglio who claims to hold the office of the Roman Pontiff.
The Sutri Initiative is the only juridical and real solution to put an end to the crisis in the Roman Church since it addresses the problem directly and in a canonical valid and facile manner.
But to achieve the convocation of such a Council, we the faithful must make our voices heard, and petition the Bishops of the Roman Province to convoke it.
These Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops belong to the following 20 jurisdictions. By clicking on the links below you can find the addresses of the Bishop or Auxiliary Bishops. I urge you to write them all, individually, a personal letter.
Roma {Rome}: Albano (Suburbicarian See), Anagni-Alatri, Civita Castellana, Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Frascati (Suburbicarian See), Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, Gaeta (Archdiocese), Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Montecassino (Territorial Abbey), Ostia (Suburbicarian See), Palestrina (Suburbicarian See), Porto-Santa Rufina (Suburbicarian See), Rieti (-S. Salvatore Maggiore), Sabina-Poggio Mirteto (Suburbicarian See), Subiaco (Territorial Abbey), Tivoli, Velletri-Segni (Suburbicarian See), Viterbo — The Diocese of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo may also be a member.
Since in 4 cases, one Bishop rules 2 diocese at the same time (As in the cases of Frascati & Velletri, and Porto-Santa Rufino & Civitavecchia-Tarquinia and Tivoli & Palestrina, and Frosinone-Veroli-Ferrentino & Anagni-Alatri), and since one Diocese no longer exists (Ostia) separately from Rome, the actual 15 addresses of the 15 Bishops to be contacted by letter are as follows. Here I write them in the style accepted in Italy.
Msgr. Vincenzo Viva
Vecovo di Albano
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Vescovile, 11
00041 Albano Laziale (ROMA)
Msgr. Ambrogio Spreafico
Curia Vescovile
Via dei Villini, 82
03014 Fiuggi (Frosinone)
Msgr. Marco Salvi
Curia Diocesana
Piazza Matteotti, 27
01033 Civita Castellana (Viterbo)
Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Piazza Calamatta 1
00053 Civitavecchia (Roma), Italia
Msgr.Stefano Russo
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Paolo III 10
00044 Frascati (Roma)
Msgr. Luigi Vari
Piazza Arcivescovado 2
04024 Gaeta (Latina)
Msgr. Mariano Crociata
Via Sezze 16
04100 Latina
Abbate Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B.
Via Montecassino,
03043 Cassino (Frosinone)
Cardinale Angelo De Donatis (Update: Now Cardinal Baldassare Reina)
Vicariato di Roma
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a
00184 Roma, Italia
Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Gregorio Pantanelli 8
00036 Palestrina (Roma)
Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Curia Vescovile
Via del Cenacolo 53
00123 Roma – La Storta (ROMA)
Msgr. Vito Piccinonna
Via Cintia 83
02100 Rieti
Msgr. Ernesto Mandara
Piazza Mario Dottori 14
02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti)
Abbate Mauro Meacci, O.S.B.
Piazza S. Scolastica 1
00028 Subiaco (ROMA)
Msgr. Orazio Francesco Piazza
Palazzo Vescovile
Piazza S. Lorenzo 9/a
01100 Viterbo
Proposed Letter
We can do this by writing letters or speaking in person. But in this we can act in two different ways: one by listing all the errors, heresies, blasphemies and persecutions perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio during the years he has claimed the Papacy; or we can enlighten the Bishops as to the correct canonical way of proceeding, most of whom perhaps have no clear idea.
This second aspect of the problem is the most crucial since it is the one which is less patent.
And thus, in the Sutri Initiative, I urge you that to make your letter effective, you should see to it, that it contain the correct canonical justification and argumentation.
I present a proposed text, which you can address to each bishop and sign with your full name and address. You can write in Italian, French or English, or if you write in another language, please include a translation of your letter in one of these 3 languages.
