Tag Archives: Anthony Fauci

Did COVID-19 originate in the USA?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

There have been a lot of accusations about the origin of COVID-19, on top of all the misinformation and misrepresentation by the Main Stream Media and National Leaders about the lethality and spread of the virus. While the entire history and details of these controversies is beyond the scope of a single article, I believe it is necessary, now, to consider the facts which are lining up with the possibility that COVID-19 spread from the USA to China and thence to the rest of the world.

As has been reported, the first known cases of COVID-19 were reported at the end of November, 2019, at Wuhan China. This is where the story begins and ends, as it were, because here I will discuss what happened in the years and months previous.

Where was COVID-19 developed?

First, it is now admitted by the U.S. Government that the research on chimeric Coronavirus strains was done at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Indeed, in an article, entitled, “Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate“, and dated Nov, 16, 2015, Jef Akst of The Scientist, reported that chimeric research into gain of function studies done at Chapel Hill caused an international controversy. It is not certain, however, if the article contains the original information, since it now bears an update notice of March 11, 2020, which is attempting to deflect interest in the story — a most unusually and journalistically unethical editorial decision. Significantly, however, the Coronavirus being modified at Chapel Hill, was a species found in Chinese Bats.

The controversy was such that it led to a Congressional moratorium on chimeric research in the USA. At which point, Dr. Antonio Fauci diverted 3.7 Million U.S. Dollars of U.S. Taxpayer monies to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to continue the research. Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel to U. S. President Donald Trump, and former Mayor of New York city, recently demanded an explanation from Dr. Fauci for this transfer, which violated U.S. Laws against funding the research.

In addition to the research done at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the specific kind of research into Coronaviruses as possible biological warfare agents, was being done at Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA, by the U. S. Army, which has a Level 3 and 4 Biowarfare Lab at the military base. This lab was cited by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July, 2019 for failure to maintain proper containment standards, and was partially shut down in November, according to Military.com’s April 1, 2020 report. The citation by the CDC referred to its steam sterilization plant. It was reopened on April 1, 2020, following the certification of the CDC on March 27. However, Military.com, in its November 24, 2019 report, said something different: the Fort Detrick Labs were partially shut down for 2 incidents: 1) the failure to close the door on the autoclave sterilization unit, and 2) the failure to obtain sufficient sterilization by means of chemical waste treatment process. Problems, which obviously refer to the possibility of organisms or toxins escaping from the facility.

ABC News reported on April 9, 2020, The U.S. Military Medical Intelligence knew in November, before China, it appears, that the new infection at Wuhan could possible become a major contagion.

The fact that the Fort Detrick labs were partially shut down simultaneously with the US Military Medical Intelligence Report of November, 2019, of the danger of the possible new contagion at Wuhan, does argue strongly that the U.S. Military knows what the source of the contagion was, though it does not prove that it was intentionally released.

US Participation in the 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan, China

The 2019 World Military Games was held in Wuhan, China, from October, 18, to October 27, 2019. These games are officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games, on account of the French name of the International Coordination Committee. Athletic competitions included participation of more than 9,300 athletes in 28 sports.

The U.S. Armed forces sent a team of 266 athletes — it seems no one is reporting their names however — which placed 35th in total number of medals won, according to Wikipedia. A very poor showing by Olympic Standards considering the size of the team sent. According to the U.S. Armed Forces Sports Facebook page, the Games were held from Oct. 14 to 27, however.

Strangely, the official site for U.S. Armed Forces Sport omits entirely any mention that the U.S. participated at the Wuhan Games, except for articles which speak about the games before October of 2019. It is as if the achievement of the U.S. Team have gone down a memory hole. As for the names of the Athletes, there seems not to be available a complete list, which would clarify from which U.S. Military Units they originate, or where in the U.S. they trained before they came to China.

The Department of Defense, official site, however, does have special coverage and several articles about the U.S. Team participation in the Wuhan Games. Of the U.S. Soccer Team’s performance Joe Lacdan of Army News service writes:

Throughout most of the first half of play, the U.S. team was in lockstep with everything Qatar could kick at them. The U.S. team maintained a 0-0 score until a free kick in the 27th minute allowed Qatar to take a 1-0 lead. And that is when the U.S. team lost its way for the next 10 minutes. Ten minutes is all it took for Qatar to score two more goals and go up 3-0 before the half.

The U.S. Defense Virtual Information Diffusion Service, however, covered the games, so that U.S. participants and tourists in China could access the information. This source claimed that more than 280 U.S. Military Personnel attended, participating with 17 teams. But strangely they do not report the names of the team members.

Seeing that China is accusing the U.S. Military of brining COVID-19, you would think that a rebust response to the accusation — if false — would include complete disclosure regarding who attended and whether they got sick while there. According to the Russian Orthodox Monk, Br. Nathanael, five of U.S. personnel did come down sick, when there. He claims they were admitted to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital for fever, and then for malaria. According to the Medical Journal, The Lancet, this hospital was an early site for Coronavirus patient treatment.

What does genetics tell us?

A recent genetic study of Coronavirus strains world wide shows that there are in existence, presently, 3 forms of the Virus. They are labeled, A, B, and C.

Form C is found in Singapore and spread to Europe. It appears to have originated from Form B.

Form B is the dominant kind found among COVID-19 patients in Wuhan. For some reason, in China it is listed as evolving slowly, but quickly outside of China — which seems biologically impossible.

Form A was found among Americans who live in Wuhan and Americans who live in the USA. Form A is also the original form of the Virus.

And this final fact casts a lot of doubt and speculation that COVID-19 did exist in the U.S.A., and was brought to Wuhan by American Citizens attending the 7th CISM World Military Games. However, I can find no evidence that Fort Detrick has athletic facilities which were used by the US Teams, even though there are several military units stationed there, who undoubtedly do have such facilities:

Only when the U.S. Military divulge the names of the 280 personnel who went to Wuhan, and to which Military Units they belonged, and where they trained, and who got sick at Wuhan, will these doubts be dispelled — if they are only doubts.

Silence, however, implies otherwise.

Of course, COVID-19 might not be the cause of the pandemic, since it was reported in October of 2019, by the New York Times that Australian had a very severe flu season just prior to that.

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Anthony Fauci admits he convinced Trump to shut down USA

Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The analysis presented here at FromRome.Info, that Bill Gates is the one behind the Corona Panic was confirmed on Monday, when Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Brix admitted during the White House Press Conference, that day, that it was they who convinced the U.S. President, Donald Trump, to shut down America.


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