Tag Archives: Trumpianism

Trumpian “Catholics”: We need a Trump-like man as the next Pope!

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

When a Catholic says that a political leader is the “Light of the World”, you know you are face-to-face with an adept of the spirit of the Antichrist.

I am reminded of the loonies who in 2008 said that Barrack Obama was “the Messiah”, a most blasphemous thing to say.

The U.S.A. is currently under a massive psy-op, where given the appearances of a little back-tracking and patriotic supremacy, many Catholics are falling under the spell of a carefully orchestrated fake salvation.

Let us remember that the titles, “light of the world” or “the Light of the World” are proper only to Christians and Christ respectively; and that Trump is a member of a church of positive thinking, which is not even Christian. So when he says, “God” the meaning is not even certain.

But to confuse some political details with salvation is just as absurd.

Has Christ been proclaimed “King of the United States”, has Trump converted to the Catholic Faith, has the Masonic Lodge been abolished, have their two political parties been banned? Some such things might be cause for rejoicing.

But in any case, one should never ascribe titles which are theologically based on decisions of God to certain persons or to Christ, to a political leader who is doing something entirely different.

Nor is it sane to say that Donald Trump is an example of the kind of pope the Church needs to restore Her from years of Modernist attacks, as Mundabor, who is given to excesses as much as some people are given to drinking more than one cup of coffee, says, here:

And when you click on the side bar of FromRome.Info, then you will understand why I say this. Because the U. S. government policy since 1953 has been to undermine the Catholic Church and make the American example accepted as the true salvation of the world. This being the case, an informed Catholic can rightly wonder if Mundabor and Sheryl Collmer are of a sane mind, or whether they have accepted consciously that objective and error, since what they are proposing, that Trump be a model for a pope, is totally Americanist in the worse sense of that term.

Trump is not a virgin. He is not a Catholic. I am not sure he is even baptized. He is twice divorced. He allowed his second election to be stolen. He pushed the DeathVaxxing of the U.S.A..  He allowed 200+ cities burn under Marxist mob attacks. He is pro-Abortion, though not under ever circumstance. He is pro-LGBTQ+.

If you say that this man is the kind of man we need to restore the Church, then I would say you are a blasphemer.

Now, my critics might lash out and say that I am faulting the comparison of Trump vs. the next Pope on the personal characteristics of the man, when the above authors are talking about his public policies. But, if my critics dare to respond thus, they can save their breath in enunciating that, because, I ask, do you really want a godless, heathen of a man on the Apostolic Throne who does good things? Don’t we need a holy man? Is not holiness the only certifying factor that a pope’s pontificate will do good for the Church?

And in this, is shown the real error of the above authors: they are claiming that politics is a more sure sign of Catholicism than sanctifying grace and communion with the Holy Spirit.

So please, think before you repeat this HYPE. As it is godless and demonic.