I often complain that it is difficult for new readers to find FromRome.Info, because since the summer of 2022, the Globalists have begun to remove true opposition sites from their publicized databases.
So from time to time, I experiment to see what the level of censorship is. So here goes …
A Test, done on Dec. 4, 2024 A. D.:
Here is the example of one search, where I used Google, whose bots regularly crawl ALL the pages at FromRome.Info, to let me know how many articles at FromRome.info mention Msgr. Nicola Bux:
That’s right, Google is publicly claiming that there are only two articles among the more than 11,520+ articles, that mention Msgr. Nicola Bux!
The Truth his however, if you use the FromRome.Info search bar:
Is that you can find 12 such articles. Six times more articles than Google admits exists! Click image below to see for yourself!
G lobalist O rganized O nline G ag L ie and E viscerate
I would ask all of my readers who are residents of countries where internet censorship is illegal to file a criminal complaint against Google for what they are doing. And I thank you in advance and assure you of my prayers!
Editor’s Note: See what he says at 17:00 minute mark. Dr. Marshall confirms the contents of the letters disclosed and translated here at FromRome.info on Dec. 2. Dr. Marshall is shocked rightly, because he has done everything to sow doubt in the arguments that Pope Benedict XVI invalidly resigned. His disinformation project has failed miserably. Thanks be to God!
But as regards Archbishop Viganò’s Hegelian critique of the Papacy since Pius XII, the numerous reports at Ordo Militaris Radio TV show that his analysis is shallow, since it ignores the involvement of the U. S. Government in undermining the Church and launching Vatican II. Those who use this kind of critique, talk about the problem but will never do anything about it. If they did, they would be at war with the White Lodges and would have to love the Church for Christ’s sake, trusting only in the power of Christ to defend them.
Furthermore, the Archbishop’s allegation that Pope Benedict only stayed in Rome at the insistence of the Conservatives in the Vatican, is completely false. The residence of Pope Benedict XVI were he stayed for the rest of his life after February of 2013 was restored by order of Pope Benedict XVI prior to his resignation, to be his permanent residence. All testify that he himself invented the title “Pope Emeritus”.
As for Dr. Marshall, he never could figure out why the Renunciation was invalid, so the rest of his speculations about Pope Benedict XVI are not, in my mind, worth much. He must first admit to the public he was wrong and accept the objective principles of Canon Law which are very Thomistic, a thing he claims also to be, though he acts more Talmudically than Thomistically.
Editor’s Note: Dr. Mazza was one of the initial collaborators with me in the Scholasticum. He joined the debate about Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation in 2020 and has consistently held the view that the renunciation did not cause a loss of the Papal Office.
Editor’s Note: This is another sad chapter in a case which has scandalized the Catholic world for the numerous incidents of malfeasance by the local Bishop and Pope Francis’ canonically non-existent “Dicastery for Consecrated Life” erected during his anti-pontificate.
First the mother superior was accused of a grave violation of her vow of chastity for having engaged in “phone sex” with a priest, a violation of purity which is not included in any traditional book of morals regarding the observance of the vow of chastity or virginity, which requires an external physical act with another person or in their presence.
Second, the nuns were publicly ridiculed as violating their religious vows for their intemperate use of cannabis as a pain killer, a practice which is also not a crime in canon law, though it is an offense against right morals. Monasteries and Convents throughout the world and especially in the Andes have used herbal healing for centuries. In fact, the whole concept of a pharmacy was invented in Monasteries, since these were the only institutions which for centuries had the wherewithal to grow, collect and prepare herbal remedies in a highly ethical and consistent context.
Third, the public defamation they suffered from the local Bishop, which he uses to justify an attempt to take their property and control their internal affairs, even though he seemingly takes quite a light hand with his own priests who are involved in sexual offense.
Finally, the denial of the Sacraments to these religious women, the denial of their right to keep, take and live their vows to Jesus Christ and the irregular intervention of the Vatican declaring them “defected from the Catholic Faith” for having taken on spiritual care from the clergy of the Society of Saint Pious X, an entity which in which membership has never been characterized by any Papal Law or Act as “defecting from the Catholic Faith”.
