Tag Archives: Sutri Initiative



Por el Hermano Franciscano Alexis Bugnolo


Ayer expliqué desde Sutri, Italia, (Aqui) cómo el Primer Concilio Provincial o Sínodo de Sutri puso fin al horrible caos de la Iglesia Romana en 1046, cuando tres diferentes hombres reclamaron el oficio papal: uno de ellos era un sodomita depredador; otro un usurpador absoluto y el restante un simoníaco flagrante.

Hoy pido a todos los fieles del mundo entero que escuchen la voz de la cordura: que hagan lo que hicieron los fieles del siglo XI y convoquen a la celebración de un nuevo Concilio Provincial para poner fin a los años de escándalos, blasfemias, herejías y cismas, para mencionar las persecuciones, perpetradas y promovidas por Jorge Mario Bergoglio quien dice ocupar el cargo de Romano Pontífice.

La Iniciativa Sutri es la única solución jurídica y real para poner fin a la crisis de la Romana Iglesia, ya que aborda el problema de manera directa en forma canónicamente válida y sencilla.

Pero, para lograr la convocación de tal Concilio, nosotros los fieles debemos hacer oír nuestra voz y solicitar a los Obispos de la Provincia Romana que lo convoquen.

Estos Obispos y Obispos Auxiliares pertenecen a las siguientes 20 jurisdicciones. Al pulsar en los enlaces a continuación podrá encontrar las direcciones del Obispo o de los Obispos Auxiliares de cada diócesis. Insto a que se les escriba a todos, individualmente, una carta personal.

Roma: Albano (Sede Suburbicaria), Anagni-Alatri, Civita Castellana, Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Frascati (Sede Suburbicaria), Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, Gaeta (Arquidiócesis), Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Montecassino (Abadía Territorial), Ostia (Sede Suburbicaria), Palestrina (Sede Suburbicaria), Porto-Santa Rufina (Sede Suburbicaria), Rieti (S. Salvatore Maggiore), Sabina-Poggio Mirteto (Sede Suburbicaria), Subiaco (Abadía Territorial), Tívoli, Velletri-Segni (Sede Suburbicaria), Viterbo — Diócesis de Sora-Cassino-Aquino, puede ser que Pontecorvo sea también miembro de ésta última.

Msgr. Vincenzo Viva
Vecovo di Albano
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Vescovile, 11
00041 Albano Laziale (ROMA)

Msgr. Ambrogio Spreafico
Curia Vescovile
Via dei Villini, 82
03014 Fiuggi (Frosinone)

Msgr. Marco Salvi
Curia Diocesana
Piazza Matteotti, 27
01033 Civita Castellana (Viterbo)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Piazza Calamatta 1
00053 Civitavecchia (Roma), Italia

Msgr.Stefano Russo
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Paolo III 10
00044 Frascati (Roma)

Msgr. Luigi Vari
Piazza Arcivescovado 2
04024 Gaeta (Latina)

Msgr. Mariano Crociata
Via Sezze 16
04100 Latina

Abbate Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B.
Via Montecassino,
03043 Cassino (Frosinone)

Cardinale Angelo De Donatis
Vicariato di Roma
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a
00184 Roma, Italia

Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Gregorio Pantanelli 8
00036 Palestrina (Roma)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Curia Vescovile
Via del Cenacolo 53
00123 Roma – La Storta (ROMA)

Msgr. Vito Piccinonna
Via Cintia 83
02100 Rieti

Msgr. Ernesto Mandara
Piazza Mario Dottori 14
02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti)

Abbate Mauro Meacci, O.S.B.
Piazza S. Scolastica 1
00028 Subiaco (ROMA)

Msgr. Orazio Francesco Piazza
Palazzo Vescovile
Piazza S. Lorenzo 9/a
01100 Viterbo


Podemos hacer esto ya sea por carta; hablando personalmente o también podemos actuar de dos modos diferentes: uno, listando todos los errores, herejías, blasfemias y persecusiones perpetradas por Jorge Mario Bergoglio durante los años en los que él asegura ejercer el Papado o podemos iluminar a los

Obispos en cuanto al modo canónico correcto de proceder, del cual la mayoría probablemente no tengan una idea clara.

Este segundo aspecto del problema es el más crucial ya que es el menos obvio y por lo tanto, en la Iniciativa de Sutri, les insto a que cada uno haga su carta eficaz, asegurándose que contenga la argumentación y justificación canónica correcta.

Les presento un texto sugerido el cual pueden dirigir a cada Obispo y firmar con vuestro nombre completo y domicilio. Lo pueden escribir en italiano, francés o inglés o si está escrito en otro idioma, por favor incluir una traducción de su carta en uno de estos tres idiomas,


Su Excelencia,

Estoy escribiéndole conforme a mis derechos en el Canon 212 §2  para demandar que se ponga final a los escándalos, herejías y confusión moral que promueve el Papa Francisco y aquellos nombrados por él en la Curia Romana, fundamentalmente porque esto está provocando la pérdida de millones de almas quienes así son puestas en gravísimo peligro espiritual, confusión y desorientación por la constante afirmación de cosas que son contrarias a la Revelación Divina, a la Sagrada Tradición Apostólica, a la Doctrina Católica y a los dogmas definidos en los Concilios de Trento y en el Concilio Vaticano I.

Por consiguiente, de acuerdo con el Canon 1752, el cual afirma que la salvación de las almas es el mayor bien y más alto fin de toda ordenanza jurídica en la Iglesia de Jesucristo, ínstole a reconocer que por los escándalos continuos y graves perpetrados por Jorge Mario Bergoglio, la Sede Apostólica ha sido puesta en un estado de impedimento ya que millones de Católicos no pueden reconciliar sus herejías y errores persistentes como compatibles con ser un miembro de la Iglesia Católica, sin cuyos atributos no puede ser un titular legítimo del Munus Petrino o demandar la Dignidad Apostólica.

Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con el Canon 440 ff., el Concilio Provincial en la Provincia Eclesiástica de Roma tiene el poder de juzgar y discernir todas las preguntas en cuanto al bien común de la Iglesia. Y ya que la duda segura en cuanto a la catolicidad de un demandante a la Sede Apostólica hace imposible que la Iglesia sinceramente permanezca en comunicación con un demandante dudoso, porque —papa dubius papa nullius est– por lo tanto se vuelve un deber grave ante el Dios Viviente y ante la Iglesia entera, urgir la convocatoria de ese tipo de Concilio Provincial de acuerdo al derecho expresado en el Canon 440, § 1.

Tal tipo de Concilio puede ser convocado legítimamente de acuerdo con la norma del Canon 442 §2, porque una duda segura en relación a la declaración de un hombre al oficio del Pontífice Romano crea tal conflicto de intereses que él no puede impedir su convocatoria ni tampoco tiene derechos mientras persista en errores morales y doctrinales graves, como éste hombre lo ha venido haciendo por años en perjuicio de millones de almas. El estado de impedimento existe como un hecho debido a la falta de revocación de sus errores públicos, cuya lista crece semanalmente.

Por lo tanto, demando que, por la salvación de las almas, la extirpación de todo escándalo, y para obtener la gracia de la posible conversión del hombre Jorge Mario Bergoglio de su camino errado, que tal Concilio sea convocado de acuerdo a la norma de los Canones 443 y 444, y que ejecute su autoridad plenaria de acuerdo con el Canon 445, pronunciándose sobre si el hombre a quien se le adjudica el Oficio Papal rechaza la Fe Católica, se ha separado de la comunión con la Iglesia o es un apóstata o idólatra. Permítasele al hombre acusado ser citado para dar explicaciones. Permítasele a los Padres Conciliares interrogarlo en asuntos de Moral y Fe católica; permítase que sus escándalos públicos sean enumerados y él los escuche. Que se le exija que él se retracte de sus errores, y si lo hace, permítasele que se disculpe y sea aconsejado a retirar sus decretos ruinosos. Si el rechaza la reprimenda, permítase que sea declarado de ser culpable de uno o más de los crímenes castigados con latae sententiae excommunication en el Canon 1364 y permítase al Concilio declarar que la Sede de Pedro está vacante legítimamente.

El Concilio Provincial de Roma reprendió al Papa Marcellinus por su acto público de idolatría del dios Romano Marte y el Concilio Provincial celebrado en Sutri en 1046 destituyó a tres solicitantes indignos al Trono Apostólico, por su crasa inmoralidad y demanda ilegal: Benedicto IX, Silvestre III y Gregorio VI.

Es un deber ante el Dios Viviente atender a la salvación de las almas. El Concilio Provincial en la Provincia Eclesiástica de Roma tiene la autoridad legal y la jurisprudencia por precedente para actuar de esta forma. En balance, la salvación de más de mil millones de almas penden en la cuerda floja.

Tengan temor del Dios Viviente por lo que su juicio será si no acatan tal razonable, jurídicamente válida y honesta solución a la más grande crisis en la historia del Papado. Y confíen como San Pablo el Apostol confió cuando fue a Antioquía a reprender a San Pedro en persona por no respetar los decretos del Primer Concilio de Jerusalén.

Si Su Excelencia cree que el hombre es todavía Pedro, Su Excelencia debe confiar que el Espíritu Santo lo guiará a un estado mental católico; y si Su Excelencia no cree que el hombre sea todavía Pedro, tiene el deber solemne de actuar para declarar a la Sede Apostólica legítimamente vacante.