Proposed text:
Your Excellency,
I am writing to you in accord with my rights in Canon 212, §2, to demand an end be put to the scandals, heresies, blasphemies and doctrinal and moral confusion being promoted by Pope Francis and those appointed by him in the Roman Curia, on the grounds that this is causing the loss of tens of millions of souls who are thus put in the gravest spiritual danger, confusion and disorientation by the constant affirmation of things which are contrary to Divine Revelation, Sacred and Apostolic Tradition, Catholic Doctrine and the defined dogmas of the Councils of Trent and Vatican I.
Thus, in accord with canon 1752, which affirms that the salvation of souls is the greatest good and highest end of all juridical ordinance in the Church of Jesus Christ, I beg you to recognize that by the continuous grave scandals perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio the Apostolic See has been put into a state of impediment, since millions of Catholics cannot reconcile his pertinacious errors and heresies as compatible with being a member of the Catholic Church, without which quality he cannot be a legitimate holder of the Petrine Munus or claimant to the Apostolic Dignity.
Therefore, since according to Canon 440 ff., the Provincial Council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome is empowered to judge and discern all questions which regard the common good of the Church, and since the positive doubt as to the Catholicity of a claimant to the Apostolic See makes it impossible for the Church in good conscience to remain in communication with a doubtful claimant, because a papa dubius papa nullius est, it becomes your grave duty before the Living God and the entire Church, to urge the convening of such a Provincial Council according to the right expressed in canon 440 §1.
Such a Council can be legitimately convoked according to the norm of canon 442 §2, because a positive doubt regarding the claim of a man to the office of the Roman Pontiff creates such a conflict of interests that he cannot legitimately forestall its convocation nor has he a right to so long as he persists in grave moral and doctrinal errors, as this man has done for years in the judgement of millions of souls. The state of impediment exists as a fact on account of his failure to recant his public errors, the list of which grows weekly.
I therefore demand that for the salvation of souls, the removal of all scandal, and to obtain the possible grace of the conversion of the man, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, from his errant ways, that such a Council be convoked according to the norm of canons 443 and 444, and that it exercise its plenary authority in accord with canon 445, by pronouncing whether the man who claims the office of the Papacy rejects the Catholic Faith, has broken from communion with the Church, or is an apostate and idolater. Let the man accused be summoned to explain himself. Let the Council Fathers question him on matters of Catholic Faith and Morals; let his public scandals be listed for him to hear. Let him be recalled to the Catholic Faith, right morals and a sane pastoral care of the faithful. Let it be demanded that he recant his errors and if he does, let him be begged and counseled to withdraw his ruinous decrees. If he refuse rebuke, let him be pronounced as being guilty of one or more of the crimes punished with latae sententiae excommunication in Canon 1364 and let the Council declare that the See of Peter be legitimately vacant.
The Provincial Council of Rome rebuked Pope Marcellinus for his act of public idolatry of the Roman god, Mars and the Provincial Council held at Sutri in 1046 deposed three unworthy claimants to the Apostolic Throne, for their gross immorality and unlawful claim: Benedict IX, Sylvester III and Gregory VI.
It is your duty before the living God to see to the salvation of souls. The Provincial Council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome has the authority in law and by precedent to act in this way. More than a billion souls hang in the balance.
Have fear of the Living God for what will be your judgment if you do not heed such a reasonable, juridically valid and honest solution to the greatest crisis in the history of the Papacy. And trust like Saint Paul the Apostle trusted, when he went to Antioch to rebuke St Peter to his face, for not holding to the decrees of the First Council of Jerusalem.
For if you believe the man to be Peter still, you must trust the Holy Spirit will lead him back to a Catholic state of mind; and if you do not believe him to be Peter still, you have the solemn duty to take action to declare the Apostolic See legitimately vacant.
