Tag Archives: Rome

ROME: Prepare for your Jubilee Pilgrimage, without the Mass

Exclusive Report by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction Française

If you are planning a trip to Rome for the Jubilee Year of 2025, prepare to expect not to be able to have Mass celebrated by the priest who is leading your pilgrimage.

Shocking as it may seem, but Pope Francis had ordered all the major Churches to establish pharasaical rules whereby any Mass by anyone, even a Bishop, during the Holy Year, can be cancelled or refused for any reason at any time.

And the rules are truly pharasaical.

I will explain what happened to a pilgrim priest yesterday in the Eternal City and let you judge for yourselves.

The priest visited the website of the Church in question and saw that the only requirement to celebrate mass was to fill out a simple form and submit it.

He arrived at the Church in time for the Mass he requested to say.

The laymen on duty asked if the priest had filled out the form. Then they said that these requests were only granted by the Rector, but that the Rector was not on duty. The vice-rector was also not on duty. Finally, the laymen realized how embarrassing the situation was to them, and they said the priest could say the Mass after the Church closed to the public, at 12:30 P. M.

The priest returned before that time to have some time to view the Church. Members of his pilgrimage where then told that he could not say the mass. The reason given was that the Rector who previously was claimed not to have seen the request, was now claimed to have seen and replied, and that the priest had to reply 3 or more days before he came to the Church. But this rule is no where on the website.

The members of the pilgrimage asked to speak with the Rector. They were told he was not on site. They asked to speak with the vice-Rector. They were told he was not there. They asked to speak to someone in charge. They were told there was no on available. They asked if the priest could reply to the email, which contained a questionaire, in person on paper. They were told that the email had to be replied to electronically. The poor priest did not think to bring his device with him.

The mass was to be a votive mass in honor of the Patron Saint of the Basilica. The day the priest chose was his birthday. He had come 10,000 miles to say this Mass.

The door was metaphorically speaking shut right in his face, with excuses that nothing could be done, because the Rector had just “entertained 3 cardinals and 15 bishops and 60 priests the day before, on Sunday, and had to take a day off.”

However, what these pilgrims were told does not make sense. Because if the Rector had not the time to see the request, how did he have time to reply to it? And if he had time to reply to it, why was he not reachable, even electronically on Mondays? And if permission was granted for 12:30 as the staff affirmed before numerous witnesses, how is it that it was withdrawn if the Rector and vice-Rector were unreachable?

Upon inquiry the pilgrims were told that masses by pilgrim priests are allowed at 9 AM, 12:30 P.M. and 5 P.M. But when they asked if any where scheduled today, they were told, “No”. And when they asked why their Mass could not be allowed at 12:30 PM, the staff say that the Church closes and the staff goes on lunch-break, so that they cannot remain and have mass!

On top of this, the website of the Church says, that “any priest who wishes to say mass at the Church, can concelebrate at the Masses regularly scheduled, and he need not show his celebret”!

Translated into layman’s terms: Anyone, Catholic or not, Christian or not, who claims to be a priest, can come to the Church before the Masses on Sunday or weekdays, present himself as a priest, whether he be so or not, and concelebrate with the Rector and his associates!  — A policy entirely contrary to all Catholic Teaching and all Canon Law, not to mention the discipline of the Diocese of Rome which is announced for hearing Confessions on their official Jubilee Website, here.

So why the open door to fake priests, but a door slammed in the face of Catholic pilgrim priests?

The end result is this: what this priest suffered is exactly what I reported was going to happen in regard to the Ban on Masses at another Basilica, that of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. It appears if Pope Francis has intentionally banned the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Catholic pilgrims during the Holy Year.

The Mayor of Rome seems to be in agreement, because the City of Rome is plastered with posters promoting the Jubilee Year, which show a Female couple, one white, one black, which seems to imply that lesbians, transgendered couples are the targeted group for tourism for the Catholic Jubilee Year, and that the City of Rome expects them, not mass going pilgrims. — On the Web, there are several variations of this poster showing different groups, but on the ground at Rome, I saw repeatedly and only this version:

Finally, FromRome.Info is the only Catholic news source which is reporting on this ban on masses. So please share this report for the sake of your brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere, lest they suffer the same religious persecution that Pope Francis seems to have organized this year at Rome as a sort of sadistic psychological game of abuse.

