Tag Archives: Wuhan Institute of Virology

Dr. Fabio Franchi: There is no scientific basis that COVID-19 is causing the Pandemic

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In a scientific paper published on April 1, Dr. Fabio Franchi the famous Italian medical critic, details the alarming truth about the COVID-19 test being used in Italy and around the world.

His paper was published by Dr. Stefano Montanari, renowed expert in nanodiagnostics.

In the paper, entitled, Pandemia, COVID 19 e test, Dr. Franchi makes the following rigorously scientific observation in Italian (my translation).

First as regards how COVID-19 is diagnosed:

In Italy, that of the “confirmed case” is independent from symptomology and is tied only to the results of the text (RT-PCR by nasal swab). The diagnosis of “probable” and “suspected” cases are listed without effecting a test or with inconclusive results of the test. In the case of a co-infection by “other pathogens” [i. e. viruses and bacteria], moreover, COVID-19 is given a sort of  right of precedence. (7) The very definition of the OMS clearly foresees this. (8)

Numbers in parenthesis refer to the footnote in the original.

In other words, the official procedure to diagnose anyone as having COVID-19 ignores any attempt to see if there is a correlation between having COVID-19 and having the symptoms for which the patient is being treated! This goes contrary to all medical practice and all scientific principles. But, such a methodology does serve promoting panic and creating what appears to be a statistical record that there is a COVID-19 pandemic and that COVID-19 is the cause, by lumping all those with symptoms of the winter flue into the same category as all those whose test shows they are positive for COVID-19!

Second, the test itself is totally unscientific, as he says:

The text (the swabbing done several times on the interior of the nasal passages and then subjected to genetic amplification) has not been validated (10)(11), has not been standardized (12), seems to to give numerous false positives and false negatives (13) (14) (15).

Third, the method used to determine whether COVID-19 was the cause of the infectous outbreak in Wuhan, China, did not follow the established procedures of modern medical science, which is first to isolate the presumed infectous micro-organism and then genetically analyze it. Dr. Franchi writes:

What has been said above is to explain that the putative causal virus must be FIRST isolated (a quantity of organisms, all equal, visible and photographed) and THEN analyzed. This is elementary logic.

The surprise is that for COVID-19 the first part of the such a procedure was never done. In the works published on COVID-19 one does not find photographs of the virus isolated, but only some without context. One finds photographs of ultra thin sections of tissue where agglomerates of small circles are individuated which are indicated with arrows and calls viral particles.  Granted that they are, they constitute less than 10% of the cellular material which surrounds them. These do  not show them isolated. But there is more: there are strong doubts that these small circles are Coronaviridae.  In fact, they have smaller dimensions: their diameter (circa 65-75 nm) is inferior to the minimum forseen for the Coronaviruses (120-160 nm) (18).  In truth, other authors (19) are reporting diverse diameters (80 to 120 nm), or even 100-160 nm (20), but these are, however, outside of the range.  And the viruses are characteristically constituted by a few fundamental elements capable of replicating identical copies of themselves.  In sum, in biology … the baby forms of virus are not foreseen!


Dr. Franchi then includes some images from published the above is a photograph of what was is alleged to be COVID-19.  Above you can see the photograph published at Wikipedia. As you can see it is nearly 100 nanometers in diameter.

But here is the photograph of COVID-19 from a research paper published in Nature magazine:


As you can see, the organisms shows in this photograph are considerably larger, being 160 to 200 nanometers in size.


These last photographs are from the New England Journal of Medicine. They show an organism which is of a different size. In the left image, an organism which is about 90 to 110 nanometers, and which has barely visible spikes. In the right image, the arrows poitn to what appears to be dots which are inside of cells. But these dots are 65-75 nanometers in size (1 μm = 1000 nanometers).

Fourth, and last, Dr. Franchi then observers that the method used by the Chinese to determine if COVID-19 was the cause of the infectous outbreak in Wuhan was done totally wrong.  Instead of isolating the viruses found in the patient, they merely took the mucus from the patient’s lungs and put it in a centrifuge and from that extracted the DNA or RNA particles resulting and mapped them on their existing DNA database of known organisms. When they found that COVID-19 was present, they simply declared that was the cause of the infection!

This is totally absurd!

But it also raises serious questions which Dr. Franchi does not consider in his paper:

  • How did the Chinese know to look for COVID-19?
  • How did they have a database of the genetic code of COVID-19?
  • How did thy know that COVID-19 could infect humans?
  • How did they know that COVID-19 could cause the symptoms they were observing?

These four questions, of my own making, lead to the consideration that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had pre-existing samples of what we now call COVID-19 and knew its effects in humans and were doing their tests NOT to discover what the cause of the infectous outbreak was per se, but to DETERMINE whether the patients were infected with their own BIO-WEAPON.

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