UPDATE: For more information about the juridical justification to call such a Provincial council see here: https://www.fromrome.info/2023/12/28/on-the-rebuke-and-deposition-of-a-heretical-pope/
Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio
Back in April of 2021, Br. Bugnolo made the above video about “judging the signs of the times”, and the expectations of Our Lord that we Catholics use our intellects. The video included an impassioned demonstration about what constitutes the honest response of Catholics who hold that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a heretic.
In this video, Br. Bugnolo explained the difference between a private judgment, that a man whom I think is the Pope be a heretic, and the public duty of a Catholic who is honestly convinced of that, to call for a Council to declare the matter.
No one listened to Br. Bugnolo in these last 27 months. Which shows you the level of honesty out there.
So FromRome.Info is republishing that video.
But since that time a good number of those dishonest persons have attempted to characterize Br. Bugnolo as inconsistent or self-contradictory, because of the events subsequent to the death of Pope Benedict XVI, wherein he was involved in the Assembly of Catholics of the Roman Church,* in the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor by apostolic right, even though Brother able refuted these critics in a number of articles in English (here) and several videos in Italian (here, here, and here), FromRome.Info NOW publishes a new video by Br. Bugnolo responding to the public declarations of Fr. Altman and others, that Bergoglio is a heretic.
These individuals remained silent when Br. Bugnolo began to say the same things back in 2014, and remained silent to just recently. Since. Br. Bugnolo is way ahead of them on the details of what this means, it behooves anyone who is honest in his estimation that Bergoglio be a heretic, to hear him out, even if it is only to avoid appearing in public like someone who is totally uninformed or ignorant of the issues at hand.
The Duty of Catholics to urge a Council to rebuke an errant Pope*
The above video was recorded on Sept. 13, 2023, in English: however, due to a lack of space on Brother’s cellphone the video ends abruptly. Nevertheless, providentially it ends on a high note, so Br. Bugnolo has decided to publish as is.
For Brother’s articles on the Synod of Sutri and on how to call a Provincial Council See here below. Please note, that while they speak of these topics, they do not address directly and specifically a movement, now, to depose Pope Francis. They serve to inform the public how it would be done, and the canonical principles and historical precedents.
For the addresses, fax numbers and telephone numbers of each of the Bishops of the Roman Province:
In every part of the world, it will be useful to begin writing the bishops of every diocese. Start with your own diocese.
Here is an example of the kind of letter, and respectful tone, that could be sent:
Your Excellency,
for more than 10 years I and many other Catholics have been gravely scandalized by the behavior, comportment, statements, documents and teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. It is clear to me that it is theologically both possible and highly probable that this man does not hold the Catholic Faith. Many have rebuked him publicly already, in letters, books, interviews etc.. Even Cardinals of the Roman Church weekly are now rebuking and warning him against his errors and the morally depraved cabal he is recruiting around himself. Why even the other day he appointed as undersecretary to the Dicastery on Catholic Education a man who wrote an editorial, in August, declaring that Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, was a bigot and racist.
Things have gone way beyond what can be tolerated. It is clear that the time has come for the Church in Council to rebuke and remonstrate with the man, and if he refuse correction, to pronounce him a manifest pertinacious heretic, deposed in virtue of canon 1364.
I write to urge you to insist on the convocation of such a council. Even a provincial council in our ecclesiastical province can issue a solemn declaration of rebuke, which would be of great value.
Finally, I honestly urge you to take my letter into serious consideration, because if you think the situation is different than I have described, then I respectfully suggest that your spiritual life is in shambles.
* In this assembly the Catholics of Rome elected Bergoglio as the pope, because not being yet condemned by Church authority as a heretic, he was eligible, and because no other candidate presented himself; nor did any other candidate have supporters at the Assembly, even though notice of it was made effectively to 2 million Catholics at Rome. This assembly was opposed before it took place, by all those who said Pope Benedict XVI was the pope (excepting the readers of FromRome.info, who raised all the monies for the assembly). The Catholics at the assembly chose to elect the man everyone thought was the pope, so that the Church would return back into juridical and spiritual communion with Christ Her Head, for that was all it could do at that moment.