UPDATE: A member of the pilgrimage told me, after this report was first published, that the Priest did receive an email from the vice-Rector, who gave permission for a mass at 12:30 P.M. She had sent this email just a little more than an hour before the priest arrived in person. Pilgrims do not have cellphones which work in Italy, only near WiFi points in hotels and restaurants. The email from the vice-Rector contained no form to fill out. — More proof that multiple layers of mendacity were being employed to say, “yes” and signify, “No!”.

On the coming slaughter of the Catholic Clergy & Faithful in the Marburg Apocalypse

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Years ago, out of curiosity, I traveled to the Boston College Library, in Boston, Massachusetts, to track down the original Italian text containing three of the most important prophecies of Saint Don Bosco. You can read my translation here:

I mention this here, because I wish to refer to one of the Saint’s prophecies, that of the restoration of the Papacy, and the great tragedy which will befall the Catholic Clergy and Faithful beforehand.

In the first prophecy, Our Lord warns through Saint John Bosco, that the Lord will come to Rome a fourth time to strike the city for her apostasy and infidelity. And that this visitation will regard plague.

“O Rome! Four times shall I come to you!29 The first time I shall smite your regions and its people. The second time I shall bring slaughter and destruction to your very gates. Should not that make you open your eyes? A third time shall I come, and I will demolish your defenses and defenders. (The present state of Rome.) At My Father’s30 command, terror, dismay, and desolation will reign.

“My wise followers flee (many live away from Rome, many are obliged to disperse), but My law is still trod underfoot.31 Therefore, I shall come a fourth time.32 Woe to you if My law again shall go unheeded. There shall be defections among both learned and ignorant. (This has happened and is still happening.) Your blood and that of your children shall wipe out your transgressions. (A seeming allusion to some future disaster.)33

“War, plague, and famine are the scourges to smite human pride and malice. (This summarizes the above-mentioned punishments.) Where are your magnificent villas and palaces, you people of wealth? (We shall see!) They have become the litter of squares and streets!34

“And you priests, why are you not prostrate between the vestibule and the altar, weeping and praying that the scourge may cease?35 Why do you not take up the shield of faith and preach My Word from the rooftops, in the houses, streets, and squares, and even in inaccessible places? Do you not know that this is the terrible two-edged sword which smites My enemies and placates the wrath of God and man?

“These things shall inexorably come to pass, all in succession.36

“Things follow too slowly upon each other, but the great Queen of Heaven is at hand; the Lord’s power is Hers. Like mist She shall scatter Her enemies.37 She shall vest the Venerable Old Man with all his former garments.38

From this prophecy it is clear that the City of Rome shall be punished for her infidelity. And in the Second Prophecy, we see that the punishment will regard a hugh mortality rate among the faithful:

On hearing this, the Pontiff moved on,61 and the ranks began to swell. Upon reaching the Holy City, the Pontiff wept at the sight of its desolate citizens, for many of them were no longer.62 He then entered St. Peter’s and intoned the Te Deum,63 to which a chorus of angels responded, singing: Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis [Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will.] When the song was over, all darkness vanished and a blazing sun shone.64 The population had declined greatly in the cities and in the countryside; the land was mangled as if by a hurricane and hailstorm, and people sought each other, deeply moved, and saying: Est Deus in Israel [There is a God in Israel].65

The question many who have studied the writings of Saint John Bosco has been, of what future calamity is he speaking.

I believe he is speaking of his own days, and specifically of the Marburg Plague which is about to be launched by the Globalists, perhaps this fall of 2023.

This “virus” was “discovered” at the University of Marburg, Germany, where it escaped a lab and killed  18 persons. It is alleged to be found in nature in the caves of Africa. How it got to Marburg is not clear. All subsequent infections known to history are tied either with Marburg the city, or are so distant in time as to suppose were originated there too. Almost no one in Africa has ever died of this “virus”, and it is not infection by means of the air, only by means of bodily fluids and direct contact.

