Tag Archives: Steve Skojec

Skojec & Delinis troll Tosatti with vile insults

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The moral and intellectual depravity of those who say that Bergoglio is certainly the pope, just sunk to a new low today, with their vile public contumely hurled at one of the most eminent and respected Vaticanista in Italy: Marco Tosatti.  His “crime” is that he quoted an anonymous source at the Vatican saying that Benedict regards himself as the Pope and most of the Roman Curia know this.



Then Denlinis goes for the juggler and says Pope Benedict XVI has lost his mind:


Skojec then doubles down in the vile insult:


Then Denlinis calls Tosatti a liar too:


I think you can see who here is honest and who has embraced Hell.

My question is, why do you love Bergoglio and his agenda so much, that you would resort to public contumely of such a honorable man?


Some people are reading the title of this post as if the the ablative of means (with insults) were the verb (troll):


So if they do not even know English grammar, what value could their opinion be about a Latin Declaratio and the text of the Code of Canon Law? Steve and company need to get out of the victim-hood complex and recognize that they are the victimizers. Serial calumniators of all who ask them to be rational. It is beyond juvenile. And it is likely to stoke a complaint to the IRS about One Peter Five, for private inurement, because its public tax filings over several years raise serious questions.


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Alinski’s Rules for Radicals, used against the Church

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Saul Alinsky was a radical Marxist Jew from Chicago, USA, who before his death, compiled 13 demonic rules for how to overthrow social groups, based on his experience in organizing collective action against established political, social and religious structures. He published these in a book entitled, Rules for Radicals. — Here, the word, “radical” means a Marxist of the Gramescian kind who seeks to undermine a non-Marxist society from within so as to bring down the system, rather than organizing the proletariat for open armed revolution.

Alinsky’s 10 Rules for Radicals are a sort of luciferian way of practicing deceit in the most concealed and vicious manner. They are the classical reflection of an distorted passive aggressive psychopathy which recognized no objective moral norm to respect, uphold or promote the common good, and contrariwise inverts the approach the individual should have to that common good by advocating what is directly opposed to it. These rules are, thus, truly demonic:

  1. “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
  2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
  3. “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
  4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
  5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
  6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
  7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
  8. “Keep the pressure on.”
  9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
  10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
  11. “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.”
  12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
  13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Since the Bergoglian revolution is being run by Marxists — that is undeniable — it should not surprise us that those fellow Catholics who recognize Bergoglio as their leader should either openly advocate Marxism or use the tactics of Alinsky to counter Bergoglio’s enemies — the chief of which are those Catholics who recognize the teaching of the Church regarding when a Pope duly resigns and when he does not. Since Pope Benedict XVI never duly resigned, he is still the pope. And profession of that historical fact is the chief and most destructive assault against the Big Lie, used by the Bergoglian Church, to present itself as the Church of Jesus Christ and deceive the Elect.

Errors of the “Recognize and Resist” Movement

Catholics are increasingly aware that these tactics are being used now by Trad Inc. to sustain their ridiculous position of “recognize and resist” — This position holds that a Catholic is morally, doctrinally and canonically obliged to hold that Bergoglio is the Pope, but that he is also morally and doctrinally obliged to oppose his errors. — In practice, the “Recognize and Resist” Movement is one which denies that Bergoglio has ever uttered a formal heresy or that if he has he is never pertinacious in adhesion to it. Furthermore, they hold that canon 1364 can never apply to him, because he is the pope, even though Canon Law makes for no such provision or privilege. They deny the entire teaching of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church that formal, manifest pertinacity in heresy causes a man to lose all membership, office and dignity in the Church. And they especially deny that the words of Canon Law or of the Declaratio of Pope Benedict XVI have any precise meaning or use if it contradicts their position.

Thus the “Recognize and Resist” Movement is more about recognizing and very little about resisting. And thus its effect is totally about causing Catholics to submit to the Bergoglian Church and practice non-think about the abominations, heresies and scandals which are going on, not to mention, about the failed renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI. Indeed, the “Recognize and Resist” Movement seems to be a position slightly to the right of Opus Dei, which is all about Recognizing and nothing about Resisting in public — they in fact tell their members to shut up and stop thinking about the problems and stop being active on social media.