Moreover, the attempt to suppress their monastery and declare them no longer Catholic is a most grave attack on their persons, since they have by vows to Our Lord Jesus Christ promises perpetual poverty, whereby they can only live by alms. As Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches, to publicly vilify a person who lives by alms is equivalent to murder.
I agree with Attorney Bobo, who is leading their defense, along with the president of Gonzaga University (Jesuit founded school), that these Carmelites have had their canonical and civil rights grossly offended by the local Bishop and Pope Francis’s “Curial Administration”. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that canonically, all the actions taken against them are invalid in the sight of God, since they transgress numerous canons of the Code of Canon Law regarding proper procedures and rights of religious communities.
The correct pastoral procedure, from day one, would have been to counsel temperance in the use of herbal remedies and forbid the use of the phone to those sisters who are misusing it, while encouraging them to walk more faithfully in their vocation by a life of solitude and penance, not to mention a more strict observance of cloister.
Editor’s Note: Once again, the Catholic Faithful in Italy are taking action to defend the Catholic Faith against careless clergy who fear neither God nor men. This case involved the Eucharistic Miracle of Savarna, which occurred on January 28, 2023 A. D., when after a consecrated Host was found on the floor by the Sacristan of the Church, it being placed in water to allow It to dissolve, the Host was found intact a day later, bleeding. A scientific examination requested by the Pastor, Don Nicolò Giosuè, found that true Blood was present in the water, in which the Host was found. The Archbishop, Msgr. Ghizzoni then intervened to have a second laboratory examine the miracle: which subsequently found “no evidence” of human blood. He then had the evidence of the Miracle destroyed without seeking consultation. So Attorney Francesco Minutillo of Forli has filed a criminal complaint with the local civil authorities, alleging the possible crimes of insult to the Catholic Faith and destruction of an Object of worship, against the Archbishop.
Editor’s Note: What we are seeing here is the perfected theatre of the White and Black Lodges of Freemasonry, with the non-Catholic Trump (Skull and Bones Lodge adept) attending, and the Catholic Pope Francis (Black Lodge, Buenas Aires), refusing. — With Trump declaring the Cathedral is better than it was before [because it has a new dung-colored satanic looking novus Order altar?] Perhaps.
The purpose of this theatre is obvious: it is all part of the CIA/US Department of Defense’s declared 1953 Doctrinal Warfare program against the Catholic Church, to make the American experiment appear to be the true salvation of the world, and to discredit Catholic authorities, which they installed to discredit the Catholic religion and Church.
Editor’s Note: It appears that the installation of new natural gas line in a small municipality in Switzerland accidentally cut one of the major data-links to Worldline, a Fintech company which handles in Italy and Europe the electronic communications for ATM Machines (called Bancomats in Italy) and most Bank Credit and Debit Cards, such as “American Express, Diners Club, Maestro, Mastercard, PayPal, Nexi, Visa. Nexi Payments” according to the report from La Stampa. Seeing that GooglePay is normally also linked to one or another of these Cards, it was also not working.
Other than La Stampa, most media outlets ignored the news, to prevent a rush of customers back to Cash payments. This disruption has caused numerous European companies to extend Black Friday sales until the problem is resolved, seeing that significant numbers of customers were prevented from taking advantage of the by-now-customary sales on the Friday after Thanksgiving (even though this day is not celebrated in Europe).
Breaking News & Commentary on the same by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Recently, Archbishop Viganò brought to the attention of the whole Catholic world, a stunning claim made by Monsignor Nicola Bux, former advisor to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Cause of the Saints, that he possesses a letter from Benedict XVI affirming that the same did in fact intend to renounce the munus and ministerium of the Papacy.
“During a meeting at the Renaissance Mediterraneo Hotel in Naples with Catholics from the local Cœtus Fidelium held this past November 22 [2024], Msgr. Nicola Bux mentioned an exchange of letters with “Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,” dating back to the summer of 2014, which supposedly constitute the definitive denial of the various theories that are out there about the invalidity of Benedict’s Renunciation. The content of these letters – the first, written by Msgr. Bux on July 19, 2014 (three pages), and the second, by Benedict XVI, on August 21, 2014 (two pages) – was not released ten years ago, as would have been more than desirable. Instead, only today has their existence been barely mentioned. It so happens that I am aware of both this exchange of letters as well as their content.