So how can the Globalists like Bill Gates and Schwab be so certain that the next plague will be Marburg?

Perhaps because BioNTech, which with investment from Pfizer, contructed a new Vaccine Additive facility at Marburg. Germany. No kidding. Read the news here.

According to Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, the Covid-19 “Vaccines” contained a technology to cause those who received them, to start producing the toxins of the Marburg “virus” on cue from 5G signals. He dropped dead just days after admitting this, so it is not yet clear what information he had. He stated that this is how Marburg would infect the entire world. (See more about this Here)

Several notable doctors of medicine have adverted to the fact that with nearly 3 Billion persons “vaccinated” by products (which contain the BioNTech additives), if Marburg is somehow contained in the technology of the “Vaccine” (FromRome.Info calls them DeathVaxxes), that this could kill 600,000,000 or more persons when triggered. Marburg is known to kill 80% of those infected. It is highly contagious, but not very infectious; which means that if you touch the bodily fluids of the person with the disease it is highly likely you will contract it; but it is very unlikely that you will if you do not. – At least this is what an untrained person like myself who is not a M.D. nor qualified to give medical advice, understands. Correct me in the comments below, if I am mistaken.

And hence, the conclusion is, that many who received the DeathVaxxes are about to be genocided off the face of the earth, resulting in massive economic, social and ecclesiastical upheavals.

And this is exactly what the Globalists want to erase the Old Order of Christianity and replace it with the New World Order of Satan.

But here in Italy, where Bergoglio insisted on the receiving the DeathVaxx as an “act of love”, nearly all the clergy and seminarians and religious have taken it. The Laity too. And if most of them got a dose with this release-Marburg-on_cue technology, we could be about to witness the extinction of the Ecclesiastical workforce en masse throughout all of Italy and in many parts of the world.

And this is perhaps what Saint Don Bosco saw in his visions. God have mercy upon us!

Pope Benedict XVI departs at Noon from Munich, for Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI returns to Rome at noon. He will depart from the Munich Airport, where before departure, he will be saluted by Markus Söder, the Bavarian head of State, known as the Minister President, an honor accorded to other heads of state.

The German press is being very coy about the announced schedule, as if they do not believe it.  In fact after relying upon the official press release of the Diocese of Regensburg, and being accused of fake news, because the Diocese changed its announcement just 18 hours later, the reticence of the German press is understandable.

No one is connecting the dots. While Vaticanista at Rome were of the opinion that Benedict XVI had been driven into exile — Nota Bene: Exile in Roman law is a punishment whereby one is imprisoned or put under house arrest in a distant land with guards, not allowed to go free — Pope Benedict XVI appears to have had greater freedom of action that many suspected, and had arranged the visit on his own, without getting Pope Francis’ approval.

At any rate the German Nuncio was not notified in advance. And after the Diocese announced that Pope Benedict had no definite planned date for a return, he rushed to Regensburg to extract an announcement of an immediate return.

Those with eyes to see, who want to see, can see what is going on. Pope Benedict XVI is being taken back to the Vatican as a prison, after having escaped.

There is just too much risk for Bergoglio’s house of lies, if Benedict walks free. He might talk to someone and explain that he never renounced the Petrine Munus! Indeed, he already began to give such signs.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is an areal photograph of the Munich Airport, and is used here in accord with a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, as described here.

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Ancient Bolsena Volcano gives ominous sign of Major Earthquake to come in Central Italy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

May 11, 2020 — 7:50 A. M.:  Yesterday evening the ancient Volcano of Bolsena gave off ominous signs that a major seismic event will soon strike central Italy.

The Volcano which appears on all maps today, as Lake Bolsenna, is approximately 100 KM north of Rome, on the norther borders of the region of Lazio with the regions of Umbria and Toscany. It’s massive crater is the largest in all of Europe, but is now filled with water and is a much desired tourist destination on account of its natural beauty.

According to MeteoWeb.Eu, 12 minor earthquakes struck last night on the northern rim of the crater, round about the town of San Lorenzo Nuovo, from 6:45 PM to 8:03 PM with magnitudes ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 on the Richter Scale.