ITALY: Italian Bishops’ Conference silently repudiates ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ in Spring Assembly

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In a stunning turn around, the Italian Bishops’ Conference has issued no statement approving of Pope Francis’ “Gay Blessing” Document, ‘Fiducia supplicans’ during its 79th Annual Spring Meeting with Pope Francis in private at the Vatican.

As can be seen from the final official statement of the Bishops’ Conference, there is no mention at all of the document or the pro-gay agenda.

This is a 180 degree turn from the February Statement of the Conference leadership approving the document tentatively, wherein it would be promised that the entire Conference would take up the issue at its May 20-23rd meeting at the Vatican.

I think it is reasonable to conclude, therefore, that the majority of Bishops refused to approve it, and that the agenda item was removed to protect the ideological takeover of the Catholic Church being waged by Pope Francis and his sodomite cronies who are now in control of the Vatican.

It also seems to signify that the Letters of many Catholics calling for a provincial council to denounce Pope Francis, as is suggested in the Sutri Initiative in English, Italian and French versions has had a profound impact on all the Bishops of Italy, since they are clearly playing a political game, waiting for Pope Francis to die, rather than sign on his heretical profession and risk the anathema of the next and future Pope.

FromRome.Info is the only Catholic News source which has reported on this development, which says more about all the others, than anything else. FromRome.Info has led the call for Pope Francis’ deposition since October of last year, and is unique in insisting that Catholics take the unassailable juridical position of declaring and recognizing that by his heretical profession, Pope Francis himself has morally and canonically impeded the Apostolic See.

This news, today, is the Second stunning fruit of the Sutri Initiative, the First was reported here.

Pope Saint Gregory VII and St. Peter Damian accepted the Sutri Initiative in 1046: Why won’t you?

Historical note by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Today is the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory VII, the greatest reforming pope of the Middle Ages, who warred relentlessly against corrupt and heretical rulers of his time. As an acolyte of Pope Gregory VI (Giovanni Graziano) he attended and accepted the decrees of the First Council of Sutri which saw 3 popes deposed: one who was canonically elected, but resigned and attempted to reclaim the throne: Benedict IX; another who usurped by papacy while he was only Metropolitan of Tusculum: Sylvester III; and the third, who was canonically elected after simonaically purchasing the papacy from Benedict IX: Gregory VI.

Saint Gregory VII accepted the results of the First Sutri Initiative in history. Even Saint Peter Damian, greatest enemy of the gay mafia in the Church, accepted the Council of Sutri. Both attended the coronation of the Henry III, the German King, as Emperor of the Romans on Dec. 25, 1046: the very man who urged the Council on the same terms as the Sutri Initiative t today.

Why then is it that so many who claim to be Catholic journalists, commentators, canonists, theologians, influencers, personalities, cardinals and bishops refuse to even talk about what happened at Sutri in 1046? let alone endorse it 100% as these two great saints, enemies of corruption and sodomy did?

That is my question for them. Ask them. If they remain silent they will only condemn themselves as fake Catholics.

In the meantime, standing as I do with the emperor Henry III, I urge everyone in Christendom to walk in the footsteps of Saint Gregory VII and Saint Peter Damian by supporting the second Sutri Initiative in history, to see Pope Francis deposed for his perfidious behavior and false claim to the papacy: in that he has never intended to accept the Papal Office for the up-building of the Church, but only to change our Holy Faith, and is thus simultaneously guilty of schism, apostasy and heresy.

NEWSWEEK: Catholic Conservatives better not dare move to depose Pope Francis

Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Here, above, in the linked article, is a very fine crafted piece of Globalist propaganda, written by someone who is desperately afraid that Catholics will sign on to the Sutri Initiative, and spent a lot of time crafting a piece of disinformation in an attempt to Gaslight the Catholic world. — Not that anyone who is seriously Catholic would believe or take counsel from anything in Newsweek Magazine. But since many Catholics of the other kind are the ones who are actually in charge (in munere, that is, “in office”) in the Church, Newsweek still holds out that they can have an effect.

The whole import of the article is to make it seem anti-Catholic to participate in a call to remove Pope Francis, while making it seem perfectly Catholic to support Pope Francis’ attempts to destroy the Catholic Church and Christianity forever, by main streaming Sabbatean God-hating practices like idol-worship, sodomy, blasphemy and sacrilege, going so far as to invoke the Most Sacred Name of God to approve of these abominations.

Aleks Phillips, the author of the article, is in fact a Jew, who pushes the Globalist Mythology of Climate Change. And you might even find out investigating his personal back ground that he is a cultural marxist and a sodomite, because those who write such articles praising Pope Francis are of that ilk.

If you are a Catholic, I would suggest that you take some time to stop and think why Newsweek would be asking Philips to tell Catholics what they should believe and what they should not believe.

And then you might realize not only what is the fundamental power structure in mass media, but what their ultimate Anti-Christic goal is: your eternal damnation.

Journals which tow the line like Newsweek are heavily funded. And those, who expose them for what they are, risk their personal safety and don’t get a cent for it. — This is eternal spiritual warfare, and FromRome.Info is on the winning side.

The sad reality is, that if you are a U.S. citizen, whatever of the two parties you vote for, Newsweek will continue to get tax-payer monies, perhaps, to keep pushing the Ideological Warfare Program against the Catholic Church, as many outlets have done since June 29, 1953, when it was declared.

Pope Francis must resign or be removed from office!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Unless you live on Mars or have been in a coma since 2013, as a Catholic you are aware of the immense and innumerable scandalous acts, statements, meetings and documents published by Pope Francis.

The outrage of the Catholic world against this man is justified. First for his usurpation of the papal office, while Pope Benedict XVI lived, since he never abdicated it. Second for his manifest heretical statements against the right of the state to impose capital punishment, the utility of capital punishment, the moral legitimacy of capital punishment, Catholic Marriage’s indissolubility, the Apostolic Tradition regarding shunning sinners and refusing the Sacraments to the impenitent, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture, the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and most recently — to omit a list which would go on for pages — for his attack against the Divine Name Itself by approving of “Gay Blessings”.

Numerous Letters calling for his repentance, reprehension or removal from office have been signed by thousands of Catholics since 2013.

First, there was the petition to the Cardinals in 2016, reported by FromRome.info on April 17 of that year, signed by 1317 Catholics and calling for the Cardinals to investigate Pope Francis and declare him deposed for heresy: a petition censored by Trad Inc. and the Grifter Collective, whose job has only been to defend Pope Francis from being removed from office.

In that year, a milk toast letter of indignation was published by scholars against the erroneous implications and statements contained in Amoris Laetitia. But no one remembers that today.

Then, 3 years later, they upped their game by issuing a Letter accusing him of the crime of heresy in 2019. But still they took no action.

Most recently, there has been the petition of Catholics to the Bishops of the Roman Province to put Pope Francis on trial. The Grifter Collective and Trad Inc. have stubbornly refused even to mention the existence of this one, which is the first to call for a canonically valid way of removing Pope Francis from office.

But I am not going to hold my breath, as it were, waiting that they will ever talk about it, because they both do not report the news to solve the problems, only to stir and, then, diffuse the anger against Pope Francis, as a sort of control mechanism for guaranteeing submission to heresy and apostasy.

But here at FromRome.Info, neither I nor my loyal readers play such diabolical games.

We say OPENLY, CLEARLY and without any hesitation and shame, today on the 11th anniversary of his usurpation of the Papacy:

Pope Francis must resign or be removed from office!

In this FromRome.info has never wavered or changed its position since 2014.

If you know of other petitions against the errors,, scandals, heresies of Pope Francis, whether they call for his removal from office, or resignation, please share links to them in the comments below.

‘The Pillar’ endorses Sodomy by its silence on Episcopal Appointments in Poland

A Call to Action by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The History of Pope Francis’ Heretical Profession on ‘Gay Blessings’

Back in October, on the 14th, to be precise, I warned that the silence of Pope Francis in response to reproaches to his position on “gay blessings” could not go on forever without the imputation of the crime of heresy. I pointed out the day before, that the CIA was going to urge through all its controlled agencies that the declaration of Pope Francis as a heretic over this controversy was wrong. That is because even run-of-the-mill opposition sites as Mundabor on October 6th were insisint that a council be called to depose Pope Francis as a heretic.

The responses of Pope Francis to the July Dubia of the Cardinals were written by Cardinal Fernandez, then an Archbishop, a man who is a known serial cover-upper of sexual abuse, as I reported here on October 4th, 2023. So his motivation was obvious. Indeed, in the days before this same Cardinal made clear that Pope Francis’s intention in ‘Amoris Laetitia’, was to contradict the Gospel and the Council of Trent.

That response of Pope Francis to the July Dubia made it clear by October 3, 2023, that it was his intention to sacriligeously and blasphemously permit the blessing of sodomitic unions.

You can read the entire coverage of FromRome.info about ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and the reaction of Catholics around to the world to it, here. You can read my editorials and initiatives against it, here.

A Catholic Response

Cognizant of all these things, though I had called for a provincial council to rebuke Pope Francis and/or depose him many times before, by which I was prepared to urge the matter with greater clarity, I launched the Sutri Initiative for this purpose on October 20, 2023, after spending several days at Sutri Italy, considering carefully what could be done to save Holy Mother Church from these perverse heretics.