Why did Msgr. Bux decide not to promptly disclose Benedict XVI’s response when Benedict was still alive and able to confirm and corroborate it, and instead to reveal only its existence, without disclosing its content, almost two years after his death? Why would he hide this authoritative and very important declaration from the Church and the world?
Evidently, therefore, the Archbishop possesses a copy of the correspondence. And to the knowledge of FromRome.info, so do many other persons who have worked in the Vatican.
The stunning claim of Msgr. Bux, I cannot find on any website or video platform, so I cannot quote what he is exactly saying or not.
The Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Msgr. Bux, August 2014: Exceprt
But the Committee to Restore Pope Benedict XVI (@B16Restore), which has Vatican contacts has published an excerpt from the Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Msgr. Bux, on twitter, which is as follows (I here include the image, not the tweet, lest Twitter erase the tweet):
The Letter of a Roman Pontiff is in the public domain and FromRome.info, being published in the USA, has the legal right to reproduce and translate it. I have chosen to do this as a journalist covering news of great public interest to Catholics in the USA, and for the good of the Church, and on the basis that the Msgr. Bux has already shared this letter freely with numerous persons in the hierarchy, thus forfeiting any right to privacy.
So here is my English translation of this excerpt.
Dear Don Bux,
finally I find a bit of time to reply to your writing of July 19th, left for me on the occasion of your visit to the Monastery “Mater Ecclesiae”. The true answer to the questions, aired by you, is found in the first six lines of number 1 of your text. The rest of the text — as you yourself say — is a “non objective but only our, mental, problem”. I would write, therefore, only a few brief observations.
The “authoritative historians” and the “other theologians” according to me are not true historians nor even theologians. The speculations proposed by them are for me absurd. To say that in my renunciation I had left “only the exercise of the ministry and not also the munus” is contrary to the clear dogmatic-canonical doctrine, cited by you in number 1. If some journalists speak “of a creeping schism” they do not merit any attention.
To point 2, second chapter on page 2 I would say, that the parallelism between a diocesan Bishop and the Bishop of Rome in reference to the question of a renunciation is well founded. I know that Pope John Paul II in …
What is Pope Benedict XVI trying to say?
Until we have the full letter from Msgr. Nicola Bux to Pope Benedict XVI and his full letter in response, one cannot say with certainty what he is referring to.
Is the letter authentic? How is it signed, Pope Emeritus, Pope Benedict XVI, Benedict XVI? These will be clues to whether to pay it attention and how to read it. — Moreover, I join with Archbishop Viganò’s perplexity and consternation that, having received such a letter in 2014 Msgr. Bux did not disclose it to the Catholic world then or thereafter! In addition, since it was Msgr. Bux who quipped in October of 2018, during a public conference, that it would be easier to prove Benedict’s renunciation was invalid than that Pope Francis is a heretic, what in the name of decency is he up to, if he now claims there is certain evidence in this letter of the validity of the renunciation?
But on the basis of what the excerpt of the Letter cited above says, it is clearly an equivocal statement (cf. The Ratzinger Code, by Andrea Cionci, for an encyclopedic review of such statements after Feb. 11, 2013). For to say, that ‘Anyone who claims that in my renunciation I split munus and ministerium is wrong or absurd’, is to say nothing: because it can equally mean that they are wrong to say this, because I did not do that for the reason that (1) I never renounced the font of power for ministerium, in that I never renounced the munus, or (2) I never intended not to renounce the munus when I said I renounced the ministerium.
In the former case, the renunciation of ministry is not an abdication of the papacy, and Pope Benedict XVI remains the pope as of the time of writing this letter. In the second case, the renunciation of the papacy intended to be effected by the renunciation of ministerium is canonically invalid as per canon 188 and juridically invalid by natural right, for reasons of substantial error, as I explained in my Scholastic Question on the Renunciation, published 6 years ago, here and as Ann Barnhardt has explained in numerous videos and blog posts since 2016. So regardless of how you read it, objectively speaking it means that Pope Benedict XVI by this letter has given canonical proof that he is still the pope and never abdicated. If this is true, I will bet that the Letter to Msgr. Bux is signed, “(Pope) Benedict XVI”, which is the real reason he has not published it along with his recent statement.
