Trump speaks to America, after being impeached the 2nd time

For those outside the U.S.A., “impeachment” means being accused by the House, the lower chamber of the U. S. Federal government. Both impeachments were highly partisan and neither was founded on fact. This second impeachment charges Trump of inciting violence, when abundant evidence shows that Antifa pre-organized the violence, before Trump even spoke. And there was certainly nothing in the talk by Trump to incite violence.

How Obama engineered the 2020 Election Fraud?

FromRome.Info does not endorse the contents of this video. We post it because it is currently being distributed far and wide as an explanation of what went on.  However, there are various aspects of this talk which don’t seem coherent with the speaker’s story, a Maria Zack (here).  For if such a crime took place, there would be no need for a private U.S. Citizen to ask for U.S. Government assets and use her own personal funds for the investigation. Also, there would be collaboration with the Italian government, so there is no need to worry about personnel arriving or leaving Italy.

FromRome.Info has previously published the affidavit of Auturo D’Elia, which however does not seem to substantiate all the claims or the specific charges of vote hacking. However, Italian Newspapers at the beginning of December broke the story about the hack, and thus, what this woman says about bringing the news to Trump on Christmas eve, does not sound credible, because US intelligence would have known about it weeks before.

For that reason, FromRome.Info does  not endorse this video, but posts it here as a warning to all, that there are major problems with the narrative presented by the speaker.

Renzi told Il Tempo that he is mobilizing his attorneys to take action to defned his reputation against the charges. But as Italian believe, things are not true unless they are denied.

In fact, the hacker charged by Maria Zack, a Serafini is not named in the Italian news stories, who name rather a Auturo D’Elia, who is reported under arrest for hacking the computers of Leonardo SpA, from 2015 to 2017.

Reuters reported last week that Auturo D’Elia was arrested after a 108 page indictment was handed down against him. They tell the story here.

FromRome.Info follows the general principal, that if any fact in a story is wrong, the whole is to be questioned. But this story seems to be a misrepresentation of a case in Italy to apply it to the debate over the US Election, in which machines used for Voting were demonstrated to be hackable in a recent Georgia State inquiry.

Finally, the fact that Maria Zack says she is raising money for this information gathering effort in Trumps favor, during her discourse, puts in doubt that her motives are what she claims to be.

Indeed, reports are that political action groups supporting Trump have disassociated themselves from this story.

Government Coalition Collapses in Italy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Matteo Rienzi, one of the key members of the ruling coalition of Giuseppe Conte’s coalition government of M5S (5 Star Movement) and PD (Democratic Party), has left the government, and the two Ministers of his alliance, have formally resigned.

Attorney Edoardo Polacco recounted the happy news:

Here is my summary in English:

This means that the sliver thin margin of majority in the Senate has dissolved. There is expected to follow a vote of no confidence, if the Government does not immediately resign.

It was widely rumored the the government was in danger of collapse for a variety of reasons: massive unpopularity on account of the Scamdemic; decision to accept a debt agreement from the EU which would make Italy an economic slave of the EU central bank, a fundamental disagreement on how to spend the 450 billion the EU bank granted, and the final blow: the revelations in court that Leonardo SpA, an Italian Military Contracter, which is partially owned by the Italian Republic, played a key role in overthrowing the US Elections by assisting in the transmission of fraudulent voter data to Dominion Voting Machines in several states.

But the reasons for Rienzi’s withdrawal from the government are even more significant. Here are some direct quotes by Rienzi.

“We must defend the Italian Constitution!”

“One cannot cancel the Italian Constitution”.

“One cannot create a Task Force which replaces Ministers of the Government”.

“One cannot do a show on FB in place of coming to speak in Parliament”.

“The executive decrees of this government are anti-constitutional.”

“No! to the theft of power by the government from the Parliament!”

“Conte is a populist who thinks of sympathy and followers and not of jobs.”

“Let us accustom ourselves anew to democratic forms. This government has cancelled the bi-cameral nature” of our Republic.

CREDITS: Featured Image is used here in accord with a CCSA 2.0 license as described here.

Trump’s behavior is inexplicable

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

President Donald Trump won by a landside. All the evidence, facts, and laws show that he is the only legitimate claimant to the office of President of the Unite States Elect.