The unCatholic Response

Since that time, following the declared intention of Steve O’Reilly, the CIA agent, most online Catholic outlets in the English speaking have remained scandalously silent at the gross heresy expressed in the replies of Pope Francis to the questions of the Cardinals expressed in the Dubia of July: scandalously, because it is intolerable to hold that a public manifest heretic can be the Roman Pontiff, or that Pope Francis does not need to recant his pro-sodomy position.

And not only have many outlets remained silent, but some have openly embraced this homo-heresy, as FromRome.info has documented: Church Militant did so on October 20, LifeSite News did so on the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, 2024 , etc..

And as I detailed on October 15, 2023, this silence is all part of the 9 ways to make the Catholic Church implode, which is the goal of the U.S. Government plan for the destruction of our holy faith.

The Agenda of ‘The Pillar’

Now, “The Pillar”,  an electronic journal of recent foundation, which I have often criticized for the errors it pushes, has continued its trajectory of gaslighting the Catholic world by pretending that it is tolerable for a manifest pertinacious heretic to nominate Bishops, as they do in their article above, about recent and future episcopal nominations in Poland.

They say nothing in the open, but the silence is designed to make you think nothing has changed, all is well, with the apostasy of ‘Fiducia supplicans’, as their 3 editorials have attempted to proclaim since it was published on Dec. 18, 2023.

I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would counsel a bet that “The Pillar” is a CIA front, would win.

The Grave Danger to the Catholic Church in Poland

But this sin is not only imputable to ‘The Pillar’. The Bishops of Poland are united in this same sin, because despite the strong objection of many of them to ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and their united public declaration that they would not permit the blessing of sodomitic unions in Poland, they are allowing Pope Francis, the public manifest and now pertinacious heretic appoint their bishops, a thing which is a diabolically reckless thing to do, for it puts the entire Church of Poland into the most grave danger of perversion, heresy and schism  from Christ.

If you are a Catholic from Poland, as I know many of my readers are, make it your Lenten sacrifice this year to make known to your bishop the grave sin of such a way of acting. Rather, instead, they should regard the Apostolic see impeded by Pope Francis on account of his refusal to speak to the Church as a Catholic and on account of the impossibility that a rightly formed Catholic conscience permit one to continue to regard him as to be obeyed and capable of executing the office of Pope in a manner conducive to the salvation of souls, as I have detailed in two articles, on the right Catholics have to refuse him obedience, now, and the state of impedition into which he has put the See of Rome.

The Kind of Spiritual Warfare being used against the Church

As we can see, then, a very clever and devious tactic is being used against the Faithful. It is based on sloth, ignorance and calculates on the cowardice and/or inexperience in conflict of the average Catholic. It urges non-action to error, so that by being compromised by silence, individuals and local churches, one by one, can be suborned to the same evil and erroneous agenda.

This was the tactic used to get the Catholic world to accept that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated on Feb. 28, 2013. And it is the same tactic today.

Because everyone who refuses to see that the position of Pope Francis on ‘Gay Blessings’ is heretical, blasphemous, sacrilegious and directly opposed to the 2nd Commandment and the Our Father, will by his ignoring of the problem, be seduced into going along to get alone. And silent toleration of any kind, which consists in not requesting he be solemnly rebuked and/or removed from office, will lead to this.

Thus Don Minutella, Andrea Cionci, Marco Tosatti, Edward Pentin, Diana Montagna, Ann Barnhardt, Mark Dockerty, Michael Matt, Eric Sammons, and any other Catholic influencer who fails to call for the removal of Pope Francis from office is in fact committing this same sin. — I mention these names only as an example, since to my knowledge, none of them has urged Pope Francis be removed from office by the only means which is juridically and canonically valid, in provincial council. Nor can those who hold that he is not or never was the Pope fail to call for this, for ideological reasons, because any sane and faithful Catholic wants and will always prefer the solution which will be accepted by the whole Church, and will always put his personal opinions, views and reputation in the service of that end.

If you are a craven coward, a disgraceful servant, or the like, you will risk nothing to defend Holy Mother Church and our immaculate Catholic Faith, from this heresy. And thus by silence be led to offer your children and grandchildren on the altar of Sodom, because as this error is more and more accepted — as we can see in the daily news — the LGBTQ ideology will take hold of parishes and dioceses and religious orders to the utter moral and doctrinal corruption of the whole Mystical Body, the damnation of more than 1 billions souls.

We all must act against this, or we each shall individually be responsible.

My Personal Invitation to all Catholics & to Translators

Participate in the Sutri Initiative. Learn about the history of the provincial council of Sutri in 1046, here. Study the Canonical and Juridical way a heretical pope can be deposed, here.

And if you can translate these 3 documents into Polish or any language, please do so for the sake of the salvation of the Church in your native lands.

So far these documents have been translated into French and Italian, from their English originals.

There is still a need for Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and all the other languages spoken daily by Catholics such as Arabic, Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Hindu etc..

In addition to the Sutri Initiative you can do ….

In addition, I encourage all to form a Committee against Apostasy in their own diocese and promote knowledge of how important it is to hold fast to the Catholic Faith against the homo heresy. It is indeed disappointing to me, that in the last 2 months, only 1 Catholic responded to that holy and zealous initiative.

Moreover, urge your Bishops to convene a Provincial Council in their own ecclesiastical Province, to solemnly condemn ‘Fiducia supplicans’ as a scandalous document contrary to the Catholic Faith, promoting the homo-heresy, inducing priests to use the Name of God in vain and transgressing the duty of all Christians to keep that Name hallowed. Anything your Bishops declare outside of a provincial council has little or no CANONICAL authority. Furthermore, if in a provincial council anywhere in the world, Catholic Bishops call upon the Bishops of the Roman Province to do the same thing and rebuke Pope Francis to the face, it will be greatly conducive to convincing these Roman Bishops to act.


di Frà Alexis Bugnolo

Versioni: Inglese e Francesce

Ieri ho spiegato da Sutri, in Italia, come il Primo Concilio Provinciale o Sinodo di Sutri– mise fine all’orribile caos della Chiesa Romana nel 1046, quando tre uomini diversi rivendicarono l’ufficio di Papa: uno un predatore sodomita, un altro un vero e proprio usurpatore, e un altro ancora un flagrante simoniaco.

Chiedo oggi a tutti i fedeli del mondo intero di ascoltare una voce sana di mente: fare ciò che fecero i fedeli dell’XI secolo e chiedere che si tenga nuovamente un Concilio provinciale, per porre fine agli anni di scandali, bestemmie, eresie e scismi, per non parlare delle persecuzioni, perpetrate e promosse da Jorge Mario Bergoglio, il quale pretende di ricoprire la carica di Romano Pontefice.

L’Iniziativa Sutri è l’unica soluzione giuridica e reale per porre fine alla crisi della Chiesa romana, poiché affronta il problema direttamente e in modo canonicamente valido e facile.

Ma per giungere alla convocazione di un tale Concilio, noi fedeli dobbiamo far sentire la nostra voce e chiedere ai Vescovi della Provincia Romana di convocarlo.

Questi Vescovi e Vescovi Ausiliari appartengono alle seguenti 20 giurisdizioni. Cliccando sui link sottostanti potrete trovare gli indirizzi del Vescovo o dei Vescovi Ausiliari. Vi esorto a scrivere a tutti, individualmente, una lettera personale.

Roma {Rome}: Albano (Sede Suburbicaria), Anagni-Alatri, Civita Castellana, Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Frascati (Sede Suburbicaria), Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, Gaeta (Arcdiocesi), Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Montecassino (Abbazia territoriale), Ostia (Sede Suburbicaria), Palestrina (Sede Suburbicaria), Porto-Santa Rufina (Sede Suburbicaria), Rieti (-S. Salvatore Maggiore), Sabina-Poggio Mirteto (Sede Suburbicaria), Subiaco (Abbazia territoriale), Tivoli, Velletri-Segni (Sede Suburbicaria), Viterbo

Poiché in 4 casi, un Vescovo governa 2 diocesi contemporaneamente (come nei casi di Frascati & Velletri, Porto Santa Rufina & Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Tivoli & Palestrina, Frosinone-Veroli-Ferrentino & Anagni-Alatri), e poiché non esiste più una Diocesi (Ostia) separata da Roma, gli attuali 15 indirizzi dei 15 Vescovi da contattare via lettera sono i seguenti. Qui li scrivo nello stile in uso in Italia.

​Msgr. Vincenzo Viva
Vecovo di Albano
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Vescovile, 11
00041 Albano Laziale (ROMA)

Msgr. Ambrogio Spreafico
Curia Vescovile
Via dei Villini, 82
03014 Fiuggi (Frosinone)

Msgr. Marco Salvi
Curia Diocesana
Piazza Matteotti, 27
01033 Civita Castellana (Viterbo)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Piazza Calamatta 1
00053 Civitavecchia (Roma), Italia

Msgr.Stefano Russo
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Paolo III 10
00044 Frascati (Roma)

Msgr. Luigi Vari
Piazza Arcivescovado 2
04024 Gaeta (Latina)

Msgr. Mariano Crociata
Via Sezze 16
04100 Latina

Abbate Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B.
Via Montecassino,
03043 Cassino (Frosinone)

Cardinale Angelo De Donatis
Vicariato di Roma
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a
00184 Roma, Italia

Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Gregorio Pantanelli 8
00036 Palestrina (Roma)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Curia Vescovile
Via del Cenacolo 53
00123 Roma – La Storta (ROMA)

Msgr. Vito Piccinonna
Via Cintia 83
02100 Rieti

Msgr. Ernesto Mandara
Piazza Mario Dottori 14
02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti)

Abbate Mauro Meacci, O.S.B.
Piazza S. Scolastica 1
00028 Subiaco (ROMA)

Msgr. Orazio Francesco Piazza
Palazzo Vescovile
Piazza S. Lorenzo 9/a
01100 Viterbo

Lettera proposta

Possiamo farlo tramite lettere o parlando di persona. A riguardo, possiamo agire in due modi diversi: uno, elencando tutti gli errori, le eresie, le bestemmie e le persecuzioni perpetrate da Jorge Mario Bergoglio negli anni in cui ha rivendicato il Papato; oppure possiamo illuminare i Vescovi sul corretto modo canonico di procedere, dato che la maggior parte dei suddetti forse non ha le idee chiare.