Therefore, it should not surprise anyone, that the “Recognize and Resist” Movement has begun to employ Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, because in the defense of a lie there is no better tool that to employ the demonic.

Recent Attacks on Ann Barnhardt et alia

Ann Barnhardt is a pubic figure in the United States of America, who is famous for her commentary on current issues which cuts to the heart of the problem. Since the spring of 2016, she has rightly and sanely argued and demonstrated that the Renunciation of Pope Benedict did not separate him from the Papal Office and that the claims that he is no longer the Pope are the Big Lie of the present crisis of the Church. Countless Catholics today recognize Pope Benedict XVI because of the work of Barnhardt and those who came to know the truth of Church teaching and Canon Law about papal resignations through her. This is why the enemies of Pope Benedict seek to attack her more than anyone else. She blogs at Barnhardt.biz.

The recent attacks on Ann Barnhardt, chief of all, seem to be employing the Rules for Radicals. In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, we have, for example, Rule 13, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  This means, in regard to persons, to dissuade the public from consideration of the truths professed by an individual by attacking that individual on personal issues.

Then there is Rule 5, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon,” which has been honed into a fine art by Steve Skojec, editor and publisher of OnePeterFive.com — apparently a commercial site, because of its *.com, but in reality organized in US Law as a non-profit, where it appears from its tax filings 100% of funds raised, after expenses, go to Skojec or family members.*

Here is an example of that, in regard to Ann Barnhardt.


Then there is Alinsky’s Rule 6, “A good tactic is one that your people enjoy,” which seems to be the case with Skojec, because he would not revel so much in insulting others, if he did not enjoy it. It also seems to be enjoyable to the rest of Trad Inc. because NONE of them — to my knowledge — reprehend Skojec and others for doing this.

Catholics, however, know that to insult others in public is the mortal sin of contumely, and so disdain it. Yes, insult an error or falsehood or behavior, but not a person.

Then there is Rule 11, “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside,” by which Alinsky appears to mean that you keep disparaging and misrepresenting your opponent until the opponent thinks he has a problem, or at least the general public does. Here is an example of that, in action:


The truth is quite the opposite. As anyone and everyone knows, who reads Ann’s arguments, she always cites reality or Church documents. She never say that anyone should listen to her because she is the source of authority. She is always saying that everyone needs to confront and accept reality, and overcome their inhibitions to live by the teachings and faith of the Church. — Whereas, it is Steve Skojec who is constantly insisting that Catholics ignore Canon Law and the teachings of the Church and Saints as regards the infallibility of the Roman Pontiff and the indefectibility of his person, because some late Scholastic Theologian said something with the word “canonical” in it, but he, Steve Skojec, cancels out that word, and uses the statement as a new rule for discernment against which no teaching of the Church or canon law can be cited, without showing madness or insanity or a schismatic or heretical spirit.

The general attack, used most of all, however, even by pro-Bergoglian apologists, of the kind which Skojec is certainly not, is Rule 3. “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.” However, this rule did them in, because little did they know, that there are Catholics out there who are far more capable of understanding Church teaching than they themselves are capable of crafting arguments against it. — Praise be to God!


As Catholics we should reject all the methods and lies of Satan. We should likewise reject the methods and lies of all false ideologies, especially Marxism.  When we see any individual or group doing things of this kind in the Church, then we have found a true cancer in the Church, because it does not live by the teachings of Jesus and the examples He has given us, or His Holy Spirit has given in the Saints.

Such individuals objectively are not in communion with the Church, nay, they work against it by striving to kill souls and deceive them. Perhaps they do not know what they are doing, because sin can blind the mind so much as to make it barely capable of discerning its own culpability. But we cannot ignore the fact that by such behavior, whatever persons or groups do such things, they are not in communion with the Church, morally or spiritually speaking, because being in grave mortal sin and working against Her, they have not the life of God in them.

Aiding and abetting such individuals and groups would be a sin of collaboration in the evil they propose. But helping them see their error is a great work of mercy, because it respects them as creatures of God, even if at times they might act like individuals unworthy of the pearls thrown at them.

