New Heretical “to be” Brazilian Cardinal lays hands on women as the Apostles did

Editor’s Note: This Bishop claims to “lay hands” on women sent to baptize, as the Apostles laid hands on women. This is pure heresy. The Apostles did no such thing. He is massively gender-confused, and a public liar. He is also involved in the worse kind of sacrilegious fraud, as he is attempting to ordain women in a way that could mean “deacons”, “priests” or “bishops”. It’s a phrase concealing a studied and intentional heretical ambiguity. — Under John Paul II Bishops who did such things were suspended a divinis. He is obviously plotting with Pope Francis to change belief by changing practice, a clear Masonic-Marxist strategy. What more reason do you need to participate in the Sutri Initiative to get Pope Francis removed from office? None!

VATICAN: Calls for resignation as Under-Secretary of State attempts to restore Pedophile Priest to ministry

Editor’s Note: No single event in the “pontificate” of Pope Francis demonstrates the truth that he was voted in to protect pedophiles and their handlers, as this one. No single event shows also, that the problem is not just in Rome, it is an international conspiracy of sexual perverts who are occupying the highest seats of power in the Church. No single event shows, also, how much Pope Francis’ pretense to reform is a two-faced theatrical trick, and that those  closest to him understand his ‘pontificate’ in this same sense. Now Pope Francis is caught in a double-jeopardy, because either he has to keep the pretense up and sack his undersecretary of state, or he has to leave on the table an incontrovertible proof that he considers himself so liberated, that he is not required today to mean the same thing as he said yesterday.

Mark Felton confirms OMC Radio TV’s exposé on the Bank of International Settlements

Editor’s Note: This is an explosive report from Mark Felton, which, when added to the fact that John Paul II was recruited by the CIA and made the CIA founder, Dulles, own nephew a Cardinal, shows who is really running the Vatican — and it’s not those loyal to Jesus Christ.

In fact, when you trace the sources of the money, it now makes total sense why John Paul II made the founder of the St. Gallen Mafia a Cardinal and promoted their members to the episcopate and cardinalate. The story that he made Bergoglio a cardinal for opposing “liberation theology” is thus seen for what it is, a canard, to hide that both men were intimate partners in a Neo-Nazi network of power brokers and bankers, from Himmler to the Italian Freemason Gelli, who founded the P2 Lodge and who controlled Catholic book publishing in Italy.

New Cardinals seem chosen for one sole criterion, being pro-sodomy

Editor’s  Note: If you are not using Chrome, which has an internal translator, you can read the above article in English through a google translation, here.

However, this article contains one big lie, namely, that Pope Francis is in good health. The reality is that in the past years, he has had multiple serious problems with his bowls, lungs and infections. The Vatican has often cancelled events and talks, because his health has been bad, and has issued communique’s stating that out of caution the Pope has omitted this or that event, talk or visit. All this concurs with the judgement of Judge Napolitano, who visited him in person in the spring, who said that he is bloated and near death. And the Vatican knows this because they are trying to take as much caution needed by someone whose health is so bad even a common cold is dangerous. This also seems to be the self-knowledge of Pope Francis, since now in 2024 he is again appointing a new round of Cardinals, a thing which is usually not done yearly.

Finally, there is no longer any reasonable grounds to suppose that his heretical man is anything less than a pertinacious apostate and enemy of the Church, not only because he has appointed Cardinals 10 times in the past 11 years, who share his views, but because he is appointing men who agree with him publicly in his heresy. It is scarcely possible, therefore, that the Catholic Faithful regard the College of Cardinals any longer as a trustworthy institution to chose the next successor of St. Peter — I speak here of the individual consciences of men, not of canonical facts — for now the Scandal is public, manifest and undoubted, and no one can reasonably deny it, not even the Rothschild Propaganda outlets like Reuters, as they attempt, here.

Friar Isaac Mary starts online Apostolate

Editor’s Note: Father Isaac is one of Br. Bugnolo’s franciscan confrers, who is a Catholic Priest. You can find a great deal of spiritual wisdom and clear teaching about the Catholic Faith on his new blog. Please pay him a visit, as he is a cancelled priest, who has been persecuted for more than 20 years.

Fr. David Nix: Pope Benedict XVI was the pope until the day of his death

Editor’s Note: Now 22 months after the death of the Holy Father, Fr. David Nix openly declares for Pope Benedict. I will openly admit I do not like Johny-come-latelies (American metaphor for those who espouse a cause after a crisis is over) because honesty requires that we defend the truth in its day, not afterwards. Many who said Pope Benedict XVI was the pope during his life, said this because they did not actually want Pope Francis. But after Pope Benedict XVI is dead, they declare he was the pope, so that they can establish a basis for continuing to ignore Francis and do nothing canonical about it, such as many do, who have or are now embracing sedevacantism. Where have all the men gone in the Church, who want controversied ended in Councils and before the proper ecclesiastical tribunals? Why are so many clergy satisfied with acting like effetes who simply talk about problems and do nothing?

