Category Archives: News

If you attend mass in communion with Pope Francis, then…

… you are in communion with this;

And will have to answer for it to our Most High Lord Jesus Christ!

Editor’s Note: I invite my readers to add in the comments below, their own arguments, such as, if you are in communion with Bergoglio, then you are in communion with this…. — Alas, notice how this priest sees the chausable, but not the Pride T-Shirt…. this is how corrupt, even the opposition is to Bergoglio.

Br. Bugnolo’s October Appeal

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

For those who may not know, I am a Franciscan Brother, living like a hermit, who keeps private vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience according to the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi (Regula Bullata). My immediate superior is Pope Benedict XVI. I am president of Ordo Militaris Inc., Helena, Montana, Cross Azure, of Kyiv, Ukraine, and L’Italia per gli Italiani, of Rome, Italy. All apostolates I do for the protection of Christians who are persecuted.

I am now back in Italy, at the hermitage. I want to thank the donors who continue to support me and the apostolates I undertake, despite the economic problems which are spreading round the world.

Here is how you can help my apostolates:

Keep the Hermitage, aka Latin Mass Center / B16 Refuge for vocations open another year:

Support FromRome.Info:

Or even….

Help me and the US Veterans working with me, save lives in Ukraine by distributing IV Fluid to the wounded:

Photo Credits: The Featured image is a photo of Br. Bugnolo standing in the chapel of the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy. Behind him is an icon of Saints Anthony and Theodore, Hermits, who founded the principal monasteries of Kyiv Ukraine, when the Church in the Ukraine was still in communion with Rome.

1 Peter 5: Bergoglio might never had been elected, if his mishandling of sexual abuse was not covered up by MSM

Editor’s Note: 1 Peter 5 has a lot of ink on its hands for its own complicity in the cover-up of the putsch which drove Pope Benedict XVI from power and uncanonically elected Bergoglio as Pope. But, for the present, I post this story from 1 Peter 5 because they have entered an entirely new sea, by admitting at last that Bergoglio should never have been elected, because of his vicious and violent coverup of the rampant sexual abuse in his own diocese in Argentina.

NASA tests Asteriod redirection method today

Editor’s Note: This is presented as very innocuous. But, since we do not know of all the objects orbiting the Sun, any change in the existing trajectories is very dangerous, for who knows what the results may be in 10 or 100 years, after changing the direction of one asteroid? Also, do we really want the Globalists to have the ability to redirect an asteriod, so as, to bombard some part of the Earth or even genocide vast portions of the human race if they rebelled against Globalism? I think not.

New Italian Parliament has only 54% support of electorate, 47% of Italy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Statistiche ufficiali dal Ministero dell’Interno QUI

Secondo la nuova legge sulla proporzione elettorale (che è incostituzionale), un partito politico guadagna un seggio in Parlamento solo se ottiene il 3% del voto popolare totale.

Secondo il ministero dell’Interno, 46.021.956 italiani sono iscritti al voto. Ma solo 28.085.553 italiani hanno votato.

Ciò significa che solo il 61% dell’elettorato ha votato.

Tuttavia, di quel 61%, al 6,73% è stato negato il voto in parlamento, perché ha votato per un partito politico che ha raccolto meno del 3%.

Ciò significa che a più del 4% dell’elettorato che ha votato è stata negata la rappresentanza, anche votando. — Prevedo nuove cause entro pochi giorni.

E questo a sua volta fa sì che il nuovo Parlamento rappresenti solo il 54,28% dell’elettorato.

Il risultato è ancora peggiore, se si considera che la popolazione italiana è di 58,9 milioni, ma solo 46 milioni sono iscritti per votare.

Ciò significa che il nuovo Parlamento rappresenta solo i voti del 47,617% della popolazione totale.

O in altre parole, questo Parlamento non ha il diritto di governare l’Italia.

E se si considera che la coalizione vincente ha raccolto solo il 43,79% dell’elettorato a cui è stata assegnata la rappresentanza in parlamento, significa che il nuovo governo al potere rappresenterà solo il 20,8% della popolazione italiana totale, quasi 1 su 5.

Pensi che questa sia una forma democratica di governo?

Io non lo penso.

INFORMATIVA: Fra’ Bugnolo è il presidente de L’Italia per gli Italiani, partito politico cattolico italiano, consacrato ai Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria, che propone un nazionalismo cattolico, che non è né di destra, né di sinistra, né di centro , ma dall’alto, che dunque è contro l’Ue (una truffa massonica), contro l’EURO (una frode della Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali), contro lo sfruttamento politico del popolo italiano al servizio di Francia, Germania, Gran Bretagna, Cina e gli Stati Uniti.


According to the new electoral proportion law (which is unconstitutional), a political party only earns a seat in Parliament if it garners 3% of the total popular vote.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 46, 021, 956 Italians are registered to vote. But only 28, 085, 553 Italians voted.

That means, only 61% of the electorate voted.

However, of that 61%, 6.73% were denied a vote in parliament, because they voted for a political party which garnered less than 3%.