He even spent 8 weeks making the claim and reviewing the evidence.

But now that the insurrection of the Democrats through the treachery of the vice President is consummated, he is acting like he did not win. Nay, like he lost.

Last night in Alamo, Texas, he gave a speech of the kind which only a President who has lost gives. He spoke as if his legacy can be erased by Biden as president.

Today, he acted as a loser, in that he ordered the National Guard to defend the Capital during the inauguration of Biden!

His behavior is inexplicable. He won but acts as he lost.

He either believes there is no evidence that he won, or he believes that Political Elites, not the people, elect the president.

Neither explanation is explicable. Both deny his own credibility and everything he stood for fore 4 years.


Vatican to forcibly Vaxx Pope Benedict XVI?

Click the image above to read the original article.

Since Pope Benedict XVI is so frail, and since there are so many bad side affects from these mRNA vaccines, this announcement is so ethical that it is tantamount to the highest ethical negligence.

No surprise then who makes the announcement and who is administering the vaccine.

Pope Benedict XVI is a very critical man. is assured that if he was fully informed he would chose to forgo this treatment and openly declare that he was placing himself in the hands of the Lord, rather than in the hands of Pfizer.

Since Pope Benedict was forcibly prevented from staying with his dying brother and has expressed himself that he is forcibly being required to stay in the Vatican rather than return to his homeland, the presumption is also that he is being forcibly vaccinated.

This is confirmed by the announcement last year, that Bergoglio wanted all in the Vatican vaccinated, even though he goes about without a mask and has not give notice that he himself will be vaccinated. But he has made clear, that his gospel is now that of Pfizer, not that of Jesus Christ, even going so far in recent days to say it would be a sin to refuse the Vaxx.

Forbes Magazine bans criticism of Twitter

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is not enough that the Left bans Trump by kicking him off of Twitter, as Kamal Harris demanded 2 years ago.

Now even criticism of what Twitter Inc. did, is itself banned. This time, from the influential businessman’s magazine, Forbes:

The editorial by Jim Colins was entitled, “Twitter Is The Worst Company On Planet Earth. Here’s How To Bet Against The Stock—and Deactivate Your Account”.  But if you visit the link, you will find the article covered over with a hazy grey page, with a note from the Editor that the page is not longer available.

The alleged contents of the editorial appear at TigerDroppings, here:

This is a screen shot of the alleged contents (click to enlarge):

CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of the now VERBOTEN editorial.  There are things that are just so true, the people are not permitted to read them anymore!

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Social Media Blackouts are what we really need to defeat the NWO

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The blackouts of social media — whether by banning millions as Twitter or Facebook have done in recent days, or by shutting down the cloud hosting services of anti NWO social media platforms, such as Parler, or by overloading services which are not designed to handle but a few thousands, like CloutHub — are what the NWO believes is the most beneficial to their aim for total control.

They think this because they are hoping that social media isolation will produce a human subject more capable of manipulation and control.

But the opposite is rather the truth.  As a Cultural Anthropologist I know that humans have always thrived by reinventing social communications. That is our native ability.

If shut off of one media platform or another, the masses wills imply move to others.  Even nomads, who constantly move about, have a culture.

But we need to get beyond the dependence on social media or the internet, because IT WAS CREATED by the NWO for control.

They need it, because a few elite, who want to master, dominate and exploit the masses know that the masses will always hate them, and therefore they fear the people. Therefore, they need a universal system of surveillance, and what system is better and cheaper than one in which the cattle unwittingly tell their masters where they are, what they are doing and what they are thinking, or with whom they are cavorting?

As for the masses, they are better off without the internet, because they can thrive in liberty without observation and thus without control.

If the Masses are excluded from systems of control, all the better. The Elites will be taken down by those whom they will never see coming.

So do not lament or grow frightened that you are blocked or banned or removed from Social Media.  You should rather fear that you remain on it.

What you should be doing is rather returning to visiting, saluting, talking with those in your neighborhood, town, region. Renewing old friendships, visiting all your relatives, practicing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy to other persons in the real world. Spread the truth person to person, and measure it out in spoonfuls according to the psychological capacity of each person you speak with. Avoid arguments, be kind. People end up believing as credible those who are kind to them, not those  who pick arguments with them.