Questo secondo aspetto del problema è il più cruciale perché è quello meno evidente.

E quindi, nell’Iniziativa Sutri, vi esorto a rendere la vostra lettera efficace, dovreste assicurarvi che contenga la corretta giustificazione canonica e argomentazione.

Presento una proposta di testo, che potrete indirizzare a ciascun vescovo e firmare con il vostro nome, cognome e indirizzo. Potete scrivere in italiano, francese o inglese, oppure, se scrivete in un’altra lingua, allegate una traduzione della vostra lettera in una di queste tre lingue.

Testo proposto

Sua Eccellenza,

Le scrivo in accordo con i miei diritti nel canone 212, §2, per chiedere che si ponga fine agli scandali, alle eresie, alle bestemmie e alla confusione dottrinale e morale promossi da Papa Francesco e dai suoi nominati nella Curia Romana, in quanto ciò provoca la perdita di decine di milioni di anime, che vengono così poste nel più grave pericolo spirituale, confusione e disorientamento per la costante affermazione di cose contrarie alla Divina Rivelazione, alla Tradizione Sacra e Apostolica, alla Dottrina Cattolica e alla dogmi definiti dai Concili di Trento e Vaticano I.

Pertanto, in accordo con il canone 1752, il quale afferma che la salvezza delle anime è il bene più grande e il fine più alto di ogni ordinamento giuridico nella Chiesa di Gesù Cristo, vi prego di riconoscere che a causa dei continui gravi scandali perpetrati da Jorge Mario Bergoglio, la Sede Apostolica è stata messa in stato di impedimento, poiché milioni di cattolici non riescono a conciliare i suoi ostinati errori ed eresie come compatibili con l’appartenenza alla Chiesa cattolica, cosa senza la quale qualità egli non può essere legittimo detentore del Munus petrino o pretendente al Dignità apostolica

Pertanto, poiché secondo i can. 440 ss., il Concilio provinciale nella Provincia ecclesiastica romana ha il potere di giudicare e discernere tutte le questioni che riguardano il bene comune della Chiesa, e poiché il dubbio sulla cattolicità di un pretendente alla  Sede Apostolica rende impossibile alla Chiesa in buona coscienza di restare in comunicazione con il suddetto, perché un papa dubius papa nullius est, diventa suo grave dovere davanti al Dio vivente e alla Chiesa intera, sollecitare la convocazione di tale Concilio Provinciale  secondo il diritto espresso nel canone 440 §1.

Tale Concilio può essere legittimamente convocato a norma del can. 442 § 2, perché un dubbio circa la pretesa di un uomo all’ufficio di Romano Pontefice crea un tale conflitto di interessi che egli non può legittimamente impedirne la convocazione né ne ha alcun diritto finché persista in gravi errori morali e dottrinali, come quest’uomo ha fatto per anni secondo il giudizio di milioni di anime. Lo stato di impedimento esiste di fatto a causa della sua incapacità di ritrattare i suoi errori pubblici, il cui elenco si allunga settimanalmente.

Esigo pertanto che per la salvezza delle anime, per allontanare ogni scandalo e per ottenere l’eventuale grazia della conversione di quell’uomo, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, dai suoi cammini sbagliati, che tale Concilio sia convocato a norma dei canoni 443 e 444, e che eserciti la sua autorità plenaria in conformità al canone 445, pronunciando se l’uomo che rivendica l’ufficio del Papato rifiuta la fede cattolica, ha rotto la comunione con la Chiesa, o è un apostata e idolatra. Che l’imputato venga chiamato a spiegare le sue ragioni. I Padri conciliari lo interroghino su questioni di fede e di morale cattolica; sia permesso che i suoi scandali pubblici siano elencati perché li ascolti. Sia richiamato alla fede cattolica, alla retta morale e ad una sana pastorale dei fedeli. Gli si chieda di ritrattare i suoi errori e, se lo fa, lo si preghi e si consigli di ritirare i suoi rovinosi decreti. Se rifiuta il rimprovero, sia dichiarato colpevole di uno o più delitti puniti con la scomunica latae sententiae nel can. 1364 e il Concilio dichiari che la Sede di Pietro è legittimamente vacante.

Il Concilio Provinciale di Roma rimproverò Papa Marcellino per il suo atto di pubblica idolatria del dio romano Marte, e il Concilio Provinciale tenutosi a Sutri nel 1046 depose tre indegni pretendenti al Trono Apostolico, per la loro grave immoralità e pretese illecite: Benedetto IX, Silvestro III e Gregorio VI.

È suo dovere davanti al Dio vivente provvedere alla salvezza delle anime. Il Consiglio provinciale della Provincia ecclesiastica romana ha l’autorità per diritto e per precedente di agire in tal senso. In gioco ci sono più di un miliardo di anime.

Abbia timore del Dio vivente circa quale sarà il suo giudizio se non darà ascolto ad una soluzione così ragionevole, giuridicamente valida e onesta, alla più grande crisi della storia del Papato. E abbia fiducia come ha fatto san Paolo apostolo, quando andò ad Antiochia per rimproverare faccia a faccia san Pietro, per non aver rispettato i decreti del primo Concilio di Gerusalemme.

Perché, se crede che quell’uomo sia Pietro, deve avere fiducia che lo Spirito Santo lo ricondurrà a uno stato d’animo cattolico; e se non crede che sia Pietro, ha il solenne dovere di attivarsi per dichiarare legittimamente vacante la Sede Apostolica.

Cordiali saluti,

​Per Maggiori Informazioni

Su la procedura giuridica in un concilio provinciale per riprendere e deporre un papa eretico, vedi QUI

Sutri Initiative’s first fruits

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I have it that the petitions received for the Sutri Initiative are already having a great effect on the mindset of the Bishops of the Roman Province. The publication of Fiducia supplicans having removed all masks of pretense, it is now clear to the better part of them, that the Apostolic See is occupied by a man who is doubtfully Catholic.

Thus, the Bishops are waking up to the fact that they have, in the authority of the Provincial Council, an awesome duty and means to finally solve the problem of the Church!

Keep writing your letters!

Join the Sutri Initiative if you have not already done so!

All the adherents of the False Church join together against the Sutri Initiative

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Sutri Initiative is the only canonical way of removing Pope Francis from the papacy for heresy, schism, idolatry, apostasy, blasphemy and idolatry. Catholics have known about this initiative since it was launched on Oct. 20 2023.

But since that time, it has amazed me how many from all sides are openly attacking the initiative.

Whether they be Globalists, homosexualists, Modernists, liberals, Jews — who would be expected to support Pope Francis — or whether they be Sedevacantists, Minutellians, Cioncians, Bergoglio-is-certainly-the-pope-ists, they are united in one mystical body of depravity to insist that this initiative be stopped.

The comments coming from all these groups are so similar as to be personally shocking, and of the kind I cannot republish due to their vile verbiage.

But one thing is true: the mystical body of the Antichrist is enraged in every cell of its body against this initiative.

And this is another reason why sincere and authentic Catholics should united against them and join this Movement to remove Pope Francis, the fraud, from the Apostolic See.


Br. Bugnolo: The sacking of Strickland is an act of Schism with the Catholic Church

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Even a pope is automatically excommunciated if he commits the crime of ecclesiastical schism, which consists in refusing communion with members of the Church.

This crime is even greater, when a pope refuses communion with a legitimate and Catholic member of the hierarchy.

But sacking a Bishop without cause and for no crime other than being a Catholic is the worst crime of refusing communion.

Therefore, the act whereby Pope Francis attempted to sack Bishop Strickland of Texas is an act of schism, which has ipso facto merited Pope Francis the penalty of excommunication leveled in Canon 1364.

This means that Catholics in good conscience can refuse all commands and orders of Pope Francis and priests can refuse to mention his name in the Canon.

However, only a provincial or general Council of the Church can declare that Pope Francis has lost his office or is no longer a member of the Church.

Therefore, it becomes the grave duty of all who recognize this as an act of schism, to join the Sutri Initiative and insist on a Provincial Council to judge the crime.

CREDITS: A Photo of Br. Bugnolo visiting the Castle of Tolfa, in the Suburbican Diocese of Porto Santa Rufina, outside Rome, this October.

The Sutri Initiative: to put an end to the Heresies, Blasphemies, Scandals perpetrated by Pope Francis


By Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Yesterday, I explained from Sutri, Italy, (here) how the First Provincial Council or Synod of Sutri put an end to the horrible chaos of the Roman Church in 1046, when 3 different men claimed the office of the Pope: one a predatory sodomite, another an outright usurper, and still another a flagrant simoniac.

