The SEC wont say whether the same silver is being held by JP Morgan for two clients

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I am putting out a warning to my readers who may be significantly invested in silver.

This is based on the news reported in the article above, which reports that Ted Butler, of Butler research, discovered that the iShares Silver ETF (Electronically Traded Fund) claims to have 100 million ounces of silver on account with JP Morgan, which is the same amount being held on account by the same bank on behalf of COMEX (Commodity Exchange Inc.).

And ETF is an investment in an electronically trade share, which has no real existence and is not silver, but which is a partial-share ownership in another investment or fund of investments. In this case iShare SLV ETF says that it holds real silver on account.

So Mr. Butler wrote the SEC (Security Exchange Commission) and asked if the 100 million ounces is the same silver or not. — It’s a fair question.

But after 6 months the SEC has failed to answer his question. — What?

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert, and I do not therefore have any expertise such that you would based an investment decision on my opinions.

But my gut feeling is that there is, as the article implies above, a counter-party risk, namely, that the same silver is being claimed for both parties.

And if so, then that seems to be gross fraud to my inexpert opinion.

Besides, the iShares ETF was founded by BlackRock, an investment fund which has a terrible globalist reputation.

I am counseling all my friends to sell their ETFs in silver. Investing in a ETF shows recently how the price of silver on the commodity markets are clearly enabling higher capital gains on investing in the metal than in ETFs, which implies that the Silver ETF is somehow siphoning off the capital gains in their trust and not passing it on to investors. — The article above suggests that they are doing that by selling their silver reserves and thus diluting the value of the ETF shares as silver rises in price.

And that to my inexpert judgement, and perhaps to your own, seems to be another fraud.

Electronically traded funds offer a way for investors to invest in something of value, which otherwise would not be open to being invested in by them, because of rules established to allow only those investors of very large wealth to do so. Like Stock Markets, which originated in the Netherlands in the 16th century, such traded funds are in reality a mechanism to pump money from the pockets of outsiders into the pockets of insiders, since the actual value of the fund or stock depends on the prevalence of a group of investors with inside and immediate knowledge of events and facts prevailing over investors who are not in their cliques and not as well informed or quick to surveil the current markets.

In fact, since the rise of stock markets, there has been a very noticeable shift of wealth and power from the nobility and the landed class to the hands of very few financial families and these mostly of a non-Christian background. This has been one of the mechanisms to advance the agenda of those opposed to Christian society.

AUSTRALIA: Court says Video of Muslim Stabbing Bishop will cause irreparable harm

Editor’s note: … To the globalist narrative, about the “Religion of Peace”. The last thing the Globalists want is a return to Crusading. This video which has inspired many Christians to finally stand up and stop taking a beating from their enemies, is thus prime candidate for censorship. — Narrative control works indirectly. Images showing any opponent of Globalism committing an act of terror are fine, but not the other way around. If Christians actually saw the images of their brothers and sisters in Christ being murdered and maimed and attacked, night and day, as they are being, Christendom would soon have a new army of Crusading Christians. And that is the darkest nightmare of Globalist and Rothschild agents. — But this suit is mostly to make Musk seem to be the opponent of censorship, when in truth, he censored these very videos within an hour of their publication and has heavily censored organizations which tell the truth about terrorism, from the day he appointed Yaccharino as CEO.

UPDATE: Man stabs Catholic outside of Church in San Francisco, while yelling, “Jesus is not real!”

Cardinal Burke finds enough benefactors to stay at Rome

Editor’s Note: America’s favorite Cardinal has at last found enough benefactors to remain at Rome, after being expelled from his low rent Cardinals-only flat near the Vatican. It is reported that he is now in an apartment which costs 8000 euros a month. I have no idea where that apartment is located, but for comparison here is a 280 sq. meter (3000 sq ft) apartment, near the Vatican, which is going for 7500 euro a month and which is still on the market, and appears to be of the kind fit for a Cardinal. — However, the news article does not make clear if the Cardinal remains at his old address and is now paying Pope Francis the rent, or whether he has a new pad, as they say. — As I have actually had the opportunity to visit Cardinal Burke’s old residence (when I asked for an appointment to speak with him in Dec. and January 2019/2020 about the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI), I can say that that residence was probably no more than 2000 sq ft. and 3 bathrooms.

