COLOMBIA: Pope Benedict XVI maligned by a Delirious Nun

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


At the end of April, a notoriously imaginative nun in Colombia published what she claimed was a post-mortem encounter with Pope Benedict XVI, who pronounced himself the last authentic Pope and gave a long testimony of his persecution.

I have not responded in these last two weeks to several persons who asked me about this, because I could scarcely imagine that anyone would be so loony as to believe this woman any more, after his past forgeries.

To claim you have had revelations when you have not, is as most grave sin which claims to put words into the mouth of some heavenly person, and without their authorization. It is the worst kind of calumny and defamation and insult possible, because of the dignity of God and the Saints and Angels above.

The author is a nun in Colombia. She summarizes imaginatively most of what I and many others have already published. Her writing is akin to the method of Maria Divine Mercy, who aped apparitions and visions, repackaging published news stories but claiming heavenly sources for her information.

Only persons who are so gullible as to be in need of a psychologist could fall for things like this, as they violate several common sense principles which are the foundation of forensics:

  • Never believe someone whose identity is unknown
  • Never believe the claim of a source of information when the information is already had from verifiable sources
  • Never believe the claim of anyone to speak with God or the Saints which damages the reputation of another or violates their rights
  • Never accept any claim of a heavenly vision, which runs counter to objective facts and certitudes

Who is this Colombian nun? I do not know. But as the controversies arose over Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate, after March 2013, she began to write her claimed visions, which profited or should I say rode the wave of interest in this controversy.

She never said anything which was not already said, except when she made things up which could be proven by no one on earth.

In all of Church history, there is no example of anyone dead revealing their testament after their death. The claim itself participates in the forbidden practice of witchcraft of communicatio apud mortuos, communication with the dead..

If anyone soever claims that a certain pope is the last pope on earth, excepting however any claim made during the Return of Our Lord Jesus, then that person sins mortally in denying the Defined and Catholic Doctrine of Vatican I, that Saint Peter will have perpetual successors in the Apostolic See.

If anyone claims that Pope Benedict XVI has no valid successor, then they must have thrown canonical tradition into the dumpster, since I have with hundreds of articles shown that where as he died the valid pope, that there were several ways to validly elect his successor, and this in fact was done on January 30, 2023, by apostolic right. — Notably, both the Canonist Canale and Don Minutella, agree with this position, as of today, namely, that in the absence of action by the College of Cardinals, the Catholics of Rome can elect a man pope, fulfilling — as I say — the obligation of canon 331. For more on this, see, The Triumph of the Lamb of God, which is a collection of articles about this.

In my opinion, the claims of this Colombian Nun are as about as reliable as QAnon, and thus are simply a malign psychological exploitation of the concerns of millions of Catholics, who are either incompetent in matters juridical, or who cannot emotionally bring themselves to believe that Jesus Christ has promised and does pray for every successor of St. Peter, no matter how evil a man he may be, or that Canon Law does not hold has invalid, a man elected to the Apostolic Throne, who has not been canonically rendered ineligible by heresy or apostasy by a public judgement by ecclesiastical tribunals, or the pope, which has been published to the world.

Further more it is the most consummate pride and deceit, to write an imaginative story, and claim God or a Saint as its origin. And it s the work of Satan and his crew, to propose absurdities in place of facts, defined dogmas and revealed truths.

I warn all, that to support any claim that a dead pope (outside of times of sedevacante, between the death and the juridically valid election of his successor) was the last authentic pope on earth, is grounds for ecclesiastical censure, and rightly so, regardless of their dignity in the Church. This is because it is tantamount to an act of schism with the Apostolic See, inasmuch as it claims that the juridically valid election of the current pope was invalid or non existent. (You personally might have your doubts, or misgivings, but nevertheless, you can still be censured) And in the present case, there is no factual or canonical reason to entertain such an opinion.

Finally, there are many who do not like what is going on in the Church, but if you cross the line whereby you on your own authority decided that God or Holy Mother Church in Her laws, got it wrong, you will burn in eternal hell fire, because of your godlessness and presumption — and not at all on account of my saying so, or rebuking you, since it is patent insanity to disbelieve Jesus Christ’s promises or to arrogate to oneself authority in the Church. This applies to all, from the last layman in the last pew of the smallest church on earth, to the highest ecclesiastics at Rome, and all in between.

