Italian Episcopate in a Turmoil – Calls to depose Bergoglio

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

April 5, 2021 A. D.:  FromRome.Info has it from the highest levels of authority in the Italian Episcopate that many Bishops want Bergoglio gone.

The straw which has broken their silence is his public support for perversion.

Already since last year 3 Bishops expressed to peers and subordinates that Bergoglio is a heretic and no longer the Pope, on that ground.

But the recent scandalous remarks of Bergoglio have lit a powder keg.

Now there is widespread and profound discontent with the Argentine.

For 4 weeks, the Libero Quotidiano, one of Italy’s leading newspapers has published the articles of Andrea Cionci clearly demonstrating in the words of Benedict XVI himself that he never resigned the Papacy and never intended to resign the papacy.

And for 4 weeks, the Vatican, the Bishops, the Cardinals, even the clergy of Rome have remained silent, without uttering one word in public in defense of Bergoglio’s claim to the papacy.

These are the signs of our times. Read them if you still have eyes to see.


CREDITS: On Feb. 11, 2013, news journals took notice that Benedict had planned months in advance to do what he intended on that fateful day. — It is now more necessary than every to pay attention.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

5 thoughts on “Italian Episcopate in a Turmoil – Calls to depose Bergoglio”

  1. Why are these prelates afraid to be quoted? All this anonymity is holding back the departure of the Apostate Bergoglio & frustrating the return of the pre VII Catholic Church which was steadfast & never changing. At best their faith is wobbly & at worst they agree with Jorge, one such Rainbow SJ calling him a living saint on Twitter this morning. It’s getting to the point that Catholics severely mistrust their red/pink hatted prelates who should be guiding the Church & want them gone, along with Jorge. Even the fairly vocal ones will not cross the line & declare him an Idolater, Heretic &, indeed, scumbag.

    I’m getting fed-up singing Petitions but this one I have signed if only to be consistent in my great desire to see the end of this usurpation by St. Gallen Group (Mafia) & the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary done quickly by PBXVI & to hear, at last, the full Third Secret of Fatima which is undoubtedly about the present time.

  2. I would like to see a world-wide Catholic petition to oust Francis by the laity, because most of our “leaders” are only capable of following others.

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