That means, that more than 4% of the total electorate WAS DENIED REPRESENTATION, even though they voted! — I predict new lawsuits within days.

And that in turn causes the new Parliament only to represent 54.28% of the electorate.

The result is even worse, when you consider that the population of Italy is 58.9 Million, but only 46 million are registered to vote.

That means that the new Parliament represents only the votes of 47.617% of the total population.

Or in other words, this Parliament has no right to govern Italy.

And when you consider that the winning coalition only garnered 43.79% of the electorate who was awarded representation in parliament, that means the new ruling government will represent only 20.8% of the total Italian population, nearly as much as 1 in 5.

Do you think that this is a democratic form of government?

I do not.

DISCLOSURE: Br. Bugnolo is the president of L’Italia per gli Italiani, a Italian Catholic political party, consecrated to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which proposes a Catholic Nationalism, which is neither of the Right, nor of the Left, nor of the Center, but from on High, which thus is against the EU (a Masonic swindle), against the EURO (a Bank of International Settlements fraud), against the political exploitation of the Italian people for the service of France, Germany, Great Britain, China and the USA.

Brian Murphy: An Open Letter to Catholics throughout the world

Dear Friends:

As events within our beloved Catholic Church evolve, the time is long past due to seriously consider who each of us owes allegiance to as the true Pope of the Church.  Three years ago we published a video entitled Benedict Is Still Pope.  Volunteers translated the subtitles into ten languages.  In essence, we stated that Benedict never resigned the office of Pope.  He only resigned the ministry.  Not a single person has written to us to refute our statements or position.

One year ago, we posted Message in a Bottle, an excellent and very informative video made in Rome that provides:

  • More rationale on why Benedict is still pope
  • Powerful evidence that Jorge Bergoglio is a Freemason
  • Powerful evidence that he colluded with other fellow Masonic cardinals to gain the papacy, thereby excommunicating himself and those who collaborated with him.

Volunteers translated the subtitles of Message in a Bottle into German,  Arabic,  Russian,  French and Spanish.

The problem for every Catholic is that if you actively support one who teaches heresy, you become a heretic.  The Heresies and False Teachings from Jorge Bergoglio are too numerous to ignore.

Recent events have brought even more attention to Bergoglio’s ongoing destruction of the Catholic Church using Freemasonic ideology.

As Our Lady of Good Success, Mary prophesied “As for the Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His Church, it will be attacked and profaned in the fullest sense of the word. Freemasonry, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the aim of doing away with this Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin and encouraging the procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church.”

We are witnessing fulfillment of this prophecy right before our very eyes!  In 1973, to Sister Sassagawa she prophesied “Satan will enter the Church.”  Indeed he has.

I invite all of you to seriously contemplate where you stand.  Who will be named in Papal communion during Mass?  Will it be the true Pope or an antipope?  Will you announce where you stand?

Sincerely in Christ,

Brian Murphy

God’s Plan For Life
19 Rosana Way
Coto de Caza, CA 9267


Results of Italian Parliamentary Snap Election, held on Sept. 25th

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


Innanzitutto recito le fake news, ovvero i risultati preliminari delle elezioni anticipate per il Parlamento in Italia, svoltesi nel fine settimana. Il partito di testa è ora Fratelli d’Italia, il partito centrale massonico guidato da Georgia Meloni, membro dell’Aspen Club, che è stato escluso dalla precedente coalizione guidata da Mario Draghi, ex vicepresidente di Goldman Sachs, membro del consiglio BIS, tanto che in queste elezioni anticipate – indette rapidamente per impedire l’organizzazione di qualsiasi vera opposizione – potrebbe emergere come il partito principale e controllare la vera opposizione al globalismo fingendo di sostenere la loro causa. E così è stato.

La Lega, guidata da Salvini, è stata spazzata via, avendo perso quasi i 2/3 del precedente appoggio. Salvini era in testa ai sondaggi nell’agosto del 2019, quando ha lasciato il governo, con oltre il 40% di sostegno. Il suo sostengo pazzesco della Pandemica era la sua disgrazia finale.

Berlusconi, che sembra non andrà mai in pensione o non morirà, è tornato con un forte 7,9% dei voti. Questo gli darà la leva per partecipare ai negoziati per formare una nuova coalizione. Lui è quel discepolo di Craxi, che si dice sia diventato miliardario scremando i contratti del governo.

Il Partito Democratico (marxisti) ha subito una leggera battuta d’arresto con il 19,5%. Il loro importante concorrente, M5S (Movimento Cinque Stelle) è stato massacrato, scendendo al 14,72%, da altezze che un tempo erano vicine al 40%. Tuttavia, è probabile che questi due partiti tentino di formare una coalizione, perché non sono mai stati una vera opposizione, e chiunque abbia votato il M5S questo fine settimana è sicuramente un socialista irriducibile, di sinistra del centro marxista.

