Pope Benedict’s Renunciation: A Documentary Series

From Rome Info Video will be producing a multi part series on Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013: What happened? The Facts. The Laws. The Consequences.

Just go to https://www.youtube.com/FromRomeInfoVideo and look for videos which begin with this image. Br. Bugnolo will start producing them during the Triduum. The individual videos will also be published at FromRome.Info. Anyone can embed them on their own blog, if they wish.

Screenshot_2020-04-09 Feb 11, 2013

In this series, Br. Bugnolo will explain in detail and from the start the events of that day, what Pope Benedict XVI actually said. What it meant, and answer questions from the public.

You can post your question here, in the comment boxes.

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