USA: CDC moves to add DeathVaxx to Child Vaxx Schedule to extend legal immunity of BigPharma

Editor’s Note: If the DeathVaxx is added to the Children’s Vaccination Schedule, it will become obligatory for all children to attend public school to be deathvaxxed. You see, the Scamdemic has NOT ended. It’s going forward, because we are not in rebellion yet. I said as much last November, in my video, The Only Solution to the Great Reset.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

2 thoughts on “USA: CDC moves to add DeathVaxx to Child Vaxx Schedule to extend legal immunity of BigPharma”

  1. Sounds like MANY in the Corporatist/Banker Cartel, their prostitute politicians, Deep State, Big Tech and Big Pharma INVESTORS are making lots of money and DON’T WANT THE RAIN TO END regardless of who is hurt, disabled or murdered. The EXACT M.O. of the Neo-Feudalist Technocrats all along.

  2. 119 comments were on that link. 119!! Hard to believe. How many actually saw the video?

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