Nevertheless, a sustained and constant attack by officers of corporations and media outlets against the teaching of the Church on any point must be seen for what it is. Catholics can no longer ignore that the “Recognize and Resist” Movement is at the service of evil in itself, and of even greater evil, inasmuch as it gives power to Bergoglio in sustaining his false claims to be the Pope and to not be a formal, pertinacious heretic.



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* In U.S. tax law such an approach is not fraud, if the monies are disbursed as salary for work done on behalf of the non-profit. But Mr. Skojec’s supporters are able to get a tax write-off — if they qualify according to IRS rules for being able to take itemized  deductions — for effectively paying him a salary to write articles for One Peter Five. Unlike, Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., the non-profit which publishes Br. Bugnolo’s books, which has never paid a salary to anyone. And unlike, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., a for-profit, which has never paid a salary to anyone. — Steve does quite well, according to the tax filings for One Peter Five, which show that in 3 recent years alone, his combined earnings in salary were near $500,000 USD. So someone is paying him to do what he does, clearly.


CREDITS:  The Featured Image is a screen shot of Steve Skojec’s public Twitter Page, which is used here in accord with fair use standards for editorial commentary. The embeded tweets from his Twitter timeline are likewise employed.

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From straw man to superstition

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I have watched Steve Skojek’s argumentation over the last 14 months go from straw man arguments, to unreasoning blather, to insults and vicious invective against almost anyone who would point out the unreasonableness of his approach to the problems with the Declaratio of Pope Benedict XVI and its consequences in the Church.

And I have kept silent about it, except for a passing comment here and there, here at FromRome.Info, because I am not concerned with nit picking the sophistries of immature people who do not have the intellectual or moral integrity to discuss something honestly as an adult. I am concerned with the truth of history in this matter, not in the sense of what people might write about it now or in the future, but in the sense of what really did happen, and what it really does mean in canonical and theological terms.

But as Skojec’s private magisterium has become a personal superstition and grows daily among some minds as a cult of superstition, I consider it necessary to say something, because I want every one to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. And for this, error must be refuted, by all who can ably refute it.

So I will broach this topic by commenting on some twitter conversations, the screen shots I was given. Here Steve comments on two groups, as he calls them, the Sedevacantists and the Bennyvacantists. Steve says he did not invent the latter term, but he keeps using it as a 13 yr old petulant school-boy uses a phrase he thinks is cool, but which makes him appear in reality stupid. Because by the term, Steve thinks he is referring to those who hold that Pope Benedict is still the pope, but the term obviously refers to those who think that Benedict vacated the see. So the term really refers to himself. The other term, for those who do not know, refers to those who think there have been no popes since Pius XII. — So of these 2 groups, Steve says:

Screenshot_2020-02-04 Steve Skojec on Twitter JZmirak chesterbelloc3 I think if the Catholic Church's claims were ever some[...]

Steve, if my sources are correct, has admitted to taking one introductory course to Canon Law at Steubenville, where he graduated. My sources tell me that Steve also cannot read the Code of Canon Law, because he does not read Latin. So he reads it, when he does, in the English translation, which, as I have mentioned many times, is both not authoritative and full of errors. As far as I know, also, Steve has never tried to investigate the matter further than his limit of knowledge and has not gone to Rome to speak with anyone about the questions of law or fact. — I have it that he corresponds or at least knows Ryan Grant, whom I showed the other day does not know the basic principles of Canon Law. Ryan, himself, though he is a published translator, is not a very good one. The passages I have examined in his translation of Saint Alphonsus have more than one error in every sentence, and hence I conclude they are worthless for anyone to use.

For this reason, I think that Steve’s first tweet, above, is very honest. I do not think he has the intellectual preparation to see the differences or appreciate them. Even if he knew what they are. Sedevacantists are a group of individuals who do not care about the Church in the least. They only care about condemning others so that like Jansenists they can revel in a being better than everyone else kind of spirit.  Catholics, on the other hand, when they encounter schism and heresy, do something about it, by either trying to reconcile the parties involved or seeking their canonical solutions, because their love is for the Church and for the salvation of souls.

That is why, if you love the Church, you can probably see the difference between Sedevacantists and Catholics. It is not just an argument over what was said by so and so and whether that is heretical or not. Though, Sedes nearly always get this wrong, because they have an animus to find fault where not as much fault is found as they would want, in order to continually justify themselves as better than everyone else.

