Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The level of rhetoric which Pope Francis is marshaling in favor of USAID projects to destabilize national governments is astounding. Just weeks after increasing the penalties and fines for illegally emigrating into the Vatican, Pope Francis has begun to bombard Catholics in the United States who oppose his position that, while he has the right to exclude illegal aliens, they have no right; nay, they have a duty as Christians to welcome them, no matter what!
His level of political rhetoric surpassed all bounds, with his open denial, in a letter to the Bishops of the U.S.A., that there is an order of charity — a doctrine universally accepted in both East and West, and found in scripture (e.g. see 10 Commandments: God is first, family is second, neighbors are third). This denial if not patent heresy is at least proximate to heresy. — This denial was directed to the comments the week previously of Vice President J. D. Vance, a convert to the Catholic Faith, about charity having priorities which begin at home and extend in ever increasing circles of separation to those at a distance.
He even went further, when he manifestly perverted the teaching of the Catholic Church on conscience by saying, in his letter to U.S. Bishops: “The rightly formed conscience cannot fail to make a critical judgment and express its disagreement with any measure that tacitly or explicitly identifies the illegal status of some migrants with criminality.”
But now the outrageous rhetoric has reached a new bound, with Pope Francis declaring that the “anti-immigration” views of Donald Trump “are not christian”. Yet, 70% of U.S. Citizens and Catholics agree with these views:*
The conclusion seems certain, therefore, that Pope Francis is willing to excommunicate 70% of Catholics in the U.S.A. and elsewhere who disagree with himself on the morality of illegal immigration to take down and destroy national sovereignty and culture. — His position is clearly insane and diabolic in the extreme.
And this conclusion does not seem to be fanciful, because Pope Francis’ newest episcopal appointee in the U.S.A. is the Archbishop of Detroit, who says that those Catholics who support Trump’s deportation policy should be “excommunicated”:
Included in that denunciation are not only the U.S. Vice President, J. D. Vance, a convert, but also Jim Homan, a cradle Catholic, who is the Border Czar charged with seeing the inflow of illegal aliens stops completely. He shot back at Pope Francis immediately, telling him to mind his own business:
Catholics who have been watching the ever-increasing decline of Pope Francis’ health and morality won’t be shocked at this news, because they see that from the day he usurped the Apostolic Throne he has hated the Catholic Church and Catholic Nations. He was installed, as we now know — and it is no conspiracy theory — through the efforts of Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton who “persuaded” the Cardinals to elect him, even though they knew Pope Benedict XVI had not abdicated.
Catholics who want you to petition the Cardinals to solve the problem of Francis — now that they know these things — are simply pulling your leg or are in secret either agents of the Deep State or of the Deep Church. They still won’t say, but as Our Lord says, “Judge them not by their words, but by their deeds”.
Let us hope that Catholics in the U.S.A. now forcefully promote the Sutri Initiative, seeing that they have a Vice President who is Catholic and who now has personal as well as national interest reasons for urging the convocation of a Council to depose this malign claimant to the Apostolic Throne.
In the Middle Ages, Popes used the full force of their divine authority to uphold the Catholic Faith and teachings of Jesus Christ, by excommunicating Kings for bigamy, divorce and heresy, even going so far as to place entire kingdoms under papal interdict — a procedure whereby the distribution of all Sacraments is suspended, that is, not performed, during a period established by papal decree, in an attempt to convince public opinion against the rulers of the region.
It seems now likely, that Pope Francis, in the support of the Globalist inhuman objectives is now willing to misuse that same authority in a most diabolical way.
If such a crisis occurs, it will be not only his own fault and that of his supporters, but of all those who refused to support the Sutri Initiative and have wed themselves to the diabolic down-spiral into which the U.S. Department of Defense, Ideological Warfare program put the Church in 1953.
** Catholics in poling in the USA rarely differ by a few points from those of average U.S. citizens, so that, in saying that this poll applies equally to Catholics, one must understand with all other things being equal. Unlike in many other modern nations, Catholics in the United States are formed from their youth to respect the civil laws, and all agree that entering the country illegally is immoral not just criminal. Thus the actual poll results of Catholics on this issue are likely to be only 5-8% lower than those reported.