This would be to defeat the NWO, because it cannot be controlled. And that is why through TV and Social Media they are trying to make you fear from doing it, with a thousand lies.

What they really prefer is that you remain on social media and comply. In that way you will be reprogrammed to become the new Gestapo in their service.  This is already happening, and in 2021 we will see and more propaganda to convert those duped into those who do and practice violence towards those who are not dupled.

What’s up with Whatsapp?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is not easy to say, is the answer.

Already, many programs, browsers and ad agencies by means of applets, tracking cookies etc. gather information about your use of the internet through the device you use to connect it.

FaceBook is already collecting this data for those who do not use Whatsapp. Now Whatsapp will be collecting this date when it is used with FaceBook.  It is not clear if it will collect this data when it is NOT being used with Facebook. Some reports deny this, but with Zuckerberg’s tendancy to always grab more than he admits he is grabbing, it is safe to say, that one should presume it will.

However, you can do a lot to protect your privacy simply by keeping your devices clean. One way to do this is to erase the kind of information that can be gathered, by using a program to do this kind of scrubbing daily. It is also good sense to keep memory usage and storage usage down.

One highly recommended program to protect privacy is CCleaner, which for computers wipes clean such tracking programlets whenever you run it. It is also available for cellphones. However, the Cellphone version must be used with greater caution, because its default setting is to erase all your stored photos, videos and text messsages on apps like Whatsapp.

Whatsapp and the Great Reset

The utility of Whatsapp was created when Phone Companies and Nation States began to phase out or outlaw the electronic recording of phone messages. Whatsapp filled that need by allowing images, text and audio and video message to be sent and stored user to user.

A lot of individuals, however, share very private information through Whatsapp — something that should never be done with any internet or electronic device, EVER.  And for that reason a lot of folks are panicking.

The best advice is not to use electronic devices to communicate. Speak to the person in person.

But the mayhem caused by Facebook’s announcement of its change in privacy policy is part of the Great Reset psyop which is currently being waged against all humanity.  Further absolute control over thought by further isolation of those who do not buckle down to the System being imposed.  Those who give up liberty of thought are allowed for a time still liberty of action and access. Those who don’t are being rapidly suppressed and isolated.

Facebook, as well as every other program you use on the internet, is going to gather more information on you to be able to discern better to which of these to groups you belong. This is a necessary step toward the new Orwellian State.

CREDITS: The above graphic was distributed by the Internet Freedom Foundation’s official twitter account:

US Department of State deposes Trump on its website

This is an actual screen shot of the official page of the U. S. President at the Department of State. The Biography has been removed and it declares that the President’s term of office ended at 19:38 today, USA TIME — which will not occur for another 5 hours, unless of course, the change was made from a server in Europe — say the U.S. Embassy in Rome?

However, in US Law, the US. President holds office until the inauguration of the next President. Also, to erase the page of an official biography on an official site is the felony of the destruction of a government record.

In related news, Twitter Inc.’s stock price fell 12.3% when trading opened on the New York Stock Market this morning. It is reported that the company lost 5 billion dollars in net worth in seconds. You can imagine how happy this is making so many Trump supporters world wide.

But in Congress, the Democrat Party is moving to full Marxist ERASURE OF MEMORY.

The concept of Damnatio memoriae was invented by the Egyptian Pharaohs. It consists in removing names of previous rulers from monuments.

President Trump to move to

This account is communicating that it has been given to Dan Scavino, President Trump’s Director of social media communications. The handle of the President will be the same as his former account on twitter @RealDonaldTrump.

How to connect to from outside the USA

While limits its users to those who can verify their accounts with a phone number in the USA or Canada, those who purchase such a number via their SKYPE account, can ask for a voice call to such a number for verification, and thus use from outside the USA.

DISCLAIMER: CloutHub has a lot of fake accounts, but it is believed that these announcements are authentic, after numerous users complained to the platform in recent days against anyone holding an account with the handle @RealDonaldTrump other than the president of the USA.

