Category Archives: News

Dr. Syndey Watson: I am not going to forgive and forget

FromRome.Info agrees. We have more than 3000 articles which cover the crimes committed, and we will never forget nor forgive, because pyschopaths like this do not belong in government. They are worse than any criminal organization of mafia.

 Why is there such a discussion right now? Well, a leading publication of Skull and Bones Lodge in the USA, The Atlantic Magazine, is pleading for humanity to forgive their agents for what they did during the Scamdemic. And the push back is huge:

UPDATE: The Atlantic’s article is now available online:

USA: J.P. Morgan Bank reps attended nearly all meetings of Department of Homeland Security

Editor’s Note: J. P. Morgan Chase is a bank, which from its foundation, was owned by the Rothschild family. It is highly suspected that they still own it and control it. This news is ground-shaking, because it represents a hard piece of evidence, that the USA is in fact controlled by bankers, not by elected officials.

And, it is clear that J. P. Morgan Chase is gearing up for the social credit system:

ITALY: Tribunal of Frosinone declares Scamdemic “State of Emergency” Ilegitimate

Summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Tribunal of Frosinone, province of Rome, has ruled that all the regulations which the governments of Giuseppe Conte and Mario Draghi imposed by means of Decrees for Covid-19 response (DCPM), were illegitimate because they claimed authority to act on the basis of the Code for Civil Protection, did so illegally, because that Code only regards responses to natural disasters, not pandemics.

In this case, the Judge went so far as to publicly castigate the local Prefect (District Attorney) for not declaring the provisions of the goverments and Parliament for violating the principle of attempting to impose regulations and laws in contravention with Constitutional principles.

In this interview by Matteo DiMicheli, Attorney Marcello Apollonio, discusses the ruling and its implications. — Note this decision did not emanate from the Constitutional Court, but only represents the judgement of the Tribunal of Frosinone in the case it was considering, which was an appeal regarding fines imposed on the claimant.

This Court has agreed with several others during the Scamdemic on this question, which is the same position, I expounded throughout the entire Scamdemic. — However, in the Italian legal system, the Government can with impunity ignore the rulings of this court, since you cannot sue the Government directly without permission of the Council of State, which is appointed by the Government.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s plans to censor Social Media leaked

Pope Benedict XVI’s call for Help: a 15 minute history of events from 2013-2022


This is a brief review of 9 years of events, from Feb. 11, 2013 to Oct. 30, 2022, which shows how Pope Benedict XVI has been calling for help to the Catholic World and how it has taken 9 years for us to hear his appeal and respond, as well as the recent stunning developments here in Italy, culminating in the formation of the Committee for the Liberation of Pope Benedict XVI.

To read more about the Committee’s objectives and methods with associated links, click here.

To petition the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome to call a Council to restore pope Benedict XVI, click here.

To support, the Committee for the Liberation of Pope Benedict XVI: