
Guillaume de Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame

As we continue our perusal of Sacred Music, we turn to Guillaume de Machaut, the first known composer to write music for the entire Ordinary of the Mass. In this piece, entitled, Messe de Nostre Dame, he has dedicated his polyphonic composition with intrumental obbligato to Our Lady.

This mass was written during the reign of Pope Urban V, when Charles V was King of France.

It’s similarities with Gregorian Chant are undeniable, but clearly he has incorporated the style of singing for secular pieces into his work. This Mass was written before 1365 A.D., that is, just a few years after the Black Death had ravaged the continent and killed more than a third of the population.  This might explain why he has a secular style of singing in this piece, because the monasteries had been emptied of choir monks. Read more about this mass, here.

FromRome.Info features a differing piece of Sacred Music from the treasure of Catholic History, each day at 5 P.M., Rome time, to edify our readers in the wonders and beauty of Catholic music throughout the ages.

Josquin des Prés: Missa L’homme armé

Today, as we continue our perusal of Josquin des Prés’ sacred repertoire, we feature his Missa L’homme armé super voces musicales, which he based on the popular secular chanson L’homme armé, which was the inspiration for more than 40 Masses from 1450 to 1500 A. D.. This mass was written for the ordinary, that is, it can be sung on any day, since it does not include the propers of any day in the liturgical calendar.

There are diverse opinions among scholars as to whom or what the popular melody referred: soldiers fallen at the capture of Constantinople in 1453, Saint Michael the Archangel, Crusaders, or all Military men fallen in battle.

This piece was written sometime between 1492 and 1495 A. D. You can read some excellent historical notes about the piece, in Italian, here.

FromRome.Info is featuring a post on Sacred Music at 5 PM each day, to edify our readers and expand their knowledge of the glories and treasures of the Catholic Faith throughout the Ages.





Papa Benedicto XVI sigue siendo Papa

Este es el video oficial del movimiento PPBXVI en los EE.UU. hecho para nuestros hermanos y hermanas en España y su antiguo imperio colonial. En el texto se explica el argumento en inglés, que muestra que el Papa Benedicto XVI sigue siendo el verdadero Papa porque lo que hizo el 11 de febrero de 2013 no le hizo perder el cargo del Papado.

Por favor, comparta este video con todos sus amigos que hablan español!

Para más versiones de este video en otros 8 idiomas, por favor vea


Bento XVI ainda é Papa

Este é o vídeo oficial do movimento PPBXVI nos EUA feito para os nossos irmãos e irmãs no Brasil e em Portugal e para o antigo império colonial português. Ele explica no texto o argumento em inglês, que mostra que o Papa Bento XVI ainda é o verdadeiro papa porque o que ele fez em 11 de fevereiro de 2013 não o fez perder o ofício do Papado.

Por favor, partilhe este vídeo com todos os seus amigos que falam português!

Para mais versões deste vídeo em 8 outras línguas, por favor, veja

Frank Walker: Trad Media flipped in 2013, Why? Follow the Money

Frank Walker asks some hard questions, for which Trad Inc. needs to respond. He shows how the Munich protest was done not out of Faith but on the basis of secular concepts, emptied of the supernatural.

This is the same media which systematically ignores Bishop Gracida’s call for investigation and canonical responses to patent corruption and lawless behavior. Why?

This magnificent and timely commentary comes only from Remember to make a donation on Mr. Walker’s YouTube Page to thank him for speaking the truth.

Josquin des Prés: Missa Ave maris stella

This week we are featuring a collection of Sacred Music from the repertoire of one of he great vocal composers of the age of Christopher Columbus, to show that the pre-Reformational Church was by no means bereft of things Sacred and was ornamented by great appreciation of both art and music, a thing which the monstrous reformers destroyed in large parts of Europe.

In this composition, Josquin des Prés puts to music the famous Marian Hymn, Ave maris stella, which was chanted during the Divine Office on Marian Feasts, on First Vespers etc.. Here, Josquin has worked the theme into an entire Mass. This Mass is by far one of his most beautiful compositions, even to having converted pagans to Catholicism. Here we hear the entire composition for 6 voices. FromRome.Info strongly recommends you acquire a copy of this production for your home library.

These posts on Sacred Music will appear daily at 5 pm Rome time and at 11 AM New York City time, or at 3 AM Sydney, Australia, time.

Frank Walker: Big Groups hunting Bergoglio are better than little groups hunting Germans

Take the red-pill to escape of the fake narrative of the Bergoglian apostates. Frank Walker in his finest, correcting false consciences.

As always, keep Frank going by sending him a donation on his YouTube page, since he has no big money behind him, unlike a lot of pro Bergoglian media.


Josquin des Prés: Missa Pange lingua

As we continue our review of Sacred Music from the repertoire of Josquin des Prés, court composer for Popes and the King of France, we feature today his Missa Pangue lingua.