Today, I ask all the faithful in the whole world to please listen to a voice of sanity: to do what the Faithful of the 11th century did and call for a Provincial Council to be held once again, to put an end to the years of scandals, blasphemies, heresies and schism, not to mention persecutions, perpetrated and promoted by Jorge Mario Bergoglio who claims to hold the office of the Roman Pontiff.

The Sutri Initiative is the only juridical and real solution to put an end to the crisis in the Roman Church since it addresses the problem directly and in a canonical valid and facile manner.

But to achieve the convocation of such a Council, we the faithful must make our voices heard, and petition the Bishops of the Roman Province to convoke it.

These Bishops and Auxiliary Bishops belong to the following 20 jurisdictions. By clicking on the links below you can find the addresses of the Bishop or Auxiliary Bishops. I urge you to write them all, individually, a personal letter.

Roma {Rome}: Albano (Suburbicarian See), Anagni-Alatri, Civita Castellana, Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Frascati (Suburbicarian See), Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, Gaeta (Archdiocese), Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Montecassino (Territorial Abbey), Ostia (Suburbicarian See), Palestrina (Suburbicarian See), Porto-Santa Rufina (Suburbicarian See), Rieti (-S. Salvatore Maggiore), Sabina-Poggio Mirteto (Suburbicarian See), Subiaco (Territorial Abbey), Tivoli, Velletri-Segni (Suburbicarian See), Viterbo — The Diocese of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo may also be a member.

Since in 4 cases, one Bishop rules 2 diocese at the same time (As in the cases of Frascati & Velletri, and Porto-Santa Rufino & Civitavecchia-Tarquinia and Tivoli & Palestrina, and Frosinone-Veroli-Ferrentino & Anagni-Alatri), and since one Diocese no longer exists (Ostia) separately from Rome, the actual 15 addresses of the 15 Bishops to be contacted by letter are as follows. Here I write them in the style accepted in Italy.

Msgr. Vincenzo Viva
Vecovo di Albano
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Vescovile, 11
00041 Albano Laziale (ROMA)

Msgr. Ambrogio Spreafico
Curia Vescovile
Via dei Villini, 82
03014 Fiuggi (Frosinone)

Msgr. Marco Salvi
Curia Diocesana
Piazza Matteotti, 27
01033 Civita Castellana (Viterbo)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Piazza Calamatta 1
00053 Civitavecchia (Roma), Italia

Msgr.Stefano Russo
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Paolo III 10
00044 Frascati (Roma)

Msgr. Luigi Vari
Piazza Arcivescovado 2
04024 Gaeta (Latina)

Msgr. Mariano Crociata
Via Sezze 16
04100 Latina

Abbate Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B.
Via Montecassino,
03043 Cassino (Frosinone)

Cardinale Angelo De Donatis
Vicariato di Roma
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a
00184 Roma, Italia

Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Gregorio Pantanelli 8
00036 Palestrina (Roma)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Curia Vescovile
Via del Cenacolo 53
00123 Roma – La Storta (ROMA)

Msgr. Vito Piccinonna
Via Cintia 83
02100 Rieti

Msgr. Ernesto Mandara
Piazza Mario Dottori 14
02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti)

Abbate Mauro Meacci, O.S.B.
Piazza S. Scolastica 1
00028 Subiaco (ROMA)

Msgr. Orazio Francesco Piazza
Palazzo Vescovile
Piazza S. Lorenzo 9/a
01100 Viterbo

Proposed Letter

We can do this by writing letters or speaking in person. But in this we can act in two different ways: one by listing all the errors, heresies, blasphemies and persecutions perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio during the years he has claimed the Papacy; or we can enlighten the Bishops as to the correct canonical way of proceeding, most of whom perhaps have no clear idea.

This second aspect of the problem is the most crucial since it is the one which is less patent.

And thus, in the Sutri Initiative, I urge you that to make your letter effective, you should see to it, that it contain the correct canonical justification and argumentation.

I present a proposed text, which you can address to each bishop and sign with your full name and address. You can write in Italian, French or English, or if you write in another language, please include a translation of your letter in one of these 3 languages.

Proposed text:

Your Excellency,

I am writing to you in accord with my rights in Canon 212, §2, to demand an end be put to the scandals, heresies, blasphemies and doctrinal and moral confusion being promoted by Pope Francis and those appointed by him in the Roman Curia, on the grounds that this is causing the loss of tens of millions of souls who are thus put in the gravest spiritual danger, confusion and disorientation by the constant affirmation of things which are contrary to Divine Revelation, Sacred and Apostolic Tradition, Catholic Doctrine and the defined dogmas of the Councils of Trent and Vatican I.

Thus, in accord with canon 1752, which affirms that the salvation of souls is the greatest good and highest end of all juridical ordinance in the Church of Jesus Christ, I beg you to recognize that by the continuous grave scandals perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio the Apostolic See has been put into a state of impediment, since millions of Catholics cannot reconcile his pertinacious errors and heresies as compatible with being a member of the Catholic Church, without which quality he cannot be a legitimate holder of the Petrine Munus or claimant to the Apostolic Dignity.

Therefore, since according to Canon 440 ff., the Provincial Council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome is empowered to judge and discern all questions which regard the common good of the Church, and since the positive doubt as to the Catholicity of a claimant to the Apostolic See makes it impossible for the Church in good conscience to remain in communication with a doubtful claimant, because a papa dubius papa nullius est, it becomes your grave duty before the Living God and the entire Church, to urge the convening of such a Provincial Council according to the right expressed in canon 440 §1.

Such a Council can be legitimately convoked according to the norm of canon 442 §2, because a positive doubt regarding the claim of a man to the office of the Roman Pontiff creates such a conflict of interests that he cannot legitimately forestall its convocation nor has he a right to so long as he persists in grave moral and doctrinal errors, as this man has done for years in the judgement of millions of souls. The state of impediment exists as a fact on account of his failure to recant his public errors, the list of which grows weekly.

I therefore demand that for the salvation of souls, the removal of all scandal, and to obtain the possible grace of the conversion of the man, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, from his errant ways, that such a Council be convoked according to the norm of canons 443 and 444, and that it exercise its plenary authority in accord with canon 445, by pronouncing whether the man who claims the office of the Papacy rejects the Catholic Faith, has broken from communion with the Church, or is an apostate and idolater. Let the man accused be summoned to explain himself. Let the Council Fathers question him on matters of Catholic Faith and Morals; let his public scandals be listed for him to hear. Let him be recalled to the Catholic Faith, right morals and a sane pastoral care of the faithful. Let it be demanded that he recant his errors and if he does, let him be begged and counseled to withdraw his ruinous decrees. If he refuse rebuke, let him be pronounced as being guilty of one or more of the crimes punished with latae sententiae excommunication in  Canon 1364 and let the Council declare that the See of Peter be legitimately vacant.

The Provincial Council of Rome rebuked Pope Marcellinus for his act of public idolatry of the Roman god, Mars and the Provincial Council held at Sutri in 1046 deposed three unworthy claimants to the Apostolic Throne, for their gross immorality and unlawful claim: Benedict IX, Sylvester III and Gregory VI.

It is your duty before the living God to see to the salvation of souls. The Provincial Council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome has the authority in law and by precedent to act in this way. More than a billion souls hang in the balance.

Have fear of the Living God for what will be your judgment if you do not heed such a reasonable, juridically valid and honest solution to the greatest crisis in the history of the Papacy. And trust like Saint Paul the Apostle trusted, when he went to Antioch to rebuke St Peter to his face, for not holding to the decrees of the First Council of Jerusalem.

For if you believe the man to be Peter still, you must trust the Holy Spirit will lead him back to a Catholic state of mind; and if you do not believe him to be Peter still, you have the solemn duty to take action to declare the Apostolic See legitimately vacant.



UPDATE: For more information about the juridical justification to call such a Provincial council see here: https://www.fromrome.info/2023/12/28/on-the-rebuke-and-deposition-of-a-heretical-pope/

We need some real Catholic Synodality at Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


The Catholic media is filled in these days with reports about the Synod on Synodality, but it ignoring the real Catholic Synodality which is prescribed in Canon Law.

The fake kind is organized by a man without the petrine munus, who pretends to be the Holy Father, while the real Pope, Benedict XVI is in retirement, but has not  abdicated.

The fake kind is organized according to Chinese Communist Party National Meeting, with a secret agenda, discussion and unknown purposes.

The fake kind fears transparency, Faith, Tradition, and any expression of sound morality, all of which is seen as a threat to the openness of heretical novelty, which itself is repackaged in a most blapshemous manner as being open to the Holy Spirit.

But the true kind is found in Canon Law.

The Cardinals who remain Catholic invite all the Archbishops and Bishops in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome to a meeting, and invite also Pope Francis. They also invite all the heads of Pontifical Institutes of Religious, Pontifical Universities and Pontifical Seminaries.

Then they Synod together, and ask Jorge Mario Bergoglio to explain what is his personal faith. They ask him questions and listen to his responses. They also explain what the Church has always taught and believed. And they ask him if he believes in all of this, or if he takes this or that and rejects that or this.