God save us from grifting liars!


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12 thoughts on “COLOMBIA: Pope Benedict XVI maligned by a Delirious Nun”

  1. I would like to see Bishop Emeritus Gracida also cross-post your critique and comment accordingly.

  2. Br. Bugnolo,

    What are your thoughts on Fr. Jim Blount? I have seen him in person. He has recently claimed that he was teleported into the office of the antichrist. He said that the antichrist is a current world leader and that when he saw him two horns came out of his head. He said that God won’t let him reveal who it is. You can find this online.

    1. If you have to ask what a sane man would think of this, I am concerned about you…

      1. No need to be concerned about me. Lol. When he made this claim it definitely set me back. He has a big following and has done a lot of good, but when private revelations are revealed it can cause unrest and then it makes one question everything else that was said. I listened to what you told Dr. Ruby….”If someone lies to you once it’s hard to trust again. “….something along those lines. I’m not calling him a liar. I’ve had personal spiritual experiences which I would not be able to prove to anyone.

  3. Jimmy Durante appeared to me in a halo of intense light, he was dressed in a dazzling white robe. He gave me this message: that all of those who believe in this nun should send me crisp new $100 notes marked with their initials and be very generous if they want to avoid his wrath. The funds thus collected will be used to finance the cause for canonization of Mr. Durante. This is the unadulterated, most pure truth. Unbelievers will spend five minutes in Purgatory and will be flogged vigorously with a wet noodle.

    1. It has the same credibility as the one spreading “prayers to St. Jude”, “repeat X times of prayers that never known to fail”, usually a mix of X Our Fathers and X Hail Mary’s.

      Grifters has been in our Church since 1960’s, lacking good prelates to defend The Truth.

  4. Brother, Bugnolo, she is not a nun. She is a laywoman. You can check her website.
    There are so many red flags.
    What she is saying is that apparently Pope Benedict appeared to her and revealed to her what apparently he was told under the seal of confessional by pope Francis. Can you imagine our Holy Father ever doing something like that? Breaking the seal of the confessional- even if he was threatened and mocked under the seal of confessional. Absolutely not. No priest would do that.
    This lady is a layperson. Her husband is her spiritual director apparently. There is no evidence that she is submitting herself to the scrutiny of a priest or her bishop.
    Apparently, in one of her apparitions, the devil appeared alongside with our Lord , and her husband had to drive away the devil using the St Benedict cross. I don’t think the devil would dare to appear if our Lord was truly present there.
    There are so many red flags.

  5. Brother Bugnolo, this is the excerpt from her website. This couple actually need our prayers. They really need to receive guidance from a good holy priest. Because what is written here is actually very disturbing and alarming.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us .
    Papa Benedict, please pray for us.

    5th December 2021 Angelic Protection Prayer.

    One Glorious Mystery Rosary

    During the second Divine Mercy…..

    Our Lord Jesus interrupted:

    My wife’s body formed into the crucifix shape. Her hand in the trinity sign. When my wife first received messages in May 2019 her body would involuntarily form into the crucifix shape.


    I am with you My child. You are mine.

    I AM Jesus. I thank you.

    I love you both so much.

    You must keep My love within you.

    I AM always in your heart.

    Please ask Me when you need Me.

    I will always come to you.

    Child……..(tears.. my wife’s face reddened with tears…I cried also at Jesus’s sadness

    Satan: pointed at husband

    ‘I am not here for your purpose’ ( pointing at husband)…nasty guttural voice much like a wicked old man sound pointing his finger with anger. His mouth gestured angrily and menacingly.


    During interference from the enemy husband held Cross of St Benedict and asked Jesus to help and said ‘Immaculate heart of Mary unite our hearts with yours’. I also said Hail Marys in repetition.

    He went quite quickly. Usually I feel my heart quicken in fear when he manifests but I didn’t this time. He would like to ruin my wife and hates me helping my wife as I am her spiritual director.

    1. Aside from the messages, this Colombian lady is dressing up as a pretend nun….

      Something must have happened to her. Her sanity is way beyond reach.

      May she find peace in Mama Mary and Jesus, she is really tormented by devils. May she repent.

      1. We don’t know if she is pretending to be a nun. This could be someone else who got a bit mixed up . Her website doesn’t claim she is a nun. Not sure how the ‘nun’ thing started.

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