Editor’s Note: Rumble just began to prevent embeded videos. This will require you to click the image to watch it on Rumble, but will also record your ip as you do so, on Rumble. This is not a coincidence. The globalists who purchased Rumble last year are desperate to know who no longer believes them.
You can watch on Twitter, but even on that platform, when you look at a tweet containing a link, the linked site is notified of your ip. For that reason, I will be posting images of tweets and videos, linked to the originals, to forestall that disclosure, from now on.
Regarding Carlson’s comments on Ukraine, he is exaggerating as he did with the Dominion voting machines, because biolabs in Ukraine are so primitive that they could not do research more advanced than at your local university. And every nuclear power plant, which uses technology from the West, has sensitive elements which Russia would like to obtain.
As for Kennedy, he is a good voice, but he does not stand against globalism, because he supports the Democrat party which is not democratic but globalist, and keeps pushing the narrative that there was a virus and that viruses cause illness which has never been proven scientifically.
And while it is true that a prolongation of the war in the Ukraine is antithetical to humanitarian principles, the solution to an unjust war is not surrender, but more strongly supporting the just side to end it. Because, unlike the left’s concept of humanitarianism, the true position, taught by God in Sacred Scripture is that this world exists for the just, and thus just war is a duty of charity and humanity. — And yes, Kennedy is right when he says that Ukraine is being given just enough help to prolong the war not win it, and that the Ukrainians have lost 140,000 men approximately. But the Russians are not killing Ukrainians at a 7 to 1 ratio, rather its the other way around, the Ukrainians are killing Russians at a 3 to one ratio, more or less.
So Carlson often says things that no one else would, but just as often is pushing the very errors which lead to the Globalist reset. He is thus, very confused, if not controlled opposition. But like Kennedy, he is not yet worthy of trust. Indeed, he is just as pro Russian narrative as before, because he has neglected to read history.
If rumble can identify your IP address when you watch videos, shouldn’t the solution to this be using a VPN?
Yes, but as publisher, I should try to do what I can too.