Then they vote to call a Provincial Council on the grounds that the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doubtfully a Catholic, seeing that his answers demonstrate that the Apostolic See is impeded; and if the majority agrees the See is impeded, then they elect one of the Bishops of the Province to convoke a Provincial Council.

And then, in the same hall on the same day, they vote as to whether Bergoglio is or is not a Catholic. And if they find he is a heretic, apostate or schismatic from the Church, then they rebuke him formally.

And if he refuses the rebuke by refusing to recant his errors, then they vote to declare the Apostolic See legally and legitimately in sede vacante, in accord with canon 1364 which declares separated from the Catholic Church any man who professes pertinacious public manifest heresy.

If however he recants his errors, they submit a list of persons at the Vatican to be deposed from office immediately, for him to sign, and if he refuses, they declare these men excommunicated and defrocked, and ask Bergoglio to recant his errors again, if he refuses to separate himself from these heretics, declare him a relapsed heretic, and proceed to declare the Apostolic See vacant, as before.

This is real Catholic Synodality.

Anything but is vain talk.

CREDITS: An image of the Provincial Council of the Roman Province, held in the year 1046 A. D., at Sutri, Italy, wherein 3 popes were deposed as invalidly elected or false claimants.

NOTE TO READERS: Br. Bugnolo does not write editorials for his own pleasure. Unless you share them with Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, he has written in vain. Each one of you has also the duty to save the Church.

Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio

Back in April of 2021, Br. Bugnolo made the above video about “judging the signs of the times”, and the expectations of Our Lord that we Catholics use our intellects. The video included an impassioned demonstration about what constitutes the honest response of Catholics who hold that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a heretic.

In this video, Br. Bugnolo explained the difference between a private judgment, that a man whom I think is the Pope be a heretic, and the public duty of a Catholic who is honestly convinced of that, to call for a Council to declare the matter.

No one listened to Br. Bugnolo in these last 27 months. Which shows you the level of honesty out there.

So FromRome.Info is republishing that video.

But since that time a good number of those dishonest persons have attempted to characterize Br. Bugnolo as inconsistent or self-contradictory, because of the events subsequent to the death of Pope Benedict XVI, wherein he was involved in the Assembly of Catholics of the Roman Church,* in the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor by apostolic right, even though Brother able refuted these critics in a number of articles in English (here) and several videos in Italian (here, here, and here), FromRome.Info NOW publishes a new video by Br. Bugnolo responding to the public declarations of Fr. Altman and others, that Bergoglio is a heretic.

These individuals remained silent when Br. Bugnolo began to say the same things back in 2014, and remained silent to just recently. Since. Br. Bugnolo is way ahead of them on the details of what this means, it behooves anyone who is honest in his estimation that Bergoglio be a heretic, to hear him out, even if it is only to avoid appearing in public like someone who is totally uninformed or ignorant of the issues at hand.

The Duty of Catholics to urge a Council to rebuke an errant Pope*

The above video was recorded on Sept. 13, 2023, in English: however, due to a lack of space on Brother’s cellphone the video ends abruptly. Nevertheless, providentially it ends on a high note, so Br. Bugnolo has decided to publish as is.

For Brother’s articles on the Synod of Sutri and on how to call a Provincial Council See here below. Please note, that while they speak of these topics, they do not address directly and specifically a movement, now, to depose Pope Francis. They serve to inform the public how it would be done, and the canonical principles and historical precedents.




For the addresses, fax numbers and telephone numbers of each of the Bishops of the Roman Province:



In every part of the world, it will be useful to begin writing the bishops of every diocese. Start with your own diocese.

Here is an example of the kind of letter, and respectful tone, that could be sent:

Your Excellency,

for more than 10 years I and many other Catholics have been gravely scandalized by the behavior, comportment, statements, documents and teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. It is clear to me that it is theologically both possible and highly probable that this man does not hold the Catholic Faith. Many have rebuked him publicly already, in letters, books, interviews etc.. Even Cardinals of the Roman Church weekly are now rebuking and warning him against his errors and the morally depraved cabal he is recruiting around himself. Why even the other day he appointed as undersecretary to the Dicastery on Catholic Education a man who wrote an editorial, in August, declaring that Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, was a bigot and racist.

Things have gone way beyond what can be tolerated. It is clear that the time has come for the Church in Council to rebuke and remonstrate with the man, and if he refuse correction, to pronounce him a manifest pertinacious heretic, deposed in virtue of canon 1364.

I write to urge you to insist on the convocation of such a council. Even a provincial council in our ecclesiastical province can issue a solemn declaration of rebuke, which would be of great value.

Finally, I honestly urge you to take my letter into serious consideration, because if you think the situation is different than I have described, then I respectfully suggest that your spiritual life is in shambles.



*  In this assembly the Catholics of Rome elected Bergoglio as the pope, because not being yet condemned by Church authority as a heretic, he was eligible, and because no other candidate presented himself; nor did any other candidate have supporters at the Assembly, even though notice of it was made effectively to 2 million Catholics at Rome. This assembly was opposed before it took place, by all those who said Pope Benedict XVI was the pope (excepting the readers of FromRome.info, who raised all the monies for the assembly). The Catholics at the assembly chose to elect the man everyone thought was the pope, so that the Church would return back into juridical and spiritual communion with Christ Her Head, for that was all it could do at that moment.

** (Note that on at least 3 occasions in this video, Br. Bugnolo says “Pope” when he intended to say “heretic”, because he had not yet had his morning cup of coffee.)

The Sutri Initiative: Why I support it

This Appeal is directed to every Catholic Influencer on Social Media who realizes that Bergoglio is destroying the Church

Everyone in favor of this appeal is invited to make their own video-appeal in their own language, and it will be posted here:

Here is Br. Bugnolo’s Contribution, from Dec. 9. 2022:

The contributions of other influencers, will be published on this page, with the most recent, at the top.


How to Canonically solve the problem of 2 Popes

REPRINT OF SEPT. 30, 2021 A. D.

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Catholics have been lulled into accepting the revolution, which drove Benedict XVI from power and installed the globalist pseudo-savant from Argentina in the Vatican, by many specious arguments.

Chief of which is that promoted by Cardinal Raymond Burke, that, namely, there is no canonical procedure to address an invalid or contested papal resignation.

However, thanks to the genius of Pope Benedict XVI, a canonical way to restore him to the Apostolic Governance of the Church of Rome is available.  And it is provided for in the 1983 Code of Canon Law promulgated by his predecessor, John Paul II, which he himself, when still a Cardinal of the Roman Church, advised upon.

This solution enshrines the example of the Synod of Sutri (See here, here, here and here), which in 1046 met at Sutri, in the Metropolitan Province of Rome to discern which of the three papal claimants was legitimate or not. It found that none were, and deposed all three.

As Andrea Cionci has established with the input of the leading canonical scholars who are collaborating with him, Pope Benedict XVI did what he did on Feb. 11, 2013 to give notice to the whole Church that the Apostolic See was impeded by a conspiracy of Cardinals who were preventing him from governing the Church of Rome and the universal Church, as Christ’s Vicar on Earth.

This conspiracy to obstruct his apostolic mission was impeding the Apostolic See. And in the case of an impeded see there are specific canons which govern what can be done and what is to be done.

Now in the case of an impeded see which is subsequently usurped by an invalid un-canonical election, there does exist in the Code of Canon Law a solution and a remedy, contrary to what Cardinal Burke has publicly declared.

Let’s examine it closely.

First, the dispute as to whether or not Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation of ministry effects his loss of munus cannot be resolved by private judgment or opinion. The solution must be based on canonical norms and principles, read authentically according to the mind of the Church as expressed in Canon 17.

That canonical argument has been made already.

But the argument is distinct from the canonical judgement which would canonically oblige all Bishops everywhere to accept Benedict and not Bergoglio the Pope.

Here we are face to face with two realities. The truth, and the judgement of the truth in a forensic forum.  A judge does not make a man a murderer, but a murderer when apprehended and judged as such, is publicly known in a forensic manner to be a murderer.

A forensic judgement does not make a thing true or false, but it does proclaim in an authoritative manner what that truth or falsity is.

This is why, in addition to there being only one sound canonical determination of the truth that Benedict XVI is the pope, there also needs to be a forensic judgment of that.

Such a judgement is under the competence of the Provincial Council of the Roman Ecclesiastical Province.  This province is the territory which comprises the Diocese or Rome and the suburbican Bishoprics which over time were separated from it and which still are included under Apostolic right, inasmuch as they are ruled by Cardinal Bishops who are reckoned members of the Roman Curia.

I speak of the Dioceses of Ostia, Velletri-Segni, Porto-Santa Rufina, Frascati, Palestrina, Albano, and Sabina-Poggio Mirteto.

The metropolitan see is the Apostolic See, in this case, since it is the chief see in the Roman Province.

A provincial council is described in canons 440-446.  And how Cardinal Burke does not know of this is beyond me.

Canon 440 § 1 specifies that a provincial council can be called anytime there arises a need which the Bishops of the Province deem suitable.  This is an extremely liberal grant of discretion.  Certainly doubt as to whom is the true Pope is sufficient need.

Now in Canon 440 §2, it is said that in a sede vacante in the Metropolitan See, a provincial synod is not to be called, yet in canon 442 §2, it says, that when that See is impeded, the Bishops of the province can elect one of themselves and preside over such a Council.  This implies that a provincial council can be called when the Metropolitan See is impeded. Which is the exact case in law.