To write this way seem strange, but remember, that in his advanced age, this letter certainly went though many hands before it arrived at Msgr. Bux’s desk. And Pope Benedict XVI understood that. So he wrote what he could write, in a way an intelligent person could understand it. In other words, it is logically equivalent to saying “The owner of the house is one”, while being held hostage in the basement by the Mafioso who took possession of the house. To read it as the affirmation of the Mafioso being the rightful owner, is possible, just as it is possible to read it as inferring the hostage is the true owner.
Moreover it is more important to remember, that in the last analysis, what a man who was validly elected pope but “renounces” says years after his renunciation, means nothing. Because the act must be juridically valid in itself, not only in the mind of its author before, during or after the act is publicized. For the canonical validity is not judged on the basis of anything secret, such as in the heart or in unpublished letters years later, but on the public contents of the juridical act, expressed in word and/or in written form.
Msgr. Bux needs to publish the whole correspondence, and stop making false canonical claims (something he has been doing since at least 2020): because no matter what he has in these letters, they have no canonical value, since an interpretation not expressed in the words of a papal abdication, even if expressed before or after (outside of any juridical act), cannot be the basis of interpreting an act of papal abdication.
As for Archbishop Viganò, his letter basically says Benedict XVI intended to deconstruct the Church, and thus his abdication is invalid. I have written on the topic of his intentions, frequently, preferring to side with the presumption of innocence and good will, for it is a dangerous thing to condemn another man on the basis of what you or I think was his intention in doing this or that.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Due to the extreme importance of the above news, I give permission to all publishers to reproduce the entirety of my article and translation, in English or in any other language translated, so long as they omit nothing of it, asking only a link to the original so that their readers can confirm the authenticity of the text or translation therefore, that they publish. — It remains, however, expressly forbidden to reproduce any part of this without all the other parts, especially my English translation of the Italian letter to Msgr. Bux, the English translation which in U. S. copyright law belongs by right to myself.
Editor’s Note: Cardinal Mueller’s critiques of Pope Francis’ destruction of the Church are always well stated and organized and have solid Catholic reasons. However, he never descends from the level of action to the level of action. But discernment is for action; and the more you know the truth, the more you are obliged to act. Thus, the more you realize who is destroying the Church and how, the more you are obliged to get these enemies out of the Church and removed from office.
That italicized sentence explicates the present de facto amorality of Cardinal Mueller. For if we only speak of the problems and never advocate an effective solution, how are we different from someone grifting on malcontent or someone who is a fake-opposition performing a limited hang-out operation to deceive his readers or viewers? Moreover, how can we fault others for not acting, when we ourselves who have much more power and influence and dignity in the Church continually refuse to act?
The answers are obvious. But nevertheless you can quote the Cardinal’s critiques and explain with that one sentence why the Sutri Initiative should be adopted.
Editor’s Note: The problem must be serious, because none of the MSM outlets are talking about it, and Google is diverting searches to 2017, when Pope Francis fell out of the Popemobile and got a black eye, also on the left, even at the cost of breaking their own search engine: because if you set their search to reports only from the last 24 hours, they give results only from 2017!
This is something I have never seen before. Globalism usually devotes itself to erasing the past. But it appears that they are willing even to erase the present for special friends. — I wonder how much the Vatican has to pay for this kind of misinformation?
And contrary to those who say the words of the Bible are not applicable today; I counter with the perennial Catholic belief, that God’s words in Scripture are the very rules of the cosmos. And the case of Pope Francis’ left eye problem, just after he decreed the heretical reorganization of the Church, is a case in point that God’s curse, published in Zechariah 12:4 remains true even to today; and in this God is teaching us today two truths: that Catholic Church has replaced and superseded the Israel of old, as God’s family, and that the Lord God Himself regards Pope Francis as a war-horse of globalism.