** (Note that on at least 3 occasions in this video, Br. Bugnolo says “Pope” when he intended to say “heretic”, because he had not yet had his morning cup of coffee.)
How Benedict has defeated “Francis”
Or, Why did Pope Benedict XVI do what he did on Feb. 11, 2013?
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Pope Benedict XVI, who has been lauded by many as a brilliant theologian, is in my opinion, a more brilliant chess player, for he has defeated the AntiChurch with the most incredibly subtle and effective manuever which could ever be conceived, and which takes a great deal of study to recognize, if you, like myself, took at face value the hearsay which has been put out for the last six years.
Admittedly, the honor and glory for it belong first of all to God, Who enlightens all men and inspires them at times to do things mere mortals could never conceive of. But also, thanks goes to God for sending Our Lady to Fatima to reveal to Sr. Lucia a secret which has until this day remained hidden, so as to give sound counsel to the true Successor of Saint Peter in the End Times.
How Pope John Paul II strengthened the Bulwark of the Church against the AntiChurch
I believe that with that knowledge, Pope John Paul II did 3 things: first, he chose Joseph Ratzinger to come to Rome and prepared him to succeed him (perhaps because he sensed that Ratzinger had the gift of prophecy); second, in 1983, he added the term munus to canon 332 §2, to constrain all of his successors to the obligation of renouncing the Petrine Munus so as to resign the papacy; and third, in 1996, he promulgated a new law on Papal Elections, which would nullify any attempt of the AntiChurch to usurp the Papacy or elect successors to AntiPopes (by requiring that all valid conclaves meet within 20 days after the death of valid popes).
Pope John Paul II warned the Church of the AntiChurch which was rising. He beatified Ann Catherine Emmerich (on the Vigil of St. Francis of Assisi, in 2004) to give papal approval to her own visions in this regard. It should not be surprising then, that in secret, or I should say, in the bright light of day, in papal acts he prepared the Church against that Evil to come!
By these three acts, Pope John Paul II set the chess board and enabled his chosen successor, Ratzinger to enact a stratagem of deception to defeat the forces of darkness.
The Forces of the AntiChurch struck quickly
No sooner than Pope John Paul II had died that the St Gallen Mafia, which had been meeting in that Swiss town for some years, mobilized to put Bergoglio on the Apostolic Throne in the Conclave of 2005. Bergoglio, as is now known, garnered the most votes after Ratzinger. In his campaign to get elected he promised radical financial reforms in the Vatican, so he could pose as a savior and reformer, though his agenda was that of Cardinal Martini, to make the Church into the Bride of the Anti-Christ.
Recently an Argentine Priest revealed, that Pope Benedict, soon after his election in 2005, had asked Bergoglio to be Secretary of State (see report here). Benedict intended by this offer to diffuse the conflict which arose in the Conclave, and to draw out the real intentions of Bergoglio. Bergoglio’s refusal manifested his deceit, because all the reasons given in the Conclave for his election, which in truth could be done by a Secretary of State, if honest, would have spurred him to accept Benedict’s offer. But without the papal authority, his evil and malign agenda could not be advanced. — By this sign of offering the olive branch of peace, Benedict signaled to his own supporters, that after himself there would come an Anti-pope (cf. Prophecy of St Malachy).
With the threefold knowledge of the future had from the Third Secret, from Pope John Paul II and from his own experience in the CDF, Pope Benedict now knew what he had to do. He knew Bergoglio wanted power and would be blinded by its offer. He took preparations to defend the Church with tradition and as the pressure built from the St Gallen Mafia, he crafted their defeat in secret. At the same time, he openly warned the faithful, that the Message of Fatima was about to be fulfilled (On May 13, 2010, saying “We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete…”).
Benedict knew that removing the Lavender Mafia from the Vatican was key to defending the Church. But as court documents revealed, in the WikiLeaks controversy, as that effort led to the destruction of the careers of many sodomites, they moved against Benedict to have him removed. His Pontificate had removed hundreds perverts from the clergy.