As a consequence of such rumors of the imminent arrival fo the President on the Platform, CloutHub is being overwhelmed with new accounts and has been barely functional for the last 24 hours.

CloutHub, describes itself thus:


CloutHub is a platform for everyone. Where users can express themselves, socialize with family and friends, get their latest news, share updates, and meet new friends. Users are treated equally, diverse political and social opinions are welcome and Free Speech is protected. CloutHub is using the power of the internet & social media to bring people together, give them the tools and resources they need to take on the issues they care about, and empower people to influence the decisions the affect the future of our communities, cities, and countries.

71% of Americans believe the USA is headed to Civil War

The Poll was conducted by The Frontier Center “Ear to the Ground” Project, and was reported on by Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner on January 8, 2021, who wrote therein:

The Center’s Anne Sorock Segal told us, “The controversy over the disputed election outcome is crystallizing the view that a new Civil War is coming. Trump supporters view the election not as end point, now, but as a phase line in a war that has already begun.”

About 28% of the population supports Biden, so the poll indicates that the vasts majority of Americans fear a Civil War is just around the corner.

CREDITS: Image care of The Frontier Center. For link to actual poll data, see the reference in the article cited by Paul Dedard.

Dear Tea-time Catholics: You cannot have it both ways!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Tea-time Catholics are freaking out this morning.

You see, Bergoglio just “decreed” that woman can receive the ministeries of lector and acolyte.

Over at Rorate Caeli they recognize that that is not compatible with Sacred Tradition.

But those who want Bergoglio to be the Pope — because they do not judge things according to the norm of Church law, but according to the opinions of the ecclesiastical circles in which they move or want to move — won’t accept this new decree.

When eating their crumpets, they insist Bergoglio is the pope, even though Benedict says he never resigned the spiritual reality of the papacy.

But when drinking their tea, they insist that Bergoglio has no power to alter the faith and therefore all which he does which disagrees with whatever sense of Catholicism they may still retain, is not official or political and not binding.

Theirs is a convenient conceit, which allows them to pretend a lot while pretending a lot.

It absolves them, conveniently too, of moving to remove him for heresy, apostasy or attacking the Church.

And, it also allows them to keep posing as leaders and asking for money while risking nothing.

There is a word for such a race of men, but it would be impolite to use it.

As for Catholics, we see the world in white and black, as our Lord taught us: Let your yes be a yes, and your no, a no!

We endorse the Catholic Party for America, the only hope, now that the Republican Party has imploded and turned against the people:

Maybe it is time we all change our Social Media Network?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As Saint Augustine of Hippo remarked in his epic essay, On the City of God, there is a battle in this word, between 2 cities: The city which is founded upon the love of God unto the contempt of self; and the city which is founded upon the love of self, unto the contempt of God.

This battle has a demarcation line too. But not as the Gnostics would have, between spirit and matter. Rather, its demarcation line is between the right use and the misuse of all things.  And thus this battle line is drawn through the affairs of daily life and even in our culture or way of living.

But we can describe these two warring camps by the things which characterize their lives.

In the one camp, there is the Divine Network of prayer and grace. You can log on to this network at any time or day, but not in every activity.  The login requires faith and attention, and the mortification to remain connected and interactive.

In the other camp, there is the Network of the Antichrist, which is called Social Media. To log on, you need a computer or cellphone or tablet, an internet connection, a password, and a stable decision TO SEPARATE YOURSELF from all those around you physically and even from the Divine Network.

Those addicted to the Divine Newtork become saints, great saints.

Those addicted to the Network of the Antichrist become mediocre at best, and vain gasbags more often than not.  Vanity and sloth being capital sins, you can imagine where its users are being led.

God gives us a free login (faith), password (charity) and network access (prayer), eternal benefits (salvation) and temporal gains (virtue, counsel, peace, discernment, gifts, repentance etc..). In addition, we can find the most famous interesting group of celebrities and divas, such as Our Lady, Saint Joseph, and all the Angels and Saints, all wiling to hear our comments, interact with us, and even send us free promotional graces or grant us tremendous intercessions to our legal and non legal petitions!

That is a great package. Who can beat it?

Maybe it is about time we change social media network?

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church