Editor’s Note: Ann who began in 2016 by being perfectly logical as regards why Pope Benedict XVI did not resign, has fallen abit since she decided never to talk about the Sutri Initiative. Now, she is excoriating the Cardinals for the upteenth time — the Cardinals who perpetrated the crime of electing the antipope in 2013 — by saying, “to prevent defense, only prevents winning”. — But as a boy, who played wars games, I know that the correct phrase is, “to only defend, is never to win”. And simply calling out a problem is neither defending or winning. Which is it O Ann?! — But she is honest in saying, “Bishops, Priests and Bishops seem to be operating in fear of being deposed”, because since she never advocates writing a valid canonical petition to end the crisis in the Church in a valid canonical way, she can only judge by appearances. How I wish, that from her vast experience in cattle-trading futures, she would figure out that her strategy has not been working since 2016, and that she might try investing in another solution, which she can buy cheap and sell high!
Thankfully, this new “altar” between the Choir and the people is not the high altar. That was restored:
However, if you think about it, the Cathedral has now been prepared to accommodate two different religions, and one of them is not even Christian. Those who pretend Vatican II would lead us back to Faith must own this.
As for the “IKEA altar”, to make an altar for the Sublime Sacrifice of Christ out of stone which has the color of poop, is the ultimate middle-finger raised up against Almighty God. Notice also, how the steps around the altar are designed to prevent a priest from offering the Holy Sacrifice ad orientem. The monstrosity is without a doubt diabolic and satanic, and reeks hatred.
In related news, the noted fashion designer who was commissioned by the Archbishop of Paris to design the liturgical vestments for the restored Notre Dame chose to celebrate the destruction of the former Cathedral with pop-art style vestments.
Editor’s Note: This 7th episode — which in the video I mistakenly called the 6th — of my documentary, “Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation: the Facts, the Laws & the Consequences”, I lay out the facts and reasons why the conspiracy to oust Pope Benedict XVI arose in the College of Cardinals and that some of the most “conservative” Cardinals were key members of it. All of which is the strongest reason why appealing to them to solve the present crisis in the Church is absurd and a red herring let loose to waste your time and make you feel good for wasting your time. For the entire documentary, see here, which I published in April 2020.
Editor’s Note: Christian Faith leads to Christian civilization, because when we chose to believe in God we begin to truly love. This news story shows in what consists truly meritorious charity. May it be a sign of a return to the Age of Faith.
Editor’s Note: This video, which I only became aware of today, was published on Feb. 2, 2023 and is in the Spanish language. Dongil describes in Spanish well my position regarding the principles of juridical right and the Assembly which convened to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor. — I share it for the sake of the historical record. — Miguel Dongil writes at his website, https://migueldongil.com/
Editor’s Note: To watch this with subtitles in your own language, press the YouTube CC button, first, to turn on subtitles then select the GEAR icon (settings) to set to automatic translate subtitles and chose your own language.
More than 13 months ago, I warned the Faithful of the entire Catholic Church, that we could not silently sit by an allow the pertinacious, manifest and formal heretic, who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to continue to be recognized as the Pope by the Catholic Church without destroying forever the Church which Christ alone founded. I appealed to the Catholic world to join what I call “The Sutri Initiative”,which consists in petitioning the Bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Rome, in accord with canon 212, to recognize that by the perfidious heretical and schismatic words and deeds of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Catholic World could no longer regard his claim to the papacy as self-evident, but rather that they in good conscience must regard the Apostolic See impeded by his personal deviations from the Rule of Faith, and convene a provincial council to remonstrate with him and ask him to prove by documents and words that he has a valid claim to the papacy.
Many laity and clergy who read FromRome.Info responded, and with Pope Francis’ signature on ‘Fiducia supplicans’ even more saw the sanity of such an initiative. However, many Catholic influencers had not the courage or fidelity to Christ or love of His people sufficient to move them to join in this initiative, in the last 13 months.