Candace Owens converts to the Catholic Faith

Editor’s Note: Our prayers and congratulations for the heroic witness to the truth that Candace Owens has given to the world by her conversion to the Catholic Faith, in these trying times. Her husband, George Farmer, is the former CEO of Parler, and converted to the Catholic Faith while a student at Oxford University. — Let’s hope that someone tells them that they have to get married again in the Catholic Church, if their first marriage was not by a Catholic Priest and with the promise on her part to convert. For in the latter case, the Sacrament of Matrimony revives upon her baptism or acceptance in the Church. — She announced the news on Passover, which was particularly significant witness about who is the True Messiah and in what consists the true Passover: Baptism into Christ Jesus.

HOLY LAND: Israeli Intelligence chief resigns as Mass Grave of Civilians killed by IDF uncovered

Editor’s Note: Those who have called for Israeli leaders to be brought to the International Court of the Hague on charges of genocide and mass murder, have now been fully vindicated.

FromRome.Info is one of the few Catholic journals which has been on the right side of history and Catholic morality i its coverage of the wars in the Ukraine, Armenia and the Holy Land. We judge all things in the light of Christ, not according to the propaganda of nation states or masonic lodges.

Bishop Strickland: There is a crescendo of Apostasy coming from the Vatican

Editor’s Note: Bishop Strickland is one of the few Bishops who is saying the obvious truth about what is going on at the Vatican. But until he publicly repents for his scandalous behavior in obeying an unjust command to resign, which is evil, his example will trump whatever he says, and induce the faithful to do nothing, rather than join the Sutri Initiative. — He does not even have the courage to name names. — I pray that some faithful Catholic has the charity and courage to give him a fraternal rebuke, because he too is not walking in the ways of the Lord Jesus.

What is the significance of the World Jewish Congress having an office at the Vatican?

In October of 2023, the World Jewish Congress opened an office at the Vatican with permission of Pope Francis. FromRome.Info warned the Catholic World about the implications. In the above  video, you can see how valid that warning was: in fact, the Vatican is now pursuing the agenda of the WJC to a letter, while turning itself against the truth of the Gospel and Scriptures. However, note that the WJC is pushing the beliefs of the Sabbatean Jews, not of all Jews, nor even of the Talmud or Torah.

Crisis Magazine rewrites Canon Law to make it square with Chirri’s Tweet

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

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Some people hate the truth for itself, because they want their own will to prevail upon all of reality.

But others hate the truth because they simply love something other than truth, more than the truth.

And alas, those who want human praise and companionship from the powerful elites of this world, are among the most inclined to dump the truth for the opinions of men.

In this category, quite emphatically, by its own admission is Crisis Magazine, even though it was founded by a Catholic who claims all the problems in the world stem from Jews.

Yet, Crisis Magazine wants so bad that all accept that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a very notable friend of modern Jewry — so much so that he opened an office for the World Jewish Council in the Vatican, in October of 2023 — was without a doubt elected validly as Pope in March of 2013 A. D., while Pope Benedict XVI was still alive.

And they marshal a very telling argument in the above article for their position, as can be seen from this screen shot taken on April 18, 2024, at 3:15 PM Rome time.

I am continually amazed that so many otherwise educated, mature, adult Catholics and news agencies can continue to use the most silly, childish arguments to support a patent lie. A lie launched by Giovanna Chirri on Feb. 11, 2013 in a tweet, as I reported in November of 2019. I subsequently explained the whole history of this in the internationally acclaimed documentary, published in 2021, “A Message in a Bottle”.

The “How do we know this?” in the above quotation from the article is answered in a very revealing way. For Crisis Magazine the Catholic epistemology whereby you know if a pope is validly elected or not, by comparing the circumstances of his alleged claims to the papacy with the norms of Canon Law is simply ignored in absolute silence. It cannot even be admitted to be true.

Nay, rather, the only way of knowing the truth is through human opinion, even when the only Canon on Papal Renunciations, Canon 332, says explicitly that a Papal Renunciation is NOT to be judged valid or not on the basis of human opinions.

Factually the claim made in the above quotation is also false on another ground, namely, when it claims not one Cardinal held that the Conclave of 2013 was invalid. There is at least one, and perhaps two.

The first was Cardinal Burke who until 2016 told ALL his confidants that he believed Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation was invalid.

The second was the Cardinal in the Conclave who in the first ballot, voted for “Broglio”, an Italian term for “a fraud”.

For more on the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI see here. For more on the invalidity of the Conclave of 2013 see here. For more about how the anti-Pope Francis became Pope Francis, see here.

This is just another demonstration that Crisis Magazine is not worth reading. It’s writers are entirely uninformed, do not even do the least research, have no preparation to discuss ecclesiastical affairs, and are even ignorant of the history of the Catholic Church in the last 12 years on major points. Yet they are well funded and cited by everyone.

Think about that.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church