The Bolsena Volcano is important because it is usually the harbinger of future seismic events in Central Italy, being the first to sound the alarm months, weeks or days in advance.

I was in Bagnoregio in the Summer of 2016, when a series of minor earthquakes occurred on the northern rim of the Bolsena Volcano. Though they caused little or  no damage, the people of Bagnoregio were terribly frightened. Not understanding why, I asked around, and everyone told me that when the Volcano of Bolsena becomes active in such a way as this, it is a sign of much worse earthquakes to come.

In 2016, the people of Bagnoregio were right to trust in this hand-me-down knowledge from their anceteros, because sure enough, weeks later, in mid August, a major earthquake struck central Italy destroying dozens of towns, some wiped off the map, and damaging buildings throughout the region of Umbria and Lazio and Abruzzo. The number of shocks went up to the thousands and continued for months, terrorizing Italians throughout central Italy.

The earthquakes of 2016 occurred, according to seismologists from the impact of the Tyrrhenian plate upon the Adriatic plate at the pressure point near Rieti. At the time the experts concluded the movement was so great that it would portend further earthquakes in Italy. Subsequently, they discovered that the Earthquakes had opened up a fissure in the ground beneath the city of Rome which could be physically measured running all the way from the Tyrrhenian Sea to the central mountains of Italy.

What was the meaning of it all? Italian seismologists had stated that Rome was spared in 2016, but that it would not escape, because the resulting pressures now in Central Italy were such that there would have to soon be an adjustment, that is, another major tectonic movement in the Rome area to compensate.

It remains to be seen, whether the minor shocks on the northern rim of the ancient Volcano of Bolsenna last night, simply forewarned about the 3.3 earthquake which struck north of Rome, this morning at 5:03 A M. local time (UTC +2), or whether they are an ominous sign of a soon to come major earthquake to hit Eternal Rome.

In the mystical visions of Saint Don Bosco he saw the City of Rome destroyed and thousands of dead everywhere. And he saw the Pope, who would restore the Church after the disastrous crisis of Vatican II, consoling the dead and afflicted.

Only God knows the times and places of such things, but it seems that they may be nearer than we have imagined.

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Powerful Earthquake Felt at Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

May 11, 2020. — At about 5 A. M., local time (UTC +2) a powerful Earthquake was felt at Rome Italy.

The Earthquake began with a violent lateral rumbling and ended with a snap, so so it felt. It lasted some 2 to 3 seconds. It could be compared to the tremors which occur as a fast passenger train passes by, to one standing within 10 feet of the track.

FromRome.Info will attempt to confirm this report, which was felt personally by the author, with seismological information as soon as possible.

UPDATE at 5:18 AM. —  The Earthquake has been reported by the National Seismological Institute of Italy (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), as a 3.3 Magnitude quake, 5 KM southwest of Fonte Nuova, at at a depth in the Earth’s crust of 11 km. The location of the epicenter in reference to Rome, Italy is shown in this map:

Screenshot_2020-05-11 Terremoto 5 km SW Fonte Nuova (RM), Magnitudo ML 3 3, 11 May 2020 ore 05 03 22 (Fuso Orario Italia)

Shopping at Rome in a time of Pandemic Hype

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The pictures tell the story.


In the photo above, you need no explanation if you live at Rome. If there is a line wrapping round the block, there must be a supermarket round the corner. This line was seen yesterday, Sunday morning, opposite the Piazza of Santa Maria Maggiore.

But look how many police there were to make it clear to everyone that they better not dare even to think to take a step towards the Basilica to visit it:


The same sights can be seen elsewhere in Rome. Here are the lines at supermarket today, Monday:


This supermarket has longer lines because it is one of the few which is managing to keep its shelves stocked. Indeed they have merchandise waiting on the curbside to go into the store. It’s a good way of publicizing that it’s worth your while to wait in line:


As you approach the door, you are given plastic disposable gloves to wear while in the story. Something, someone though of in the past few days.

However, as you enter you are greeted with the daily propaganda. I notice propaganda readily, because I grew up in the USA where it is rarely seen:


The Italian phrase, Andrà tutto bene, means, “Everything will be all right!”