As I have written before, there was in my estimation a formal attempt at a Coup d’etat (see report here). And this was actually put in motion, with the intent to effectively imprison Pope Benedict (see Report here). — The Conclave pact in 2005 among the warring factions of Ratzinger (Church) and Bergoglio (Anti-Church) also prepared the way (see report here). But, with their cause lost at that conclave, the St. Gallen Mafia would have to wait for Benedict to resign, because being old, he revealed that he was inclined to resign in a few years, anyhow. As he lingered on, however, their rage and impatience exploded.
The restoration of the Ancient Mass (July 7, 2007) and the expansion of the permissions for its use (April 30, 2011) caused a general outburst among the wicked clerics. I myself know this took place in the Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2011, because a Bishop who attended told me how Cardinals and Bishops stood up, one after another, and said the most vile things against Benedict. I also know personally, from the testimony of a Sicilian Businessman, who was in Shanghai, that the Cardinal of Palermo had warned that Benedict could die within a year from poor health. The St Gallen Controlled Media expanded this and reported it as if the Cardinal has said that Benedict had a year to live or else. That report was published around Feb. 11, 2012! (note the date)
Benedict’s Master Stroke
Pope Benedict XVI then played his master stroke. In the Summer of 2012 he indicated to Cardinal Bertone that he was going to resign. He discussed the matter with no one but his secretary Ganswein and a few others. I believe that he wrote the text of abdication in the Fall of 2012. I also postulate that he intentionally showed the Latin text (the invalid one) and a faulty German translation (which makes it appear the Latin is a valid formula) to members of the St Gallen Mafia, to obtain their consent to it. By that act he sealed their doom.
Because only one who was fluent in Latin and knowledgeable about Canon Law and who accepted the traditional metaphysics of the Church would be able to see that the resignation by that formula would be invalid. Ratzinger further prepared the ground by emphasizing for years before, that his favorite theologian was Saint Bonaventure. This caused scholars, like myself, to start studying St. Bonanveture’s Scholatic method for textual analysis of the signification of expressions, which is unparalleled among all the Doctors of the Church.
On Feb. 11, 2013, he read out-loud in Consistory the text of the invalid formula. On Feb. 28, 2013 he explained that he had resigned the “active ministry”. The St. Gallen Mafia spread the word of a valid resignation. The rest is history.
The only thing is, that Benedict began to give signs of the truth, not only for the sake of the Faithful, but to annoy the St Gallen Mafia. He kept wearing the papal cassock, retained the titles of Your Holiness and signed with PP. Benedictus XVI, and continued to give the papal blessing. He did these things to get faithful Catholics to examine the text of resignation and discover it was invalid. — He did this also, because, I believe, he was obeying Our Lady’s word at Fatima, in which She had revealed that there would come a time in which the Catholic world thought there were 2 popes, but only one of which was the true pope. The one who was the true Pope would continue to wear white, the other would usurp the office; and that the Anti-Church would attack the true Pope and the faithful gathered about him.
By an invalid resignation Pope Benedict has canonically invalidated everything Bergoglio has done, can do, and can ever do! Bergoglio is now an AntiPope because of the clever trick Benedict played on him. And Bergoglio is so entangled by this stratagem of Benedict that he cannot admit its existence, because if he does, he must give up his claim to the papacy.
If Benedict should die, then there will be no valid Successor of Saint Peter unless the pre-Bergoglian Cardinals meet in conclave within 20 days. Otherwise, as Pope John Paul II declares in the promulgation of Universi Dominici Gregis, at the end of the text, any action the Cardinal Electors take will be invalid. If they fail to do this, the Church will not be bereft of a pope, because, as Pope John Paul II taught in UDG’s prologue, the institution of the College is “not necessary for a valid election” of the Roman Pontiff: there is still the ancient Apostolic Law regarding the right of the Roman Church to elect the Pope.*
Benedict has defeated “Francis”!
