3 thoughts on “Archbishop Lenga: A Catholic counter-revolution is needed”

  1. This antipope must go- by death or by getting deposed. I am sick of these Freemasons and sodomites who give the faithful a snake instead of the Bread of Life!

    And yet, Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara continue to push recognize and resist. They and all who follow them disgust me.

    Someone please tell me how so many laity and priests continue to say that Bergoglio is the pope?!

    My heart is heavy as I suffer with Pope Benedict. Please, Lord, come and save Your Church!

  2. The voice of the prophet, as it is when Abp. Vigano speaks.
    Thank you, Brother. We need to hear more voices such as this great man, who actually loves Jesus Christ and who leads the flock that is persecuted by our own church.
    As Abp. Vigano just said in his Christmas address to America, “Veni, Adonai”.

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