I cannot fail to notice that future tense of the verb.

In the store, if you waited the 45 minutes in line, you found that bread shelf was nearly empty and the meat shelf was half empty. But everything else was well stocked, because prices at this particular supermarket are 20-50% higher than the others, whose shelves are even less well stocked.

As they say in Italy, you can only be certain of the truth, when it is publicly denied.

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It seems the Virus knows where it is going

Rome, March 6, 2020:  Reuters International is reporting that the first case of Corona Virus has been reported in the outpatient clinic at the Vatican. This would not be the first case in the city of Rome.

The case of Corona Virus was reported late Thursday, that is, yesterday.

With Bergoglio suffering already from this winter’s influenza, the presence of Corona Virus in the Vatican clinic caused panic. The entire facility was sterilized after positive confirmation of the infection present in one patient. Those with influenza are highly susceptible to succumbing from Corona Virus due to their reduced states of health.

So far in the Roman Region know as Lazio, there are 44 cases and one death. The victim was infected by a relative who visited from Northern Italy.

The Virus is highly contagious. Several hospital workers at Rome have tested positive. Source of contagion unknown, but presumed to be the waiting rooms of emergency entrances.

There are few cases in Europe. But many in China. The virus has not taken long to get to the Vatican.

It is almost as if it knows where it is going, or if an Angel of Divine Vengeance is pouring out a green vial of infection upon those against whom the Divine Wrath is kindled.

Let us pray for the innocents who are infected or who have succumbed.

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A Pilgrim’s Visit to the Arch-Basilica of the Most Holy Savior

popularly known as

Saint John Lateran

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Last Friday, I had the grace to make a pilgrimage to the Arch-Basilica of the Most Holy Savior, popularly known as Saint John Lateran, the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Rome.

It is called an Arch-Basilica, because of all the Churches in the world it is the Chief and Head and Most important, being the very Cathedral of the Vicar of Jesus Christ. It is called a Basilica, from the Greek word for royal, because it was placed under the protection of the Roman Emperor, Constantine, during whose reign it was built. So important was this Church in the history of Christianity, that all the Churches in the world, named “Christ Church” bear a name which traces originally back to this structure.

The land on which the Basilica was built was originally a Fort of the Imperial Cavalry bodyguards, and then passed to the Laterani family. It came into the possession of the Roman Emperor Constantine through his marriage to Fausta, the daughter of Maxentius.

After his victory at the Milvian Bridge, Constantine donated it to Pope Militiades sometime before or during 313 A.D. At that time, there was a palace on the site, which had belonged to Fausta. It was converted into a Catholic Church.

The Basilica was consecrated in 324 by Pope Sylvester I, who made the adjacent palace his personal residence. Here the popes resided for centuries. It was here Saint Francis met Pope Innocent III and received verbal approval for his first Rule. Even, to this day, alongside the Basilica one finds the Curia, or Chancery, of the Diocese of Rome, as one can see in this photo to the right.

In the 10th Century, the Basilica was rededicated to Saint John the Baptist, by Pope Sergius III. Saint John was the archetype of all Christian holiness (cf. Luke 7:28) and especially of hermits and prophets. So a great number of Churches were dedicated to him throughout Christianity.

In the 12th Century, Pope Lucius II rededicated the Basilica to Saint John the Apostle, taking into account the growing understanding of the holiness of this Saint and protector of the Blessed Virgin. Today, the Arch-Basilica bears the full name: Arch-Basilica of the Most Holy Savior and of Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist at the Lateran.

The facade, or front, of the Arch-Basilica is an imposing structure. On Top, at the Center, there is a wonderful statue of Jesus Christ holding His Cross. On each side are statues of great Popes and Saints.

As you can see, the front of the Church has pillars which support a large upper balcony. This is called the Loggia of the Basilica. Both Saint Mary Major’s and St. Peter’s also have loggias. When a new Pope is elected, he normally greets the faithful from the Loggia of St. Peter’s and from the loggias of the other Basilicas during his first visits.

Basilicas according to Church law are directly subject to the Roman Pontiff, being considered as churches belonging to the Diocese of Rome. The symbol for a Basilica, therefore, is the Papal Umbrellino and Keys, as you can see in this bass-relief at the base of one of the pillars of the facade of the Arch-Basilica.