Note: I wish to publicly apologize to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for anything I have said in criticism of him, since it was not until today that I understood what he had did and why he had done it, nor that as Pope he was acting for the good of the Church in the best and only way he could see to do, acting on the basis of the counsels of Our Lady and Pope John Paul II. — Finally, I entertain the possibility that some Cardinals know of this grand stratagem of Benedict and that is why they act so dumb when asked about the question of validity or invalidity of the resignation.
* The right of election will fall to those Catholics of the Diocese Rome, who recognize that Benedict always was the only true pope, and that Bergoglio was always and is only, and nothing more, an Antipope. See my Disputed Question on Defecting Cardinals, here.
A 7th Anniversary of shame!
March 13, 2020
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Today is the seventh anniversary of a day that will live in infamy.
A day of wickedness and flippancy.
A day wherein the Cardinals of the Catholic Church showed their utter contempt for:
- Pope Benedict XVI
- The Catholic Faith in the Papacy
- The Canons of the Catholic Church
- The Papal Law on Conclaves
- Common sense
Let me explain why I say this, point by point, in reverse order.
The Cardinals betrayed common sense 7 years ago today
It is obvious by now, that if anyone on the planet ,who had common sense, sat down and talked to Bergoglio for 15 minutes, he would realize that he is not a fit candidate to be Roman Pontiff.
But the College of Cardinals had been housed together with him for two weeks prior to March 13, 2013.
Therefore, the last 7 years proves that God certainly did not approve of their judgement in selecting such a man. Indeed, it was an epic failure of the College of Cardinals, as I wrote, in 2015.
The Cardinals betrayed John Paul II’s law on Conclaves
The Cardinal Electors violated the papal law on conclaves, in several ways.
First of all, they violated the Law, Universi dominici gregis, as regards the requirement in n. 37, of that law, when they held a Conclave without verifying whether there was a legal sede vacante.
A legal sede vacante means that either the previous pope is dead, and they confirm that with a funeral, or the previous pope resigned according to the norm of Canon 332 §2.
I have it from no less than the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legal Texts, Mons. Arrieta, whose commentary on the Code of Canon Law I keep at by desk, that there never was any meeting of canon law experts to verify if the Declaratio of Pope Benedict, of Feb. 11, 2013 — commonly called Pope Benedict’s Renunciation — was in conformity with the norm of canon 332 §2.
Second, the Cardinals violated n. 81, of the same papal law, by entering into agreements and promises to vote for Bergoglio, as Cardinal Daneels of Beglium admitted in his Biography composed of interviews he gave. But the College has never acted on the self admission, which in Canon Law tradition is an indisputable act of self imputation of a canonical crime. I have covered this issue in an extensive Chronology of Events, which still remains the most authoritative collection of facts on the matter, on the net.
Thrid, the Cardinals rushed to elect Bergoglio by violating the same Papal Law on the number of ballots permitted on each day: four, as is specified in n. 63, of the same papal law, regarding limit on the number of ballots to be taken on the 2nd day of balloting and all subsequent days. Because, as has been confirmed by several testimonies in the last 7 years, Bergoglio was elected on the 5th ballot. And this has never been denied.
Fourth, while there has been much controversy over whether the Cardinals could proceed to a fifth ballot in the case of a 4th balloting which contained 1 more vote paper than the number of Electors present, there remains 2 legal questions which have never been addressed about this:
- The Cardinals could not lawfully proceed to a 5th Ballot unless they paused the election and held a discussion on the interpretation of the papal law, using the right conceded to them in that same law, in n. 5, for this purpose. If they proceeded to a 5th ballot without such a discussion and vote, then even if they interpreted it as valid, that omission made their interpretation illicit, and hence the entire election invalid.
