Several Bishops in Italy no longer regard Bergoglio as the Pope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

According to a highly reliable source, the measures to shut down the Churches during Holy Week has led several Bishops in Italy to open their eyes. They are now openly admitting that Bergoglio is not the Pope and, on account of his heresies, is patently no longer a member of the Catholic Church.

While FromRome.Info cannot confirm the claims independently, nor name the Bishops individually, we believe that the Faithful in all the world have a right to know the reality on the ground, here in Italy.

Let us pray that they now come forward and make public statements like Archbishop Lenga and Bishop Gracida, have done.

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4 thoughts on “Several Bishops in Italy no longer regard Bergoglio as the Pope”

  1. Openness is exactly what’s needed. No more hiding behind cloistered walls – Cardinal Eijk, Fr. Weinandy, Bishops Paprocki, Strickland et al what are you waiting for? Even if you have personal issues holding you back from declaring on this vital point, please consider your own salvation & those for whom you hold grave responsibility. Antipope Francis will soon be gone from the scene but his appointees will remain & no doubt increase if this apostasy isn’t dealt with now, & that IS your duty as successors to the First Apostles. Don’t please shirk this responsibility before God any longer. Our Blessed Mother will be your protection as she was at Lepanto. Trust Her!

  2. Thanks be to God! Maybe this shut down (which has now been extended to May 3rd in Italy), has helped many prelates assimilate the reality about Bergoglio. Fr. Minutella’s recent warning about April 12, has probably reached the hands of more and more of them because of the faithful in Italy.

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