The wreath strewn below the keys is a traditional symbol of honor and dignity, being a depiction of a wreath made of laurel leaves as used by the ancient Romans for festive occasions.

The Lateran Palace, immediately adjacent to the Basilica was the residence of the Popes from 313 to 1309, or approximately the 1000 year reign spoken of by Saint John in the Apocalypse. A fire damaged the site in 1307 and 1361. Pope Clement V, who was a Frenchman, moved his official residence to Avignon in 1309, which began the long Avignese Capitvity, against which Saint Catherine of Sienna railed during her lifetime: the idea that the Bishop of Rome should be residing hundreds of miles away in France was a scandal to Christendom, and represented the extreme dissonance of the medieval notion of princely power, able to do what it liked, with that of the spiritual authority of the Pope.

The second fire so damaged the Basilica and residence, that when the Popes returned to Rome, they never again resided at the Lateran.

As you enter the Portico of the Facade of the Arch-Basilica, if you look to the left, you can see the Statue of Constantine, the founder of the Church, on account of his donation of the land. He is depicted in imperial style in a manner aping the pose of the first imperator, Augustus Octavian.

The Portico is decorated with elaborate marble flooring and beautiful friezes and imagery. The only ghastly ugliness is the Holy Door which is closed except for the Holy Years. It is made of case bronze by some wicked and demented artist, and was so ugly, I decided not to photograph it.

This reminds us, that Roman Basilicas are like history books, they record the events in the life or death of the Church down through the ages. The Arch-Basilica is no different, as it contains within numerous funerary monuments to Cardinals and Noblemen who greatly assisted the Church of Rome in their ages, and whose dying wish was to be buried or remembered in the Cathedral of the Eternal City.

As you can see, the Arch-Basilica is not as large as the Basilica of Saint Paul’s Outside the Walls, which I showed you two weeks ago, but it is stupendous in its own way. The floors are covered with inlaid marble of many colors, in the style popular in the late Middle Ages. The pillars on each side of the Nave each feature an enormous statue of one of the 12 Apostles, in imitation to the decorative style at the Vatican Basilica of Saint Peter’s.

The Ceiling is magnificently ornamented, as you can see in these two photos:

And, here:

The center piece, of course, is the High Altar, which appears to have escaped the desecrations of the Aggiornamento, for the most part (ironic, since after the Council the Bishops of Rome allowed the desecration of altars throughout the world, but protected that of their own Cathedral).

In the above photo, one is looking directly at the side altar of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the distant background. In the foreground, to the left, is the High Altar, which free stands at the head of the Nave of the Church.

In the photo above, a close up of the high altar of the Archbasilica. Medieval high altars often had canopies built over them, to prevent birds from leaving dirt upon the altar, if they happened to enter the Church when the doors were open.

In this photo, seen above, you can see the entire Canopy above the High Altar. Throughout the ages, various legends arose about why this canopy was so large. On my first visit to Rome in 2004, I was told by a guide that the relics of Saints John the Baptist and John the Apostle were kept above the altar, to protect them from the medieval devotion called, “relic theft”. In the middle ages, the Canons of this Basilica often claimed that the Ark of the Covenant was kept at the High Altar. This was not true, however.

Of all the funerary monuments in the Arch-Basilica, the most famous of them all is found to the left of the High Altar, on the back wall of the Church. It depicts Pope Leo XIII in all the vigor and triumph of his spirit.

Here is a close up of the statue of this great Pope.

This, without a doubt, is what a pope should look like and dress like.

Unlike Saint Paul’s Outside the Walls or Saint Peter’s Basilicae, this Arch-Basilica puts on display no great relic of any Saint. A pilgrim can obtain a plenary indulgence by visiting, and the mere opportunity to stand at the center of the Catholic Church, as one does, in this Church, is a worthy enough pilgrim’s goal.

May we all never forget and every foster a deep and profound sense of gratitude and reverence for the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. And may we dedicate our lives, fame and fortunes to ever defend Her from all enemies, both outside and within, so long as we live.