Now with this new ‘doctrinal note’ by Pope Francis, by which he attempts to subsume the final document of the recent Synod on Synodality into the “Ordinary Magisterium of the Church”, the time has come to chose between Christ and Pope Francis. Since that Synod by the judgement of numerous Cardinals and Bishops seeks to overthrow the divinely constituted constitution of the Church, it cannot be that a Pope declare its final document part of the Ordinary Magisterium, because no pope can overthrow the constitution of the Church.
Indeed, since Pope Francis’s Synods (both those during his antipapacy and those since his legitimate election) all invited heretics to tell the Church how to depart from fidelity to Christ and the Apostles; it is clear that commanding that this process become part of the very constitution of the Church is tantamount to asking the Bride of Christ to fornicate with the enemies of Her Divine Spouse as a way of being faithful to that Divine Spouse.
Moreover, though Pope Francis does not promulgate this note with a Bull, nor use the pontifical “We” — a clear sign that the Lord Jesus is preventing this — nevertheless it is still a heretical schismatic act of apocalyptic proportions, as it attempts to erect an Anti-Church and replace the true Church of Christ.
Resistance, vocal or silent, is not enough any more. It’s a war over the very identity and existence of the Church. And if you cannot see that, you have not the Catholic Faith! It’s that simple.
The petitions to the Bishops of the Roman Province have already borne fruit in this, that none of them has publicly, on their websites, affirmed their adhesion to ‘Fiducia supplicans’. Therefore, I believe that they are giving the Catholic world a sign that if they start receiving thousands and hundreds of thousands of such petitions, they will act. — The ball is now in the court of all those Catholic YouTubers, Website owners, and Bloggers, to do their part in soliciting Catholics to join in this effort. Let it not be said that you hated me, Br. Bugnolo, more than you loved Christ and His Church. Let it not be said, that in spite or jealously, you remained silent in this the darkest moment of the Church, during the most diabolic attack on Christ’s Immaculate Bride, simply because I was first to call for a provincial council and demonstrate how it could be canonically and juridically enacted against a heretical pope. Don’t sit around waiting for the Cardinals to act, since they are the ones who gave this man power.
Here follows my English translation of the ‘Doctrinal note’, the original Italian of which can be found here:
Accompanying Note on the Final Document of the Pope Francis’ 16th General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Nov. 25, 2024
In the diverse moments of the path of the Synod convened by me in October, 2021, we sat down to listen to what in this time the Holy Spirit is saying to the Churches.
The final Document of the 16th General Ordinay Assembly of the Synod of Bishops gathers together the fruits of the People of God’s path paced-out in listening and of the discernment of their Pastors. Letting herself be illuminated by the Holy Spirit, the entire Church has been called to read their own experience and to identity the steps to be taken to live the communion, to realize the participating and to promote the mission which Jesus Christ entrusted to her. The synodal route, undertaken in the local Churches, has passed through the national and continental phases, to arrive at the celebration of the Assembly of Bishops in its two sessions of October, 2023, and October, 2024. Now the path proceeds in the local Churches and in their meetings, by taking treasure from the Final Document which on October 26, last, was voted on and approved by the Assembly in each of its parts. I, too, approved it, and, by signing it, I arranged its publication, uniting myself to the “we” of the Assembly, which, by means of the Final Document, addresses itself to the holy, faithful People of God.
Recognizing the value of the synodal path already taken, I consign now to the entire Church the directions contained in the Final Document, as a restitution of how much matured in the course of these years by means of listening and discernment, and as an authoritative orientation for her life and mission.
The Final Document shares in the ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter (cf. EC 18, n. 1: CCC 892) and as such I ask that it be heard. It represents a form of the exercise of the authentic teaching of the Bishop of Rome which has traces of novelty but which in effect corresponds to that which I had means to say precisely on October 17, 2015, when I affirmed that synodality is the adequate interpretive step (cornice) to comprehend the hierarchical ministry.
Having approved the Document on October 26th last, I said that it ” is not strictly normative ” and that “its application will have need of diverse syntheses (mediazioni)”.* This does not mean that it does not oblige the Churches from the start to make coherent choices about what has been indicated in it. The local Churches and groupings of Churches are now called to implement (dare attuazione), in diverse contexts, on the authoritative directions contained in the Document, by means of the processes of discernment and decision foreseen by law and by the Document itself. I also added that, “there is a need for time to reach the choices which co-involve the whole Church”: this is true in particular regarding the times entrusted to the ten groups of study, to which we can add others, in view of the necessary decisions. The conclusion of the 16th General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops does not put an end to the synodal process.