ITALEXIT ha fallito, perché due anni fa è stata smascherata come una finta opposizione di sinistra, per risucchiare il vento dai veri elettori antieuropei qui in Italia.

Gli altri partiti minori sono tutti di sinistra, ala. Quindi sembra improbabile che Meloni riesca a formare una coalizione per governare. Prevedo che PD, M5S formeranno una coalizione con Berlusconi per governare nuovamente l’Italia. Ma chiaramente, Berlusconi ha la carta del re, poiché entrambi i gruppi hanno bisogno di lui per governare. Posizione che ha giocato bene nelle ultime due coalizioni parlamentari, quando si è sempre schierato dalla parte dei marxisti e dei globalisti contro il popolo.

Ora per la vera notizia: Le attuali elezioni anticipate hanno ottenuto il più basso numero di elettori ufficiali nell’Italia moderna, con solo il 63,9% degli aventi diritto al voto che vota. Ciò significa che il Partito del dissenso, popolarmente noto anche come “Non nel mio nome” (Non nel mio nome), ha vinto queste elezioni con la maggiore affluenza alle urne del 36,1%, quasi 10 punti in più rispetto a Georgia Meloni. Tuttavia, se si considera che tutti i cittadini italiani senza fissa dimora o non iscritti al voto non possono votare, quella percentuale diventa ancora maggiore. A un gran numero di anziani viene negato il voto, perché non c’è l’assistenza di alcuna organizzazione per portarli alle urne, poiché voterebbero per la maggior parte contro la sinistra.

Quasi tutti quelli che conosco si sono rifiutati di votare, perché hanno riconosciuto che lo Snap Election è stato indetto proprio per impedire l’organizzazione di un nuovo partito. In effetti, vediamo che il voto per la Lega si è frantumato in altri 4-5 partiti, un’indicazione che nessuno aveva un partito per cui votare che rappresentasse realmente le proprie opinioni.

Come presidente de L’Italia per gli Italiani, sono convinto che solo il nostro partito potrebbe riuscirci. Devo ancora incontrare cattolici energici, pieni di speranza, attivi, laboriosi, zelanti politicamente esperti disposti a intraprendere l’erculea lotta necessaria per riprendersi l’Italia dalla Loggia massonica.

+ + +


First, the fake news, that is, the preliminary results of the snap elections for Parliament in Italy, held over the weekend. The leading party is now Fratelli d’Italia, the Masonic central party headed by Georgia Meloni, Aspen Club Member, who was left out of the previous coalition headed by Mario Draghi, ex-VP of Goldman Sachs, BIS Board Member, so that in these snap elections — called quickly to prevent any true opposition from organizing — she might come out as the leading party and control the real opposition to Globalism by feigning to take up their cause.

The Lega, headed by Salvini, was wiped out, having lost nearly 2/3rds of its previous support. Salvini was leading in polls in August of 2019, when he left government, with more than 40% support.

Berlusconi, who seems is never going to retire or die, has come back with a strong 7.9% of the vote. This will give him leverage to be part of the negotiations to form a new coalition. He is a disciple of Craxi, who is said to have became a billionaire by skimming government contracts.

The Partito Democratico (Marxists) have suffered a slight set back with 19.5%. Their significant competitor, M5S (Five Star Movement) was slaughtered, falling to 14.72%, from heights which once ran near 40%. However, these two parties are likely to attempt  to form a coalition, because they were never true opposition, and anyone who voted M5S this weekend is certainly a die-hard socialist, left of center marxist.

ITALEXIT flopped, because it was exposed two years ago as a Left wing fake opposition, to suck out the winds of the real anti-European voters here in Italy.

The other smaller parties are all left, wing. So it seems unlikely that Meloni will be able to form a coalition to govern. I predict that PD, M5S will form a coalition with Berlusconi to misgovern Italy again. But clearly, Berlusconi holds the king-maker card, as both groups need him to rule. A position he has played well in the last two parliamentary coalitions, when he always sided with the Marxists and Globalists against the people.

Now for the Real News:  The current snap election achieved the lowest official voter turn out every in modern Italy, with only 63.9% of those eligible to vote casting a ballot. That means, that the Dissent Party, also popularly known as, “Not in My Name” (Non nel mio nome), has won this election with the greatest turnout of 36.1%, nearly 10 points more than Georgia Meloni. However, when you consider that all Italian citizens who are homeless or who are not registered to vote, cannot vote, that percentage becomes even greater. A vast number of elderly are denied the vote, because there is no assistance from any organization to bring them to the polls, since they would vote against the Left, for the most part.

Nearly everyone I know refused to vote, because they recognized that the Snap Election was called precisely to prevent a new party from organizing. In fact, we see that the vote for the Lega shattered into some 4-5 other parties, an indication that no one had a party to vote for which really represented their views.

As president of L’Italia per gli Italiani, I am convinced that our party alone could achieve that. I have yet to met energetic, hopeful, industrious, hard-working, zealous politically savvy Catholics willing to undertake the herculean struggle necessary to take back Italy from the Masonic Lodge.