Tag Archives: Prognostication

BEWARE: When the War in Ukraine ends, the Next Plandemic will be launched


Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

At the end of the Scamdemic, I was first to point out the change in Narrative (here). Then after I warned the world about how Skull and Bones was pivoting, I rightly predicted the exact date of the next Globalist project (here), the very day Vladimir Putin decided to go to war: February 22, 2022.

So I feel obligated to my readers and loyal supporters to prognosticate the beginning of the next Plandemic, which as I observed already (here), will be the claim of a Marburg Virus sweeping the world, when in fact it will be some sort of internal hemorrhaging caused by technology in the DeathShots already administered, and only lethal to them. — For more about the linkage between the Scamdemic organized by Skull and Bones agencies in the USA and the Rothschilds alliance on 5G Tech see Here and Here.

The above news, in the cited Tweet, wherein Polish MEP Witold Jan Waszczykowski says it has already been decided to “freeze the war” in the Fall is the data point I take as most significant.

We have already seen, in fact, that the Globalist control system requires one dominant narrative under which they frame all their actions and hide all their preparations.

If that modus operandi holds, then they have to end the Ukrainian War Narrative before they launch their next operation, which will be a Plandemic, not a Scamdemic.

A Scamdemic — for those unfamiliar with the anti-Globalist terminology — is a supposed Pandemic in which there is no virus or plague, but only a media hype claiming such, by reclassifying deaths from other sources, intentionally and non-intentionally produced, as death from the proclaimed plague, so as to coerce and induce the masses to take deadly or experimental shots.

A Plandemic — is an intentionally produced mass die off, caused by pre-determined deadly agents already introduced into the population, which are real, but not necessarily natural. In the present case, they are in fact totally artificial.

The difference in the Plandemic to be launched this Fall is that the lockdowns and controls will be more radical and severe. But not knowing their plans, I suppose that it is highly probable that they will insist on another round of DeathShots to sew the seeds of the next Plandemic.

The solution this time is NOT to believe anything they say, but immediately form armed protests and arrest all police and public officials pushing the Plandemic (Here, where I said this back in 2020). For as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn observed about the Bolshevik Revolution: it could have been stopped in its tracks from the beginning, saving 60 million lives, if only the residents of Saint Petersburg from the start refused to allow the Bolshevik guards to arrest and execute their opposition. Yes, instead of hiding in their basements to wait for it to end, if they made the Guard lose men every time they attempted an arrest, the morale of the Guard would have broken and the Revolution would have collapsed in days.

I know that nearly no one listens to my advice, but perhaps this time around they will heed the words of the great Catholic Hero of Lepanto, Don Juan of Austria: There is no Heaven for cowards!