In this nearly 30 minute video, you can hear the complete polyphonic composition of his piece, which he wrote in inspiration of Saint Thomas Aquinas’ famous Latin Hymn for Corpus Christi.

You can read some excellent historical notes on this piece at Wikipedia, in Italian:

These music videos will be published daily at 5 pm Rome Time, 11 AM New York city time, and 3 AM Sydney, Australia, time.

Josquin des Prés: Salve Regina

We continue our review of the Sacred Repertoire of Josquin de Prés, for the edification and religious and cultural education of our readers, with this performance of his Salve Regina, which was customarily sung at the end of Compline, the last hour of the Divine Office, from the Saturday before Trinity Sunday until the Saturday before Advent.

These music videos will be published daily at 5 pm Rome Time, 11 AM New York city time, and 3 AM Sydney, Australia, time.

Josquin de Prés: Miserere mei Deus

Part and parcel of remaining a faithful Catholic, is learning to appreciate the treasures with which our Holy Faith has been enriched throughout the centuries by Faithful Catholics. Josquin de Prés, court composer for the Popes, was one of the first to experiment with polyphony. He lived and flourished at about the time of Christopher Columbus. In this beautiful but short piece, written for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Choir sings a capella, that is in the style of the Sistine Chapel, without instrumental accompaniment. The piece, Miserere mei Deus, is one of the penitential psalms.

Zmirak: Communist China owns the Bergoglian Regime, but that is not half of it!

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The information related by Mr. Zmirak here in this video raises serious questions about the Renunciation of Pope Benedict, as regards coercion prior to the act

Chinese Intelligence Involvement?

I say this not only on account of what Mr. Zimrak says, but on account of what I know that he does not know. Because, I have it from one of the business men who dined one evening in Shanghai with Cardinal Papalardo, of Palermo (may he rest in peace), heard from his own mouth that the Cardinal was convinced the health of Pope Benedict was so poor that he would die within a year. The news of this comment spread, and the MSM put out stories on Feb. 12, 2012, that there was a plot to assassinate Pope Benedict if he refused to resign within a year.

My question is, now that we know from Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong, that the Vatican Accord signed by Parolin was substantially the agreement of capitulation which Peking demanded Pope Benedict XVI to sign, though he refused: should we not consider it possible that Peking subborned Vatican representatives or connived with McCarrick to bribe Vatican officials (maybe even Gänswein?) to make the resignation happen?

After all, when the Italian businessmen joined the Cardinal in Shanghai for dinner in 2011, they were surprised to find him in China, and he said he was on official Vatican Business.

I find that hard to believe, because one of my sources who was the personal secretary of not a few Bishops in Italy, told me that Pope Benedict XVI sacked Cardinal Papalardo from the Congregation of Bishops because he was selling episcopal nominations for 100 thousand euros a pop! Once sacked, he bore a strong animus against Benedict til his dying days, it is said. And that means it might not have been an unintentional rumor, it might have been a carefully crafty psyop against Benedict by Chinese Intelligence, who somehow got Papalardo to cooperate.

So I think there is more than solid reasons to consider it possible that Pope Benedict XVI was not only urged out of power by the Obama Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, but also with the urging and perhaps financing of the Marxist government of China.

Is the Vatican still laundering money for the CIA?

Key to the Renunciation is the discrepancy of why Cardinal Bertone called Mr. Gotti to his offices on Feb. 7, 2013 to promise his reinstatement in his duties as financial officer at the Vatican — he was dismissed without Pope Benedict’s knowledge, said Bertone, and Benedict only learned of it while watching TV! — and just 4 days later Benedict decides to resign?

According to Gänswein, Benedict prepared for his resignation over many months. Yet the Latin text has more than 40 errors in the Latin and several canonical errors!  And Vatican TV was not even notified to turn their cameras on to catch it all?

It does not add up.

I think another line of investigation regards what Gotti might have possibly discovered if reinstated. And I think it has to do with slush funds in the Vatican Bank used by foreign Intelligence Agencies to bribe foreign officials, including Vatican officials.

I  base this observation on a very detailed report published in the USA on how Pope John Paul II cooperated with the CIA to fund the Solidarity Movement in Poland, which brought down the Communist Government there. The report said that the money was laundered through the Vatican Bank.  Did accounts like this remain operative after 1988? And if so, for what purposes?

The internecine battle in September between the Vatican Financial Oversight authority and the Secretary of State’s foreign investments in London, through a Swiss Bank and a financier in Luxembourg may have to do with the same slush funds, because almost immediately the Italian press published information showing that the current Prime Minster of Italy was paid money, ostensibly as a salary, about the time he was chosen as Prime Minister, out of a life of political obscurity. Since that time, Conte has run Italy strictly for the political agendas of France and Germany. While at the same time the Bergoglian Regime has forcefully defended the antics of one ship in the Mediterranean  Sea which imports illegals, which the European Press has unmasked as financed by Cardinal Marx and perhaps even German Intelligence.

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