Accordingly in accord with canon 442 §2, the elected suffragan can determine the time and place of such a Council and the questions to be discussed, the length of the discussion and whether to move it from one place to another as may seem opportune or necessary. He can also dissolve it or extend its sessions.

Now in accord with Canon 443, §1, all the Bishops, Bishop co-adjutors and auxiliaries must be convoked, if a Provincial Council is called. Also all other Bishops who hold a munus in the province. Bishops emeriti can also be called, as well as all other Bishops incardinated in the Province. This includes all the Bishops and Archbishops incardinated at the Vatican, such as Archbishop Viganò, and all the Cardinals of the Roman Church.

In addition all the major superiors of religious communities in the Province must be invited, as well as all Rectors of Pontifical institutes in the Province, and all Rectors of Major Seminaries. Vicar generals and Episcopal Vicars must also be called.

All these have the right to vote.

In addition, all the clergy and laity of the province can be called, but they do not get but a consultative voice, but no more than half the number of those who must be invited who can vote. In addition two members of each priestly diocesan council of each diocese in the province and of each Cathedral Chapter are to be invited with consultative voice.

Finally, others can also be invited by the presiding Bishop with the consent of the other bishops of the province who are ordinaries.

The power of the Provincial Council of the Roman Province is affirmed in canon 445, which says it can act “to defend common ecclesiastical discipline”, and surely, who is the true Pope is the keystone to all ecclesiastical discipline in the Province.

In the case of two rival popes, I would gather that not only the Bishops and clergy and superiors which an anti-pope appointed but also those which the true pope appointed, even though they were thrust from their sees could attend.  And clearly those appointed by the true Pope do not need permission from those appointed by the Anti-pope.

Thus, with such Council called, a synod like that of Sutri in 1046 can resolve canonically who is the true Metropolitan of the Roman Province and order deposed the one who has not a shred of canonical right to call himself the Pope.


How to Canonically solve the problem of 2 Popes

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Catholics have been lulled into accepting the revolution, which drove Benedict XVI from power and installed the globalist pseudo-savant from Argentina in the Vatican, by many specious arguments.

Chief of which is that promoted by Cardinal Raymond Burke, that, namely, there is no canonical procedure to address an invalid or contested papal resignation.

However, thanks to the genius of Pope Benedict XVI, a canonical way to restore him to the Apostolic Governance of the Church of Rome is available.  And it is provided for in the 1983 Code of Canon Law promulgated by his predecessor, John Paul II, which he himself, when still a Cardinal of the Roman Church, advised upon.

This solution enshrines the example of the Synod of Sutri (See here, here, here and here), which in 1046 met at Sutri, in the Metropolitan Province of Rome to discern which of the three papal claimants was legitimate or not. It found that none were, and deposed all three.

As Andrea Cionci has established with the input of the leading canonical scholars who are collaborating with him, Pope Benedict XVI did what he did on Feb. 11, 2013 to give notice to the whole Church that the Apostolic See was impeded by a conspiracy of Cardinals who were preventing him from governing the Church of Rome and the universal Church, as Christ’s Vicar on Earth.

This conspiracy to obstruct his apostolic mission was impeding the Apostolic See. And in the case of an impeded see there are specific canons which govern what can be done and what is to be done.

Now in the case of an impeded see which is subsequently usurped by an invalid uncanonical election, there does exist in the Code of Canon Law a solution and a remedy, contrary to what Cardinal Burke has publicly declared.

Let’s examine it closely.

First, the dispute as to whether or not Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation of ministry effects his loss of munus cannot be resolved by private judgment or opinion. The solution must be based on canonical norms and principles, read authentically according to the mind of the Church as expressed in Canon 17.

That canonical argument has been made already.

But the argument is distinct from the canonical judgement which would canonically oblige all Bishops everywhere to accept Benedict and not Bergoglio the Pope.

Here we are face to face with two realities. The truth, and the judgement of the truth in a forensic forum.  A judge does not make a man a murderer, but a murdered when apprended and judged as such, is publicly known in a forensic manner to be a murderer.

A forensic judgement does not make a thing true or false, but it does proclaim in an authoritative manner what that truth or falsity is.

This is why, in addition to there being only one sound canonical determination of the truth that Benedict XVI is the pope, there also needs to be a forensic judgment of that.

Such a judgement is under the competence of the Provincial Council of the Roman Ecclesiastical Province.  This province is the territory which comprises the Diocese or Rome and the suburbican Bishoprics which over time were separted from it and which still are included under Apostolic right, inasmuch as they are ruled by Cardinal Bishops who are reckoned members of the Roman Curia.

I speak of the Dioceses of Ostia, Velletri-Segni, Porto-Santa Rufina, Frascati, Palestrina, Albano, and Sabina-Poggio Mirtelo.

The metropolitan see is the Apostolic See, in this case, since it is the chief see in the Roman Province.

A provincial council is described in canons 440-446.  And how Cardinal Burke does not know of this is beyond me.

Canon 440 § 1 specifies that a provincial council can be called anytime there arises a need which the Bishops of the Province deem suitable.  This is an extremely liberal grant of discretion.  Certainly doubt as to whom is the true Pope is sufficient need.

Now in Canon 440 §2, it is said that in a sede vacante in the Metropolitan See, a provincial synod is not to be called, yet in canon 442 §2, it says, that when that See is impeded, the Bishops of the province can elect one of themselves and preside over such a Council.  This implies that a provincial council can be called when the Metropolitan See is impeded. Which is the exact case in law.

Accordingly in accord with canon 442 §2, the elected suffragan can determine the time and place of such a Council and the questions to be discussed, the length of the discussion and whether to move it from one place to another as may seem opportune or necessary. He can also dissolve it or extend its sessions.

Now in accord with Canon 443, §1, all the Bishops, Bishop co-adjutors and auxiliaries must be convoked, if a Provincial Council is called. Also all other Bishops who hold a munus in the province. Bishops emeriti can also be called, as well as all other Bishops incardinated in the Province. This includes all the Bishops and Archbishops incardinated at the Vatican, such as Archbishop Viganò, and all the Cardinals of the Roman Church.

In addition all the major superiors of religious communities in the Province must be invited, as well as all Rectors of Pontifical institutes in the Province, and all Rectors of Major Seminaries. Vicar generals and Episcopal Vicars must also be called.

All these have the right to vote.

In addition, all the clergy and laity of the province can be called, but they do not get but a consultative voice, but no more than half the number of those who must be invited who can vote. In addition two members of each priestly diocesan council of each dicese in the province and of each Cathedral Chapter are to be invited with consultative voice.

Finally, others can also be invited by the presiding Bishop with the consent of the other bishops of the province who are ordinaries.

The power of the Provincial Council of the Roman Province is affirmed in canon 445, which says it can act “to defend common ecclesiastical discipline”, and surely, who is the true Pope is the keystone to all ecclesiastical discipline in the Province.

In the case of two rival popes, I would gather that not only the Bishops and clergy and superiors which an antipope appointed but also those which the true pope appointed, even though they were thrust from their sees could attend.  And clearly those appointed by the true Pope do not need permission from those appointed by the Antipope.

Thus, with such Council called, a synod like that of Sutri in 1046 can resolve canonically who is the true Metropolitan of the Roman Province and order deposed the one who has not a shred of canonical right to call himself the Pope.


The Situation in the Church is intolerable: We must go to Sutri again!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Back in September of 2018, I called for a Second Synod of Sutri. And days later, the international Association, “Veri Catholici” joined the call with a specific and formal list of accusations to be heard.

And just last week, I called on Archbishop Viganò not to ignore the precedent set there. — An article which I thank Mr. Walker of Canon212.com for making more widely known.

But, yesterday, the day toward Sutri hastend in double march, however.

For Cardinal Sarah publicly denied that Peter (Bergoglio) is the Rock on his twitter feed, just hours after been dismissed as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.

And Aldo Maria Valli, the journalist who assisted Viganò to launch his apostolate of letter writing in denunciation of the corruption in the Church, published an Essay in which he expressly denied that Bergoglio is the Vicar of Christ, the Successor of St. Peter, the exerciser of the Petrine Ministry.

I have it also, that Bergoglio dismissed Cardinal Camastri, the caretaker of the Basilica of St. Peter, on the same day as Cardinal Sarah for nothing coincidental.

I surmise that they both had remonstrated with Bergoglio in private as regards his statement made last Sunday about God “being contaminated”. — I surmise also that their dismissal means that Bergoglio is pertinacious in his heresy. — And I surmise furthermore that Cardinal Sarah’s tweet concludes rightly, that Bergoglio holds no office in the Church.

Archbishop Viganò last month, in his recent letter, admitted that he was publicly suspending judgement as to who is and who is not the Pope.  Valli’s declaration yesterday seems to explain what Viganò may be thinking.

Sara and Vigano are two leading incardinated members of the Clergy of the Roman Church. And their positions on Bergoglio are not surprising: they are merely refusing to continue in the pretense that that man is a Catholic. But they are not single men. With Camastri they lead a huge number of Roman Clergy here in the Diocese and around the world. Their public positions of dissent or disagreement will now become public positions in the Church among thousands and tens of thousands, and soon millions and tens of millions. This particularly true because they are seen by many as faithful Catholic clergy, not loony-bin heretics, of the kind with which Bergoglio loves to surround himself.