Catholics, concerned about the canonical problems in the Declaratio of Pope Benedict XVI, are obviously not interested at all in themselves, they are interested solely in the good of the entire Church and solving the problems at the root. To deny that is merely a glib ad hominem of a person who cares nothing for the Church and has no consideration for the possibility that his fellow man might actually care for the common good of the Church. His desire, rather, is always to put him down, because that is the only way to prove his superiority.

In his next, tweet Steve recites his straw man argument, which he brings out and dangles about like a shaman does with the bones of a dead man, before reciting an incantation on cue.  Steve has been shown by many interlocutors over the past year that the opinion of John of Saint Thomas about universal acceptance refers to a canonical election, not to a doubtful or uncanonical election — taking doubt here in the objective positive sense. — So his continued appeal to universal acceptance is simply dishonest. And his continued use of it as a dogma is superstition.

At this point A. J. Baalman shares a series of tweets, drawing on the commentary on Canons 332, 187 and 188 made by Cathy Caridi on her blog, Canon Law Made Easy, which I reviewed yesterday.  A. J. says:

Screenshot_2020-02-04 Steve Skojec on Twitter AjBaalman chesterbelloc3 But if there is such doubt about this centuries-old [...]

Notice how Steve brings out his straw man, again, and rattles it in the air, as if by such an incantation you can participate in a rational argument. He omits the word “canonical” in front of “papal” once again, to make it seem more supportive of his position. But here he goes one step further. There can be no question of an problematic papal election so long as it was accepted. No need to investigate. — I do not know what others might thing about such a line of reasoning, but it sounds to me the kind of thing a canon lawyer working for the Lavender Mafia might use, because it really aids and abets almost any possible course of corruption and interference in a papal election, as to defy rational explanation. No honest man can reason thus.

A. J., counters and insists on an investigation, and Steve responds:

Screenshot_2020-02-04 Steve Skojec on Twitter AjBaalman chesterbelloc3 But if there is such doubt about this centuries-old [...](1)

Steve says an investigation should be done, but it won’t be completed in the life time of the Pope or of Bergoglio. That is a very bold claim coming from someone who is not an investigator and who has shown no inclination to examine the facts already presented in the historical record. It is also another attempt at gaslighting, because it takes about 5 seconds to see the Renunciation is invalid.

Because all you have to do is 1) see that the Latin of Canon 332 §2 says munus, and that the Latin of the Declaratio says ministerium, and 2) recognize that what you do not renounce, you keep.

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Stoicism is not Catholicism

Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism (Photo c/o The Basics of Philosophy, click image to access)
Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism (Photo c/o The Basics of Philosophy, click image to access)

Editorial, Rome, February 15, 2015:  Stoicism was ancient pagan philosophy which taught that every excess of human emotion was evil, and that man should seek to perfect himself by the application of right reason to his affections.  Since the Stoic philosophers of ancient times taught a system of ethics similar in many things to Christianity, they were often cited by the Fathers and later writers with approbation.  But in recent centuries, some authors forgot the underlying error and departed from a sound send of human nature under the influence of the 16th century rationalists, who abandoned Christian doctrine and morals and took up once again the ancient pagan philosophers as their guides.

A common error, therefore, is found in many books which advocate “spirituality”, an error drawn from the system of the Stoics. It says that one must never allow emotions to arrive at intense levels, especially anger, which is the emotion which naturally is most disordering of right reason.

A stoic, for example, will always confess getting angry. For to him anger is an evil passion.

A Catholic, however, knows better, taking as he does Our Lord Jesus Christ as his role model of virtue.  Remembering that Christ got so angry at the avarice of those who had care for His Father’s House, the Temple of old in Jerusalem, that He went so far as to make an impromptu whip out of the rope available at hand, and used it to drive the money lenders out of the outer court of the Temple: a Catholic understands that there are things worthy of getting angry about, and that to allow such passion is not a sin, but a virtue.

This is not to say, that anger can be unjust or excessive.  It is unjust when it is directed against what is not evil or threatening; it is excessive when it exceeds the bounds of what is needful or appropriate to the evil opposed.

