USA: New CDC Director ominously warns of next Pandemic “within weeks, month”?

Editor’s Note: This could be it, folks. As Dr. Rashid Buttar warned in May of this year, the Globalists are planning to launch another Plandemic. He said it would be within a few months. August would be the third month.

This statement by Mrs. Cohen, the new CDC director, that in the next few weeks, month, “We will hear more” about Covid “Vaccines” thus must be construed in the most ominous manner possible, as a perhaps covert warning of the launch of the next Scam.

Pay much more attention to this short news story, than anything I have written about when it might take place. After all, these Mass Murdering Globalists are always true to their words.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

37 thoughts on “USA: New CDC Director ominously warns of next Pandemic “within weeks, month”?”

  1. That will be a resounding ‘NO!’ to the Graphene Oxide, metals and Quantumdots…Thank-You Very Much!!!
    Dr. Ana Mihalcea has a Substack reporting on her research with Dark Background Blood Testing and reports EDTA Chelation Therapy usually used to treat Heavy Metal Poisoning to be VERY EFFECTIVE with removing contamination from the Ai/Bioweapon Injections as well as those now presenting as poisoned from shedding as those taking the Injections.
    You may wish to tune-in to provide info on a wider scale. Here is a link:

    1. Chelation appears only to be a temporary remedy, because the poison is not only in the blood.

    2. Get out of your home or throw away your gadgets. Even the unvaxxed are now being tracked via the SIM registration.

      It would have been best if you threw away your phone months ago.

  2. Mandy Cohen is the former tyrant of the NC Dept. Of HHS. She’s going to be even worse than Rochelle Walensky at the CDC. She wants the Covid vaxx to
    be given annually like the flu vaccine, a sure way to
    slow poison the sheep. I will never get another vaccine. The mRNA will be in all of them now.

  3. If they are true to their words that ” If you have had Covid and recovered you have lifetime immunity “, how can they force the vaxx on this portion of humanity?

      1. With covid vaccine hesitancy up +40% they are going to have to come up with something novel or different to get people sufficiently panicked to take more shots. Otherwise it will only be the +50 or +60 year olds who trust the official story of everything that will take the shots.

      2. When those DeathVaxxed begin to drop like flies they will have an objective fact to explain in such a way as to guarantee mass hysteria and compliance.

      3. Already in the small town where I live, 2 persons have died of brain hemorrhages in 10 days. Both Vaxxed.

      4. I find it amazing how difficult it is for people to question the narrative even when cognitive dissonance is extreme.

    1. Maybe not. If they want to disrupt the school year and harvest in the Northern Hemisphere, catching everyone on holiday would be the ultimate trick.

      And remember, the Globalists are expert hunters and psychological abusers, so they know that to get compliance they have to make a surprise attack with vicious penalties.

      WE MUST RESIST. Prepare letters threatening your Police, Mayor, Businessmen for compliance, with lawsuits based on denial of your constitutional rights, liberties, freedoms etc..

      They intend to hit hard, we must hit harder at their pawns on the chess table, without which their TV propaganda does nothing.

      Only when the enforcers fear us, will we keep our liberties.

      1. After the local citizens get maimed, the government will pass something like an immigration bill. This will make the companies push for getting the immigrants… inside. For cheap labor in their end, but ultimately will result into riots.

  4. Of course they need to blame all the vaccine injuries and deaths on another plandemic.

  5. John, hello!
    It’s sad to say, but the young doctors (Age 30) who have been working at intensive care at hospitals during 2020 cannot think as they are not only taken by the official narrative but tell “I Saw many people die”. Their way of thinking Is blocked.
    Also many young people think like that.

    Only with prayer.

    1. It is truly amazing. I never thought that people would be unable to link cause and consequence.

      1. Welcome to the age of Internet. Everyone, especially the youth, are robbed of their freedom and free will and even intellect, because of technology.

        Evil is greater than human will, but prayer destroys the Evil One.

  6. It seems like this is the “Marburg” narrative.–of-victims-certain-to-reach-uk/ar-AA1dTC8D

    “The hosts of the CCHF virus include a wide range of common animals including cattle, sheep and goats. They become infected by the bite of infected ticks and the virus remains in their bloodstream for about one week after infection.

    Most human cases have occurred in people involved in the livestock industry, such as agricultural workers, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians.

    But human-to-human transmission can occur resulting from close contact via blood or other bodily fluids.”


      FOR WHICH THERE IS NO VACCINE….. (AS OF YET)…. this is necessary for their marketing scam.

    2. Interesting! We had not seen our neighbor in a few weeks so my husband went to check on him. The neighbor said he has been very ill with tick fever!

  7. Seems like Marburg symptoms are also snake venom symptoms.

    “The WHO said 70 per cent of cases had a known history of tick bite. The most common symptoms include abrupt onset of a fever, chills, shudders, myalgia, headaches, sicknesses and vomiting, abdominal pain and arthralgia.

    Severely ill patients may experience sudden liver failure or pulmonary failure after the fifth day of illness with death occurring in the second week after infection. In patients who recover, improvement generally begins on the ninth or tenth day after the onset of symptoms.”

  8. My concern is that in 2021, people had suffered from the media-governmental hysteria but were still “clean”. And the mass did not react during the blackmail campaign “get the shot or lose your job and be a paria of your community”, how will they react more now as most of them are busy with all their health (physical or mental) problems ? The first one who says “I will have jabs against cancer we all feaaarr”, they will jump like.. sheeps. Indeed we are the remaining minority still capable of doing something. Br. Bugnolo you’re right we MUST RESIST. Again and all the time and for human dignity. It’s a heavy responsibility on our shoulders. I everyday repand around me “the power of saying NO” (as de Gaulle said) and “We do not fear” (as J.P. II said). At the end, that last quote is so important. All the narrative is based on fear. Once people are not afraid anymore, only them they start to act as human beings.

      1. That is exactly right. And it will become abundantly clear. The worst fear to come will be to be cut off from the entire system. Which will likely lead to social and physical death. Most people will submit. Few will take the hard path. Our faith will be greatly tested. May God give us strength and clarity.

  9. Can we trust ‘Fox News’ accuracy of reporting?
    After all the Tucker Carlson shenanigans it would seem that this news channel is just another part of the lying MSM who so successfully stoked the “climate of FEAR” which enabled the 2020 Scamdemic……

    We know from the W.H.O [and others…] that another Plandemic is ‘just around the corner’ but, at the end of the day, everyone should take note of this solemn warning from our Lord:-
    “And fear ye not them that kill the body and are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear Him that can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
    [St Matthew 10: 28]

    Yes, resistance to the satanic-globalists genocide-strategy is absolutely essential !!

  10. I hear that the Netherlands, Switzerland and Australia are likely to opt out of the WHO soon. Moreover, several African countries with virtually 0 covid-shots are proof that they are completely useless.

    1. The Africans learned it at a great price – they were given the AIDS shot in the 1980s and watched their population dwindle. Thanks to Bill Gates.

      Maybe this is the reason why most Africans were antagonistic against whites.

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