Pope Benedict XVI writes leading pro-B16 journalist in Brazil

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

According to the globalist, politically correct narrative, Pope Benedict XVI intended and did resign from the papacy in 2013 on Feb. 28, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected canonically as his successor on March 13, 2013, with the consent and acknowledgement of the entire Catholic world; no one objects to this, least of all the Holy Father, Benedict, though a small group of crazed conspiracy theorists increasingly spread around the nutty theory that for a minor defect of language Benedict XVI is still the pope and Bergoglio a usurper.

If such a scenario was reality, it would invariably include letters from Pope Benedict XVI, in person and from the Secretary of State, rebuking those who claimed otherwise, especially those who publish articles nearly daily, affirming he is the one and true Pope, and that Bergoglio is a knavish apostate and open heretic.

But the reality is, that the Holy Father has cordially responded to pro-Benedict XVI authors and writers, such as Andrea Cionci, who certainly merit a rebuke if they are spreading falsehoods.

As Andrea Cionci has reported, the response given to him is even approving of his defense of the legitimacy of Pope Benedict XVI continued claim to the papacy. You can read it all about that here and here.

Well, to the further confusion of those who have eyes to see, but claim not to see, the Holy Father has instructed the Secretary of State to reply to the Brazilian version of Cionci, Airton Vieira, the publisher of Kajeton,com.br, which is frequently cited here at FromRome.Info.

And this means, that the Holy Father is not only NOT upset that these writers are defending his unique claim to the papacy, but also that neither is the Secretary of State or his personal secretary Archbishop Ganswein. And if they are not, why on earth is anyone calling us names or slandering us for doing the same?

Today, I have the pleasure and honor to make known to the English speaking world, how the Holy Father has done this.

First, the original letter, in Portuguese to the Holy Father, and the Holy Father’s response through the Secretary of State, in Brazilian, then the English translations prepared by Mr. Vieira.

Mr. Vieira’s Letter to Pope Benedict XVI

A Sua Santità
Papa Benedetto XVI
Monastero Mater Ecclesiae

Querido Santo Padre,

Em minha juventude, pelos idos dos anos 80, pela primeira vez ouvi falar em um Cardeal Ratzinger prefeito da Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé. O nome assustou-me por me parecer severo. E logo me veio à mente a figura de um bravo bávaro, homenzarrão corpulento e robusto, com um “machado posto à raiz das árvores” ao modo de um martelo dos hereges. Mas estranhamente, apesar da primeira impressão, surgiu uma natural e quase imediata afeição pelo senhor, sem nada conhecer a seu respeito.

Passaram-se muitos anos e um dia, “do nada”, sonhei com o senhor. No sonho, um momento de conturbação que o obrigava a se retirar, às pressas, do lugar onde se encontrava, em direção a outro, desconhecido. Então o puseram em um carro, com um prelado e um motorista, e pediram a mim que o ajudasse. Entramos no veículo, que era antigo, e saímos. Em nosso encalço, pessoas que iam atrás de si. E o sonho acaba aí. Sonhos estes que nos deixam com a forte impressão de algo mais que um sonho…

Hoje, aqui estou, mas para pedir-lhe, eu, ein Geburtstagsgeschenk no dia de seu aniversário: permita que suba consigo em seu “automóvel” rumo ao “lugar desconhecido”. Em seus pensamentos e orações ao menos, bem como àqueles por quem rezo, sua família, seus filhos, “o mundo inteiro”.

Obrigado por tudo o que foi, é e será para nós.
Obrigado por seu “fiat”, com Maria.
Obrigado por ser um bom operário na Vinha do Senhor.
Obrigado por seu “loquendo et agendo”, seu “orando et patiendo”.
Obrigado por seu paternal múnus de amor, junto à cruz, até o fim.

Obrigado, Santo Padre. Deus lhe pague! Amém.

Airton Vieira – Brasil

The Reply of the Secretary of State to Mr. Vieira

English translations, in PDF:

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11 thoughts on “Pope Benedict XVI writes leading pro-B16 journalist in Brazil”

  1. SOS still managed to refer to him as “Pope emeritus.”

    My eyes are set on the feast of Peter in Chains but a month away….

  2. How interesting that Pope Benedict XVI quotes from his own sermon or Homily, given at the 65th Commemoration Mass of his own priestly ordination.

    Edited videos from that ceremony are being used by both “Francis is Pope” and “Benedict is the worst Pope ever” [substantial error] peddlers, as Pope Benedict XVI apparently uttered the words “Santo Padre” several times, allegedly addressing Bergoglio.

    1. When you have a gun to your head, you will say anything that does not legally give up the battle. The address Sancte Pater was used by Saint Francis to name God the Father, and is used by monks, to address their spiritual directors or superiors. It does not mean what you think it means.

      1. I am with you.
        It does not mean what the “Francis is Pope” and “Benedict is the worst Pope ever” think it means.

  3. The language spoken in Brazil is portuguese. Please, dear Brother Bugnolo, correct it.

      1. Maybe had my errors interpretation about the term “In brazilian”. It don’t offensive to me.

        Ps: My english is not so good

    1. Dear Ricardo,
      The Portuguese language is the third most spoken in the world, after English and Spanish. As there are, for example, “English from England” and “English from the USA”, etc.; the “Spanish of Spain”, “of Mexico”, etc., there is the Portuguese of the numerous Lusophone-speaking countries with their idiosyncrasies.
      And in case the English translation didn’t help, the term was put in the mouth of an English speaker (Brother Alexis), which doubly justifies its use.

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