For this reason, it is a very good thing if a Catholic would allow himself to get angry when a Catholic bishop would use his sacred office to promote error, even as regards the natural world.  Such an error as the global-warming mania, which puts the blame on the variations of solar radiation on humans.  Everyone with any concept of physics, understands that the magnitudes of scale are so great between the variations of the output of solar radiation and any effect human activity, even of all 6-8 Billion of us, that the latter could never ever effect the human climate in any appreciable manner.  And thus the sane and impartial know that the global-warming mania is just that, a mania, a phobia: and if you look deeper, you will find that it is a phobia promoted by international socialists, who to convince those opposed to socialism to accept the socialist agenda of societal reorganization, use the phobia of climate change.

Writers, therefore, are justly angered that this is what Pope Francis is to do in his upcoming encyclical letter on the environment.

One such writer had strong words about the Pope on this issue:

It comes as no surprise. Handwriting has been on the wall along the Viale Vaticano from the get-go. At the beginning of his pontificate, Francis revealed himself to be fastidiously attuned to image. He refused to give communion in public ceremonies lest he be photographed giving the sacrament to the wrong kind of sinner. So, when he agreed to pose between two well-known environmental activists and brandish an anti-fracking T-shirt, we believed what we saw.

It was a portentous image. Press toads hopped to their keyboards to correct the evidence of our lying eyes. Francis was neither for nor against fracking, you see. Nothing of the sort. He was simply using a photo-op to assert blameless solidarity with the victims of ecological injustice. (Both a decisive definition of such injustice and its particular victims went unspecified.)

If that restyling were true, then the more fool Francis. But Francis is not a fool. He is an ideologue and a meddlesome egoist. His clumsy intrusion into the Middle East and covert collusion with Obama over Cuba makes that clear. Megalomania sends him galloping into geopolitical—and now meteorological—thickets, sacralizing politics and bending theology to premature, intemperate policy endorsements.

Later this year, Francis will take his sandwich board to the United Nations General Assembly, that beacon of progress toward the Kingdom. Next will come a summit of world religions—a sort of Green Assisi—organized to lend moral luster to an upcoming confederacy of world improvers in Paris. In the words of Bishop Marcelo Sorondo, chancellor of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Francis means “to make all people aware of the state of our climate and the tragedy of social exclusion.”

There is a muddle for you. The bishop asserts a causal relation between two undefined, imprecise phenomena. His phrasing is a sober-sounding rhetorical dodge that eludes argument because the meaning is indeterminable. Ambiguity, like nonsense, is irrefutable. What caliber of scientist speaks this way?

(Source: First Things, Francis & Political Illusion, by Maureen Mullarkey )

Steve Skojec, over at OnePeterFive, upon reading these words, makes a very good observation:

Mullarkey’s is only the latest thrust in a battle that has been going on for the better part of the Francis papacy. This, sadly, is what it looks like when you “make a mess” in the Church – division, bitterness, and venom. Amidst the salvos back and forth between the various camps, however, thinking Catholics are faced with a growing suspicion that the powers in Rome see the Church differently than the rest of us. Rather than an institution founded by Christ to convert the world and bring about the salvation of souls, they seem to prefer that she more closely resemble a trendy social-issues NGO. As our own Eric Sammons wrote last week, what the Church has been doing for the past half century hasn’t worked; the practice of the faith is decimated, leaving only a tiny minority of Catholics embracing their religion in an orthodox fashion. The impression that this is no accident is only enhanced when hand-picked papal advisers support communist, pro-abortion, and pro-homosexual institutions, or simply foment heresy in the pope’s name. Making matters worse, the Extraordinary Synod on Marriage and Family produced a public work so deviant from Catholic teaching that it caused one bishop to declare it “the first time in Church history that such a heterodox text was actually published as a document of an official meeting of Catholic bishops under the guidance of a pope” and something that “will remain for the future generations and for the historians a black mark which has stained the honour of the Apostolic See.”

(Source:  This is What a Mess Looks like)

Mr. Skojec goes on to say that both sides in the Church, which is dividing between the liberal and conservative camps, need to tone down the rhetoric and use less angry words.  While I agree that unjust anger and excessive anger, even in just things, is morally wrong, I disagree with Mr. Skojec when he suggests that both sides need to respond similarly.

For this reason:  Stoicism is not Catholicism.