by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Anyone who has been carefully watching the reign of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis, for the last 10 years can see the forest through the trees about his character and behavior. And just like the analogy, so too when dealing with any act or statement of Pope Francis, one has to recognize in which forest each tree stands, so as to correctly identify its species.
From the beginning, the international press, controlled by the Rothschilds and intel agencies of the leading Masonic powers of the world, hailed Bergoglio as “the humble pope” “from the peripheries”. To anyone familiar with how the same press treated Barrack Obama just 7 years before, the parallelisms were crystal clear: the man Bergoglio was being praised as a saint, a savior and a messiah before he even did anything. This was psychological conditioning to prepare us for the revolution he planned from the start.
Even his nephew in Florida admitted the truth, namely, that once Pope, his uncle would change Catholic teaching on the fundamental points of marriage, divorce and sodomy.
Soon, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was channeling Barrack Obama in all his actions and homilies, from washing the feet of non-Christian convicted criminals on Holy Thursday — while omitting Holy Thursday Mass at Saint John’s Basilica — to celebrating mass on an altar built into a wooden boat used by illegals to cross the Mediterranean to invade Europe. Each act was calculated to be politically disgusting in every detail.
And on the topic of sodomy, “Who was I to judge?” became the slogan shouted round the world, from his lips to the dens of iniquity the world over.
And while many tried to explain away the scandals, the scandals grew even more.
So Fiducia supplicans, while shocking in its nefarious argumentation and goals, shocked no one with its intention: the legitimization of sodomy.
But for the right thinking Catholic, who takes a look at the entire forest, something else also becomes evident, namely, that with the publication of this document the Sacrament of Catholic Marriage is changed forever, or better yet, destroyed in its unique character as the only stable form of human relationship among sexual partners wherein God’s blessing can be received from a Catholic Priest, the ambassador of the Only True God.
And here is where the goal of the nefarious document becomes evident even in the propaganda that Cardinal Fernandez has well thought out to counter opposition to the Infernal Declaration: namely the talking pionts distributed by his office to Bishops round the world, to enable them convince the Faithful to accept this Abomination of Desolation.
For if you read the responses of Bishops from any part of the world, which do not oppose the Declaration, they are all repeating the same talking point: “the Catholic doctrine on Marriage has not changed”, “the Church teaching on sexual morality has not changed”.
If you have any experience talking to swindlers, crooks, shiesters and street-corner hucksters, like Barrack Obama, then you recognize easily that the disco-bouncer Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his crew have the same expertise.
Like the game played on the world by Pope John Paul II, when he was about to go into surgery to survive from his shooting on May 13, 1981, in that document which “authorized altar girls”, we’ve seen the same dishonest game played on us for a long time. The document said one thing, but the effects allowed were quite another. The document said that only when no men were present, such as in cloistered convents and women’s retreats, a woman could do what an acolyte did. But the implementation was quite another: for now women can be admitted to the role of acolyte and serve even when the Church is full of men and boys, and any priest who would refuse to use them would be sacked in 24 hours.
The Catholic Faithful have seen this shell game played on us since the first day of the Second Vatican Council. It’s time that we stop playing the game and putting cheese out to encourage these rats from infesting the Barque of Holy Mother Church.
For my personal recommendation how to respond to Fiducia supplicans in your parish, see my video comments here.
Br. Bugnolo,
I could not agree with you more about Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. Pope Francis. I knew this from the beginning about him. I struggle with what you say about JP2. I want you to know that I respect you and look to you for the real truth in this wicked world that we live in. May God Bless you.
There are obvious signs that calling for intercession with JP2 never got answers.
Might be better to ask for intercession from Maria Simma or Blessed Jacinta, Francisco and the real Sister Lucy.
Thank-you Br. Alexis…The voice of reason in this matter and a fighter when necessary; for our Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless You this Holiday Season of Apostasy unforgetable for the faithful.
Communion in the hand another such example (even though PVI was, by sine reports, highly distressed by the habit).