Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
There has been a series of very disturbing news reports about the Vatican’s push on Artificial Intelligence. The first glaring Big Lie of which is to assert that A. I. is real and is here. The truth rather is that there is no such thing as artificial intelligence, there is only mechanical or digital aping of human actions and responses.
If you fail to grasp the reality of a thing, right from the get-go, then you are either entirely incompetent or totally malicious.
In the above article, it is reported that “we should not be afraid of A.I.”, which is absurd Marxist clap-trap, equivalent, that you should not be afraid of a bear-trap or a land-mine. Fear is a natural and good reaction to any threat. Those advocating that we should not be afraid of threats are evil, malign and twisted people who want you to act recklessly, because they totally hate you.
Next, we have the Vatican “essay”, “Nova et Vetera” on A.I.:
This editorial at Forbes is very good at summarizing the document. And it clearly shows that the document is morally equivalent to the priest who tells a young man, “Go to a brothel, if you want, but practice safe-sex”. In other words, it is a completely immoral trick to convince Catholics to violate the basic morals on truth, for the sake of accommodating to this new Masonic technology.
Mimicing man, in the entirely of Sacred Scripture, is depicted in the worst light, because this is the essential strategy used by the fallen angels to deceive mankind into making idols. That the idol-worshipping Bergoglian regime in the Vatican, therefore, wants to disarm Catholics into thinking A. I. is acceptable to use, is no surprise.
Here were are not in a moral case similar to the dangers of cellphones, for example. To give you children a smart-phone, whereby they can connect to Satanic or pornographic sites with a click of a button, is totally diabolic, but if you speak against it you will be banned on most of the largest social media platforms, since they are controlled by satan-worshipping freemasons. Musk even wore the suit of a guardian of Baphomet on his Twitter profile to emphasize the point.
A. I. is much worse, because the very act of using it, or querying it, is an act of superstition, whereby you put your trust in something that has no intelligence nor life, to give you a human response, and this with reckless disregard to the morals of the person who programmed it or is operating it.
The use of A. I. thus falls under the same category as going to a soothsayer, witch, oracle, or using a Ouji-board. It is an act of superstition, which is a mortal sin of itself, even if done for entertainment. It also falls under the same category as all the sins against right reason, such as getting so drunk that you cannot think, taking mind altering drugs, or obeying a person whom you know is evil and a member of an evil association.
Have nothing to do with A. I.. If you have any device which invites you to use it, block that application. If you have a device which requires that you use it, unplug the device, break it and throw it away. Don’t entrust your life in a car, or the soul of yourself or your loved one to this diabolic technology, which is the final trick to usher in the total domination of mankind to the Antichrist.
Fools, however, whose intelligence is less than than of a cellphone, and whose minds are already enthralled by such technology, will, because they are already enthralled and addicted, dismiss this kind of advice with ridicule. But all who do not heed the essential danger of “Artificial Intelligence” will come to be dominated by Lucifer.