- Whether the Auditors of the Papal Conclave, as specified in n. 70 of the same papal law, held any meeting or discussion in accord with the norm, there specified, regarding the auditing of the final vote. Because in the case that there was no meeting in accord with n. 5 of the same papal law, in regard to whether to proceed to a 5th ballot when only 4 ballots were permitted, then likewise if the Auditors did not meet, the election was canonically invalid. And if they did meet, they had to declare in the case of the lack of a vote in accord with n. 5, that the election was invalid.
Since the multiple reports about a 5th balloting are all silent about what should have happened as regards nn. 1 and 2, here above, it can be rightfully doubted the election was valid. Because a doubtful pope is no pope.
The Cardinals Betrayed the Canons of the Catholic Church
Seven years ago today, the Cardinals consummated their betrayal of the Canons of the Catholic Church promulgated by Pope John Paul II, in 1983, in the text known as the Codex iuris canonicis, or the Code of Canon Law.
First, the Cardinals violated canon 40, which required them not to take any decision in regard to Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013, until they had the Latin text in hand in its final corrected version. Since the Vatican Press office in the days following February 11 published at least 3 versions of the text, there is sound canonical evidence that Cardinal Sodano, through Father Lombardi, violated canon 40 in instructing Giovanna Chirri at 11:58 AM, on that morning, to announce to the world that Pope Benedict has announced his resignation from the Pontificate on Feb. 28. Canon 40 declares invalid any act taken by a subordinate, before he has in hand the integral text of the act of his superior.
Second, the Cardinals violated canon 41, which required them to examine if the legal act contained in the Declaratio was an act specified by the Code of Canon Law and was in all its particulars a command to do something opportune. But since in the entire Code of Canon Law there is no mention of an act of renunciation of ministerium, the act posited by Pope Benedict XVI was clearly an an actus nullus, and thus canon 41 required them not to act upon it. Also since a renunciation of ministerium does not effect the loss of the papal office, the fact that the Declaratio speaks of calling a Conclave is an inopportune detail or provision. Canon 41 requires that those with mere ministry of execution, in such a case, have recourse to the superior to correct these issues. Once again, according to Mons. Arrieta, nothing of the kind happened.
Third, the Cardinals violated canon 38, which required them not to interpret the Declaratio of Pope Benedict as being in conformity to Canon 332 §2, on the grounds that by naming the ministerium instead of the canonically required munus, the act would gravely injure the rights of the Faithful to know if the pope had validly resigned or not, would cause doubt and risk schism in the Church. For in such a case, Pope Benedict XVI would have had to granted a derogation of canon 332 §2 in his Declaratio, in conformity with canon 38, otherwise the act would have been irritus. He did not, so the act was irritus — a technical canonical term which means having not effect in law, void, on account of having not followed due procedure (ritus).
Fourth, the Cardinals violated canon 36 §1, which requires them to interpret strictly any papal act which violates the norm of any canon, let alone Canon 332 §2. To interpret strictly means that they had to read ministerium as exclusive of any signification of munus, and thus hold that the Declaratio was prima facie incapable of causing Pope Benedict to validly resign the papal munus, the papal office and the papal dignity.
Fifth, the Cardinals violated canons 126 and 188, which require that a juridical act of renunciation of office contain the proper or essential act specified in the law. As is clear from the Code of Canon Law, which speaks of the Papal Office in canons 331, 332, 332, and 749, the proper term for the papal office is the petrine munus, not the petrine ministerium. Hence, they were required in accord with canon 188 to judge the renunication irritus on the grounds of substantial error.
Sixth, the Cardinals violated canons 17 and 145 §1, which require respectively that the terms of all canons be understood in their proper sense, that ministerium and munus, when mentioned in any canon be understood thus, and to undertake a study of the entire Code of Canon Law and canonical tradition, in the case of the doubt as to whether ministerium can suppose for munus. They did no such thing in February of 2013, as Mons. Arrieta affirmed to me.
Seventh, the Cardinals violated canon 332 §2, which requires them to recognize a papal renunication only if the Pope renounces his munus, and does so freely and manifests this duly. But since a good number of the Cardinal Electors were present in the Consistory of Feb. 11, 2013, they heard with their own ears that he made errors in Latin and that he said ministerium not munus, in the crucial core section of the Declaratio. They also heard him say munus twice before that. So they had indisputable canonical evidence that the Pope knew what he was doing, knew how to distinguish munus from ministerium, and did NOT intend to renounce his munus.
The Cardinals violated the Catholic Faith in the Papacy
Seven years ago, today, the College of Cardinals violated the Catholic Faith in the papacy. First, in the strict sense of the Faith, namely, that there can only be one pope. Because, it was clear already by March 3, 2013, that Pope Benedict XVI by his own decision was going to retain the papal dignity by using the title “Pope Emeritus”. There was at least one scholarly refutation of the validity of this published on March 3, 2013 by Father Gianfranco Ghirlanda, S. J., former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University at Rome. So they could not be ignorant of the fact. The same canonical scholar that week affirmed that a heretical pope loses office immediately. So in choosing an obvious heretic as Pope they also violated the Catholic Faith.
The Cardinals showed their utter contempt for Pope Benedict XVI
Seven years ago, today, the Cardinals consummated their utter contempt for Pope Benedict XVI, in that they responded with glee at his renunciation, and not with consternation and respectful attempt to dissuade him from it.
As reported in the press, in February of 2013, only one Cardinal, Cardinal Pell went on record as saying that the resignation should not happen. He said this before Feb. 28, 2013. He was also the first Cardinal the Vatican allowed to be prosecuted after February of 2013. Hmm.
Respect and reverence for the Holy Father, especially when frail and aged, requires first of all that the Cardinals assist him in executing his will, not obstructing it nor allowing it to be executed in an invalid manner.
Yet it also requires, out of gratitude, that they attempt to convince a good man not to resign. If they omit that, they are basically saying he is not a good man or that they despise him.
And they showed their contempt, not only in sentiment, but by positive canonical ommissions, in seemingly in several ways, because in February of 2013 none of them were under a pontifical secret, yet in 7 years they never have confirmed — to my knowledge — in any interview that they did not do the following:
- They did not ask Pope Benedict to explain to them why he made his decision or what it meant, to make sure he was resigning freely.
- They did not ask Pope Benedict to correct the 40 errors in the Latin text which he read, before it was published, so as to prevent the shame of such a thing staining the last act of his papacy and the Apostolic See.
- They did not investigate or question Archbishop Gänswein and those around the pope as to the circumstance of the act to be certain that he was not manipulated or coerced.
- They did not ask one another what they knew about the matter. If so, they would have discovered that Pope Benedict did not seek the counsel of others (according to Archbishop Gänswein) or refused the counsel of his better advisers (according to Archbishop Gänswein and Cardinal Brandmuller). If they had done this, they would have been altered to the necessity to examine the act further.
- The consummated their disrespect through all these things and for not treating the Holy Father with that due respect for an aged man, in which one presumes frailty and therefore double checks everything to make sure it is done rightly.
For all these reasons, I think it can be said, objectively, that today marks the 7th anniversary of a day which will live in infamy in the history of the Church until the end of time and for all eternity. The Cardinals gravely failed in their duty as Cardinals and as Electors and as Bishops and Catholics. They failed also deliberately and by omission. Their failure also was canonically imputable, since the Code of Canon Law holds as presumptive, the responsibility of men with such high office to know the law and follow it.
Hence, it is objectively and canonically certain, that Bergoglio is not the pope. Because a man whose claim to the papacy is vitiated by so many canonical doubts, is not the pope, according to the ancient maxim of St. Robert Bellarmine, S. J.: a doubtful pope is not the pope.
CREDITS: The Featured Image is a detail of the photograph by Tenan, which is used here in accord with the Creative Commons Atribution-Share Alike 3.0 unported license explained here.
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