Rome, March 19, 2015: There has never been in the Church, since the time of the Reformation, such a great need for the intercession of St. Joseph, the virginal true spouse of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father to Our Lord and Savior, the Child Jesus, than today, his feast day.
As Cardinal Burke recently affirmed, the Devil has succeeded in sowing the cockle of error within the Church Herself. This evil seed is the conspiracy of “Team Bergoglio” to overthrow the Catholic Church by means of a most sinister doctrine, the Kasper thesis, which dares to affirm, that in the name of mercy one can abandon the authority of Jesus Christ, the authority of the Apostles and Prophets, the authority of Divine and Apostolic Tradition and ecclesiastical Tradition, to admit to communion every vile impenitent sinner.
The Kasper thesis, is in a word, the theological equivalent of breaking down all boarders in a state. It would be the end of the Catholic Church as a distinctive religious body.
Therefore, I ask my readers, to join with me today in humbly beseeching St. Joseph to intercede for us with Our Lord and His blessed Virgin Spouse, so that he might obtain the graces of fortitude and fidelity for all those Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, Religious and Laity to stand firm against the planned apostasy of “Team Bergoglio” and publicly and privately reprove its adherents. And if they do not repent after the second or third correction, to separate from them, casting them out of the Church as the heretics, apostates and rebels to Christ that they are.
Pope Leo XIII’s Prayer to St. Joseph
There are many versions of this prayer, but having studied the original Latin text with great care, and after much consideration and prayer, I corrected the English text, so that the full meaning and rich signification contained in it might show forth more clearly. I will first give my translation in English, then my similarly corrected translation in Italian, which I made with the help of several experts in the Italian tongue.
Prayer to St. Joseph,
patron of the Universal Church
by Pope Leo XIII
To thee, O blessed Joseph, do we fly in our tribulation, and, having implored the help of thy most holy Spouse, we also now confidently implore thy holy patronage. We beseech thee by that charity, which united thee with the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, and we humbly pray thee by that fatherly love, with which thou didst embrace the Child Jesus, to look kindly upon the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His Blood, and to come to help us in our necessities with thy virtue and powerful aid.
Defend, O most watchful Guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ. Ward off from us, O most loving Father, every contagion of error and corruption. Be propitious to us from Heaven, O our most mighty Protector, in our struggle with the power of darkness; and as once thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the greatest peril of His life, so now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares of Her enemies and from all adversity. Shield too, each one of us with thy constant protection, so that, supported by thy example and powerful aid, we may be able to live a holy life, die a holy death, and attain everlasting beatitude in Heaven.
Preghiera a San Giuseppe
di Papa Leone XIIIA Te, o Beato Giuseppe, stretti dalla tribolazione ricorriamo, e fiduciosi invochiamo il Tuo patrocinio, dopo quello della Tua Santissima Sposa. Deh! per quel sacro vincolo di carità che Ti strinse all’Immacolata Vergine Maria Madre di Dio, e per l’amore paterno che portasti al fanciullo Gesù, riguarda, Te ne preghiamo, con occhio benigno la cara eredità che Gesù Cristo acquistò col Suo Sangue, e con la Tua virtù ed il Tuo soccorso potente sovvieni i nostri bisogni.
Proteggi, o provvido Custode della Santa Famiglia, l’eletta prole di Gesù Cristo. Allontana da noi, o Padre amorosissimo, ogni contagio di errore e di corruzione. Assistici, propizio dal Cielo, nella nostra lotta contro il potere delle tenebre, o nostro fortissimo Protettore; e come un tempo scampasti dalla morte la vita minacciata del Pargoletto Gesù, così ora difendi la Santa Chiesta di Dio dalle ostili insidie e da ogni avversità; e stendi sopra ciascuno di noi il Tuo perenne patrocinio, affinché sostenuti dal Tuo esempio e soccorso potente, possiamo virtuosamente vivere, piamente morire e conseguire l’eterna beatitudine in Cielo.