Viganò’s Criticism of Bishop Schneider & Michael Matt is a potent boomerang

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

First, the critique given by Archbishop Viganò on twitter, against Michael Matt and Bishop Athanasius Schneider:

After Michael Matt censored my speech last year, believing that I had crossed the red line he had set, I was not surprised that I was not invited to this year’s Catholic Identity Conference.

The insurmountable line is that indicated by Bishop Schneider, who denounces “Francis” for having violated the First Commandment and contradicted the Gospel, asserting however that he remains Pope, finding an authoritative precedent in the denial of Peter. In fact, Bergoglio not only violated the First Commandment but denied the two main Mysteries of the Faith: the Unity and Trinity of God; the Incarnation, Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A total abjuration of the Catholic Faith!

According to Bishop Schneider, would it therefore be possible to be a heretic and apostate and still belong to the Catholic Church? and even preside over it as Supreme Shepherd? while all it takes to incur excommunication is to declare that a heretic and apostate who has usurped the See of Peter cannot be Pope! Evidently this red line – which for me, who denounces Bergoglio as a usurper because he is an apostate and heretic, is insurmountable – can be crossed with impunity by Bergoglio, continuing to be recognized as Pope precisely by those “moderate conservatives” who also accuse him of heresy and apostasy, but without drawing out the necessary consequences.

In this way they become his accomplices, because they attribute legitimacy to the acts that Bergoglio carries out, but at the same time they boast of being able to disobey him (which they then do not do, starting with the slavish application of Traditionis Custodes, because they fear being removed), without realizing that this sycophant behavior confirms how distorted the universal and peaceful recognition of the Pope by Catholics is.

Michael Matt prematurely applied to me that ostracism that Bergoglio’s “excommunication” would sanction a year later. And it is difficult to believe that he wants to defend a comrade in the battle for Tradition, when with his own behavior he supports and even anticipates the reckless revenge of the enemy of both; an enemy whom he persists in considering Pope.

Edward Snowden, victim of the deep state for having denounced with Wikileaks the subversive plan for surveillance of the population hatched by the Anglo-American deep state, stated: “When reporting a crime is considered a crime, you are led by criminals”. In the synodal church and under the reign of Bergoglian “mercy”, denouncing heresy and apostasy is considered a crime worthy of excommunication. I leave it to the acumen of Michael Matt and Athanasius Schneider to coherently conclude the sentence.

As one can see, an honest Catholic can agree 99% with this criticism. In fact, nearly everything the Archbishop has been saying in the last year are doctrinally identical to past things written or published at FromRome.Info. Indeed I even defended him against Matt’s censorship last year here. And I have many times faulted Bishop Schneider for his ludicrous theory that a pertinacious manifest formal heretic should be recognized to hold an office in the Church.

But the Archbishop seems to be unaware that his criticism is a boomerang which will come back to hit him at high velocity. Because you cannot fault others for failing to denounce a heretic but then rest in your own private judgement and pretend no judgement of the Church is necessary.

An Archbishop incardinated in the Vatican who has a solemn right to ask for the convocation of a Provincial Council to reprehend and if necessary depose a heretical pope, and who also has a personal reason, the uncanonically and unjust sentence of excommunication imposed upon him, but FAILS to call for such a Council, is HE NOT ALSO AN ENABLER SINCE BY HIS SILENCE HE ALLOWS THE CRIMINAL TO CONTINUE IN OFFICE?

The Archbishop  is not a protestant. He is not ignorant of Canon Law. He is not ignorant of Church History. Therefore he has no excuse to have spent an entire year ignoring even the existence of the Sutri Initiative, brought to his attention by numerous private individuals, including those who are his personal assistants.

Unless of courses he is merely pretending to oppose the disastrous “pontificate” of Pope Francis and does not really want a solution to the greatest problems in the Church. I am not making this accusation, let us be clear. It is the silence of the Archbishop which does.

And now that he has launched this criticism against Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Michael Matt the boomerang which demands sincerity of others but not from oneself is going to return lightning fast.

In fact, all these men hold 99% of the Catholic Faith, but agree 100% with the Masonic Doctrine of the Skull and Bones Lodge, namely, that none of their agents is ever to be removed from office, nor is it to be tolerated that anyone demand or ask for this.

I asked for it and called for it and demanded it. And in the last 12 months I have been utterly silenced on social media and in search engines. Each of these 3 men have already silenced and ignored such calls for years despite numerous individuals who have written to them (in com boxes, letters, emails) and asked them to act otherwise. So make of that what you will.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church