Returning here with conviction to what I indicated at the end of the expressed synodal path, which brought me to the promulgation of ‘Amoris laetitia’ (March 19, 2016): “not all doctrinal, moral or pastoral discussions ought to be resolved with interventions of the magisterium. Naturally, in the Church there is necessary a unity of doctrine and praxis, but this does not impede that there exist diverse manners of interpreting some aspects of doctrine or some consequences which are derived from them. This will continue to occur until the Holy Spirit makes us arrive at the complete truth (cf. John 16:13), that is, when He will introduce us perfectly into to the mystery of Christ and we will be able to see all with His own vision. Moreover, in every country or region there can be sought more inculturated solutions, attentive to their traditions and to the local challenges” (Amoris Laetitia, n. 3).
The Final Document contains directions which, in the light of its fundamental orientations, can already be received in the local Churches and in the groupings of Churches, taking account of the diverse contexts of that which has already been done and of that which remains to be done to learn and develop always better the style appropriate to the missionary synodal Church.
In many cases this is about implementing effectively what has already been foreseen by present (Canon) Law, both the Latin and the Oriental. In other cases one will be able to proceed, by means of a synodal discernment and withing the frame of the possibilities indicated by the Final Document, to a creative implementation of new forms of ministerality and of missionary action, by experimenting and subjecting experience to verification. In the foreseen report for the ad limina visits, each Bishop will take care to report which choices have been taken in the local Church entrusted to him in regard to what has been indicated in the Final Document, what difficulties have been encountered, and what have been its fruits.
The duty to accompany the “implementation phase” for the synodal path, on the basis of the orientations offered by the Final Document, has been entrusted to the Secretary General of the Synod together with the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia (cf. EC 9-21).
The synodal path of the Catholic Church, animated also by the desire to pursue the path towards the full and visible unity of Christians, “has need that the words shared be accompanied by deeds” (Final Salutation to the 16th General Ordinal Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Oct. 26, 2024). May the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Risen One, support and orientate the whole Church in this path. May He, who is harmony, continue to reinvigorate the Church with the force of the Gospel, renew her and lead hear to perfect union with her Spouse (cf. Lumen Gentium, n. 4). Because, the Spirit and the spouse both say to the Lord Jesus: Come! (cf. Apocalypse 22:17).
24 novembre 2024
Solemnity of Christ King of the Universe
[01866-IT.01] [Testo originale: Italiano]
FOOTNOTE & Conclusion
I have translated the Italian mediazioni thus, because the term in Italian is used to signify the Hegelian Dialectical process of forming a synthesis out of a thesis-antithesis conflict. And that seems to be the very reason it is used. The philosophy of Hegel is considered by many authors to be a syncretistic materialism, and is called by many author’s “the Devil’s own logic“. On the spiritual plane, the thesis-antithesis>synthesis logic is nothing short of a philosophical attempt to make adultery and the begetting of bastards the norm of human society, thought and belief. Indeed, early on in his thought Hegel argues that there is no natural law restricting human sexual expression or upholding monogamous marriage. The translation I have chosen, therefore, I believe perfectly fits the thought of the author of ‘Amoris laetitia’ and the signer of “Fiducia supplicans”. Indeed, this “Note” is nothing short of a call to make adultery, sexual perversion and fornication the spiritual, doctrinal, moral, and ecclesiological basis of a new Church: and that Church has a name: the Church of the Antichrist who according to St. Hildegard von Bingen — canonized and made a doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI — will be a man of every form of sexual uncleanliness.
If anyone has doubts that Pope Francis is the very False Prophet foretold by the Apostle Saint John, doubt no more. Without a doubt this man must be removed from office and the Church.
News and Commentary on the Catholic Church
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The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional".
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other.
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".
11 months
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance".
11 months
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.
Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads.