ITALY: National Catholic Avvenire admits Benedict XVI renounced only the ministerium

Commentary on the above by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

(click the image to read the article in Italian)

It has been 15 months since the Avvenire — the official Weekly of the Catholic Bishops of Italy — called upon a defrocked priest to write an editorial responding to Andrea Cionci’s politicization of my study of the Latin text of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013.  On that occasion the defrocked cleric called me an idiot for identifying 40+ grammatical and syntactical errors in the text.

Since that time the entire intellectual world in Italy has accepted my findings and recognized that there is something seriously awry, when, as Cionci uncovered in Benedict’s official biography, the Roman Pontiff says, “I know Latin very well, such that I make no errors. That is why I wrote the Delcaratio in Latin.” (Not a direct quote).*

This let Cionci in a year long study of the cryptic way the Holy Father has been sending warning signals to the world.

So, now, just days after Cionci revealed that 226 Bishops gave no counter argument to the evidence he gathered, the National Catholic Newspaper has quietly conceded the entire argument.

For in the article above the author admits that Benedict renounced the petrine ministerium. Punto. Basta. Nothing more.

But Canon 332 section 2 requires that he renounce the Munus.

I am glad that after 15 months, someone at the Avvenire has read the Latin of the Declaratio. I consider that worth at least one personal insult in the national press.


* Thus, if the assertion that “I make no errors” is correct, it must regard either the Latin or the intentional choice of words. It does not regard the Latin, as I have demonstrated, therefore it must regard the choice of words. Therefore, every word was chosen for a reason, even if it seems erroneous. Therefore, we must regard the renunciation of ministerium to be a renunciation of ministerium and not read it as a renunciation of munus, as if to correct the choice of words. And therefore, Benedict is saying by this phrase, that he is still the pope!

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3 thoughts on “ITALY: National Catholic Avvenire admits Benedict XVI renounced only the ministerium”

  1. Please correct the headline:
    “AVVENIRE” is a DAILY (6 issues a week) Italian newspaper, owned by CEI, the Italian Bishops Council.

    In July 2021 they printed daily approx 101 thousand AVVENIRE paper edition copies.

    They sold daily approx 74 thousand copies.
    78% of their sales are sort of “institutional” subscriptions to parishes and other clerical agencies and communities where many copies are left unread and soon trashed.

    In the past AVVENIRE newspaper was a powerful propaganda tool for the Italian Catholic Church

    1. Thank you for the correction. I have been in Italy on and off for 25 years, and you are the first to tell me it is a daily. It is distributed to parishes and all told me it was a weekly, maybe because they go to the Parish only on Sunday.

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