4 thoughts on “How to be a Catholic: Episode #5: How important it is to keep your conscience pure”

  1. Thank you, Brother Bugnolo for this EXCELLENT talk and information regarding the TRUTH concerning a well-formed conscience versus an ill-formed conscience.

    The SOUL of a TRUE CATHOLIC is not by any means left an orphan in this evil age in which GOD has created us to live.


  2. One thing is for sure; I love your words and you, very glad you are feeling better. I do now and always have had a problem with the notion that i should believe man over Gods word. Whether it be Chapter 1 or the final chapter of the Bible. Even when Man comes up with a great equation and explanation contrary to Gods who’s seems far fetched and fairy tail like, I cannot believe God will tell me on my death : damn you to Hell for believing me about creation. I’m sure my judgements are going to be far worse than holding tightly to his words over mans logic. Peace __________

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