Church Militant embraces the Homo-Heresy as the Catholic Position

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

What an abomination! Here the report from Church Militant, Rome Dispatch, lauds the Archbishop of Riga as holding the Catholic position: “We welcome everyone with love and respect …. We must be faithful to what the Church has discovered. … If a homosexual couple living in chastity come for a blessing, I will certainly bless them …”

Here Church Militant takes its mask off, at last. They are modernists, and they are playing the same game with the words “in chastity” as do those who say that cohabitation “in chastity” is o.k.. And they are really thrilled about it, that they strive to deceive the faithful with the title on their video, “Courageous Catholic Leaders speaking the truth”. Sick!

All cohabitation “in chastity” is not O. K.. Its the grave sin of public scandal and the mortal sin of putting yourself in a habitual objective and subjective occasion of sins against purity in mind and body, because if it were not, there would be no need to say, “in chastity”.

If the Church were to accept the position of the Archbishop of Riga, that would be the end of all morality. Because then drunks to go to a bar “with sobriety”, with the priests blessing; thieves could handle other’s possessions in a spirit of poverty; pedophiles could caress children “with chaste love”, and priests could offer a “catholic” mass with an idol on the altar.

The suggestion is a blasphemous mockery of true Catholic morals.

The phrase “in chastity” is simply a way of lying, by a devious pretense of virtue.


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8 thoughts on “Church Militant embraces the Homo-Heresy as the Catholic Position”

    1. The article at EWTN really proves nothing. Because when you pray to a Catholic who is deceased asking God for favors, and favors are granted, it is clear that the Catholic is a Saint and in Heaven. If she were not a Martyr, God would not answer the prayers. Yet, St. Philomena has worked more miracles than 99% of all modern canonized Saints. So ….

  1. In 1837 St. Philomena was canonized by Pope Gregory XVI. Pope Gregory XVI gave a Mass & proper Office in her honor.
    Her tomb was found in 1802 in the ancient catacombs in Rome with symbols to indicate that she was a virgin martyr. Her relics were moved to a church near Naples. Many miracles occurred at the site of her relics including a blind girl regaining her sight, a disable child being able to walk, etc. Blessed Pope Pius IX attributed his cure of childhood epilepsy & the cure of a deadly disease when he was an archbishop to intercession of St. Philomena. When he became Pope, he traveled to her relics. His papal cross is with her relics.
    In 1833, St. Philomena appeared to 3 people (a priest, a nun, a pious artist) in 3 different areas in Italy. All 3 had the same story but the nun had more details. St. Philomena described her life to them that Emperor Diocletian caused her death.
    Many Popes venerated St. Philomena including Pope Leo XIII, Saint Pope Pius X. Many saints venerated St. Philomena including St. John Vianney, St. Anthony Mary Claret, St. John Neumann, St. Padre Pio, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Venerable Pauline Jaricot, etc. St. Philomena is patron of the youth & newlyweds. She is also known a patron of the impossible cases involving conversation of sinners, returning to the sacraments, priests & their work, etc. Even though her feast was removed from the calendar that does not mean she is not canonized. They can not deny that other saints & popes venerated her or that miracles did happen because of her relics & her intercession. She became the only person to be canonized by the Church solely on the basis of her powerful intercession.
    “Truly, St. Philomena is a powerful intercessor – seemingly held quietly in reserve by Our Divine Lord during these many centuries – for especially strong help in our times, when so much confusion & absence of faith are manifest.”
    St. Philomena, powerful with God, pray for us!

    1. It was just not St.Philomena that feast was removed from the calendar in 1960’s. Other great saints like St. Valentine, St. Christopher, St. George, St. Ursula & companions, St.Nicholas, St. Brigid of Ireland, etc. had their feasts removed. Today on the old calendar is St. Raphael’s feast day. His feast was moved & combined with St. Michael feast day. Miracles have occurred do to these saints intercessions. The Church has never decanonized a saint. Why in the 1960’s would they want to cast doubts on these saints? Or doubt on the saints that venerated these saints? Once a truth always a truth? Can truth change?
      “…stand firm in Faith & hold fast to tradition…”

  2. I have a TAN calendar in my hand for 2023 and it shows that for today, October 24th., the feasts are for St. Anthony Mary Claret, 1870, New, and St. Raphael the Archangel, Trad. Two of my favorite Saints. Blessings, Br. Alexis!

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