While these have not yet publicly admitted or realized that Benedict is still the pope, the problem rightly posed and rightly answered, as only a Second Synod of Sutri may be able to do, hastens closer.

And this is no layman’s call, because I have it from a contact in the Roman Curia, that Sutri is being talked about and is being recognized as as valid canonical method of solving the problem.

Therefore, as a member of the Roman Church, I call on Cardinal Sarah and Archbishop Viganò to publicly call for a Second Synod of Sutri. I call on Catholic journalists of integrity everywhere, friend or foe, to urge such a call.

The situation in the Church cannot be tolerated any longer.  It is no longer a time to remain silent!

Yes, a Pope can be canonically deposed

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

There is a lot of talk about the Pope resigning, being constrained to resign, or being deposed. So much so, that Reuters (a news agency founded by Jews and allied to Freemasonry) ran a story saying a Pope cannot be deposed.

This of course is a lie.

Let’s consider the question, then, “Can a Pope be deposed?” by first defining our terms.  Here, “pope” means the Bishop of Rome, who ex officio is the Vicar of Christ and the Successor of Saint Peter.

By “deposed” there is meant removal from office.

The first determination we must make is to distinguish the auxiliary verb “can”.  A thing can be done physically, morally and legally.  An enemy of the Church could arrest the Pope, force him under pain of death to sign a decree of abdication. That is a physical deposition.  A moral deposition, is where the Pope is asked to resign and he acquiesces and signs a decree of resignation.  A legal deposition, would be where the Church by trial and in Synod or Council removes him from office.

Clerics can be canonically, that is legally, removed from office by their superiors, generally speaking.  But since the Pope has no superior on earth, being the Vicar of Christ, many think he cannot be canonically removed from office.

Pope Benedict IX

That argument sounds valid on the face of it, but the Synod of Sutri in 1046 argues against it.  In that Synod, which the Church to this day considers canonically valid, the Clergy of the Diocese of Rome, at the invitation of the German King, Henry III, met to decide the fate of Pope Benedict IX and two other anti-popes Gregory VI and Sylvester III.  Gregory VI claimed the papacy on account of having bought it from Benedict IX; Sylvester III claimed it, having been elected after mobs drove Benedict IX from Rome. Neither were canonically elected, nor true popes, regardless of what some historians say, because to be pope you must be canonically elected after the death or resignation of your predecessor.

The events are summarized by John Cardinal Newman, and summarized in the Old Catholic Encyclopedia summarizes the events:

The proceedings of the Synod of Sutri, 20 December, are well summarized by Cardinal Newman in his “Essays Critical and Historical” (II, 262 sqq.). Of the three papal claimants, Benedict refused to appear; he was again summoned and afterwards pronounced deposed at Rome. Sylvester was “stripped of his sacerdotal rank and shut up in a monastery”. Gregory showed himself to be, if not an idiota, at least a man miræ simplicitatis, by explaining in straightforward speech his compact with Benedict, and he made no other defence than his good intentions, and deposed himself (Watterich, Vitæ Rom. Pont., I, 76); an act by some interpreted as a voluntary resignation, by others (Hefele), in keeping with the contemporary annals, as a deposition by the synod. The Synod of Sutri adjourned to meet again in Rome 23 and 24 December. Benedict, failing to appear, was condemned and deposed in contumaciam, and the papal chair was declared vacant. As King Henry was not yet crowned emperor, he had no canonical right to take part in the new election; but the Romans had no candidate to propose and begged the monarch to suggest a worthy subject.

Thus, The Synod deposed all three claimants to the papacy.*  Gregory VI admitted his claim to the office was “vitiated” by simony. Pope Benedict IX objected,  but the Church has always accepted his deposition as valid. The King of Germany then appointed Clement II as Pope, who promptly crowned the King, Holy Roman Emperor. Benedict IX, after the death of Clement, claimed the papacy again! The Church to this day recognizes Clement II as a true Pope.

That seems to run in the face of the current Code of Canon Law which expressly says a pope’s resignation cannot be forced and must be free.  The relevant Canon is 332, which reads in Latin:

Can. 332 —  2. Si contingat ut Romanus Pontifex muneri suo renuntiet, ad validitatem requiritur ut renuntiatio libere fiat et rite manifestetur, non vero ut a quopiam acceptetur.

And in the official English translation:

Can. 332 — § 2. If it happens that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that the resignation is made freely and properly manifested but not that it is accepted by anyone.

Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor

But from this canon, its obvious, that there is no definition of the freedom required. Thus, just as a man freely resigns by an act which separates himself from the office, as Pope Benedict XVI intended to do, so a man can freely resign by acting in a manner so contrary to the office and the good of the Church, that he no longer wishes to act according to its duties.

Some argue, that since a thousand years have passed, and since we now have a College of Cardinals who elects the Pope, that a pope cannot be deposed like Benedict IX was.

But such an inference, which is by no means supported by anything but conjecture, assumes that the principles which validated the Synod of Sutri are not valid today. I am talking about canonical and theological principles.

Let’s look at what they were:

  1. The Clergy of the Roman Church acting for the good of the Church
  2. Against a corrupt Pope, who was by all impartial observers, unfit for the office.
  3. With the patronage of Henry II, King of the Germans.

I think all can agree, that though Henry II’s intention was Church reform, that his motives were not pure, since He had come to Italy to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor, a thing which only a Pope could grant him, and either Benedict IX would not grant it, or he was of such a degraded morality, that Henry II did not want to receive the crown from him.

Saint Hildebrand, who attended the Synod of Sutri as secretary to Gregory VI and accepted its decisions, going into exile with Gratian until his death in 1048.

Nevertheless, Henry II proceeded by canonical grounds: He convened the clergy of the Church of Rome, whose good was immediately threatened by Benedict IX. The Synod was called by Gregory VI, but deposed all three Popes. Benedict IX objected, but the Church accepted the results of the Synod, inasmuch as it recognizes as canonical the election of Clement II which followed immediately.

I think anyone who argues that the same could NOT be done today, therefore, has a very tenuous argument. He would have to argue that the form of canon 332 overrides the good of the entire Church, the good of the Diocese of Rome, and that it is more authoritative than the canonical precedent of the Synod of Sutri, which for the last 1000 years the Church has considered just and valid in all which it did. Indeed, the fact that Saint Hildebrand, later the great reforming pope, Gregory VII, attended this Synod and accepted its decisions to depose all three popes, argues strongly for its validity. Saint Peter Damnian, though there is no record that he attended, was in Rome the day after the Synod concluded and accepted its judgement. Pope Blessed Victor III also wrote about the Synod and accepted its judgments.

I for one think any opinion in law which has as its authority 1000 years of Church witness, 2 Canonized Saint Reformers, and 2 holy Popes, is much stronger than any interpretation of a canon which appears intended only for enemies of the Church.  Especially since, Benedict IX does not seem to have accepted his deposition, yet is regarded by the Church and historians to have been validly deposed.

But, for those who love the Church, its obvious who the enemy is here.

NOTA BENE;  For historical sources on the Synod of Sutri, look to the original sources and not to historians who were trying to make it appear, after the Council of Constance, that a Pope can never be deposed by anyone. And hold fast to the testimony of John Gratian (Gregory VI) at the Council of Sutri, who admitted his claim to the papacy was vitiated by the objective crime of simony. That Saint Hildebrand took the name of Gregory VII, to honor his patron John Gratian, proves nothing but his respect for the man and what he was trying to do (remove a bad Pope and begin a Reform), since in that age the numbers after a name did not prove or disprove the validity of the claim to the papacy. Those who attack the validity of the Synod of Sutri will run into crucial problems: if they accept Gregory VI as having a valid claim, they must recognize that he both convened the Synod and declared, therein, that his claim to the Papacy was invalid by reason of Simony; if they accept Benedict IX as having a valid claim, and deny the validity of his deposition, then how do they explain that Clement II is regarded by all subsequent Popes as canonically elected? The legitimacy of the Synod, therefore, must canonically be attributed to this, that it convened the Clergy of Rome to judge the man who was the Pope, not the Pope as Pope, so as to end all controversy as to who was pope and to put out of office all those who were morally unfit for office.

The Best Source we have found so far, besides that of Cardinal Newman, is the Dialogues of Blessed Pope Victor III, Patrologia Latina, vol. 149, columns 1004/5, which give the same history as above.

Finally, note, that in the Codex Iuris Canonicis of 1983, promulgated by John Paul II, in canon 188, it is explicitly stated that a resignation made by way of simony is invalid. Hence, it appears the Church never recognized as valid the resignation of Benedict IX, when he sold the papacy to Gregory VI. Which bolsters the argument, that Benedict IX’s deposition from the papacy by the Synod of Sutri, meeting at Rome in its second session, was indeed of epochal significance. A Pope can be deposed for immorality: for simony of his own office at least.

Veri Catholici, the international Association for protecting the faith from Kasperite heresies, is advocating calling a Synod like Sutri to depose Bergoglio, if he won’t resign. See vericatholici.wordpress.com for more information about that.)



*  Synods which depose clerics are canonical trials, where the accusers and accused appear and are interrogated by the Tribunal, which includes senior clerics or all the clergy present. There is a libellus of accusations and testimonies are given. For this reason, there is no reason to call for an investigation in the matter of Viganò’s Letter of Accusation. What is needed is that the witnesses and accused appear and give their defense against what is charged. This is the Catholic and Legal way of ending the controversy.